SKF Method

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Sir 4 Calculation of components with interference fit {Fortnegraphealceeuaton of steeomporentswheretheshaltissoic, seocnapter5) “The magnitude ofthe contact preesuro, which sone ofthofactore when id the powerranemiting capaci afthacontacingsuriacs, depends tn the degree of nertorence betwoon the components andon the material {ndthisinee of tagger and outer components ‘ "Tn intrerence te determined with consideration cftheapated exoral reas eo thatthe rogue power transiting capsety's ‘tained ans the material svesses ans theteractyofthematera are propariyealaed” In alton otherfactors,whien during operation may tha ital degre of interference, must betaken fo account 2 fadution inthe degre of itarfrance orinstance, may becaused by Centifugalforc inte case of component rosing at highspeed. and tithe varatione may be eave bye iferencs in temperature cf tne fampanentsora difrencein the costicint of inear expansion ofthe Innerandautercomponen 41. Symbols see tg. 4.01) Eland = modulus of slaty forlagseanai,Nimm*(.e 210000, Nimtforstes!, 170 GOD Niem#tor nodular castiren, 85 c0D%0, 105 000Nimattorcastirn) «and y= PoleronsraiotorFings andl (= 0 for ste, 026for aston) Bie..andB = dmensiongotringsesnel,mm aa et) 5 = pressure between mating surfaces caused byinterterence, MPa ' ‘bnand y= damettalexpansionofringe,mm ‘91 Teormmamcurwamibinertewnes and gy = damatvalcomatession ofringimn tay = effective degree oflnterfarenesbatwaen tering mim Nimes Stressining, Nia ‘Sears ernment ee eos et Wn = 1 a = 012 ve = Ob it 42 Relationship between interference, contactpressureand determation se ena of uno coniting of tworings, asshownintig. 41 01.he “ollowing relationship exit between Ietoreronc,coractpressurand {olormation nthectatiezone Tt ate Sn e(tee. ‘| +E { ~] secon \ Whar innerandeutercomponens ae of hessmemateria.'¢ £,= 6 = Band v=», exdwithasolidinner component, ‘quation sa 05niesimpliite oes ame ca 43 Torque andthrustfore ‘Thetorauetnnien cane ransmitedi the produc ofthetota tional force between ine mating surfaces ardihel distance romhestat conte Fretona ores iste producto! the coractpreceure, nearen othe matingouraceend cosficartof fiction. See chaper a7 concerning nemagntudeo the coefficient of iction were ooe any ‘Where components have ylndical mating surtaaes.tne torceF whicheanetransmitadis, Fand8ps an ar 4 Calculation of components with interference fit i tatu fore ls applee tote vaion,thetorque My which canbe ‘ranemted simultaneously canbe obtainadtrom the equation ‘ pine 2 8Be aa eaytw 228 ner ctu fercomponents with elt matng surtacen tex + component ofthe contac posture which, hewaver, jes forteteper hormallyusedinthe caso ol injection, mustalsobetaxea nt account 44 Bendingmoments and radial forces Thasurfao pressure caused oy tointrferencebetweenteshatand he Duter component in preseue[oit oan geeralybeaccumestobe equally Slstisuted over the contact surfaces. Exarnal orcas ancberding moments ar ranemiteg both by nange nthe prossuredstibtion ang byinetlon Mathematica anayes of these conctoneis compllesied andi ost inetanoas unnecessary. Threis, however, amarkee need ors Ietrod of aleulating which periian ssseesmentof ons underbeayy [oads and postby acompaveenwith smarjointswhero practice! . trparencelsavalabla SkFhasdovelopedand progranmedsuch Imathodand sabato undertake caleulatonsofhisking “Ine sole factor death hereisthestfactots bending momenton a prassura join as external redial forescrousualyalitiesignifeance Fg {Wot whlen concer aring mountedon theendolashat usates Glagramstcaly ta roditbton ofthe surface proscure nea thelnnas| fide tae of tering eauees by hemoment Taetigurealsoshowstnepar. 