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A Qualitative Study on Parents’ Standards Influence on Grade 12 STEM

Students Academic Performance at Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation

Group 5

Diaz, Ivan King J.

Mercado, Ñ ino Ybrahim P.

Patulay, Kevin

Vargas, Gabriel James B.

Costado, Rishan T.

Rodriguez, Mary Joy F.

Victorino, Kiesha Atheena G.


Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation, Inc.

December 2023

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Research and Technology Department




The impact of parental involvement on student academic achievement has

been recognized by teachers, administrators, and policy-makers who consider

parental involvement to be one of the integral parts of new educational reforms and

initiatives. This study synthesized the results of nine meta-analyses that examined

this impact and it identified generalizable findings across these studies. (Timothy Z.

Keith et al. 2019) Parental expectations are critical to higher education

participation, parents should closely observe and are aware of their children's

talents as well as their environments at home, school, and in the community,

parental expectations are essential for higher education involvement. Expectations

of parents for their children's future academic success are highly correlated with

actual academic results. (Pinquart & Ebeling, 2020) (Yamamoto & Holloway, 2010)

The students’ narratives reveal different kinds of parental involvement practices

that are not restricted to parents who hold higher levels of education or who are

familiar with the educational system. In addition, their narratives also reflected

their need for encouragement and motivation, their need for practical support in

everyday school life, and their appreciation of clearly expressed expectations

regarding education.(Schmid, E., & Garrels, V. n.d.) Parental support is considered to

be one of the strongest factors in student academic success as demonstrated by the

literature on the sociology of education. Supportive parents keep check and balance

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on their children and provide a guiding mechanism for their academic matters. The

child's academic performance is assisted through regular monitoring, and consistent

meetings with the child, and checking directly all the matters of school and class

improves the academic performance.

Based on some research, students whose parents hold high expectations

receive higher grades, achieve higher scores on standardized tests, and persist

longer in school than do those whose parents hold relatively low expectations

(Behdad Sadeghi, 2022) High parental expectations are also linked to student

motivation to achieve in school, scholastic and social resilience, and aspirations to

attend college (Hossler and Stage 1992; Peng and Wright 1994; Reynolds 1998). On

the contrary, Parental expectations had a larger impact than parental criticism on

self-oriented and other-oriented perfectionism, so parental expectations may be

more damaging than parental criticism. Parental expectations have a high cost when

they’re perceived as excessive, young people internalize those expectations and

depend on them for their self-esteem. And when they fail to meet them, as they

invariably will, they’ll be critical of themselves for not matching up. To compensate,

they strive to be perfect (Curran, 2022). These trends may help explain increasing

mental health issues in young people and suggest this problem will only worsen in

the future. It’s normal for parents to be anxious about their children, but

increasingly this anxiety is being interpreted as pressure to be perfect (Hill, 2022).

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This study aims to find out the parents' standard influence on students'

academic performance and to recommend that they stop putting pressure on their

children in terms of achieving high and also to suggest that they check their

children's mental health due to poor academic performance. This study examines

the impacts of parental support on the academic performance of students in Jesus Is

Lord Colleges Foundation.

The results of the study can offer valuable insights for future enhancements

and the implementation of techniques to promote and enhance parental

involvement in both home and school settings. Moreover, the study findings can

help educators and parents understand the importance of effective communication

and collaboration with each other.

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This study entitled “A Qualitative Study on Parents' Standards Influence on

Students' Academic Performance at Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation” will benefit

the following:

 Students. This research under consideration holds significant importance for

students as it enlightens them about the appropriate ways to manage their

parents' expectations and meet the standards set by them.

 Parents. This study will be of benefit to the parents as it will provide them with

information relating to how influential their standards are on their children's

academic performance.

 Teacher. This study will be of great benefit to Teachers, as it will allow them to

understand how Parents' expectations can have an effect on the performance of

their students.

 Future Researchers. This research study will provide valuable insights and

guidelines for future researchers who are planning to conduct studies related to

this area of research. By looking at the literature review and theoretical

framework provided in this study, future researchers can gain a deeper


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This research theoretically anchored on "The Modeling theory" predicts that

children will emulate their parents’ behavior; by devoting interest and time to

activities related to schooling, parents thus enhance the possibilities that children

do well in school. Reinforcement indicates the mechanism by which parent give

their children interest, attention, praise and rewards related to behaviors that lead

to school success. If these psychological incentives do not interfere with the child’s

intrinsic motivation and are valued by the child, they increase the effort exerted by

the child to behave in ways important to school success. Finally, parents can

influence their children’s educational outcomes by direct instruction.

