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What to track, when and why
Table of

Introduction 3 Retention Metrics 29

Customer Retention Rate 29
Active Users 29
Metrics Matter 3 33
Churn Rate
What You Can Expect From This 4 Cohort Activity Heatmap 34
Guide Referral Metrics 37
How to Read This Guide 5 Net Promoter Score 37
Revenue Metrics 39
LTV 39
North Star 6 LTV : CAC Ratio
MRR 41
Theory 6 MRR Growth 42
Application 8 Annual Contract Values (ACVs) 43
NSM in Practice 9 Average Revenue per User (ARPU) 44
Burn Rate 44
Runway 44

What to track when 10 Tips From Investment 45

Deep Tech 10 Managers & Startups
Fintech 13
Product-Founder Fit vs. Product- 45
Health & Consumer Tech 16
Market Fit
Industrial Tech 18
Kicking-off Data-Drivenness Early 47
Marketplaces & Network Effects 20
Don't Forget About Retention 50
Metrics Explained 23 Grow Sustainably 50
Track & Optimize KPIs 51
Acquisition Metrics 24 Know How to Tell Your Story
On-Page Events 24
Conversion Rate (CR) 24
Click-Through-Rate (CTR) 26 Conclusion 53
Virality Coefficient (K factor) 26
Activation Metrics 27 Our Quick Tips 54
Activation Rate 27
CAC 27 List of Resources 55
List of 58

“If you cannot

measure it, you
cannot improve it”
- Lord Kelvin

Over the last few years, a culture has

emerged which values growth above
everything else. This is especially true for
startups in the US. Fundamentals such as
a profitable business model and
achieving product-market fit have been
neglected. While the goal for many
startups is to present promising metrics
early on in their pitch deck, their reality
looks much different. After an initial
investment, most companies slow down
their growth efforts for a while. This is until
they have ramped up their teams and
improved their strategy as well as their
product and thus are able to expand
further (Shafranik, D., 2019).

Showing a path towards profitability, and

not a story of growth at all costs, becomes
crucial - especially after learning about
cases like WeWork (Schulze, E., 2019) or
the fitness company Peleton, although
less severe (Griffith, E., 2019). What is
important to show is especially how
revenue ultimately surpasses costs, rather
than making money straight away
(Schulze, E., 2019).


Initiatives like “Open Projects” from Summing up, a lot of uncertainty exists on
Baremetrics have emerged which show which metrics should be reached, the
more than 800 SaaS benchmarks with live corresponding benchmarks and the
data (Baremetrics, 2018). However, the definition of metrics. To shed some light
challenge is that startups try to create on the metrics maze, we at Speedinvest
something unique by definition and Pirates created this qualitative guide.
cannot use the same metrics as a
measure of their success or progress
(Datarockets, 2019). Hence, there is no
What You Can
Expect From
blueprint for measuring success.

Additionally, many different definitions of

metrics are used and the purpose and This Guide
reason why they are adapted vary greatly.
Ultimately, metrics are solely a tool which Speedinvest Pirates is part of
tell founders why some things are working Speedinvest, one of Europe's biggest
and others are not. This helps to early-stage venture capital funds, and
continuously improve product and supports startups growing their
business (Jordan, J. et al., 2015). companies in a sustainable way. With the
combined knowledge of marketing
Startups have a huge advantage enthusiasts, entrepreneurs and first-hand
compared to traditional companies: they insights from experienced investment
lack the legacy of a traditional marketing managers, this guide provides a
approach where many decisions are collection of the most important metrics
based on gut feeling, traditional industry for venture-backed startups.
behaviour or deep beliefs of senior
leadership. However, they often struggle
to capitalize on that because the “right
metrics” differ depending on the industry,
the stage and the business model of the
individual startup.

“A data-based decision making culture is the single

most important competitive edge of startups against
incumbents. But most startups are in love with their
product and rather work on a “Product founder fit”
than a “Product market fit”.

Dieter Rappold, Founder & CEO


You will find a set of important metrics for Additionally, you will find benchmark
each industry (pre-seed, health & ranges in the matrix which we assessed
consumer tech, fintech, deep tech, via qualitative interviews with investment
marketplaces, and industrial tech) managers from Speedinvest.
mapped to the different stages of early-
stage ventures. These metrics are then The metrics listed in the matrix are further
explained in further detail. outlined and structured along the AARRR
funnel. This means that we will look at the
We collected insights for the tips and metrics in the order of a user journey:
recommendations section through Acquisition, Activation, Retention,
profound desk research and interviewed Revenue, Referral (AARRR). All these
investment managers from Speedinvest chapters have the same structure and
as well as three successful startups. consist of three parts. In the theoretical
part, we define the metric and give some
background knowledge. In the section

How To Read about application we look at the formula,

This Guide
the process of how you can incorporate it
in your business and possible challenges
you should look out for when
This guide is designed in a way that you implementing the respective metric. In the
can look at the list of contents and identify third part, for some metrics we provide
relevant chapters for yourself. Hence, actionable insights on how to work with
there is no need to read the entire guide! the underlying metric.
You can simply look up your industry,
read the general intro section and then Finally, we gathered six recommendations
look for the metrics mentioned for your for improving the overall performance.
respective industry.

The guide starts with the definition of the
North Star Metric which is important for

every type of startup. This is followed by
an overview in which relevant metrics are
mapped to each stage and industry.

How can you measure your overall
company’s success? Is it revenue,
number of employees, ARR, MRR, or
engagement? Truth is, it will be different
for each business and you need to find
your very own “one metric that matters”
aka your North Star (datarockets, 2019). A
good North Star reflects your product-
market fit (Vouillon, C., 2017). Jon
Butterfield (2019) highlights the
importance of deciding on a North Star
even before developing a product. By
deciding early on which metric is suitable
for your business, it is possible to focus
on optimized user flows and product
features (Butterfield, 2019).

“The North Star

Metric is the
single metric that
best captures the
core value that
your product
delivers to
- Sean Ellis

Examples for North Star Metrics (NSM)

can be daily active users (DAU)
(Facebook), the number of questions
answered (Quora) or total time reading
(Medium) (datarockets, 2019). However,
focusing on one number only might result
in constraints on growth (Golden, J.,


Hence, it is important to distinguish A powerful NSM has the ability to align

between input and output metrics in order and gear your whole business to that
to find the right mix to monitor. While objective. That being said, the NSM is a
output metrics reflect the results, the input guide that lights the path forward but it
metrics indicate actions (Reforge). doesn’t mean there are no traps along the
Another proposition found in literature is to way. An analogy might explain this in a
distinguish between quantity, quality and straightforward way: Imagine you are a
efficiency metrics. football coach. Looking only at the score
will not give you any insights into how to
In almost all cases, the North Star will be a win the game.
quantitative metric, however, others
should still be monitored as they will To get an understanding of whether or not
contribute to overall growth. So, the you are playing to win you need to see
question is why not simply use revenue? how your team is performing in all
Simply put, the answer is that great dimensions of the game.
financial metrics always come from a
great product (Golden, J., 2020).



Resembles the service This measures the This is about achieving a
quality, which is reflected usefulness to the user high return on the
in satisfaction, and the revenue to the investment made (e.g.
engagement or retention business (e.g. Airbnb: Airbnb: customer support
metrics (e.g. Airbnb: NPS) number of nights booked) tickets per reservation)


Application Note that your output metric is your

overarching North Star which guides you
for a long time whereas the input metrics
The NSM can be either one or an are necessary to achieve this output but
amalgamation of metrics, taking into they might change more often. That is why
account many different aspects of your it is crucial to build experiments for
business. Still, it should be easy to assessing and optimizing your input
understand, so your team can actively metrics (Reforge).
work towards it in their daily business
(datarockets, 2019). Ideally, you choose a To get an understanding of whether or not
set of output metrics that capture you are playing to win you need to see
retention, engagement, or monetization as how your team is performing in all
a first step (Reforge). dimensions of the game.