7 ‘tthe contaetzone in wnich axa ecurg ction orces cause by tm moment occur Using the clagram in fig 4402, tispossbletocalclstthe tlznof the factors employed to asses tho pressureoin. namely the maximum change in sutace pressure pes wolasthe wicth ofthe hletonzone. . Inthlsezosement. pe =p can ss arulsbecoftideredasalimitvalue. asp > pwould indiate lined oss of surface contact Further, the eiulato Value of should never exceos the ring with 8, bes2useothorssthe toca wanemitingcapecty woul probably be considerably reduces | inactual practice, asset factor I oughttobecorsidarce Lnfortunatoly, theres inte krowedge avalele with regarstothis i salty factor Ae guidelines, however, canbe assumed thet hstactor i Should not be below 1 forint svbectodto stati loads and ne lower ‘hand for joints exposedtodynanicloass and having oxeetng ‘requirements forriepity ring ie So 2, Tone 2 Depantreerinatcget SoieScae accents Sor Samplecaevttion ‘evlndial sto rnghavingthacimensions d= 10,0 = 170ana8 = 100 tums mounted in accordance with ig. 4401 onsoldshating with an Interferenca toto tommandsubjectodtoamomenticad My *0 20m Inacsordance with equation 42 O5b weave atp = 100NPe, end + sasumingthaly =0 téweobiin Mat = gOOORION = 072 (ave dlagram, tg 44: Bape to = TIO = 072 (ee agra, to 4402) consulting igre 46 03,wecbtsintore,=Oande,= dD 10158, nd = 238 From the diagram fg. 4.02 we obtain wih these values Puap= 22 Thosp, = deMPsanatrominesemedlagramnl = 112 Aswe how thaind = 258 weave ‘ied 124 asm Accordingly Bik = 2 te Intertrenoe eaueseengonlst encraclalstreseas seg 45 04 and 45.05. Tangent ovale scevsin te tne rommpanens ractostethematinn ‘reps nat the engental compressive stressintheinner components {reatest at the bors nahollow eraltendequaltioughouthecection ne folidahatt t "Tne strain setup by tang Inside surfaces ofthe ings ahd aquel throughout resection na30l8 ‘hat Thefolowing apps accarcng te Miss hypothesis: Outer component: » =P 40 Sole shat: san Holtow shat: aa ote 4m = 098m = O72 te 1 MPa = sOZAntet = eens at 2 4 Calculation of components with interference fit ar ‘eterareccimaing sas Bassano peingrarcgnssoleno tones stow oF gh | m ‘Theuse of austions 45 0,48 C2and 5.031 checksvesses caused by tncrerencoteusvaly efile (compare chapter s6buifnepowerte be ‘Fansites by the unlonappoazhes he iis vansmting expat Ft tere bending moments ordi oresaelitely obecxperenced mare complete cleuaton shautberade. ‘horde make an assesment offi strngihot hema. tis andatucuting, best to express to sess as the sumof tha meaner. Aaccitiona stress witntneamaltude value ‘calculation for unions wee th ovtercormponenthasthe samecross sectional shape throughout, fer sxampe shat couplings, may be made from tne equations p 25 sreaes atthe ends ofthe mating suraces, which are usvally deckve, are obtained by introducing changes in ‘Contact prassurevihich occur unser thee crcumelances (ot hate 8). air 4 Calculation of components with interference fit tmay be mentionad tat ha magnitude othe extoral forces ysis, thecaleulated stresses wil be onto ate side maximum valveeofthe i forces arevesd ha ‘Symbols: se mBiGe 6, S6@Cheptor 41 i 1M, = torque occuring in the shat cection tse end ofthe Union, andthe , muliay quantiles Jn, sn captor at agit aa osha wee PTE OME | eo ou = 18+ Oba! Hotowahatatbordiamster - Molo sha atmatagsutece epivsermr | BY stentonmte | 4 Calculation of components with interference fit ar 48 Pormissiblemater Persrble mato eressmustnacesaty beestinstedwith ue ‘neiertion given aso whathaihe sesges inthe union re conetantor vsrabie Warea ladismalnly cnstantindrctonrelatvetothe union, whieh in practeo usualy moans thoabeopee cfargedenaing ements and adil forces orwherbenanges niond occhspealdom that aguale not able ‘ceur, a maximum value, epresertig