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Media and Information Literacy

Name of Student: GROUP 2 Activity Title: Module 2 Act2.1

Grade and Section: HUMSS 12-Micah Date Submitted: February 11, 2021

Group Activity- Share your ideas
1. Check your groupmates list in our portal.
2. Using the table below share your ideas in the group:
3. Present your activity in the class.
● Submit the output in the assessment section of the virtual classroom for MIL.
● Filename: MOD2-Act2.1-MIL-YourInitials
● Convert your file in PDF Format.


Age What format/equipment What format/equipment What format/equipment

did people use to did people use to store did people use to share or
communicate with each information? broadcast information?

Face to face or person to Traditional paper, writing Write, draw and paint in the
Pre-industrial Age person communication to materials, stone tablets. caves and stone tablets.
understand each other very They draw or wrote on the
well. woods and heaped this to

Telegraph, typewriter, Books, printing press Books, printing press,

Industrial Age traditional writing newspapers

Computer, telegram, Books, personal computers Television, computer,

Electronic Age telephone projectors, radio,
newspaper, books

Computers, smart phones, Smart phones, personal Television, social media,

Information Age social media computers, letters, newspaper and radios

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