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NCC Digi Trailblazers - Final Term - Practical Assignment No.

Digi Trailblazers Course 2 – Grade 7

Practical Assignment No. 2
(20 Marks)
Assignment Objective:

Learner knowledge and understanding will be assessed about:

 How to identify which base a number is written in

 How to convert denary and binary numbers
 How to convert denary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers

Task: Convert between different number bases (binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal).
1. Read the following information about the number bases:
 Binary: Base-2 numbering system using only two digits (0 and 1) to represent numbers.
 Decimal: Base-10 numbering system using ten digits (0 to 9) to represent numbers.
 Octal: Base-8 numbering system using eight digits (0 to 7) to represent numbers.
 Hexadecimal: Base-16 numbering system using sixteen digits (0 to 9 and A to F) to represent
2. Complete the following conversions:
I. Convert binary number 10011101 to decimal. (2 marks)
II. Convert decimal number 82 to binary. (2 marks)
III. Convert octal number 72 to decimal. (2 marks)
IV. Convert decimal number 196 to octal. (2 marks)
V. Convert hexadecimal number B1 to decimal. (2 marks)
VI. Convert decimal number 177 to hexadecimal. (2 marks)
VII. Convert binary number 1001011 to octal. (2 marks)
VIII. Convert octal number 15 to binary. (2 marks)
IX. Convert hexadecimal number 4A to binary. (2 marks)
X. Convert binary number 10010001 to hexadecimal. (2 marks)
3. Show your work and write the final answer for each conversion.
4. Submit your completed work. (Total marks: 20)

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