Map out the relationships and Before implementing a north star metric
interdependencies between your output you should assess the following questions
and input metrics. If you identify opposing to get started. Think about how your
metrics find a way of how to achieve a product creates the most value for the
healthy balance (Reforge). Looking at the user. What exactly is driving the value?
example of LinkedIn below, it is clear that Are there several factors that influence the
they need to carefully balance the input value? If yes, which factors can be
metric “no. of ad spots in the newsfeed” classified as output and which as input
as it increases their revenue (positive) but metrics? Taking into account your output
can also have negative effects on their and input metrics which reflect on the
users who are seeing more ads which can maximum value for your users; how does
reduce engagement (negative). your growth equation look like?


e per user
Insert more
Ad Spots

Fig. 1: Amended from Reforge


How can you ensure that everyone in your

company understands and implements NSM in
the NSM? Reassess your North Star every
once in a while especially when your
business priorities are changing
(datarockets, 2019). Your North Star is
also guiding your product development
efforts. Is a new feature not driving your “Really be spot on in being what it
North Star? Then chances are high that it is that defines success in my
should not be prioritized or your team business is something very often
should stop working on it entirely left out, or given too little
(datarockets, 2019). attention.“

Marie-Helene Ametsreiter
Lead Partner, Speedinvest

"When looking for a North Star

pre-launch, it is essential to talk to
customers to understand the true
value to them. Post-launch it is
important to be open to change in
order to find product-market fit."

Jon Butterfield
Founder, W23 Labs

During qualitative interview sessions with
experienced investment managers from
the European VC company Speedinvest,
we gathered insights on the most
important metrics startups should look at
during pre-seed, seed and series A
stages. Due to the vast majority of
different types of businesses, customer
segments and of course depending on
the different stages the startups are in,
these insights serve as a starting point for
understanding the basics of a data-driven

Deep Tech
In Deep Tech, it makes sense to
distinguish between the types of
customers the company is selling to,
rather than clustering into deep tech or
non-deep tech startups.


During pre-seed and seed-stage, deep

tech founders should track and focus on
the number of proof of concepts (PoCs)
they were able to establish. Ideally these
are already paid PoCs where customers
pay about 10k/30k/50k. By the time the
startup is in the seed stage, 3 PoCs would
be ideal, but there should be a transition
towards paying customers. PoCs then
become part of the overall sales process.
During the seed stage, they lose
importance as the main KPI but are more
important in terms of keeping track of your
sales pipeline.


Other things startups targeting small and

medium businesses (SMB) should watch Series A
during pre-seed and seed can be
anything that shows the level of interest In series A, focusing and showing,
but usually this phase is not very metrics- recurring revenue is key. What is
driven with one exception: if a startup important here is to distinguish between
offers free open source products. Then booked revenue (bookings) and annual
you will need to monitor GitHub to recurring revenue (ARR). For instance, in
understand how vibrant the ecosystem is: 2020 a customer pays €1M upfront for
How many people are contributing and the next 3 years, the booked revenue
how many stars do they have? For equals €1M in 2020 but the ARR is
freemium approaches, you can look at the actually €1M divided by 3. By doing this
number of downloads and signups. exercise of distinguishing between
bookings and revenue you can see the
Seed actual amount of cash in the bank and
also get a valid picture of the revenue
made in the respective year. A good
benchmark for ARR in series A is usually
Oftentimes enterprises are the primary at €1M.
target group for deep tech startups.
Hence, an important metric to keep in A second metric to monitor closely in
mind during seed and series A stage is series A, and moving towards series B,
the annual contract volume (ACV) which are customer acquisition costs (CAC),
should be ideally around 100k. ACV will especially when selling to SMBs.
gradually improve over time with higher Generally the CAC should be smaller than
customer satisfaction after the second or the annual contract value (ACV) and for
third year of a contract with a certain the best companies it should be about
client. The younger the company is, the half the ACV.
smaller the benchmark for ACV, of course.
Additionally, companies targeting SMBs
also need to be aware that their ACV will
be lower.

"I might sell a product to a company for 50k a year

and it might be a 70k consultancy project. That is not
a 120k ARR customer that means it is a 50k ARR. (...)
Revenue scales. Services revenue does not scale."

Marcel van der Heijden

Lead Partner, Speedinvest PA
PG E E5 1 1

And lastly, conversions as well as churn Churn rate in particular also needs to be
rates of cohorts need to be monitored tracked if you are selling to enterprise
closely in series A for SMBs. A conversion businesses. So, for instance, if a large
rate (CR) from free to paid of more than number of customers who have been with
5% is good. At the same time CAC needs you for the last 2-3 years cancel their
to be taken into account when looking at contracts - well - that’s a bad sign. A
CR: How much did you spend for rough benchmark is 80% retention and
converting these customers? 20% churn rate at this stage.

Tab. 1: Amended from Marcel van der Heijden, 2020


Fintech Pre-Seed

Things to look out for when assessing the For B2C products the first level of
fintech market are benchmarks, verticals, customer interest should be signaled in
and target customers. Benchmarks tend order to show a proxy of early market
to be less straightforward in fintech than in validation. This can be done with some
other markets. When looking at the market beta customers as well as customer
it can be segmented into verticals, i.e. references, waiting lists, types of
lending, banking and insurance. When it customers, or their probability of
comes to the different stages pre-seed, conversion. The probability of conversion
seed, and series A, the lines are typically is only a proxy and is assessed by looking
blurred with some pre-seed rounds at the users who onboarded to the
ranging from 500k to 1.5M and seed product and the other activities they
rounds of 1M to up to even 5M. On completed.
another note it is important to see that it
takes a lot of time from a regulation and Having clear assumptions and
billing perspective in the highly regulated hypotheses about consumers in place is
fintech industry. Many startups do not also key in B2C. For instance, a mass-
manage to achieve metrics which are market product around simplicity in
usually expected at series A, so on investing requires going through demos
average slightly more money is needed to and prototypes and understanding every
get from seed to series A. behavioral rationale behind the features.

Beyond benchmarks and market For B2B products the core metric to keep
segmentations the fintech market differs in mind are PoCs and it would be ideal to
from an investor’s point of view also in have either one or two of them in place at
terms of round sizes. Companies are able pre-seed. Especially enterprise sales is a
to raise about €1.5M in pre-seed. challenging field due to long sales cycles
Sometimes these round sizes can happen and it requires a thorough understanding
even pre-launch if, for instance, it is a new of how the buying center works. Anthony
product for an untapped market. Whereas Danon, Associate Partner, at Speedinvest,
for others, where there are already states that you then need to really show
established competitors, a beta product the potential to do a land and expand
or basic MVP needs to be there in order to strategy. This means to show the ability to
raise such rounds. expand a deal, for instance, with 30k ACV
rather quickly so it becomes a 150k ACV
deal in the distant future by

E E1 3

horizontal expansion or by upselling. This thought through go-to-market strategy

can be assessed through reference calls should be existent to show how to control
with target industries to understand their CACs at a moderate level. Ways how to
types of usage. assess the uptake and customer love at
this point in time is to check engagement
Additionally, having a clear plan in place metrics and NPS.
for approaching markets and a strategy
on how to further build the product is key. In the earlier stages there should also be
What needs to be shown when it comes to a focus on top of the funnel, that is
products in pre-seed in fintech are acquisition metrics, for instance CTR of
scalability and privacy and if it can be ads, website visitors, or impressions.
integrated easily into an existing workflow.
If not, enforcing a shift in attitudes, which For the B2B side in the seed stage at least
a banking user almost tends to have no one customer should have converted and
tolerance for, can be a true barrier. Also it proven the in the pre-seed projected ACV.
needs to be questioned whether they do Additionally, 2 -3 should be in the pipeline
really understand the industry and how with a clear approach on how to reach
they can integrate that into existing customers and how to expand the feature
workflows. set.

For insurance and lending, the type of

Seed customer is extremely important.
According to Anthony Danon, you're not
The seed stage is usually where the trying to grow customers, but you're trying
launch happens for fintech consumer to grow profitable customers from the get-
products. Usually, there should be a full go. For instance, a company which is
MVP. What is essential here is to show the offering home insurance is targeting
hook in the market of the product. people who are moving, people who just
bought a new house or newly engaged
In addition to understanding the customer couples. Their competitors are doing paid
base and some first customers, a well acquisition via Instagram and target

"People don't find finance sexy. No one does. And so

you really need to find a painkiller hook (...) for me as
a consumer I don't care about a cool app, but I
deeply care about my finances.”

