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Q. A vendor buys bananas at 9 for Rs. 8 and sells at 8 for Rs. 9.

What will be the profit or loss

(in %)?
a) 13.28% profit b) 26.56% loss
c) 26.56% profit d) 13.28% loss

Q. If the selling price is tripled and cost price doubled the profit would become 65%. What is
the present profit (in %)?
a) 20 b) 15
c) 25 d) 10

Q. Cost of 4 pens, 6 notebooks and 9 files is Rs. 305. Cost of 3 pens, 4 notebooks and 2 files
is Rs. 145. What is the cost (in Rs.) of 5 pens, 8 notebooks and 16 files?
a) 415 b) 465
c) 440 d) Cannot be determined

Q. Rajan purchases 21 pens for Rs. 20 and sells all the pens at the rate of 20 pens for Rs. 21,
what will be the profit percent?
a) 12.5 b) 13.33
c) 10.25 d) 16.66

Q. A used two-wheeler dealer sells a scooter for Rs. 46,000 and makes some loss. If he had
sold it for Rs. 58,000 his profit world have been double his loss. What was the cost price (in
Rs.) of the scooter?
a) 52,000 b) 54,000
c) 48,000 d) 50,000

Q. Anu sold an article for Rs. 480 at some profit. Had she sold it for Rs. 400, then there
would have been a loss equal to one-third of the initial profit. What was the cost price of the
a) Rs. 450 b) Rs. 430
c) Rs. 425 d) Rs. 420
1 1
Q. An article is sold at a certain price. If it is sold at 33 % of this price, there is a loss of 33
3 3
%. What is the percentage profit when it is sold at 60% of the original selling price?
a) 20 b) 30
1 1
c) 333 d) 173

Q. The profit got on selling an article for Rs. 1100 is thrice the loss incurred on selling the
same article for Rs. 700. What should be the selling price of the article to get 12.5% profit?
a) Rs. 900 b) Rs. 787.5
c) Rs. 877.5 d) Rs. 956

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