PHP 2017

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HCX-003-003311 Seat No. _

B. C. A. (Sem. III) (CBCS) Examination

October / November - 2017
CS - 16 : Website Development using PHP
(Old Course)

Faculty Code 003

Subject Code 003311

Time: 2- Hours] [Total Marks : 70

1 Attempt Following Questions: 20

(1) HTTP stands for?
(2) Which function is used to delete variable ?
(:3) Which function is used to convert .Ison object to array?
(4) PHP stands for ?
(5) Which super global variable holds information about
headers, paths, and script locations?
(G) Which is default Hostname in mysql?
(7) FTP stands for '?
(8) sign is used to create variable in PHP.
(9) ,JSON stands for ?
(10) Write down syntax of ternary operator.
(11) Which symbol is used to define class selector in .Iquery.
(12) Which ifunction is used to send mail using PHP ?
(1 ~~) Ajax stands for ?
(14) Which function is used to substract string within string?
(15) Who is the father of php?
(Hi) SOAP stands for?
(17) Is post Method data display in URL?

HCX-003-003311 ] 1 [Contd ....

(18) Php file extension is :----
(19) function is used to execute SQL statement.
(20) Php is a scripting language.

2 (A) Attempt any Three Questions : 6

(1) Explain FTP.

(2) Explain Substr( ) with example,
(3) Difference between Static webpage Vis
Dynamic webpage.
(4) Introduction of CMS.
(5) Explain default argument function.
(6) How to assign variable form php in smarty ?

(B) Attempt any Three Questions : 9

(1) Explain Associated array with example.

(2) Explain Constructor with example.
(3) Explain html_radios with example.
(4) Explain types of hosting.
(5) Explain JSON Webservices.
(6) Write down step of WordPress installation.

(C) Attempt any Two Questions : 10

(1) What is PHP ? Explain $_POST and $_GET with
(2) ,What is Ajax? and explain XMLHttpRequst( )
object with example.
(3) What is Session? how to create, print and remove
;session variable.
(4) What is OOP ? Explain class with example.
(5) Explain capitalize and nl2br variable modifier.
HCX-003-003311 ] 2 [Contd ....

3 (A) Attempt any Three Questions : 6
(1) Explain foreach loop with example.
(2) Explain checkdate( ) with example.
(3) Explain desctructor.
(4) Explain Static and Global variable.
(5) Explain file_exists( ) with example.
(6) Explain php.ini

(B) Attempt any Three Questions : 9

(1) Explain fgets( ) and fgetc( ).
(2) Explain regular expression.
(3) Explain any three Server variable.
(4) Explain mysql connectt ) and mysql jselect jlbt ).
(5) Difference between Client side scripting language
Vis Server side scripting language.
(6) Explain isset( ) and unset( ).

(C) Attempt any Two Questions : 10

(1) Create a form and insert data in Following table.
Database Name: College
Table Name: Student
Field Name: s.nm, s_city, s_gender, s_address
(2) Explain GD Library with example.
(3) Explain cookie.
(4) Write code for uploading image file.
(5) Explain variable length argument function.

HCX-003-003311 ] 3 [ 1150 I 8 - 91 ]


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