Gat Eng65 - Yt

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Part One: Expressions (Items 1 - 15)

Choose the best answer.

A get-together

A: We're having a get-together at Sara's house this Saturday. You want to come?
B: Yeah, that sounds fun. When is it?
A: It is at 6 PM. ______(1) ______?
B: Um, as long as I can get a ride.
A: Oh, I think I can pick you up. Maybe around 5:45? Is that okay?
B: Yeah, that sounds great. Can I bring something?
A: There will be some food provided so you don't have to bring anything. But if
you want to bring your own dish or your own food, that's fine. _______(2)_______.

1. 1. Do you think you can make it

2. What's your advice
3. What are you lacking
4. Do you want me to pick you up
5. Do you need a ride

2. 1. Your spicy Thai curry sounds good

2. That will be perfect
3. I think I can call some friends
4. It's kind of your choice
5. It's just around the corner
Change of Personality

A: Do you think your personality is different in each language?

B: That's a great question. Just thinking of it right now, I think maybe for me it's more a
question of the culture because think when am in an environment where
__________(5) __________, __________(6) __________.
A: Right.
B: I tend to try to be more cheerful, more open, or friendlier, I should say. But when I'm
somewhere where I know that it's expected of me to be quieter, I tend to become

5. 1. don't do that so much anymore

2. I pretend to be grumpy
3. my introverted self really comes out
4. I'm expected to be more extroverted
5. I get all the information I need

6. 1. I'd rather go somewhere a little more rural

2. I'm in front of a large crowd
3. I very much prefer my own company
4. that sounds awful
5. I tend to try to live up to that
Two home countries

A: I heard that you grew up with two homes. Can you tell us a little bit about what it's like
having two homes? Do you feel any particular loyalty more to one than the other or are
they both home for you?
B: That's a good question. I think for me, both places are home. I grow up in
Nigeria and in Canada. My extended family is in Nigeria. When I go there,
I instantly feel at home. __________(9) __________. It's almost like I never left. But
then I go to Canada, and I think that __________(10) __________. Like, I think more
like a Canadian. So that is home, too. A lot of my friends are in Canada. My parents
are in Canada.
So, I don't know. __________(11) __________.
A: So, it is possible for a person to have two homes then.
B: I think it is possible, yeah. And it's great. It's awesome.

9. 1. I feel completely alienated

2. They are moving on with their lives
3. I immediately make a beeline for Nigeria
4. They welcome me with open arms
5. It took quite some time to readjust to life there

10. 1. there's a lot to take in

2. my mentality is more oriented toward that way
3. I just put two and two together
4. it blew my mind
5. I spent a lot of time in Canada picking my brain

11. 1. I don't seem to accommodate both groups

2. It's not easy to reintegrate into my city
3. I've missed being away from home
4. I have a completely different accent
5. I don't really feel a conflict of interest most of the time
Living in the Yazidi community

A: What was your childhood like? What was it like growing up in the Yazidi community?
B: I grew up with 11 siblings, 8 brothers, and 2 sisters. We all lived with our mother in a
village named Kocho, which falls closer to the Arabic territory of Iraq. We didn't have a
book that we could read so my mother taught us through stories and lessons here and
there. Even as adults, we were still learning, because there's nothing that's written
down to teach us about our culture and religion. __________(12) __________.
A: __________(13) __________.

12. 1. We're talking about a moment in time

2. My mother is an advocate for justice and restitution
3. It's up to previous generations to pass it on
4. To have this all bundled up as experiences is a burden
5. We will not be delving into the details

13. 1. Never tell tales out of school

2. It will just come right up
3. That is a huge culture shock
4. That is only a matter of time
5. That is clearly an oral tradition
Part Two: Vocabulary (Items 16 -30)
Choose the best answer.

16. She kept all the receipts from her business trip in order to __________ her expenses
for the firm.
1. exclude
2. contract
3. exile
4. enrich
5. document

17. I have never seen a better __________ working partnership than that of John and
Mary; they are a true yin and yang in our workplace.
1. explanatory
2. complementary
3. temporary
4. mandatory
5. secondary

18. The dictator __________ power over the island for many years.
1. defeated
2. exercised
3. aggravated
4. deceased
5. offended

21. Please act as my proxy and vote for this slate of candidates in my absence.
1. admirer
2. specialist
3. representative
4. guarantor
5. assistant
22. Competing in volatile markets feels a lot like boxing.
1. vivid
2. growing
3. heavyweight
4. global
5. turbulent

