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The year started on a high note, with the territorial youth congress held at the
Salvation Army Mudavadi Girls Madzuu from 12th January to 14th January 2023.A
team from Kapsabet division led by the former D.Y.O Lt. Douglas Muhando
represented well Kamobo Corps which had performed well in the divisional
congress represented Kapsabet Divison in the territorial congress competitions and
did their best.

We thank God that as corps engaged in various activities in the division, in the month
of march 2023,we had a group of 14 scouts that represented the division in the
territorial scouts weeked that was held at Chebos Girls in Webuye division from 17th
March to 19th march 2023.We appreciate for the support that was given from the
divisional leadership by then.

In the month of April ,we had YPSMs forum that was planned to launch the DVBS
week according to the territorial calendar from 24th April to 28th April 2023.After
meeting for two hours at Kapkangani Corps each corps was given the DVBS
materials from the DYO to ensure that no corps missed in case they had not
downloaded as sent on the youth workers wall

All youth workers forum followed on 27th May 2023 at Yala Corps .The DC/DDWM
Majors Gitangita had good to talk to the team and have way forward for the year
2023.It was during the forum that the divisional leaders invited the youth teams at
DHQ on 3rd June 2023 for a party. The groups present were: Youth Band, Choir,
timberels and scouts .We thank the leaders for their initiatives of having all corps
represented in the divisional events through the mentioned group

On 29th July 2023,we had good time with our divisional leaders at Mwangaza Corps
to plan for youth rally in the month of august 2023.we thank God for the plans were
successful and the youths rally was held on 26th August 2023 at Kapkangani Corps
.Being the first youth rally with the divisional leaders ,it was also planned to be the
welcoming meeting in the youth department .All corps with their flags had a
wonderful march past from Kapkangani Shopping Centre to Kapkangani Corps
compound where they saluted the divisional leaders .The church hall had more than
600 young people that were counted with more seated in the tents outside. The theme
of the youth rally was: TO BE LIKE JESUS FROM 1 PETER 2:21-23.the lessons
covered were: Saying no to temptations by major Irene Imbukane, prayer by Lt
Elphas Kweya and obedience by Lt Millicent Andala. All corps had a chance to
present their items and the climax was the afternoon crusade led by Kapsoego Corps
who ended the day well.

On 11th November 2023 ,we had to meet again at Kapkangani Corps to do the post
mortem. After that we a clear picture to plan for a youth camp to end the year 2023.

We thank God for the divisional youth camp that was held at Kimondi Secondary
School from 14th December to 16th December 2023.From 1Timothy 4:14-Do not
neglect the spiritual gift that is in you, day one was arrival and official opening by
the DC/DDWM,in the afternoon Lt. Elphas Kweya taught about nurturing out talents
and then followed by major Hellen Jumba who spoke to youth on adolescence basing
on the scriptures concurrently with Lt. Erick Werunga who spoke to children on
Day Two was the most interesting when competitions were held for both children
and senior youth groups from all corps. We had choir set piece, Gospel dance,
Timbrels, band among others that challenged the senior corps who were used to
winning, it was wonderful for the upcoming corps topping the List!

Day three was the climax, where there was open air meeting at Kapsasur market then
official meeting fro closing led by the divisional leaders. During the meeting, the
best corps were awarded from the divisional commander’s office and it was well
appreciated from the youth leaders across the divisional for the good plans from the
leadership. We thank god for our divisional leaders who are always available in the
youth events to encourage, give support and direction when requires .The year 2023
ended in a style and we hope for the best in the New Year 2024.

By Capt. Dickson Andala DYO for DC

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