Anthony Danon
Associate Partner, Speedinvest
PG E E5 1 4

students who churn after a year because

they leave their apartments again. Hence, "What we're seeing
in insurance the loss ratio is an important right now is that
metric to track, meaning how much of the monetization
total insurance premium gets claimed. becomes important,
as often early-
stage based
companies raise on
Series A the product and the
vision - however,
over time
For payment companies, they will need to monetization must
focus on increasing payment volume as follow."
they make money on a transaction - Chris Zemina
basis. Lending companies need to Principal, Speedinvest
carefully balance growth and risk. It is not
beneficial to give out as many loans as
possible but rather give out good credit.
This requires the calculation of non- In addition to these financial metrics you
performing loans (NPL) because in the need to know your CAC, LTV, and
end, it is the repayment rate
Tab.2: that from
Amended matters. CAC:LTV
Anthony Danon & Christopherat any 2020
Zemina, point in time. The rule of
Christopher Zemina, Principal at thumb of 3x LTV > CAC usually applies.
Speedinvest, states that, if an investor And if you work with assumptions for LTV,
only drives growth at a lending company, always make sure to paint a realistic
it could backfire at some point: For picture.
example, interest rates - A high interest
rate means that there can be higher NPLs.

Tab. 2: Amended from Anthony Danon & Christopher Zemina, 2020


Health & He states that this shows a company's

growth rate and can thus massively

Consumer Tech
influence the decision making of
investors. Essentially, showing the history
of growth is important. A rule of thumb
would be that ideally over the first two
years you should grow 3X YoY and 2X
Pre-Seed YoY for the following three years.
One important non-financial KPI to track
across stages is retention (DAU, WAU,
Important indicators to be successful and MAU). Annual subscriptions are a bit
to be able to raise a pre-seed round are more difficult to track and to plan. In this
two things: the team and the vision. case, according to Markus Lang, you
need to show that your users are not only
paying but also using the product. This is
Seed especially important when it comes to
early stage deals in combination with
The focus of seed rounds is to achieve annual subscription packages as you can
actual revenue and top line growth rates not see renewal rates.
but also seed stage investors look at unit
economics. The growth rates depend on In these cases tracking user retention is
the industry, marketplaces might need to extremely important since users who
show LTV whereas B2B SaaS companies come back on a, for instance, daily basis
might need to focus on MRR or in some are more likely to renew their subscription.
cases ARR. Associate Partner at Depending on the business different
Speedinvest Markus Lang thinks the one retention cohorts need to be analyzed,
important step to consider is that one these can either be activity or payment
actually wants to focus on recurring retention cohorts or basket sizes and their
revenue. development can be tracked.

"You need to show that your users are not only paying
but also using the product.”

Markus Lang
Associate Partner, Speedinvest


Over time the LTV:CAC ratio should

become better but only few startups
manage to show a ratio of 5X. All in all it is
about showing the previous growth
A third category to look at are unit
trajectory and the potential for future
economics. LTV, CAC and LTV:CAC ratio
expansions. Depending on the industry in
need to be monitored carefully with the
seed stage, revenues can range
gold standard being 5x LTV >
somewhere between €10k to €30k or
CAC. Markus Lang states that 3X, 3.5X,
above. Investors focus primarily on unit
4X growth should be shown at an early
economics. The benchmark and standard
stage and are desirable.
here is to achieve €100,000 in MRR.

Tab. 3: Amended from Markus Lang, 2020


Industrial In a next step ACVs should be monitored

closely. Meaning what are the ACVs, how

are the contracts structured and who are
the buyers. Additionally, sales cycles are
important in the late seed stage from an
The deep tech industry is characterized investors perspective to assess the
by its diverse businesses. You’ll find deep viability of a business. It is important to
tech companies which require a high have the facts at hand of how long it takes
amount of consulting and onboarding but to get from the initial point of contact to
also companies which resemble B2B the stage of converting the lead and
SaaS. finally to deployment. In the end, you
need to be able to answer the question of
effectiveness of the sales cycle.
Sales cycles are
Pilot customers should be the main focus important in the
for deep tech alike companies in the pre- late seed stage
seed phase and the customer feedback is from an investors
important to further build the technology. perspective to
assess the
viability of a
Seed business.

In this phase, it is important to look at the For B2B SaaS businesses selling to SMBs
conversion of pilots to paying customers. it is crucial to track CAC and conversion
There should be about 10 - 20 PoCs in the rates of different channels, whereas for
seed stage, which of course varies companies selling to large enterprises
depending on the industry. Ideal would be ACV is much more important to monitor.
at least one conversion.

"Ask yourself: Is the effort of the investment during the

sales cycle worth the revenue that you can generate
with it?"

Marie-Helene Ametsreiter
Lead Partner, Speedinvest
2E 1 8

Series A

Before a series A round is raised the

conversion from PoC to a regular
customer needs to be proven. Retention
and therefore scalability are important
factors in this stage.

Tab. 4: Amended from Marie-Helene Ametsreiter, 2020


Marketplaces Another aspect special to marketplaces is

liquidity, which means whether or not both

& Network
sides are sufficiently catered. Looking at it
from the demand side for instance, this
means that a high amount of customer

Effects requests need to be fulfilled in order to be

a successful marketplace. Across seed
The critical factor to keep in mind about and series A cohorts need to be
marketplaces is the chicken-and-egg monitored closely. It can be distinguished
problem and how to build up the demand between user, order and revenue cohorts.
and supply side simultaneously. It is easier to monitor the percentage
changes versus month zero than the
absolute numbers which are interesting in
Pre-Seed context of revenue only. Another
interesting aspect to look out for are
Usually the start lies in building up the power user cohorts, that is core users.
supply side, sometimes also with the NPS tracking should be activated as well.
demand side. When starting with the Virality needs careful monitoring too, and
supply side, the outreach to different the virality coefficient should be greater
suppliers needs to be monitored by than 0.25. To sum it up, seed is all about
tracking the number of signups to the fostering engagement.
marketplace and the conversion from
signup to user. A user can be defined as
someone who has created a profile and
Series A
performs key actions on a regular basis.
In this stage it is mostly about how users Critical in series A are still user
can be acquired on both sides of the engagement figures but also unit
marketplace. economics and gross margins in order to
show how the venture can become a
Seed healthy business. The standard and ideal
case for LTV vs CAC is 3X. Usually, a cut
off after two to three years is taken for
Depending on the marketplace different
lifetime value. Everything beyond this
KPIs need to be tracked. For some daily
timeframe is hard to predict.
usage is key whereas others are used on
a monthly basis. Additionally, share of
wallet should be tracked which is a great
indicator to show if the marketplace is

E E2 0

Due to the special nature of marketplaces, a number of KPIs and factors should be
monitored across different stages. The marketplace team of Speedinvest published a
dedicated marketplace scorecard which is an in-depth resource on marketplace
specific metrics (Specht, P., 2018). Here are a few of them to keep in mind:

Are both demand and supply side satisfied? The buyer-seller ratio
signals whether there are more buyers or sellers. Lacking traction
on one side is dangerous to the marketplace.

You are looking at buying frequency, order volume, average
spending volume per month, and spending on the underlying
marketplace. The higher this figure, the better for the marketplace.
It signals how important your marketplace is and helps to come up
with price points.

On how many other platforms is your supply side active? The lower
this ratio, the better for your marketplace. It can be hard to get to
this figure but a proxy can be established by taking samples and
researching other marketplaces and their supply side.


Tab. 5: Amended from Philip Specht, 2020

Know Your
By Heart
There is an
abundant set of
metrics which you
could potentially
look at.

You decided to look at your metrics and

to measure what you are doing?
Congratulations on your first step towards
a data-driven way of working! However,
as you might have noticed already there
is an abundant set of metrics which you
can potentially look at and it is extremely
difficult to keep track of what to look at
and at which stage you should consider
which metrics. In the following chapter,
you will find a systematic overview of the
most important metrics clustered
according to the AARRR funnel.

In the chapter about acquisition, you will

find metrics that are all about growth and
centered on the question of how
customers actually find you. Moving on to
the next step in the funnel in the activation
chapter you will find metrics about user
experience. The chapter retention is all
about whether or not users come back. In
the section about referral metrics, we will
look at how likely your users are to tell
others about you and the revenue chapter
includes metrics about monetizing your


Acquisition Consider the following activities to grow

your traffic:

Metrics SEO and keyword optimization, try

to syndicate content with partners
In this section, we will look at the pace in Break blog content in smaller
which a business is growing. pieces and repurpose content
(publish consistently)
Launch paid search/social
On-Page Events campaigns and re-marketing
Theory (, 2020)
Signups, downloads, page views and
sessions are good examples for on-page Practice
metrics and a great starting point to For freemium approaches you can look at
assess the interest in your product the number of downloads and signups.
(Datarockets, 2019). You are able to learn
how customers found your website and
what they are looking for (Dopson, E., Conversion Rate
2020). Additionally, in your acquisition
metrics, you should be measuring
signups if you are offering a subscription- Theory
based product. You can track total The Conversion Rate (CVR) is the
signups, signups by app and signups by percentage of visitors or users who
referrer (Egan, J.). perform a certain desired action. This can
be essentially anything, starting from
Application visitors to paying customers or any other
Measure and track these metrics in KPI you would like to track. This ultimately
your Google Analytics account or in a shows you how engaging your content is
Google Data Studio dashboard to users. Imagine no user would perform a
(Datarockets, 2019). single action - something would be terribly
Most businesses will use a wrong because in the end, CR signals
combination of different channels your product-market fit (PMF) (Dopson, E.,
which ultimately leads to the fact that 2020). Usually, you would set up a
different metrics need to be tracked. conversion funnel that consists of a
In a first step, focus only on 3 core sequence of CRs and ultimately leads to
channels and test whether or not they the purchase of a product (Datarockets,
are working for your user acquisition. 2019).

