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Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their life.

What are the reasons?

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
In modern society, there has been a major concern that many couples have delayed
parenthood. Some explanations for this social trend will be put forward before an analysis of its
impacts on society and family life is given.
A few reasons can be given to justify the trend of giving birth at later stages of life. First, the
labor market is increasingly competitive, and it is a norm that young parents defer having
children to devote the whole time in the first years of their employment to lay a sound
foundation for their future careers. Second, it is believed that children are raised better by older
parents. This seems valid since older fathers and mothers are generally wealthier, more
experienced, and more willing to take the responsibility of bringing up a child.
The trend exerts both advantageous and disadvantageous influence on society and families. On
the one hand, children born to more prosperous and experienced parents can receive a better
and more comprehensive education, and thus contribute more to society when they grow up. In
each household, the parents may also reap the benefits of this trend, as their first working years
are not interrupted by pregnancy and childcare. On the other hand, when an aged couple
decides to give birth, there are serious health risks for the woman in the prenatal and postnatal
period. If any complicated maternal health problem arises, the life whole family would be
turned upside down.
To conclude, the tendency to have children at later ages is caused by a number of factors, such
as the competitiveness of the job market for young adults, and both the positive and negative
impacts of it can be seen in families and society.
1. Introduction: delay having children
Some reasons, both advantages and disadvantages.
2. Reasons: 1. Competitive labor market => defer to devote time => lay foundation
for career.
2. Children better raised: wealthier, more experienced, responsible for
bring up.
3. Advantages & Disadvantages: Family/ Society.
1. Advantage: Society: Children-better education => contribute to society.
Family: not pregnancy & childcare (working)
2. Disadvantage: health risk (prenatal-postnatal period) => family life.
4. Conclusion:
Defer ST/VING = put off = delay (v) Trì hoãn
lay a sound foundation for (v) Đặt nền móng vững chắc cho
Couples = young parents Cha mẹ.
Exert both advantageous and Gây ra ảnh hưởng vừa có lợi và hại tới…
disadvantageous influence on ST/ST (v)
Positive and negative impacts of…
Be born to SB (v) Được sinh ra bởi ai
More prosperous and experienced parents Cha mẹ khá giả và giàu kinh nghiệm.
Reap the benefits of (v) Hưởng lợi của
In the first years of their employment = in Trong những năm đầu làm việc
their first working years.
Parenthood = pregnancy and childcare The state of being parents.
Old parents = Aged parents/couples Cha mẹ lớn tuổi
The prenatal and postnatal period (n) Giai đoạn trước và sau khi sinh.
Have children later in life = give birth at later Sinh con muộn
stages of life = have children at later ages =
delay parenthood.
The labor market is increasingly competitive Sự cạnh tranh của thị trường lao động
The competitiveness of the job market.

Bring up a child (v) Nuôi dưỡng 1 đứa con.

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