the producto autiization factor K and he yield point ofthe matoial,epermssbiatorstress inthe cute” Component wherein componontsae mace otmstera having aequate tenuis strongth Thafaetor,whion€Gependentontne clamtar rate btaineatrom fig 4801. As shown inthis ilusation.theylld paint may, ven be exoeaded nthacaseofatnisewalad outer component inthe _—Instance ne pamanentdeformationstthe material adjacentto he bores ‘of practealyna importance to thepewer ranting capacity athe Union Where components ae to be mounted and d'mounted frequent, and espcily thsi kay totake pacounder unfavourable conaons it isadesableoreducethexKaluos hen ntg 4601 y 10 4t020 % Examples ofsuch unions aresmallardmadium coupling headsforroling ‘miler tis gonaely of aavantag o make them ofmardenac and ‘mperesearvor ste! ‘Torq usualy causes oly slight stress Inthe uter component snd wes thoretore omitted intneprecedingceculaionsinthelnnes component, howaver, hs stress may be consicereble ang mute takennteaccount ‘nen calcusingpermislle stress which shaulsnot be lakennigher han pprouimatey OT y even the load emote orlse ttc Intnecase ofa {ld sna thi ule saidom involve alimistionaethe yield point ofthe IRatoalin the outer component Is usval the fecter which cecdestne ‘magmtude of permissbleinerferenes end caneaquent in dimensioning of heunion. Since, Aowever. forthe same conac pressuretnesteasin, holow sats isconsderaby greatorhaninsoidshat soften necessaryto strengthen hollow sity ting pluginthe ors ray Usingashruneimousn of nigh tories 'fthalead onthe unions of flututing character, whichis case en, during rotation, banding mements a redial forcos are applied, tho ‘niguecttects the acter which davies permissblttes In princh this instance the aleulatec vloe ofthe stress aneay sine om feauations #5 07,45 (Band 09 shouil be chackadontha basi of fatigue ‘staapatyngtoine materialinquestien It should be emphasized inthis conection thal uch ealeiations, due to the otan somewhat uncertain remikes avaiable ssregarcetnemagnitods fgypecertin nities. hae OE OF ox 05 OF 07 08 Ld aisr 4 Calculation of components with interference fit ofthe forces, geeraly provide only aguldeand hatte sitbiiyotthe Union mustetone judged on whatever racial experiences availabe 47 Coefficients of friction Fiction bacon mating wurfaces depend mriniyon molscularashesion ‘Tho ighestpartsa!tnecurinens whicnare lato dformea sea rent pf thecantact preseureprovige the actve conti rea, and this active area ‘Savery smal part ofthe nominal mating srtseaeenisin magnus function of econtact pressure Thesurface condition has acacisie fact conthemagntade of he riction Molecular inyersof oxides, gatos ar lubricants whic are alway presenti practic, hindertoa grater or lasser ‘gree irectcortact betweansurtazes andths reuoe ition which, surfaces are clean this canbe btarned by hasting ina vacuum} may reach ‘vooyhigh values "These factors may result inthe cotiientatfrictonvaryng withinwwide limits, and varatine of 100% are not unsval or thesare components ruried inte same way buton aleent occasions Thecalcvlation ofthe ower venamiting capacty, however, mustoebssedon aGeintevelue \hereboth componontaaremadect ste), thaloloningvales, whiehare ‘heresuitofextonsve investigations caiedoutby SKF, maybe use ‘Components mounted ollinjectionin the normal way using sineratot pease Comparentewith aurtaces caretlydegreaed, mountee byInection sing alyoarine as thepressure medium aso Components sunk togetherinthenormalwayby heating ‘heoutereompanentat00“Cinanelesricoven rors ‘Sonoran nearly eased ose, shrunkiogetherby heating the outer componentta 300% Inanetectrc oven e020 ‘The cooticiont of tion i thus practcaly te same forcomponents meantes witha injection nthene-mal wey ora togster, and