Питання До Заліку - 4-й Семестр

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Навчально-науковий морський гуманітарний інститут
Кафедра «Філологія»


Англійська мова (за професійним спрямуванням)

(шифр і назва навчальної дисципліни)
підготовки здобувачів рівня вищої освіти бакалавр

Галузь знань 13 “Механічна інженерія”

Спеціальність 135 “Суднобудування”
Освітньо-професійна (освітньо-наукова) програма Суднобудування
Форма навчання – очна, заочна
Мова навчання – українська, англійська

Одеса – 2022
1. What three categories can commercial vessels be divided into?
2. What is the main task of cargo vessels?
3. How can dry cargo be transported?
4. What types of passenger ships do you know? What are their tasks?
5. Give examples of special-purpose vessels?
6. What are hulls of commercial vessels usually made of?
7. What are commercial vessels powered by?
8. What is a container ship intended for?
9. What are refrigerator ships intended for?
10. What do ‘roll-on’ ships transport?
11. What do bulk ships transport?
12. What do tankers transport?
13. What do multi-purpose vessels transport?
14. What compartments are there on passenger ships?
15. What is a liner?
16. What is a cruise vessel?
17. What is a ferry?
18. How many categories of naval ships do you know? What are they?
19. Are there 7 or 8 types of warships in current service with a navy?
20. What types of submarines are most military ones?
21. What classes of support and auxiliary vessels can you enumerate?
22. Which main characteristics of combat vessels do you find preferable?
23. Auxiliary vessels perform tasks of main importance, don’t they?
24. What operations do ice-breakers perform?
25. What is the main function of the tow boats?
26. The fire vessel is intended to suppress fires only on tankers, isn’t it?
27. What is the rescue ship?
28. The dredging pump isn’t considered the auxiliary vessel, is it?
29. What are the main features of the bathyscaph?
30. Are sports and diving vessels intended for entertainment? Why?
31. What is the engine room?
32. Where is it typically located?
33. What engines does the engine room include?
34. What is the purpose of propulsion engines?
35. Are there any propulsion arrangements for motor ships?
36. What is the ship’s electrical system provided by?
37. What is the main peculiarity of a steamship’s propulsion and electrical
38. What is the main work principle of the engine cooling system?
39. What is the thruster system?
40. What is its main objective?
41. Why is the engine room considered to be potentially dangerous?
42. What safety means of precautions are used abroad?
43. Why is ventilation necessary for the operation of the engine room?
44. What is a propulsion system?
45. What is it subdivided into?
46. What are the main means of human propulsion?
47. Propulsion by sail generally consists of a motor or engine, doesn’t it?
48. What is the main purpose of using motors and engines on ships?
49. What types of propulsion are employed on submarines and warships?
50. What types of engines are applied on modern ships?
51. When did they come into operation?
52. What classes of diesel engines do you know?
53. What mechanical items are used for propulsion except motors and engines?
54. What types of turbines do you learn from the text?
55. Where is a nuclear-powered steam turbine applied?
56. What types of turbines do warships and some passenger ships have?
57. How many stages does a ship pass through its life?
58. What are these phases?
59. Where does a ship begin its life?
60. What moments does ship’s design include?
61. How long does ship’s construction last?
62. Need a ship be repaired during its life?
63. What is the average period of a ship’s life?
64. What is ship pollution?
65. What does pollution affect?
66. What effects on the environment do oil spills have? Give examples.
67. What stipulations are necessary for oil tankers?
68. Ballast and bilge waters are potentially causing human health and sea animals, aren’t they?
69. What do exhaust emissions result?
70. What is the average percent of air pollution come from ships?
71. What is the major goal of MFM?

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