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Shanil Faith J.

Famoso BSN II-Weiner

1.Do you agree with this statement: "Computerization of patient acuity and nursing care
planning is a new approach to improved patient care and cost-effective staffing."
2.Please support your answer in 1-2 paragraphs.
Yes, I agree with the statement because computerizing patient acuity and nursing care
planning offers many advantages. First, it allows healthcare workers to quickly access
important information about patients, helping them make better decisions about their care.
This means that patients can receive care that is customized to meet their unique
requirements, which frequently results in improved outcomes. Furthermore, by simplifying
procedures, the use of computers in care planning allows medical facilities to save time and
money. With less time spent on paperwork, nurses and doctors can focus more on providing
quality care to patients. Moreover, computerization can help healthcare facilities better
understand patient trends and needs, which can lead to more efficient staffing arrangements.

Furthermore, computerization can improve communication between healthcare team

members, ensuring everyone is on the same page regarding patient care plans. This can reduce
errors and misunderstandings, leading to safer and more effective care. Additionally,
computerized systems can help healthcare professionals quickly address possible problems or
discrepancies in patient care plans by automatically highlighting them. Moreover, healthcare
facilities may simply monitor changes in patients' symptoms over time by electronically
preserving patient data, which enables earlier detection and preventative care measures. All
things considered, staffing and patient care can be completely transformed by
computerization, improving outcomes for both patients and medical professionals.

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