E E2 4

When doing this, it is important to Practice

distinguish between different flows and The average website CR should be about
look at the conversion funnel for new user 1.95% (the best ones show a CR of
acquisition, retention, and resurrection 4.77%) (Dopson, E., 2020).
(Egan, J.).
A different approach is to sort converters CR from free to paid users of more than
and non-converters according to the 5% is good for deep tech companies
source which tells you where to allocate selling to SMBs. At the same time, CAC
your conversion rate optimization efforts needs to be taken into account when
(Dopson, E., 2020). looking at your CR: How much did you
spend for converting these customers?
Andrew Chen supports the same
approach suggesting to look out for For B2C companies in the fintech area the
engaged/ active users who are ultimately CR is crucial from day zero. In the pre-
converting to paid users and determine seed phase, the probability of conversion
where they come from in order to double is assessed by looking at the users who
down on this specific channel to optimize onboarded to the product and other
conversion (Chen, A.). activities they completed, such as the
identification verification which is an
Application important barrier to pass.
Define the relevant conversion and set up
a conversion funnel (Datarockets, 2019): In the industry, field conversions play an
This can be easily done by setting up important role at the seed stage. It is
goals in Google Analytics (Dopson, E., important to look at the conversion of
2020) pilots to paying customers. Ideally, there
would be about 10 - 20 PoCs in the seed
stage, which of course varies depending
on the industry. Ideal would be at least
one conversion. B2B SaaS companies
need to track their CR for the different
sales channels respectively.
Visitors who
take actions
CR= x100
All Visitors


have a viral coefficient of 0.5 it shows that

Click-Through-Rate for every 10 new users acquired you are
getting 5 on top of that. The higher the
Theory virality coefficient, the lower your CAC will
A Click-Through-Rate (CTR) shows the be (Datarockets, 2019).
ratio of clicks in comparison to the total
impressions. It is often used for measuring Application
the performance of ads and therefore, it is
important to any business which heavily
relies on paid ads as an acquisition
channel (Datarockets, 2019). Invitation
K-Factor = sent per
Application user * CR

Clicks The benchmark ranges between 0.25 and
Impressions 0.5, which is enough to amplify other
channels (Chen, A.). Virality is achieved
once the k-factor is > 1.0 (Datarockets,
In the earlier stages of seed there should
be a focus on top of the funnel, e.g.

acquisition metrics, for instance CTR of
ads, website visitors or impressions for
fintech startups.

Virality Coefficient

Theory A virality coefficient should at least be

This number measures the organic growth 0.25.
of your business and shows how many
new users are generated by a current
user who is endorsing your product. If you

E E2 6

Activation Application
Activation Rate = the % of your customers

that reach activation

There are cases in the pre-seed phase

Activation metrics indicate the value of where it makes sense to track user growth
your product and how willing customers and where the trafficTotal
is coming from and
are to use and ultimately pay for it. to further look at the split Accounts
Activated of organic and
AR =
paid user acquisition such as freemium
Activation Rate apps. Accounts Created

This metric shows you at which rate you BENCHMARK
convert acquired customers to active

customers. An event for becoming an
active customer could be the first
purchase. When defining your activation
event keep in mind to show actual figures.
Using signups as an activation event
might look good on paper but does not
reflect on the actual usage and
engagement with your product Out of all customers a min of 25% should
(Datarockets, 2019). be active (which validates TAM)

There is a certain bare minimum a user

has to do in order to use your product Customer Acquisition Costs
which is defined as activation. Of course,
this number should be as high as Theory
possible. Additionally, it also makes sense This is the cost of convincing a potential
to measure the time to activate which customer to buy your product (Neilpatel).
tracks how long it takes a user to CAC must account for all costs for user
complete the activation process acquisition (e.g. discounts). However, it
(, 2020). has to be distinguished between
organically acquired users and users
acquired via paid marketing in order to
evaluate the viability of the startup. While
blended CAC takes into account both


types of users, paid CAC makes an Practice

important distinction and only measures CAC should not be blended and it should
users acquired via paid channels (Jordan, be split into paid and organic customers
J. et al., 2015). While CAC is certainly separated by channel. If one channel
important to B2C companies, B2B does not work a certain time, don’t
companies shall not underestimate it abandon it right away. Channels are
(Dopson, E., 2020). B2B marketers need subjective to demand. If everyone is
to take into account, besides their basic advertising on Facebook this will likely
marketing and sales expenses, their result in a higher CAC due to increased
“time-costs” for acquiring customers demand. Go back and revisit channels
(Dopson, E., 2020). For companies with from time to time, they are cyclical (Yin,
network effects, where value is added 2020).
with an increased number of users, the
conversion of organic users which shows
a low CAC is crucial. Theoretically, CAC (Σ Sales &
should decline over a period of time (Jin,
Paid expenses)
L., Coolican, D., 2018). =
CAC No. of new
Application Customers Added
Start by analyzing your overall + your via paid marketing
CAC for the individual customer segments
(Skok, D., 2019).
Successful SaaS companies spend 20-
30% of their LTV on customer acquisition
(blended) (Lemkin, J., on Quora, 2020).
(Σ Sales &
Marketing But defining average benchmarks for
Blended Expenses) CAC is hard as it can vary greatly, from
= $400 to $5,000 per acquired customer or
CAC No. of New even up to $100,000 for certain sales
Added teams.

For deep tech companies Marcel van der

If you are still at an early stage only take a Heijden states that the CAC should be
portion of your sales and marketing smaller than your annual contract value
expenses which reflect a realistic ratio and for the best companies it's about half.
when you are at scale, otherwise your For B2B SaaS industries it is crucial to
CAC would be too high (Skok, D., 2019). track CAC Paidand conversion rates of
different channels.


Retention customers (N). Divide this number by the

number of customers you had at the start

of the period (S) (Datarockets, 2019).

Retention metrics give an indication of the

quality of growth. (E-N)
CRR = *100
Customer Retention Rate

Theory Practice
Indicated as percentage, this metric Retention rates can be measured in terms
shows how many users retain after their of activity levels or also payment retention
initial engagement with the product cohorts.
(Datarockets, 2019). A useful concept to
keep in mind are cohorts. Cohorts are
simply groups of customers who, for Active Users
instance, signed up for your product in
the same month (Skok, D., 2019). When Theory
looking at companies with network effects You can look at your daily active users
- meaning the more user the higher the (DAU), weekly active users (WAU) or
value - the newer cohorts which joined monthly active users (MAU). In order to
recently and are benefitting from a large find your “best” users, you can segment
network should show a better retention them based on demographics or
rate than older cohorts. However, what behavioral data. A good way to
can be seen in practice is that these older understand user behavior is to further dive
cohorts often show a better retention rate into the behavioral segmentation and
because they are early adopters and look at the so-called power users. It
hence, highly motivated users and thus shows you particular core actions that
stick around longer (Jin, L., Coolican, D., were performed in any given time frame.
2018). Especially businesses with network
effects should see an increase of core
Application actions performed as the company
For the customer retention rate (CRR), matures and more cohorts join. This
subtract from the number of customers means that users get a higher utility due
you have at the end of the given time to a higher overall number of users (Jin,
period (E), the number of newly acquired L., Coolican, D., 2018).

E E2 9

The principles of product-led growth Depending on the product it makes sense

suggest the same theory, an active user to track different types of active users.
should be defined as someone who is You can find the two most common ones
performing a key action (, below.


