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Part one

Passage: The Importance of English in Mozambique

1. What does it mean when we say English is an international language?

English being an "international language" signifies that it's widely spoken and
understood across the globe, serving as a common medium of communication in various
contexts, including business, education, tourism, and diplomacy.

2. Mention two reasons why Mozambique should speak English?

a. Facilitating trade: English is essential for international trade and commerce.

Speaking English would enable Mozambique to engage in global business partnerships.

b. Access to education and tourism: Proficiency in English opens opportunities for

Mozambicans to study abroad and attract tourists, contributing to the country's growth
and development.

3. Explain what it means to open up a whole new world?

"Opening up a whole new world" signifies gaining access to a vast array of

opportunities, experiences, and knowledge. In the context of the passage, reading
English literature, interacting with English-speaking countries, and speaking English
can provide entirely new and diverse perspectives, ideas, and experiences.

Section B - Changing from active to passive voice

1. The highs were left on by somebody.

2. French is spoken very well by Emilio.

3. Hockey was played by Jone.

4. Fish were caught last night by Ana.

5. The new car was bought by John.

Section C - Completing sentences by choosing the correct word from the brackets

1. We should always be (polite) to people.

2. If we are (honest) with people, they will be able to trust us.

3. Helping a stranger with directions is the (polite) way to behave.

4. Behaving correctly will make us (proud) of ourselves.

5. If we want others to think (well) of our community, we will be (helpful).

Section D - Short paragraph about the importance of having electricians in our community

Electricians play a vital role in our community's infrastructure and safety. Their
expertise in handling electrical systems ensures that homes, businesses, and public
spaces have access to reliable power and safe electrical installations. Whether it's fixing
electrical issues, installing new systems, or maintaining existing ones, electricians
contribute to the smooth functioning of our daily lives. Their work is crucial in
preventing electrical hazards and accidents, ensuring that our community remains
functional, safe, and connected.

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