Educational outcomes which are influenced by parental involvement through

the cited mechanisms include both cognitive skills (especially through direct

instruction, but also through modeling and reinforcement) and non-cognitive skills,

among which the most significant – according to Hoover-Dempsey & Sandler [1995]

– is the child’s sense of efficacy for doing well at school. The theory predicts that

children whose parents are involved in their education will be more likely to

develop a strong, positive sense of efficacy for successfully achieving in school-

related tasks than will children whose parents are not involved. This theory shows

that parental influence has a positive effect on the academic performance of

students, which can help support the research that the researcher is conducting.

A Pakistani author, Andleeb Haider authored of Parental expectations and

Effect of Perceived Academic stress on Students Performance, according to her

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about two-thirds of the students considered academic pressure as a cause of stress-

with no major differences across gender, age, grade, and some other individual

factors. About two-thirds of the students reported that feeling pressure from their

parents results in better academic performance. As an alternative of exploring the

potential for their offspring’s maximum probable values, parents influence by

imposing their expectations on them through their participation, monitoring,

obedience and support. Parental expectations are the desires about their children

academic performance and profession ambitions. Due to the expectations, parents

are worried during rearing of youth. A lot of parents consider that transmitting a

sense of high expectations to children is one way to inculcate them with self-honor,

self-assurance and distinct standard of worth and importance. But for the most part

of the time these expectations are idealistic and unachievable.(Andleeb Haider,

2022) High expectations to be successful can be devastating; in some cases it can be

harmful too. Parents often compress down and put high pressure on the youngsters

to conform to parental values. Many studies reported the association between

parental expectations and psychological adjustment, psychological distress and

academic performance in diverse countries. High parental expectations are also

related to student motivation to achieve in school, academic and social resilience,

and aspirations to attend college.

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Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Parents’ Standards Academic Performance of JILCF’s


The figure above this statement, presents the two factors that affect the

Academic Performance of Students at Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation. The factors

are there to know whether Parents Standard has a good or unfavorable impact to

the students academic performances. This study aims to contribute to the existing

literature on the impact of anxiety on academic performance and provide insights

for interventions that can help address anxiety and promote academic success

among Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation.



How do parental imposed standards affect the academic performance of

Grade 12 STEM students?

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Specifically, the study seeks to answer the following:

1. What are the factor influencing the parent's expectations of their child?

2. In what ways do your parents assist you, in terms of;

2.1 Emotional

2.2 Financial

3. How do the grade 12 STEM students manage this kind of academic



Main SOP:

What effects does the parent’s imposed standard have on student’s academic


Null Hypothesis: The researchers hypothesize that there is no relationship between

the parent standard and the academic performance of a student, therefore the

parent standard cannot influence the student in their academics.

Alternative Hypothesis: The researchers hypothesize that there is indeed a positive

and negative relationship between the parent standard and the academic

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performance of a student, therefore the parent standard can influence the student in

their academics.


Influence- Influence is the ability to cause desirable and measurable actions and


Reinforcement- the action of strengthening or encouraging something

Psychological incentives- an external stimulus, such as a condition or an object,

that enhances or serves as a motive for behavior

Interfere- to enter into or take a part in the concerns of others

Involvement- an act or instance of having one's interest, emotions, or commitment

engaged by someone or something

Efficacy- defined as the performance of an intervention under ideal and controlled


Positive effect- one's propensity to experience positive emotions and interact with

others and with life's challenges in a positive way.

Academic performance- the extent to which a student, teacher, or institution has

attained their short or long-term educational goals

Academic pressure- an experience in which a student is burdened by the demands

of time and energy to achieve specific academic goals

Parental expectations- the desires about their children academic performance and

profession ambitions. Due to the expectations, parents are worried during rearing of


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Psychological distress- non-specific symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression.

High levels of psychological distress are indicative of impaired mental health and

may reflect common mental disorders, like depressive and anxiety disorders

Aspirations- goals or wishes regarding their children's future educational

attainment in terms of what they want or hope their children to accomplish

Parental criticism- assesses critical or irritable behaviors directed towards the


Self-esteem- how we value and perceive ourselves. It's based on our opinions and

beliefs about ourselves

Mental health- includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It

affects how we think, feel, and act.

Anxiety- is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel

restless and tense, and have a rapid heartbeat.

Anxious- characterized by extreme uneasiness of mind or brooding fear about some


Parents standard- "Reasonable and prudent parent standard" means the standard

characterized by careful and sensible parental decisions that maintain the health,

safety, and best interests of a child

Academic achievement- describes academic outcomes that indicate the extent to

which a student has achieved their learning goals.