This metric shows you how many unique This metric shows how many unique users
users engage with your product on a daily engage with your product on a monthly
basis (Datarockets, 2019). However, it basis (Datarockets, 2019). There are
does not reflect on the quality of the users different ways to interpret MAU. You can
nor on their retention. A spike in DAU monitor MAUs by app, gender or country
could happen for instance only due to a (Egan, J.). Another useful subcategory of
customer acquisition campaign and not this metric is MAU Accounting. It helps
because suddenly people start to love you to identify the factors which are
your product. Thus it is important to contributing to your monthly user growth.
measure core daily actives. It gives you
more insights on the quality of the users Look at the following 4 splits to identify
by counting people who used the product where your user growth comes from:
on a regular basis. Calculating Core Daily Signups
Actives is easy: simply look at the users Resurrection
statistics on a given day and calculate Existing User Churn
how many of those have used your New User Churn
product in the weeks before (Egan, J.). (Egan, J.)


When splitting up the user growth in these churn, a decrease in resurrection as well
four categories it is important to track the as a stark increase in sign ups.
total number of users over time to identify Comparing these trends with the date of
outbreaks and unusual activities. In the your marketing activities or product
graph below you can see that all four updates help you identify possible
metrics increased over time. Under MAU catalysts for these events. Once the
Accounting Trend the relationships reasons for sudden spikes or drops are
between the different metrics are shown identified it should be acted upon to
and certain activities become apparent. In further increase growth (Egan, J.).
this case there is a spike in existing user

Fig. 2: Egan, J.

A more detailed view was established by and could only be reached with tools like
Andrew Chen who used the Growth viral loops. These loops illustrate leading
Accounting Framework to explain how to indicators that are needed to understand
predict the future and whether or not your your overall quality of growth and lets you
company is likely to grow in terms of do solid forecasts (Chen, A.).
MAU. Therefore, he uses two loops to
improve the total number of MAU: the Firstly, in the acquisition loop, the key
activation loop consisting of new and question to answer is how existing cohorts
reactivated users minus users who go can lead to new users. This concept is
inactive and the engagement loop of built in the fundamentals of the product.
current users. The new and reactivated For instance, user-generated content on
user acquisition is quite difficult to scale Wikipedia adds value and fuels the


acquisition of new users which in turn Application

generates more value and so on and so Pay special attention to the definition
forth. When this type of growth is of active users which may vary from
achieved and new users lead to the business to business. For instance,
acquisition of more new users other linear you can choose to define active users
non-scalable channels can be factored in as users who open the app once per
(e.g. PR, content marketing). These day/week/month or as users who
channels do not fuel growth but rather made a purchase conversion, for
drive the initial traffic into the acquisition instance (Datarockets, 2019).
loop (Chen, A.).

Secondly, the engagement loop needs to TRACK THESE RATIOS TO

be factored in. Basically, you model how SEE HOW ENGAGED YOUR
an engaged user leads to other engaged USERS ARE
users. Ways to achieve this are either via
social feedback (e.g. a user contacts DAU to MAU
another user on LinkedIn, who in turn WAU to MAU
does the same) or via personalized DAU to WAU
content (e.g. Netflix) (Chen, A.).

Strong activation rates are necessary

for scaling the service and to achieve
sustainable growth. That being said, it
FRAMEWORK is important to split the different
segments in order to understand the
characteristics of the best and worst
+ New + Reactivated 5,000
performing segments (Egan, J.).

- Inactive 1,000
MAU is often used for marketplaces and
= Net MAU 4,000
subscription-based businesses whereas
DAU is often used for ad-based
+ Engaged 10,000 businesses since their daily usage is
heavily influencing their revenue stream
= MAU 14,000 (Datarockets, 2019). A good benchmark
for DAU/ MAU is > 50% since this signals
that the product is part of a daily habit
Tab.6.: Amended from Chen, A. (Chen, A.)


your existing customers (Skok, D., 2019).

Churn Rate Finally, it is essential to find out why
customers churn in order to tackle the
issue which causes them to leave (Law,
The churn rate indicates the percentage
of active users who stopped using your
product (Datarockets, 2019). Over time,
you want to minimize this number as
much as possible. The solution for this is
to achieve a negative churn which Churned
happens when the expansion revenue Customer Customers
from existing customers exceeds the lost Churn = Total
revenue from churning customers (Skok, Customers
D., 2019). You can do this by
implementing a variable pricing scheme
that lets the user expand the usage of the
product and hence pay you more. A
second option would be to up or cross- Churned
sell them to other products. Look at the
Churn = *100
two graphs below which illustrate the Previous
Months MRR
principle of negative churn nicely. On the
left side, you see the case of a monthly
moderate churn rate whereas on the right Start by analyzing your overall and
side you see what happens when a few your churn for the individual customer
people churn but you manage to segments for both customer and MRR
substantially increase the revenue from churn (Skok, D., 2019).

Fig. 3: Skok, D.

E E3 3

A useful tool for analyzing churn is If churn is your problem there is only
cohort analysis. A cohort is simply a one way forward: go out in the field
fancy term for a group of customers and talk to your customers to
who signed up for your product in the understand the underlying problem. If
same month, for instance. This helps you are unable to fix churn you are
you to see how early customers churn solely filling a leaking bucket (Skok,
or if the churn rate stabilizes after a D., 2019).
while. In order to minimize churn, you
can make improvements to your Practice
product. How do you know if it Churn rate in particular also needs to be
helped? Simply look at the cohorts tracked if you are selling to enterprise
after you implemented the changes businesses. If a large number of
and see if you have been successful. customers who have been with you for the
last 2-3 years cancel their contracts, that’s
When conducting an in-depth analysis a bad sign.
of your churn rate look into revenue
AND customer churn! If you have a BENCHMARK

80% 20%
churn rate of 10% it could be that 9
small and 1 big client left but you can
also have the same churn rate of 10%
with 9 big clients and one small one Retention Rate
leaving you. This would have a
completely different impact. To sum it Churn Rate
up, monitor the percentage of the
retained cohorts over time as well as
the percentage of MRR retained over Cohort Activity Heatmap
time (Skok, D., 2019).
Reasons which cause a high churn the cohort activity heatmap is building
rate could be that you are not meeting upon a cohort analysis. As already stated
your customers’ expectations, your in the name of the metric it shows the
product does not offer enough value activity levels of your cohorts (Egan, J.). It
for the user to stick around and pay, differs from the usual cohort analysis in a
your customers did not fully adopt the way that shows real-time behavior instead
product and are not using key sticky of reactive data on your customer churn.
features or the problem of who you This means that you are able to see when
are selling to, for instance, small your user engagement drops before they
SMBs who are going out of business churn and you can take immediate
and hence churn (Skok, D., 2019). actions.


Application go back and observe cohorts which

In order to build a cohort analysis you will are retained. Did they engage with
need to include the following variables these core features? Then you have
into your matrix: been on the right track (Skok, D.,
X-axis: number of days passed and 2019).
new cohorts
Columns: cohort joined on that day Specific actionable insights can be
Width of column: number of users in derived from this heatmap when you look
cohort into times where your users have been
Y-axis: number of days passed and active for a longer period of time in
cohort activity level comparison to where users have been
Colour: Activity level of cohort inactive shortly after signup. Afterward,
In order to determine the activity level you can check whether certain changes
of your cohort you can implement a might have influenced this behavior, e.g.
customer engagement score and change in product, different user
score users who perform certain key acquisition campaigns, etc. Another thing
actions higher than others. For to look into is when your cohort sizes have
instance, people who are posting a been particularly large and compare it to
photo on Facebook are more past acquisition campaigns.
engaged and less likely to churn than
people who log in and view one page. Finally, it is all about identifying cohorts
Allocate more points to the features which stick for a long period of time and
you think are the “stickiest” (Skok, D., are frequent users. Test different
2019). campaigns and product alterations to find
In a second iteration, you can prove out which activities attract highly valuable
your definition of sticky features if you cohorts.

Cohort Activity Heatmap

1 trohoC
2 trohoC
3 trohoC

High user activity

Medium user activity
Low user activity
emit revo level ytivitca trohoC

New cohorts over time

Fig. 4: Egan, J.

Practice The use of the activity heatmap is not

Ideally the cohort flattens and >20% of the suitable for all startups, though. Still there
cohort stick with your product for a long are ways to set up cohort analysis which
period of time. generate maximum insights. Refurbed, for
instance, monitors retention cohorts
Tracking user retention is extremely closely. They are observing purchase
important since users who come back on rates and purchase frequency of each
a, for instance, daily basis are more likely cohort on a monthly basis and combine
to renew their subscription. Usually, there these insights with engagement metrics
is a good correlation if people stop using (e.g. opening rates of emails).
the product the majority also stops paying
for it.

