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Academic Year 2020/2021

With SCUFFLED responses

Logical Reasoning and General Knowledge Test

1. Who is the author of the fantasy novel The Lord of the Rings?
A) Joanne K. Rowling B)
Clive S. Lewis C)
Vladimir D. Nabokov D) John
RR Tolkien E) Isaac

2. Which of the following is not a work by Sigmund Freud?

A) Beyond good and evil
B) The interpretation of dreams
C) Totem and taboo
D) The ego and the id
E) Introduction to narcissism

3. Which term does the following definition correspond to: "Soldier who voluntarily
exercises the profession of arms by placing himself in the pay of whoever enlists
him temporarily"
A) Hitman
B) Janissary C)
Conspirator D)
Conspirator E)

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4. The art. 76 of the Constitution of the Italian Republic states: “The exercise of the legislative
function cannot be delegated to …………. except with the determination of directive principles and
criteria and only for a limited time and for defined objects".
Which of the following correctly completes the article?
A) President of the Republic
B) Government
C) Superior Council of the Judiciary
D) The President of the Council of Ministers
E) Minister of Justice

5. Which of the following pairs is not made up of synonymous terms?

A) Mirage – Fata Morgana B)
Limpid – Argentinian C)
Rough – Smooth D)
Strait – Canal E) Forte
– Bastione

6. Who is considered the founder of scientific medicine in Greece?

A) Hippocrates
B) Epicurus
C) Aesculapius
D) Leucippus
E) Pericles

7. If in Rome it is 7pm on 04 September 2020, in which of the following cities is it already

05 September 2020?
A) Baku B)
Bombay C)
Seoul D)
Lima E)
Cape Town

8. In our hemisphere, summer began on June 20th. Where was the sun at its zenith that day?

A) Tropic of Cancer B)
South Pole C)
Equator D)
Tropic of Capricorn E) North

9. Who designed and led the construction of the first nuclear fission reactor, which produced the
first controlled nuclear chain reaction?
A) Julius Robert Oppenheimer B)
Marie Curie C)
Albert Einstein D)
Enrico Fermi E)
Niels Bohr

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10. Which of the following sequences reproduces the correct chronological order of the
last four Presidents of the Italian Republic?
A) Mattarella - Scalfaro - Ciampi - Napolitano
B) Mattarella - Ciampi - Napolitano - Scalfaro
C) Mattarella - Napolitano - Scalfaro - Ciampi
D) Mattarella – Ciampi – Scalfaro – Napolitano
E) Mattarella - Napolitano - Ciampi - Scalfaro

11. Which author, in his works on robots, enunciated his three laws of robotics:
- First Law: A robot cannot harm a human being, nor can it
to allow a human being to receive harm as a result of his failure to intervene.

- Second Law: A robot must obey the orders given by humans, unless these orders do
not conflict with the First Law.
- Third Law: A robot must safeguard its own existence, unless this
self-defense does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
A) John RR Tolkien B)
Isaac Asimov C)
Joanne K. Rowling D)
Clive S. Lewis E)
Vladimir D. Nabokov

12. Severe acute respiratory syndrome due to corona virus was first recorded in China in 2002.
What is the infection caused by this corona virus commonly called?


13. Which of the following words has a semantic connection with both reminder and police?
A) Thoughtful
B) Sirens
C) Quick
D) Quick
E) Department

14. Unlike the other pools in Nice, the Thalasso pool increased enrollments in 2019 compared
to 2018. The reason for this increase was the introduction of hydrospinning courses.
Which of the following conclusions cannot be deduced from the previous statement?

A) All the other swimming pools in Nice recorded a decrease of

enrollments compared to 2018
B) The introduction of hydrospinning courses has been decisive in increasing the number of
members of the Thalasso pool
C) In 2018 the Thalasso pool did not offer hydrospinning courses
D) In 2019 no swimming pool in Nice except for the Thalasso has
registered an increase in enrollments
E) In 2019, at least one swimming pool in Nice recorded an increase in registrations
compared to the previous year

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15. In how many ways can Aeneas modify the flag of Japan (white background with red circle in
the centre) using an additive primary color for the circle (Red, Green, Blue) and white or black
for the background?
A) 5
B) 6
C) 11
D) 12
E) 8

16. Let m = (n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 3) be a three-digit number and n a natural number, by how many
values of n is the number m divisible by 7?
A) 5
B) 3
C) 2
D) 4
E) 6