The scope of "Parents' Standard Influence on Student Academic

Performance" refers to the extent to which parents can positively or natively impact

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their children's academic performance in grade 12. It includes the various ways that

parents' involvement in their children's education influences their children's

academic achievement and the parental support that the student needed, like

encouraging, praising, and giving physical affection to the child. Parental

expectations for academic achievement This refers to the standards that parents set

for their children's academic performance and the degree to which they

communicate these expectations to their children.

We will not examine other well-known effects of academic pressure in this

context, nor will we discuss the well accepted reasons for academic failure caused

by parental pressure. This essay will discuss why it is critical to avoid these topics in

the workplace in order to keep a professional and unbiased perspective. We believe

that these subjects, while important and ubiquitous, can detract from the main

point. Our research is concluded once we have acquired a sufficient amount of data

and evidence to support our hypothesis or research question

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Review of Related Literature

This section offers a summary of the subject's published literature, its

relevance to the research topic, and any disputes or controversies surrounding it.

The researcher may assess what has previously been found and the routes that need

to be followed in order to build on that knowledge through this review.

Parent Involvement

Parental involvement is defined as parents' knowledge of the connection

between their parenting actions and their children's academic achievement as well

as their awareness of and participation in their children's homework (Nadenge,

2015). Parent involvement is "the participation of parents in regular, two-way, and

meaningful communication regarding student academic learning and other school

activities," as well as "ensuring that parents play an integral role in assisting their

child's learning, are encouraged to be actively involved in their child's education at

school, are full partners in their child's education, and are included, as appropriate,

in decision making and on ad hoc committees." Parental involvement is essential for

children's academic success, particularly throughout the and primary levels (Bogar,

2014). It also includes a commitment to students. Researchers have described the

role of parents in education in a variety of ways because requirements and

circumstances vary from country to country (Lemmer, 2012).

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According to Gyamfi and Pobbi (2016), parental involvement in a child's

education is recognized to significantly contribute to a number of the child's

excellent academic achievements. Academic achievement and excellent behavior are

two benefits of parental involvement in a child's education (Nyangarika & Nombo,

2020). However, it is undeniably commendable that parent-school collaboration has

many positive effects on the students. Parents are expected to take an active interest

in Parents-Teachers Association (PTA) meetings in order to show that they are

concerned about the academic performance of the children they have entrusted to

the care of teachers. Parents can become involved in observing their children's

academic progress by getting in touch with their subject instructors and asking

them about any academic difficulties their students are having parents can use a

variety of strategies to keep tabs on their kids' academic progress. These include:

effective parenting, Communication, oversight of children' at-home learning,

decision-making, and community and school collaboration are all important (Seni &

Onyango, 2021).

There will be numerous attempts made to ensure that pupils learn as much

as possible. There are many variables that can affect learning achievement

(Hardanti, Suhaini, 2020; 2016). Factors from within the classroom can lead to

increased student achievement. Pupils' actions or can also be brought on by outside

causes (Lastri et al., 2020; Rahmalia, 2019). Consequently, these two factors are

typically investigated to assemble information that will improve the growth of

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student success.Parental involvement is one of the potential external factors linked

to student accomplishment. Parental involvement in their children's development is

an important unconditional duty (Sujarwo et al., 2021). This is crucial due to the

factors that have an impact on a child's development are the environment and the

family climate (Umek, 2021). Children also require adults to play a part in their

development they are capable of (Bati & Kac, 2020). However, all parents desire to

see the best in a variety of ways, including education, for their child. Consequently, it

is very natural for Parents should always make an effort to ensure that their kids

learn and do well in school activities.

In 2013, Pinantoan (2013) highlighted the impact of parental, It is important

to recognize the impact of involvement on a student's academic performance. The

essay emphasized how crucial a student's home support system is in helping him

achieve his goals in life, just as vital as his intelligence, work ethic, and heredity.

Additionally, 52% of students have two parents who support them in their roles as

parents are more likely to love school and achieve straight, Compared to children

whose parents are not involved in what is happening at school. This is particularly

true throughout the foundational years of education, from Kindergarten through the

fifth grade, when pupils with involved parents have a nearly 2-to-1 success rate. The

impact starts to fade gradually after pupils enter middle school, presumably because

they are maturing during this time— but there is still a 22% difference.

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A strong parent-teacher relationship and parental involvement in their

children's academic success are positively correlated, according to Nadenge (2015).

Students believed that when their parents are interested in their education, they

help them make the best decisions for their profession and for their discipline

(Nadenge, 2015). This also produced fruitful outcomes. It has been discovered that

parental participation significantly improves children's academic achievement.

According to Juma (2016), there is a very substantial positive association between

parents' involvement in their children's schooling and their academic performance.