Across seed and series A cohorts need to

be monitored closely. It can be
distinguished between user, order and
revenue cohorts. Here, it is easier to
monitor the percentage changes versus
month zero. Only for revenue it is
interesting to see absolute numbers.
Another interesting thing to look out for
are power user cohorts.

Already at the pre-seed stage it is

essential to track retention, cohorts, DAU/
WAU/ MAU, and how the users engage
with the app.

"Usually you can see a nice correlation. If usage

drops the willingness to pay goes down and people
are likely to churn."

Markus Lang
Associate Partner, Speedinvest

Referral Application
Start your data collection, design who you

wish to survey and at which touchpoints
(Genroe) “How likely are you to
recommend this product to a friend?”
Referral metrics show whether or not Then cluster your survey results:
users are willing to refer a product.
Detractors = rating from 1 - 6
Neutrals = rating from 7 - 8
Net Promoter Score Promoters = rating from 9 - 10

An indicator for customer loyalty is NPS
which can be assessed by asking
customers how likely they are to %promoters
recommend your product (Datarockets, NPS =
- %detractors
2019). Moreover, your level of customer
happiness acts as a good indicator for
churn (Skok, D., 2019), customer loyalty
and therefore also future revenue of a

On average, a promoter is
worth 2.6x more than detractors

83% of satisfied customers are
willing to refer a product

People are 4x more likely to buy
if they get a referral from a friend

Referred customers are in

turn 16% more likely to stay

E E3 7

Start by analyzing your overall NPS assess the uptake and customer love at
and your NPS for the individual this point of time. A problem in early
customer segments (Skok, D., 2019). stages mentioned by Peter Windischhofer,
Based on your survey insights, start the founder of Refurbed, is the small size
implementing changes to work on of the sample. The implication for NPS is
your customer loyalty. that if it changes by, for instance, 10% on
A NPS survey is one way to determine a weekly basis and there are less than
your customer satisfaction. 100 responses it cannot be said whether
Alternatively, you can track sentiment or not this is simply a statistical error or a
via natural language processing (NLP) significant trend.
using tools like Google Insights,
Google Alerts or Brandwatch A workaround is to lower the scale to
(Dopson, E., 2020). either yes or no questions to increase
significance by lowering the answer
External benchmarks do not offer much
insight due to the fact that they depend
What the Refurbed team did in the
largely on industry, country and other
beginning was to call every single
factors. Thus it is recommended to use
customer to first of all increase response
internal KPIs and to strive to continuously
rates and second of all get more valid
improve them (Genroe).
insights. Their current NPS for their
specific industry is at 70, which is
During the seed stage it is vital for fintech
extremely good in comparison to others.
startups to closely monitor their NPS to


Revenue Practice
The focus of seed rounds is to

achieve actual revenue and top line
growth rates, but also seed stage
investors look at unit economics
In this chapter we give an overview of (Lang, M., 2020).
revenue metrics. Usually, a cut off after two to three
years is taken for lifetime value.
Everything beyond this is hard to
Customer Lifetime Value predict.


The customer lifetime value (LTV) shows
the net profit you can expect from one
customer over his/her lifetime
(Datarockets, 2019) (Jordan, J. et al.,
2015). A reason why it is essential to track
LTV is to obtain a clear understanding of LTV:CAC Ratio
how much value you generate per
customer after subtracting CAC (Jordan, Theory
J. et al., 2015). The ratio of these two metrics indicates
the level of sustainable growth of your
Application business (Datarockets, 2019). It
Start by analyzing your overall + your LTV essentially tells you if the profits from
for the individual customer segments customers exceed your costs of acquiring
(Skok, D., 2019). In order to calculate the them (Skok, D., 2019). If your LTV is
LTV you need two metrics: higher than the acquisition costs, your
Contribution margin per customer per business is sustainable (Samani-Sprunk,
month = Revenue per customer per T., 2020).
month - variable costs associated with
a customer Application
Average lifespan of a customer = Start by analyzing your overall + your
1/monthly churn LTV:CAC for the individual customer
segments (Skok, D., 2019).
Look at CAC and LTV individually
(overall and per customer segment) to
Contribution see which levers you can take for
LTV = margin c/m optimizing the overall ratio (Skok, D.,
* Average lifespan 2019).


In addition to financial metrics CAC, LTV

and CAC:LTV are important to know.
LTV When it comes to benchmarks usually the
rule of thumb of 3x LTV > CAC applies.
Ratio = CAC
Working with your own realistic
assumptions on customer churn and LTV
Practice is important to paint a valid picture
CAC should be lower than LTV. However, (Christopher Zemina, 2020).
in the beginning you probably don’t know
the value of your customers (Yin, 2020). LTV, CAC and LTV:CAC ratio need to be
monitored carefully with the gold standard
The Average LTV:CAC ratio is around 3:1 being 5X LTV > CAC which only very few
and hypergrowth LTV:CAC 5:1 (Samani- startups manage to achieve.
Sprunk, T., 2020). CAC should be
recovered in about 5 to 7 months (Skok,
D., 2019).


Focused target market Cross- and upselling
Customer referrals Increase referrals
Inbound marketing Reduce churn
CRO Add repeat business
Differentiation to competition Determine the main source of
Increased brand awareness customers with high LTV and pinpoint
Use freemium or free trials your ideal target group
Optimize customer acquisition
Capitalize on referrals - if possible
Automate sales processes
Use demo videos - reduces the
amount of salespeople needed to
explain a product (Skok, D.., 2019)


track the ratio of total revenue vs. MRR as

Revenue it indicates the level of stability of the
revenue stream (Datarockets, 2019).

Revenue indicates the total value of all
Business models in IoT and subscription-
sales in a given period (Datarockets,
based businesses need to monitor this
2019). A more in-depth analysis can be
metric across various stages from MVP,
achieved by measuring the return on
scaling up to established businesses.
investment (ROI) which equals revenue
Do not factor in non-recurring fees, such
per dollar spent. In the end, it’s about
as setup or hardware (Jordan, J. et al.,
showing the effectiveness of your actions
and achieving your business objectives
(Dopson, E., 2020).

Measuring revenue growth is an important MRR = Σ Recurring
fact across all business models,
especially in the stages MVP, Scaling and
in established businesses.
Letters of intent or bookings are not part Practice
of revenue (Jordan, J. et al., 2015) Depending on the business, it can be
distinguished between different types of
recurring revenue, either on an annual or
monthly basis. When reporting ARR/MRR
Revenue = Σ Services it is important to differentiate between
Sales bookings and revenue. Revenue signals
the amount of cash in the bank whereas
bookings show the picture of revenue
made in a year. This means the booked
revenue equals €1M in 2020 but the ARR
Monthly Recurring Revenue
for 2020 is actually €1M divided by 3.
This is the monthly sum paid for

subscriptions for your offering. MRR
provides a profound basis for revenue
predictions which is of high interest to MRR
external stakeholders such as investors. *Investors focus primarily on unit economics in
Moreover, it is important to continuously series A.

E E4 1

Churn MRR = Σ of lost revenue due to

MRR Growth canceled subscriptions
Net New MRR = New MRR +
Expansion MRR - Churn MRR (Law,
Theory 2016)
MRR growth for SaaS business is easy to
track due to its recurring nature (Law, Practice
2016). In order to make an in-depth Fintech startups need to focus on MRR,
analysis and to better understand what MRR growth, gross payment volumes, unit
drives MRR it makes sense to break it economics, EBITDA, and net income to
down into New MRR, Expansion MRR and indicate monetization and show the way
Churn MRR (Datarockets, 2019). A stable towards profitability.
MRR growth rate is indicating exponential
growth, as it needs higher revenues each Especially, for B2B SaaS and Consumer
month to sustain the same level of the Tech companies in the seed stage it is
previous months (Law, 2016). essential to prove their potential to
achieve recurring revenue. An important
Application distinction to make is product and
consulting revenue. Product revenue has
the potential to scale whereas consulting
services are usually one off. So, the
MRR Growth Rate = background of the achieved growth is
(MRR t - MRR t-1 )

Additionally, you can analyze your overall

+ your net new MRR for the individual
customer segments (Skok, D., 2019).
3x YOY growth for
year 1-2

Then calculate the individual contributions

to your MRR. Finally, you can derive the
Net New MRR which shows you the
additional MRR generated.
2x YOY growth for
year 3-5

New MRR = Σ revenue from new

Expansion MRR = Σ revenue from
subscriptions from up or cross-selling

E E4 2

Annual Contract Value Customer A has signed a 3 year
contract worth $36,000, therefore, the
Theory ACV is $12,000
Annual Contract Value (ACV) is the annual 100 customers subscribed to a
revenue per user per contract monthly plan and pay $100 per
(Baremetrics). month. Here the ACV is also $12,000



An ideal benchmark in the deep tech For fintech companies selling to
industry is an ACV of 100k. ACV will enterprises ACV is essential in the pre-
gradually improve over time with a higher seed phase. They need to show the ability
customer satisfaction. Thus higher ACV to expand a deal in the distant future by
volumes can be expected after the horizontal expansion or upselling. This
second or third year after a contract has can be assessed through reference calls
been signed with a certain client. with industries to understand their types of
usage in practice.


