Unit 1-Summary

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Unit 1

Dates: January 4 (Mon), 6 (Wed), 10 (Sun)

Chapters 5 ,6, 14, 18

Chapter 5: Remote Invocation

 Request-reply communication
 RPC---remote procedure call---exchange protocols: R, RR, RRR
 RPC call semantic---Maybe, At-least-once, At-most-once
 Client and server stubs
 Difference between remote and local method invocations
 Remote object instantiation
 Remote object proxy and skeleton in RMI

Chapter 6: Indirect Communication

 Space and Time --- coupling and uncoupling

o Email, Telephone call, producer/consumer through shared buffers, remote invocation,
message passing
 Multicasting---group communication
o Open and closed groups
o Group management---join/leave
o Publish-subscribe system (coupling?)
 Dealing room system
 Network of brokers
 Architecture---event routing, overlay networks, network protocols
o Message queue paradigm (coupling?) ---publishers, consumers, messages queued
o Distributed shared memory (DSM)
o Tuple space abstraction

Chapter 14: Time and Global States

 Physical clocks
o Skew between clocks
o Clock synchronization using a time server
 Logical clocks
o Events, timestamps, happened-before relationship
o Lamport’s clocks
o Vector timestamps
 Global snapshot algorithm
o Detecting global properties---garbage collection, deadlock, and termination
o Consistent and inconsistent cuts
o Algorithm
Chapter 18. Replication

 Why replication? Replication of what?

 Basic architecture---Clients ©, Front Ends (FE), Replica Managers (RM)
 View of a server of the status of the remaining RMs
 View-synchronous communication
 Passive and active replication
 Example architectures for replica management
o Gossip
o Bayou
o Coda
 Transactions on replicated data
o Read-one write-all
o Available copies
o Operations under network partitioning
o Gifford’s quorum consensus
o Virtual partitions

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