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The Banefits of Social Media for Building Your Personal Branding

Personal branding is the perception that manager get inform about yourself. Personal
branding is a self-image that can be shown throught anything. Personal branding can be seen
throught the way you dress, speak, and even on media social. In this discussion, I will discuss
about the benefits of social media for building personal branding.
Frisly, adjust other people's perceptions of you. By creating a personal branding, you can
create the self-image what you want. For example, if you want to be seen as someone who likes
to read, you might show your interest in reading by reviewing the books you read on social
Secondly, as a differentiator. Everybody is unique, but not many can see our unique.
Before showing our unique, we have to know who we are, like Jerome Polin, who is good at
maths and Erika Richardo, who is good at painting.
And last, expand the network. One of the general things you will get from building your
personal branding is getting connections or a wide network. This is increasingly true in the era of
social media where you can connect with many people easily.
Nowadays, building personal branding is very profitable. because many managers are
looking for employees through their social media. There are many ways we can use to build
personal branding. So, let’s start building your personal branding.

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