For B2B seed stage companies at least ACVs should be monitored closely in the
one customer should have converted and seed stage. Meaning, what are the ACVs,
proven the in the pre-seed projected ACV how are the contracts structured and who
and 2 - 3 customers should be in the are the buyers for startups in the industry
pipeline with a clear approach on how to space.
reach them and how to expand the
feature set.

E E4 3

Average Revenue per User

Theory Yearly Cash

ARPU gives you the average monthly Monthly Spent
revenue per customer/ user (Skok, D., Cash =
2019). There are two different use cases Burn 12
on how to apply this metric. Firstly, when a
later stage is reached, startups often
implement additional monetization
strategies such as upselling. Secondly,
ARPU can be used for experimenting with
different users to find the optimal
customer (Datarockets, 2019). Average Σ Monthly Burn
Burn =
Application Rate # of months
Simply calculate ARPU as stated
Monitor it over time for different
customer groups (Skok, D., 2019).
Total Revenue
# of Users When looking at the runway, you can see
the number of months until you run out of
cash (Datarockets, 2019).

Burn Rate

This metric shows you how much your
Total Cash
cash has decreased within a month Runway =
(Datarockets, 2019). Net burn includes Average Burn
incoming cash minus gross burn, which Rate
takes into account all monthly expenses
and other outlays (Jordan, J. et al., 2015).
Growth burn on the other hand also
accounts for marketing expenses for the
acquisition of new users (Law, 2016).
E E4 4
Founder Fit
vs. Product-
Market Fit
Marie-Helene Ametsreiter highlights that
founders are often busy and so excited
about what they do. Thus they are often
falling into the trap of serving individual
clients to their last wish and
individualization requests. And with that,
they completely overlook that they need to
prove that this can become a profitable

In this PoC phase a founder can’t work for

a year on securing and locking in one
client at all costs, even if it's a big brand
name, if at the end there is a payback
period of 10 years for this client.

Be strict and focused, in finding, in that

PoC phase the product that you can, sell
as a mass market product.

"Metrics do not
exist to impress
investors. On the
contrary, they're a
tool to continuously
improve your
- Julia Weinmayr, Author


Marie-Helene points out the importance of So, instead of optimizing the features for
focusing on metrics and being aware of the user, the startup also felt the need to
the most important KPIs across the optimize for the customer, which meant in
different stages. Sometimes early stage their case to include projects on the
ventures hide a little bit behind technology customer retention side like providing
and they are so product-driven and in feedback to the parents on the exercises
love with what they do and to solve certain (Fuzir, 2020).
problems - that they completely forget
about if this can ever become a business Lukas Fechtig Co-Founder and CEO at
case. Moreover, she highlights having a zerolens - Pre-seed startups should
North Star Metric in place, so the one not care too much about the logo, name
critical KPI which is important in a certain of the startup, or some unnecessary stuff
phase and can range from top line on the website. The only thing that
revenue to growth rate or to number of matters is creating something
conversions. “Really be spot on in being that people really want. This can be done
what is it that defines success in a by designing experiments that aim
business is something very often left out, to fulfil a need. Normally these
or given too little attention (Marie-Helene experiments can't be nailed 100% without
Ametsreiter). any bias - but can give a general
indication within a reasonable
Jernej Fuzir, CEO of Blub Blub states that timeframe. (Fechtig, 2020).
the startup was also revenue driven from
day one. However, they also take into
account soft KPIs like the number of kids
they helped with their app as well as
conversions throughout the app. What is
interesting in the case for Blub Blub is that
user and customer are two different types
of persons. The parent is the customer,
whereas the user is the child.

"I think the best founders that we see from a very early
point in time, they make sure they are very much on
top of the numbers.”"

Philipp Specht
Principal, Speedinvest
E6E4 6

Kicking-off A tip for startups from the founder of B2C

Startup Blub Blub, which is offering a
speech learning app, is to not rely on your

Drivenness assumptions but find the tool that you are

comfortable with and do a lot of A/B
Early On testing (Fuzir, 2020).

It is vital to understand the behavior of Moreover, they were able to predict

users which is a driver for product retention early on. Regarding benchmarks
development and the overall business. he highlights the importance of asking
Therefore tracking should start from day other startups and colleagues which are
zero. The initial steps of getting everything in a similar field but not targeting the
up and running are a bit painful but once same market.
that’s done it's pretty automated. (Bakker,
2020). Some KPIs or problems might be very
similar. Being open to ask for advice or
According to Philip Specht setting up and exchange insights can go a long way and
monitoring important metrics is something can solve a lot of potential issues (Fuzir,
that should be started early on. Some 2020).
startups simply postpone this exercise for
too long. He thinks that the best founders
that they see from a very early point in
time, make sure they are very much on
top of the numbers.

"Do not jump on all tools which are available on the

market when it comes to measuring the
performance of the company, but rather go through
sales calls with all of them and then choose the one
which offers the best customer support because
otherwise it is easy to be overwhelmed."

Jernej Fuzir
CEO of Blub Blub PAGE 47

Refurbed, the marketplace for electronic

consumer goods, is data-driven from day
one. Net revenue margin is their North “The first tip is, there is
Star which guides all activities. Their most only data drivenness in
relevant overall and marketing specific marketing. Everything
metrics are NPS, defection rates, else, from early stages to
conversion rates, average order value, late stages is completely
CAC, ROAS (for different campaigns), useless.”
share of wallet (merchant perspective),
retention cohorts, repeat purchase rate,
Peter Windischhofer
CPC (split up by different channels), and
Founder of
further ad platform specific channels:
Google: impression share, click share
Facebook: CPM, CTR

An aspect to keep in mind from the very

beginning are sample sizes, says Peter Doing qualitative interviews and asking
Windischhofer, founder of Refurbed. If a clients what they like and don’t
certain sample size is not reached it is just like enables them to get in-depth
random data and should not be relied on information (Fechtig, 2020).
to derive fundamental conclusions. A tip
for early stage startups would be to create Currently, zerolens is tracking
metrics with the sample size in mind. For their monthly revenue but also product-
instance, instead of asking for NPS on a specific metrics like how many 3D
scale from 1-10, they could simply ask models are available or the quality of
whether they were satisfied or not. This their sprint cycles (how long
means that significance gets higher with product development cycles should take
less answers (Windischhofer, 2020). in comparison to how long they
actually take). A piece of general advice
Like most early-stage startups, zerolens for early-stage companies, in the
has the challenge to set up a lightweight beginning, is that it does not matter if they
tracking system to gather data while not are 100% right - they need to be at
creating a big legacy system. The main around 80% (Fechtig, 2020).
idea is to get the maximum amount of
data and insights with a minimum amount
of resources needed.

E E4 8

As for their strategy on nailing Zerolens ultimate goal is to work with a

PMF, zerolens goal is to fill up their few select ideal customers at a time to be
acquisition funnel to enable as many able to fully explore and understand their
customers as possible to use the product true potential.
in order to be able to identify and iterate
on their ideal customer profiles. Due to
only a small sample size making in-depth
tests will most likely not yield highly
indicative results but need to be
supplemented via qualitative data with in-
depth customer interviews.