tie Possible therefore tousethe experiance gain with rink isforcetain Spplctionswhenchanging ver tothe use} injection “Theres acarresponcingsimllarty between conponsnis with degreased sudacas mountea by hycrauliectionusngglyzerine asthe pressure ‘medium, ané hose shrunk together after sil degreasing Howev “noe thee ae pretcal ditfeutesnetectvay removing medsculr ayers of grease of rom meta surfaces (rubbing with chalkand waterseems to bbethe most efectve method) compenents eaten thiemannerareonhy otintorostn special circumstances i, sail i ac . A sii “ a ae 4 Calculation of components with interference fit cr ‘Thevalveo 14 theretore normaly used as costticentt rctonwhon celeuiting forstoel componente mountodbyoltinjectionIfoneatine mponentsismace of cast on, hawever. talowervalve0 {ould be uses 48 Pressure loss inan oxternally tapered intermediat sleeve. Winer a thin, estenallytaperedsteee2 is usecand mounted with anni ion the sha ealeultions should ake into account tht lower atthe cyindriatsurac. “Te pressue oss in an externally aceredsleve,ie thodierence between tne pressure atthe tapered surface and nthe cylindres urtce, Inthe case ofa given intalcoarancebatweenineslesvesndtheshal,may becaeulatectom tne following equation which apples tothe most ‘common case, asieeveandasoigenato! he same meta () ae se stabam ey 2, = lossinpressure, MPa 1 Inkaetarancebetween the lees surfaces, mim ote Mee = 02 aon? = ©8510? Genk pes D ead Lj] 20 ia 8 eo to Saas = compression ofthe eurtaco lye ofeach contact suriacegueto Surlaze nigh (0025-0 005mm Inthe case of pround or fine turned ‘surtaces) 4 = meen outsidediametr ct sleeve mm (4.= shattclametar,mm Approximate valusscantereedofttom ig. 48 0{formaximum and minimum pressure losses (coresponaing respectively maximum and ‘inimum clearance betwesnthesleeve and the shake Geterrned by the ‘erence nits intin see! sleeves wnen mountodion sll sss! shal seotable3201. 49 Axial drive-up ané mounting force Where acompenentiamountaa drecton tapered journslwith staperof tka exialdrve-upa required obtain theintencadintetrence arkiat an on athin, tapered inermesiateslaevelsusee, the corespondingvaluewi te mk (at a, + aH) wo ‘ninisinstanoe,therstre th intrtorence tangs nd consequent tne contac presse Intnecaseot glen drhe-up. cependnthe tl cearance aie onthe ftbetveen sleeve ard anattoretweonslanveand ub Stes occurrngintecaaeot should becheckedainesame {enous thesia cv ypatenecte togvenaysion ho reaed {aramitingsapaciyintnacanoat ane ‘Achoc, gel irdapencen ot maraactutig ms, toensr thatthe ‘aaule ineference he been ossnas con be erie out oy cating {eincreseindaneterofthaoutcomponentemicn as otared ang ‘ouring ais calculator equation 202 the innrancoutr emponentsaremadeatthasame matrilanittheinner components serheineoasoinclaneterwiive a ae innocent. 4 Calculation of components with interference fit Sis Wen designing sutele tools for mounting eperad components bo ‘njaction, aesount must be taken oft thaaxlel com panantot he contact ‘Surat themating surface, which dopandson tetaper, and esidval incon wnt Injected Ware components with aczutte me ‘considered, elon coresponding tothe preductofthetotl cont Femur ana cae ten cf rin breton ‘mayocaur Forpractieal use one may rekon with he valud €2 thats eoumetancesthe force which deeges the eimenstosing ofthe ‘mounting eolwiltenbe 1 Fax xaBpit + 002) won Asalready mentioned accurate conte! suraoes with the usuataper (918,380 ¢r even es) goparateavionatieay when olisinjctes Where tho surfaces are nots well madedemaunting foes in addtion that ‘resulting om thetaper may be require ithecoaticlentettrction's sn t0bo0 02, the required forefordanaunting willbe Fy ~eaBpi002— +) ns

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