26. In the __________ phase, policy makers will need to assure __________ with
requirements and develop a plan to update the regulation as needed.
1. navigation, abandonment
2. legal, context
3. implementation, compliance
4. regulatory, transaction
5. related, dispute

27. The ecosystem approach is a __________ for the integrated management of land,
water, and living resources that promotes conservation and __________ use in an
equitable way.
1. diversity, additional
2. strategy, sustainable
3. environment, expert
4. principle, concerning
5. guidance, excessive

28. The cost of corruption greatly __________ the sum of bribes paid, funds
misappropriated, and taxes __________. Corruption hinders development.
1. exceeds, avoided
2. contributes, reported
3. delivers, budgeted
4. affects, filed
5. demands, rendered
Part Three: Reading (Items 31 - 45) Choose the best answer.
Passage 1 (Items 31-35)

Given the plight of present-day coffee farmers. one might assume the coffee business
__________(31) __________, perhaps plagued by razor thin margins and floundering
demand. Nothing could be further from the truth. Globally, the industry is valued at more than
$200 billion. However, less than 10% of that aggregate wealth stays in producing countries,
and only 5 to 7% makes it to the farmers themselves. Much of the rest goes to wealthy
companies and their executives, who are almost exclusively based in North America and
As prices paid to farmers have steadily declined, what consumers pay for coffee
__________ (33) __________. Between 1996 and 2018, the average retail cost of a 16-oz.
bag jumped from $4.04 to $9.67 and the cost of a cup from $1.25 to $1.94. That would be
fine if it followed a trend of larger returns passed to deserving producers, but that's not the
case. If you bought a Grande Latte later today, you would probably pay around $3.65. The
farmer responsible for those beans would receive $0.02 or $0.03 of that.
Considering that the sleeve around that cup costs $0.05, the takeaway is that a small piece
of cardboard is more valuable than the farmer's work.

31. The best phrase to complete the blank is __________.

1. fill the lucrative role
2. gain more profit from what they produce
3. is largely unprofitable
4. adheres strictly to ecological farming practicing
5. relies on cheap labor to thrive

32. The word "aggregate" can be replaced by __________.

1. gross
2. costly
3. subsidiary
4. comparable
5. inconsiderable
33. The best phrase to complete the blank is __________.
1. has diversified
2. has plunged
3. has tripled
4. has soared
5. has expanded

34. Which of the following statements is TRUE, based on the passage?

1. Socio-economic marginalization does not exist in the coffee industry.
2. The financial disparity between producers and coffee companies is unethical.
3. The more consumers pay for coffee, the higher prices are paid to farmers.
4. Big companies experience systemic poverty traps and intense marginalization.
5. Coffee-producing countries are mostly in North America and Europe.

35. It can be inferred from the passage that the author __________.
1. opposes negotiating power farmers have in the sale price
2. believes that the coffee business is not making enough profit
3. does not support social justice
4. discourages coffee companies from sufficiently compensating farmers
5. urges coffee companies to pay fair, livable prices to farmers
Part Four: Structure and Writing (Items 46 - 60)
Items 46 - 50
Choose the best answer.

46. Long-term follow-up of vaccine trial participants (1) have revealed a (2) growing risk of
breakthrough (3) infection as (4) antibody levels among vaccinated (5) individuals

Items 51 - 55
Choose the best answer.

Gender equality is a human right, but our world faces a persistent gap in access to
decision-making power for women and men. Globally, women have __________(51)
__________ for economic participation than men, less access to basic and higher
education, greater health, and safety risks, and less political representation.

Education is a key area of focus. Although the world is __________ (52) __________ in
achieving gender parity in education, girls still __________ (53) __________ higher
percentage of out-of-school children than boys. Approximately one quarter of girls in the
developing world do not attend school. Typically, families with limited means who cannot
afford costs __________ (54) __________ school fees, uniforms, and supplies for all of
their children will prioritize education for their sons. Families may also rely on girls' labor for
household chores, carrying water, and childcare, __________ (55) __________ limited time
for schooling.

51. 1. less opportunity

2. less opportunities
3. fewer opportunity
4. fewer opportunities
5. a few opportunity
52. 1. made progress
2. made a progress
3. making progress
4. making a progress
5. progress

53. 1. make up with

2. make up for
3. make up for a
4. make up
5. make up a

54. 1. in spite of
2. such as
3. as a result
4. apart from
5. except for

55. 1. leaving
2. to leave
3. leave
4. left
5. to have left

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