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Teacher Name: Dr. Mehwish Muratab Date: 16-03-2024

Total Marks: 30 Class: B.CAT 2nd YEAR
Time Allowed: 1 Hour Mock Test No: 2 (Pharmaceutics-Ill)
Name of Student:………………………………………… Roll NO:………………………
MCQs (Objective)
Q No.1: Choose the correct answer (15)
1. Hospital organization consist of?
a. Administration
b. Director
c. Medical Staff
d. All of the above
2. ________ Hospital is a linked to medical school, nursing school?
a. Specialized
b. Neurology
c. Urology
d. Pharmacy
3. _________ deals with brain and spinal cord disorders ?
a. ENT
b. Neurology
c. Urology
d. Pharmacy
4. Ambulatory patients load is divided into________ category?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
5. Prescribing errors includes?
a. Incorrect prescription
b. Illegible writing
c. a & b
d. None
6. Administration of drug after every 4 hours instead of 6 hours is __________?
a. Wrong time error
b. Wrong dose error
c. Wrong rate error
d. Wrong site error
7. __________ error occurs when patient does not follow dosing regimen?
a. Monitoring
b. Compliance
c. Medication
d. Dispensing
8. Interaction of medicines leads to __________ and _________effects?
a. Interaction
b. Harmful
c. a & b
d. None
9. Hospital pharmacy is connected with ________ of drugs ?
a. Receiving
b. Distribution
c. Control
d. All
10. Complete list of goods with estimated cost present in stock is ___________?
a. Medication
b. Inventory
c. Order
d. Supply
11. __________ system is supervised by both nurses and pharmacist?
a. Individual prescription order
b. Complete floor stock
c. a & b
d. Unit dose method
12. __________ conditions should be maintained in proper environmental control?
a. Temperature
b. Humidity
c. Ventilation
d. All
13. Health accessories are___________?
a. Dressing
b. Blankets
c. Patient lifter
d. All
14. Fibers used to hold wounded edges with with the help of needles are
a. Sutures
b. ligatures
c. a & b
d. None
15. Medication administration error accounts for ______% of total errors
a. 25-30%
b. 26-30%
c. 25-32%
d. 26-32%


QNo.2: Define hospital. Explain aims and objectives of hospital pharmacy? (03)

QNo.3: Explain any two methods of distribution of medicine in hospital? (04)

QNo.4: How to ensure safe and effective use of medication in hospital? (03)

QNo.5: Write down advantages and disadvantages of hospital formulary? (03)

QNo.6: Classify hospitals into different categories. Names only? (02)

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