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1]•Instructions – The teacher is responsible to give clear instructions as to what needs to be
done, so that the students are aware of what to expect with regard to activities.

2]•Help/Guidance – The educator must help and guide the children. Children must not be to
independent when doing an activity, as the children lack the knowledge and skill to interpret
what to do without the teachers assistance and guidance.

3]•Control – The teacher is needed to be in control of the entire classroom at all times, this is
so any unproductive and unnecessary issues don’t occur. Children are normally known for
finding curiosity in new things.

4]•Lesson Structure – Teachers must carefully plan a lesson with the learner activities, with
this children will be directed to relevant matters. Children may not identify much with the
assistance of the teacher. When children attempt tasks they may discover false information,
they often concentrate on irrelevant information. Teacher must keep in mind plan learner
activities that are fun, educational and safe.

5]•Knowledge – Educators must ensure that the children have acquired the necessary
knowledge, so that they can understand the purpose of a specific task. As a teacher it is our
moral responsibility to ensure we teach the children, provide proper explanation, to plan
lessons and activities as well as to guide any observation just so that children are safe and are
educated correctly.


•Fats and Oils

•Vitamin and Minerals

2.2] A – Carbohydrates

•Carbohydrates are easily broken down into glucose

•They can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, bread and sugar

•Monosaccharide is the easiest to digest in carbohydrates

•Carbohydrates is the bodies main source of energy

B – Fats and Oils

•A certain amount of fats is an essential part of a balanced diet

•Adds energy to our body and applies taste and texture

•Too much fats and the wrong type of fat can negatively affect our health

•Fats are found in most food groups, mostly providing saturated and unsaturated fat

C – Proteins

•Building blocks of the body tissues and serve as fuel source

•Gluten is a protein found in grains and wheat

•Protein such as Albumin, without it we will swell up

•Fish is the highest in protein


Vitamin Source Function

-Vitamin A Liver *Required for vision, healthy
skin, bone and tooth growth
as well as immune system

-Vitamin B Red meat *Needed for the normal

function of the brain and
nervous system. Also
involved in the formation of
red blood cells, helping to
regulate and create DNA.

-Vitamin C Broccoli/Red and green *Required for growth,

peppers development and repair of all
body tissues [wound healing,
maintaining bone and teeth.]

-Vitamin D Cheese/Fish *Must have vitamin D as it

helps to absorb calcium and
encourage bone growth.

2.4]-Knowledge : is ones ideas of something and it is a real life idea, it is the correct it is the
correct idea of something. {whereas…..

-Mental frameworks : consist of correct and incorrect ideas. It’s how a person has an idea
of how things are but in their own personal understanding, it is incorrect as this is because it
is not the reality but an opinion of an idea.

3.1] 1>Always carry the compound microscope by the arm and base in an upright position,
that is closer to the body.

>Always make use of a cover glass when examining an object or organisms.

>Use a clean, soft cloth to remove any dust or dirty from the any part other than the
lense. Ensure no liquid is in contact with the microscope.

3.2] 1)- Mounting

-Position a thin sliced section on the middle of a slide and place the cover slip over the

2)-Smear slides

-Pipe any liquid sample on the slide, use the edge of a second slide and slowly smear the
sample creating a thin coat, put a cover over sample and remove excess liquid.


-It’s for soft samples. Wet mount, place lens tissue over the cover, gently press down, by
doing this you will squash the sample and remove excess liquid.

4)-Cover slips

-Hold the sample in place and protect them from any movement or contamination. Protect
microscope as it prevents direct contact between the sample and lens.

3.3]-Press down the cover slip after the mounting, with this you can get rid of any formed

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