17. Nicolò, Giorgio and Enea are three friends, two of them were born in Rome. Knowing
that: if Nicolò was born in Rome Giorgio was also born in Rome, if Enea was born in Rome
Nicolò was also born in Rome and that one of Enea and Giorgio was born in Milan, it can be deduced that:
A) Enea was born in Rome, Giorgio in Milan
B) The three friends were all born in Rome
C) Giorgio and Nicolò were born in Rome
D) Nicolò was born in Milan, Enea in Rome
E) Giorgio was born in Rome, Nicolò in Milan

18. Aeneas and his friends, less than ten people altogether, go to a restaurant with fixed-price
menus: the price for a second course of meat is €11 while for a second course of fish €13. If
Enea and his friends spent €107 for main courses, how many fish main courses did they order?
a) 5
B) 4
C) 2
D) 9
E) 7

19. The worked gold has 75% of gold while the remaining part is presented by some metals
which allow to increase its rigidity and vary its colour. Tommaso's jewelery is famous
for its green gold rings made with 12.5% copper and 12.5% silver. If Thomas has 12 g of silver,
28 g of copper and 60 g of gold in stock, how many grams of green gold can he make at
A) 74
B) 96
C) 72
D) 88
E) 80

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20. In the "Amici della Lirica" club of which Alice is the new president, each member
has the right to vote. Alice had three times the votes of the other candidate for office and
was elected with exactly 66% of the votes of those entitled. Knowing that 18 members did
not vote and that there were no blank or void ballots, what is the number of club members?
A) 132
B) 114
C) 166
D) 150
E) 128

21. Paper size indicates the size (length and width) of a sheet of paper. The
international paper size standard, ISO 216, requires a ratio of equal between the
length and width of the paper. The initial format is called A0, the subsequent formats
(A1, A2, A3, ...) are always obtained by dividing the previous format in half along the
longer side. Referring to the initial length LU and the initial width LA of the A0 format,
which of the following fractions corresponds to the length of the A4 format?
A) LA/4
B) LA/2
C) LU/4
D) LU/8
E) LA/8

22. Defined in the set of real numbers the operator ÿ by the relation a ÿ b = ab – a – b, what
is the value of the expression (a ÿ b) ÿ c – (a ÿ c) ÿ b?
A) 2b – 2c
B) a - 2ac
C) a + bc
D) 2c + ab
E) b + 2c

Biology test
23. Eosinophilic granulocytes
are A)
B) lymphocytes
C) platelets D) produced by the
nervous system E) produced by bone tissue

24. The
nephron is A) the functional unit of the
nervous system B) an
exocrine gland C) the functional
unit of the kidney D) an
endocrine gland E) a gland attached to the male reproductive system

25. The capsid

is A) the envelope of
viruses B) the envelope
of bacteria C) the protein part of the cytoplasmic membrane of eukaryotic cells
D) present only in eukaryotic cells E) the
protein part of the nuclear membrane
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26. Which of the structures listed below belongs to the conduction system of the heart?
A) The ascending aorta
B) The superior vena cava
C) The tricuspid valve
D) The sinus node
E) The left coronary artery

27. Identify the WRONG one among the following statements: A)

the pancreas is an exocrine secretion gland B) the pancreas
is an endocrine secretion gland C) the secretion of the
pancreatic islet cells is released into the blood D) the pancreas produces digestive
enzymes E) the product of pancreatic
secretion is poured into the stomach

28. It is correct to state that in the spinal cord A)

Schwann cells wrap around the neuronal cell body B) the white matter is largely
made up of cell bodies of motor neurons C) oligodendrocytes form the myelin sheath of the
axons D) the gray matter dorsal horn contains motor neuron cell bodies
E) there is no meningeal lining

29. In a famous experiment Hershey and Chase to demonstrate whether the genetic material was
composed of proteins or nucleic acids marked the T2 phage with radioactive isotopes using
alternatively 35S and 32P because A) the 35S
isotope is incorporated in the virus nucleic acid B) the 35S isotope
is incorporated in the virus nucleic acid and the 32P isotope in the
viral capsid
C) the 35S isotope is incorporated into the proteins of the viral capsid and the 32P isotope
in virus nucleic acid
D) the 35S and 32P isotopes are incorporated into the nucleic acid of the virus
E) both labeled isotopes are incorporated into the virus capsid

