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1. There are changes that take place in your body as you grow older.
2. As you grow, you can no longer us the things that you used when you
were younger.
3. A baby can read and write.
4. Children grow differently.
5. No two children are exactly the same.
6. What do you call the medical condition that causes a person to stop
growing before reaching normal adult height?
a. Childrenism
b. Infantism
c. Dwarfism
7. Babies are born with about 300 bones in their bodies.
8. An adult has about 206-214 bones in his or her body.
9. The largest bone in our body is in our head.
10. The smallest bone in our body is in our ears.
11. Foods have nutrients that give the energy you need to work and
12. Children do not need exercise and rest.
13. Go foods give you energy to play, study and work.
14. Grow foods contain protein that build your bones and muscles.
15. Green and yellow vegetables are Glow foods.
16. Skip meals. Do not eat breakfast.
17. Eat a balanced diet.
18. Junk foods are good for children.
19. Clothes and shelter protect you from wind, heat, rain and cold.
20. You need atleast 10-12 hours if sleep every day.

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