Process of Implementation For Finished Goods Transfer From Plant To Ho

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Points to remember:

 Main motive of this process is to transfer FINISHED GOODS from Plant location to
Head Office and vice versa.
 Advantage of this module is that Dispatch Team can generate the GST Invoices from
both plant location and head office location.
For New Products:
1) After login in ERP System navigate to My Task -> Sales & Distribution -> 0931.
Finished Good Requisition. This requisition can be raised from Plant location as well
as from Head office location This is to be generated priorly to mention at which
location material must transfer and which products to include for transfer.
2) After navigating to Finished Goods requisition the user will have to enter the date of
requisition, then select location using “to location” drop down.
3) Now user will have to select the finished products to transfer from the datal list.
Please note that only Finished products with approved Packing BOM will be
displayed in the list.
4) The user will have to enter the requisition qty i.e. quantity to transfer and add
remark if any.
5) After that user will have to save the requisition.
6) Now user will have to login to plant location and then navigate to My task -> Sales &
Distribution -> 0554. Finished Goods transfer.
7) The user will then have to select the location to dropdown and select transfer to
location. Then select the address. User can also write the remarks if any.
8) Then user will have to select the FG requisition number from the requisition drop
9) The user will have to select the transporter name, enter vehicle number, enter
transporters receipt number, and enter the receipt date.
10) Depending on the FG requisition the user will get the dropdown filled of products
which are mapped in FG requisition and then click allot.
11) Depending on the Finished Product details, Product name, Pack Size, HSN Code,
batch number and qty will automatically get reflected.
12) We will also add the approval module for the same in order to control the FG

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