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When you don’t hear it clearly:

Could you please repeat the question.

When you don’t understand it clearly:
Could you please explain the question a bit
Opening – topic + paraphrase
When talking about …/speaking of …/ when it
refers to this…(topic) + I would love to
mention/say something about…
Supporting details – 90’’+
Conclusion – if possible
Well, I guess this is all I wanna share with you
about the topic.
Well, this is all I wanna say based on the topic.

Q: a story someone told you and you remember
A story impressed me a lot…
What –
Something about a drug seller got caught cuz of
selling illegal medicine
Who + when + how –
EGZ shared the story with me last month + herad
the story from the local news
What the story –
A great number of patients who are suffering from
cancer cannot afford the medicine proofed by the
government. The drug seller imported some pills
from SE Asia. The price of such illegal pills was only
half that of the proofed treatment. BUT it works on
the disease.
Soon those poor people came to him and made
purchase with him. Within just 1 month, the
number of their business has reached nearly
1million. To both the drug seller and poor patients,
it seemed like a kind of “mutual benefit.”
However, the drug seller was taken by the police
which represented the national force. Ironically,
when the man was arrested, those who had made
deal with him were trying to say something good
for him.
What the man did was against the law, so he was
put into prison in the end.
Why you remember –
When I heard the story, I felt complicated, cuz the
man did the wrong thing, but it reflected a social
phenomenon that the poverty could not afford the
high price of treatment. The government should do
something to help improve the situation. Everyone
owns the right to survive.
Q: a traditional/conventional product + a toy in
your childhood
What –
It must be the kite which is a kind of unique
handicraft in my culture.
When + how –
Grade 4 student + primary school offered art class +
1st time to know such cute item
What is made of + how you played –
Teacher showed the process/steps of making a kite
before giving us certain materials, like a piece of
special fabric, some pigments and some sticks.
After a few seconds deep thought, I decided to
make a Peppa Pig kite, cuz I was a huge fan of this
pinky role.
I painted a big Peppa Pig on the fabric, I chose the
pigment both pink and green to draw it, cuz I
thought my kite would be really eye-catching in the
Then I cut it from the fabric and pasted it on the
sticks which I had shaped it like a crossing/frame.
Finally I tied a string around the centre of the
crossing. It was a bit easier than I had imagined.
I could not help rushing to the open air on the
campus. Lucky me, it was a windy day, so I grabbed
the kite and ran against the wind. within no more
than 3min, my PP kite flew up high to the sky. U
cannot imagine how excited I was when I saw my
hand-made kite flying in the sky.
Why/how you felt about –
1st hand-made kite + preserved it on the shelf when

Though it is a little cute item, it inherits the
handicraft culture of my country.
It is a nice tool for both kids and adults to kill some
time. I would accompany my cousin to fly the PP
once I am available.
Q: an invention changed the world + something you
cannot live without + something broken but
… brings a lot of benefits to the whole world
…has been a really important part of life …
What –
The air conditioner was invented early 20th century,
cuz I have seen a documentary about it.
The AC in my house was bought by mom, and it cost
her nearly 3000RMB.
BUT she believed that it was worth it since she
chose the brand Gree which is always regarded as
the top quality.
It looks like a white rectangular box hung on the
wall in the living room.
Somewhere on the top right corner of the panel, the
temperature is shown on it.
What benefits + why you cannot live without –
I set the proper temperature as well as the mode
via the remote controller. The interior of the house
could be turned into a comfortable/cozy
Mom made the right choice, cuz during those
extreme harsh weather, I could control the device
remotely through my smart phone. when I arrived
home, it felt like another world. I could be focusing
on my assignment / learning tasks soon.
The AC is more like a life saver to those who live in
an extreme weather. It can cool down the space
inside within just a few minutes, which means a lot
to teenage boys and girls. It helps prevents possible
diseases that may occur/happen on retired age
groups. Like my grandpa, he usually turns on the
mode of dehumidification, therefore his knee joints
would be painful.
What broken but repaired –
I used to believe it was a good choice until last
week. One night when we were about to sleep, I
found that there was no cold air flow coming out of
the AC. I tried re-started it, but it did not work.
Mom called the customer service, but we were told
that the technician could only visit us next day cuz
it was too late and no one was on duty.
I got no idea but to slept on the floor that night.
Though I made the fan working the whole night, I
did not sleep well. Lucky us, the technician came to
my home early next day.
After the careful inspection, we were told the filter
was covered by the dust, and there was not enough
freon inside. He helped clean the filter by some
special detergent and added some more freon.
Finally, the AC worked again. It cost us 300RMB
which I thought a bit unreasonable.
How it changed life –
With the invention of AC, it creates a more
comfortable living environment for people around
the world.
Though the freon emitted from the machine would
damage the environment, I think that people can do
something to make it innovated.
Maybe one, the AC can be used in an
environmentally friendly way.
Q: a gift you wanna buy your frd + a special cake
you received + something you received for free

Q: a piece of clothing someone gave you

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