“In the early days, it makes the most sense to

actually talk to people about their challenges. Try to
create a questionnaire guideline that eliminates
biases and find out the real problem that users are
experiencing. That's all that matters”

Lukas Fechtig
Co-Founder and CEO of zerolens

Don't Forget but have not found a solution on how to

acquire customers and make it resonate
About with them. Another mistake is to

underestimate the importance of
sustainable growth, which is needed from
the get go. Founders tend to rely too
On the enterprise side there sometimes is much on paid strategies and the
the discussion of whether acquiring a acquisition of early adopters. “In
large number of pilots or focusing on a consumer fintech the typical mistake is
few and on converting them. It's great to the lack of hook.” (Anthony Danon, 2020).
focus on as many pilots as possible, but it
does not mean anything if they cannot be Specific lending startups often don’t
converted or if an existing account cannot manage the types of risks and they tend
be expanded, by adding more licenses to to over prioritize growth rather than
it, for instance. It's essentially showing getting the right customers. In B2B many
that you only a part of the blueprint can be startups cannot show scalability in terms
done but not the other (Bakker, 2020). of their revenues and expected growth
because they don’t have a proven way of

Grow optimizing sales cycles and acquiring

customers. Therefore, showing a way of

Sustainably how ACV can be expanded over time is

crucial (Christopher Zemina, 2020).
In B2C founders underestimate the lack of
hook and focus too much on the product Blub Blub tracks and optimizes metrics
rather than understanding their like repayment period of CAC, LTV and
customers. So they are trying to build a CAC. Moreover, the startup is focusing on
product that sounds very interesting creating a sustainable business rather
than aiming for rapid growth at the
moment (Fuzir, 2020).

"Startups often forget about retention, so they are

really focused on acquiring users and getting them
on the app, but then they might not really focus on
keeping them.”

Arnaud Bakker
Principal, Speedinvest

Track & But of course it can never be predicted

Optimize KPIs
precisely due to many influencing factors
such as seasonality, budget, geography,
etc.(Fuzir, 2020).
Sometimes companies do not have a
detailed overview of their marketing and Another tip by the founder of Refurbed is
sales data and do not track KPIs at all. to set up campaigns with the goal of
Even though at the early stage there is not learning and not selling in the beginning,
a lot of data it makes sense to start e.g. to test different channels, CTA’s,
implementing a metrics-driven mindset visuals, etc. Also, he mentioned the cost
and start tracking KPIs early on which is of testing due to the fact that in an A/B
exactly what successful later stage test there is always the risk that half of the
companies have done. customers have lower conversion rates
than the other half. But it is crucial in order
Regarding benchmarks, Refurbed to gain insights and learn.
compares itself with other players in the
market, such as Samsung and Apple, and Another tip is to question everything, test
the team aims for achieving a NPS which everything and put the subjective opinion
is higher than the one from the completely out of it. Especially when it
competition (Windischhofer, 2020). comes to pictures the personal subjective
opinion matters very little: Let data decide
Maintaining a healthy balance between which picture has the best conversion rate
paid and organic acquisition channels is and which copy has the best CTR for
an important issue. While obviously example, but do not interfere with
reducing the dependency on Facebook is personal subjective views on how to do
a challenge, paid channels like this are marketing (Windischhofer, 2020).
necessary because they are easily

“What I realize is that a lot of companies don't have

a very granular overview on marketing and sales
data (...) So most of them are really high level in
terms of what they are tracking and how they are
making decisions based on data.”

Andreas Schwarzenbrunner
Associate Partner, Speedinvest

Know How to Common challenges that have been

observed in deep tech companies are
Tell Your the correct distinction between bookings

and ARR and the correct distinction
between product and services revenue.
The distinction between product and
Founders need to tell a narrative with their service revenue is especially important to
numbers and the most important thing is see the level of revenue which is scalable.
that numbers back the overall story. For Marcel van der Heijden explains this with
CAC it is important that they are an easy example: "I might sell a product
calculated properly, meaning all costs are to a company for 50k a year and it might
factured in or what people consider as be a 70k consultancy project. That is not a
fully loaded CAC. An example is that if 120k ARR customer that means it is a 50k
one co-founder does marketing and does ARR. (...) Revenue scales. Services
not pay himself a salary it does not mean revenue does not scale."
that CAC for this time period is 0 because
in the future a marketing manager needs Clearly stating which formulas and which
to be hired. Investors look at raw data so assumptions were made are important
inconsistencies would always come up - when working with CAC and LTV
in the worst case during the due diligence (Christopher Zemina, 2020).
process. Moreover, it's not about having
perfect metrics at an early stage because Especially CAC is often discussed. It
investors know that this will change over should be broken down into paid and fully
time but founders should be able to show loaded because it also shows whether
a positive trend and a big enough companies can drive traffic organically or
vision (Lang, M., 2020). only acquire users via paid channels
(Bakker, A., 2020).

"Many founders/ investors don't take into account

churn rates or work with other simplifications.”

Christopher Zemina
Principal, Speedinvest

5 2E 5 2
Metrics are not only a set of numbers but How should you be able to identify
rather a reflection of the vision of a success if you don’t know where you
business. It is important to remember that started and have no goal on where you
no metric will be perfect but to understand are heading? Identifying the right metrics
that it is crucial to monitor metrics on an and measuring them consistently gives
ongoing basis because they help drive every business a powerful tool: the ability
what matters most in the business to reduce complexity and to improve their
(Golden, J., 2020). business based on facts, not gut feeling.

Start with the question of what is important To the right, find a summary of the main
to measure for your business and define a insights and tips we got from founders
North Star, one metric that matters. In a and investment managers when it comes
second step start setting up your to data-drivennes in startups.
monitoring as soon as possible. Ideally on
day one!

Our Quick

Leave subjective Focus on

opinions out of Product-Market Fit
marketing, let data rather than
decide Product-Founder Fit

Don’t hide Do not forget about

stuff retention

Start measuring your Calculate CAC properly

performance early on and facture all costs in

Pick metrics according Keep small sample

to your target audience sizes in mind and the
and only choose lack of significant
relevant ones information

When presenting them In the early phase do

tell a story of your not lose focus on your
growth plan. (Where product and
have you been, where remember that it needs
are you now, where do to be scalable and
you plan to go and how served to a broad
will you get there?) audience

Do not overly focus on Focus on acquiring the

growth and pure right (i.e. profitable)
customer acquisition customers

List of

Ali, T.
Ametsreiter, M., 2020
Bakker, A., 2020
Baremetrics, 2018
Butterfield, J., 2019
Chen, Andrew
Danon, A., 2020
Datarockets, 2019
Dopson, E., 2020
Egan, J.
Fechtig, L., 2020
Fuzir, J., 2020
Golden, J., 2020

List of

Griffith, E., 2019
Hubspot, 2019
Jin, L., Coolican, D., 2018
Jordan, J., et al, 2015
Lang, M., 2020
Law, 2016
Lemkin, J., on Quora, 2020
Reforge, 2020
Samani-Sprunk, T., 2020
Schulze, E., 2019
Schwarzenbrunner, A., 2020
Shafranik, D., 2019
Skok, D.., 2019
List of

Specht, P., 2020

Specht, P., 2018
Van der Heijden, M., 2020
Vouillon, C., 2017
Windischhofer, P., 2020
Yin, E., 2020
Zemina, C., 2020

List of

AARRR Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Revenue, Referral

ARR Annual Recurring Revenue
ACV Annual Contract Volume
ARPU Average Revenue Per User
ARR Annual Recurring Revenue
CAC Customer Acquisition Costs
CR Conversion Rate
CRR Customer Retention Rate
GMV Gross Merchandise Value
MoE Margin of Error
MoM Month over Month
MRR Monthly Recurring Revenue
MVP Minimum Viable Product
NLP Natural Language Processing
PMF Product-Market Fit
PoC Proof of Concept
ROI Return On Investment
SMB Small and Medium Business
TCV Total Contract Value
QoQ Quarter over Quarter
YoY Year over Year


Special thanks to

Marie-Helene Ametsreiter, Arnaud Bakker, Anthony Danon, Marcel van der Heijden,
Markus Lang, Andreas Schwarzenbrunner, Philip Specht and Christopher Zemina from
Speedinvest for contributing to this guide with their insights. Moreover, a big shoutout to
the Speedinvest portfolio companies who took the time and supported us with insights
and shared their learnings:

Lukas Fechtig, founder of Zerolens

Jernej Fuzir, CEO of Blub Blub
Peter Windischhofer, founder of Refurbed

About the Author

1st edition 2020
Author & Editor: Julia Weinmayr
Co-authors: Dieter Rappold, Janine Tricoire, Mitchell
Bradley, Julien Bercot
Design: Bernhard Grabner, Janine Tricoire
Publisher: Speedinvest Pirates GmbH, Praterstraße 1, Space
35, 1020 Vienna, Austria, 2020

Julia Weinmayr
Marketer and Data-Driven Strategist,
Speedinvest Pirates

is working as Business Analyst at Speedinvest Pirates,

the growth unit of one of Europe's biggest early-stage
venture capital funds. With her MSc from WU Vienna
she has an analytical mind and can jump into any
topic quickly, researching thoroughly until the last
insight is unearthed - as you can see in this paper.

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