30. A woman of blood group 0 Rh - marries a man AB Rh Rh. Which, heterozygous for the factor
among those proposed, could be the blood group of the child?
A) BRh -
B) ABRh -
C) 0Rh -
E) 0Rh +

31. It is possible to observe the vacuole of some flower petal cells in fresh water because
they contain anthocyanin pigments. If you prepare 2 slides, one with a hypotonic solution
and the other with a hypertonic solution, you can notice in the first case a swelling of
the vacuole, in the second case a narrowing of the vacuole. This phenomenon is due to: A)
active transport B)
osmosis C) simple
diffusion D)
facilitated diffusion E)
passage against the
concentration gradient

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32. The nucleotide sequence AUGCCAUGGAAGAGA codes for the amino acids Met-Pro-Trp-Lys-Arg. A
mutation that causes the replacement of the guanine-containing ninth nucleotide with an adenine-
containing nucleotide (G ÿ A) would result in
A) the termination of the protein chain with the amino acid Trip because the triplet that
would form is a hat-trick of stops
B) no changes thanks to the redundancy of the genetic code
C) the substitution of the amino acid Trp in the protein chain
D) the loss of the amino acid Lys
E) the termination of the protein chain with the amino acid Pro because the new triplet that would
be formed is a stop triplet

33. The figure shows a scheme of the gene sequence which constitutes the Lac operon (gene
sequence which regulates the production of lactase) of prokaryotes.

It is a regulatory sequence that determines the production of lactase

A) when there is no lactose in the culture medium
B) when lactose is present in the culture medium
C) when lactose synthesis is necessary
D) is not affected by the presence of lactose in the culture mediumq
E) when the amount of lactose is too high

34. Restriction enzymes derived from bacteria are used in recombinant DNA techniques.

The BamHI enzyme cuts the DNA in the sequence

When used to cut the sequence

How many fragments of DNA are formed?
A) 2 with sticky ends B) 2 with
flat ends C) 3 with sticky ends
D) No fragments are formed E)
3 with flat ends

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35. In which phase of the cell cycle are the cardiac muscle cells of an adult individual?

A) MB)
G1 C)
G0 D)

36. At the end of the I meiotic division

A) sister chromatids separate
B) 4 haploid cells are formed
C) homologous chromosomes separate
D) DNA replication takes place
E) the chromatids of each chromosome are equal to each other

37. Which of the following couplings between cellular structure and performed function is correct?
A) Nucleolus – Synthesis of ribosomal RNA
B) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum – Protein synthesis
C) Cytoskeleton – Intracellular digestion
D) Golgi apparatus – Cell movement
E) Lysosomes – Cellular respiration

38. Which of the following organelles is not part of the endomembrane system?
A) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
B) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
C) Mitochondrion
D) Golgi apparatus
E) Lysosomes

39. Which molecules produced during the light phase of photosynthesis will be used in the Calvin
B) Sugars and H2O
C) CO2 and ADP
D) NADPH and O2
E) H2O and O2

40. In terrestrial plants, root cells do not contain A) mitochondria B)

chloroplasts C)
cell membrane
D) vacuole E) nucleus

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Chemistry test

41. Hausmannite (MnO•Mn2O3 ) is a mineral from which it is possible to obtain

manganese in metallic form according to the following reaction:
aMnO•Mn2O3 + bAl ÿ cAl2O3 + dMn
Which of the following combinations of stoichiometric coefficients - a, b, c, d - should it
be used to balance the reaction?
A) a = 1; b = 4; c = 2; d = 3
B) a = 2; b = 4; c = 2; d = 6
C) a = 3; b = 8; c = 4; d = 9
D) a = 3; b = 4; c = 8; d = 9
E) a = 3; b = 6; c = 3; d = 6

42. What will be the molar concentration (M) of a solution of Sr(OH)2 having a pH equal to
A) 5 x 10 -3 m
B) 1 x 10 -2 m
C) 1 x 10 -12 m
D) 2M
E) 0.1M

43. Which of the following pairs of molecules is such that one member of the pair can
establish permanent dipole – permanent dipole interactions with the other member?
A) O2 , H2
B) H2 , H2O
C) HCl, CHCl3
D) H2Se, F2
E) F2 , Cl2

44. An additional 3.0 moles of helium is added to a balloon containing 1.0 moles of helium gas
at 25°C. If the temperature remains constant and the volume of the balloon doubles, how will
the pressure change from the original pressure inside the same balloon?
A) The pressure will be half
B) The pressure will be four times higher
C) The pressure will be three times higher
D) The pressure will be double
E) The pressure will not be changed

45. Which of the following statements regarding organic molecules is correct?

A) Amides do not contain any nitrogen atoms B)
Aldehydes do not contain carbonyl groups C) Alcohols
always contain double covalent bonds D) Amides contain
carbonyl groups E) Alkenes always contain triple
carbon-carbon bonds

46. The electronic configuration of the Li ion A) + is represented by:

2 2s 1
B) 1s 1 2s 2
C) 1s
D) 1s
1 2s 1
E) 1s 2p 1

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47. In which of the following compounds is the octet rule respected?

A) BF3
B) PF5
D) NF3
E) BrO2

48. For which of these molecules can an octahedral geometry be predicted?

A) SeF6
B) BrF3
C) PF5
D) SF4
E) BF3

49. A combustion chamber contains 10 moles of H2 and 7 moles of O2 . How many

moles will there be in total following the explosion of this mixture?
A) 10
B) 3
C) 17
D) 7
E) 12

50. The most suitable flask to dissolve 10 g of NaOH (Molar mass = 40 g/mol) and
obtain a 5.0 M solution will have a volume equal to:
A) 50 mL
B) 10 mL
C) 100 mL
D) 1
LE) 5 L

51. Under suitable conditions the solubility product of Zn(OH)2 is 1.2×10 . Which of the
is the following statements correct?
A) The solubility product of Zn(OH)2 does not depend on pH
B) The solubility product of Zn(OH)2 does not depend on temperature C)
The solubility of Zn(OH)2 does not change if NaOH is added in solution D)
The solubility product of Zn(OH)2 changes if ZnCl2 is added to the solution E) The
solubility of Zn(OH)2 does not change if ZnCl2 is added to the solution

52. The pH of a solution containing 0.4 M formic acid and 1.0 M sodium formate is 4.15.
What will be the pH of the same solution if it is diluted 10 times?
A) 5.15
B) 3.15
C) 0.415
D) 4.05
E) 4.15

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Mathematics and Physics test

53. In the isosceles triangle ABC the median AM measures 5 cm and the tangent of the angle ACB is 5/13.
What is the measurement, in cm, of the base BC?
A) 26 B)
10 C)
13 D) 5
E) 18

2 2
54. To represent the graph of equation 4x A) A parabola – y = 0, what should be drawn?
B) A circle C) A pair
of straight lines D) A
hyperbola E) An ellipse

3x + 16 = 0?
55. What are the solutions of the equation 4 x + 2 A)
All real numbers B) x = 0
ex = 1 C) x = 2 ex
= 1 D) x = 0 E)
equation has no real solutions

56. What are the real solutions of the inequality |x ÿ 1| < |x| ?
A) x > 1/2 B)
x < 0 or x > 1/2 C) x
> 0 D) x =/
0 E) x < 1/2

57. A point moves in the xy plane, its projections on the Cartesian axes follow the laws:

Which of the following statements about the motion of the point is true?

A) The motion is rectilinear uniformly accelerated with a = 10 m/s
B) The motion is rectilinear uniformly accelerated with a = 5 m/s
C) The motion is uniform rectilinear with v = 10 m/s
D) The motion is uniform rectilinear with v = 5 m/s
E) The motion is parabolic with a = 12 m/s

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58. A spring has an elastic constant equal to 8 N/m, what mass must be suspended from the
spring so that it oscillates with a period T = 1 s?
A) 0.6 kg
B) 2 kg
C) 1 kg
D) 0.2 kg
E) 5 kg

59. A gas has a volume of 3 m3 and a pressure of 5 atm. If the temperature is kept constant,
what volume will the gas have if a pressure of 15 atm is imposed?
A) 0.5 m3
B) 3 m3
C) 1 m3
D) 2 m3
E) 5 m3

60. Considered four capacitors C1 , C2 of 8 µF and 12 µF respectively in series with each other
and in parallel with C3 of 20 µF and C4 of 5 µF, what is the equivalent capacity of the system?
A) 29.8 µF
B) 45 µF
C) 29.8 mF
D) 45mF
E) 24.8 µF

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