The best advice for school achievement, according to Morin (2013), is to make sure

that parents and teachers are working together as allies. She makes this claim in her

essay Working Together, Parent-Teacher Partnerships, which was just published

online. However, there may occasionally seem to be a chalk line in the middle of

your child's life. At home, a parent is the person who knows their own child the best

from head to toe—their academic potentials, social skills, and intrinsic attitude, to

name a few—while a teacher may only have a cursory understanding of the full

picture. A child's potential in the classroom, as well as her interaction with peers on

a social level, may become apparent. The combination of a pupil's home and school

environments may result in a deeper understanding of that student, a teacher can

identify where to tap to benchmark a child’s performance level.

The effectiveness of learning assistance provided by parents, teachers, and

the community appears to have a direct bearing on student progress. The level of

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assistance the student(s) received directly affected the amount of effort made to

attain their greatest individual success in school and active engagement in school

activities, which can be ascribed to their growth and academic progress (Jelas et al.

2016). According to Fajoju et al. (2015), their study findings prescribed that

guardians be more engaged with their kids' instruction and screen their children's

school participation. Moreover, school advisors and instructive therapists should

utilize different ways to accomplish more prominent parental contributions in their

schools. Thus, Niia et al. (2015) demonstrate that students, educators, and

guardians in Swedish schools attribute contrasting implications and equivalence to

students' interest in school in connection to academic performance. Students

consider the investment to be primarily identified with social cooperation and

academic accomplishment, while instructors see students' support as more firmly

identified with academic performance. The outcomes in past research regarding the

connection between cooperation and academic accomplishment can be clarified by

raters' decisions, as this association exists in evaluations did by educators

This indicates that throughout the course of the academic year, parents and

schools regularly discuss how to ensure the academic achievement of their children.

Involvement at home, involvement at school, and communication between the home

and the school are the three definitions of parental engagement (Anthony & Ogg,

2019). According to Barnes (2018), there aren't any specific effective parenting

techniques; rather, parental involvement is a frequent occurrence.

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The social consensus is that parental participation has a significant positive

impact on children's academic success. According to Ma, Shen, Krenn, Hu, and Yuan

(2016), family and community contexts play a significant part in student learning

outside of the classroom. Parental participation is therefore considered to be very

important to students' learning and academic success. Worldwide research has long

examined the link between parental involvement and academic success (Boonk,

Gijselaers, Ritzen & Brand-Gruwel, 2018; Roy and Giraldo-Garca, 2018). Depending

on the type of parental participation the study focuses on, there are different

relationships between parental involvement and academic attainment. While some

forms of parental involvement have demonstrated a positive correlation with

academic achievement, other forms have demonstrated a neutral or negative

correlation (Boonk et al., 2018). (Boonk et al., 2018, p. 25) reviewed the studies on

the relationship between parental participation and academic achievement and

came to the conclusion that while there is a relationship between the two.

Parents high expectations

We examine the study on parental expectations and how it affects students'

academic performance both within and between various racial and ethnic groups.

Our analysis reveals that parental expectations vary by racial/ethnic group and that

parental expectations among parents of racial/ethnic minorities are less influenced

by students' prior academic performance than those of European American parents.

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We pinpoint three processes related to race and ethnicity that affect the relationship

between students' prior performance and parental expectations in order to explain

this pattern.

Age, socioeconomic position, ethnicity, expectations matched to success,

expectations appraised, publication status, and informant all had an impact on

associations. Parental expectations predicted changes in a child's achievement,

according to the analysis of cross-lagged effects, showing that expectations had an

impact independent of a child's prior achievement. Parental expectations were

higher than what kids really accomplished. Educational expectations in children,

academic engagement in children, and academic self-concept, to a lesser extent,

parental achievement-supportive behaviors, were found to modulate associations

between expectations and achievement. We come to the conclusion that parents

should tell their kids they have high expectations for their education. Parental

behavioral academic involvement, such as checking homework and keeping in touch

with teachers, does not appear to be as successful in helping children realize

parental expectations as the encouragement of academic engagement and the

transfer of positive expectations. (a Meta-analysis. Educ Psychol Rev 32, 463–480


The degree to which factors impacting aspiration interact with perceptions of

a child's academic performance and other factors to determine perceptions about

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the possibility of admittance can be thought of as the parental expectation of higher

education involvement by their children. These expectations play a significant role

in both reflecting and influencing children's outcomes. They also serve as significant

indicators for our understanding of the transmission of advantage and disadvantage

across generations and as a potential policy target for reducing inequality through

efforts to "raise aspirations" in order to improve outcomes for underprivileged

groups. (Archer et al., 2014; Gore et al., 2015; Khattab, 2015; Prodonovich et al.,


In family education, the link between parents' educational expectations and

kids' development is a hot topic. In-depth interviews are done with 30 parents and

elementary school pupils in this study, and NVivo 12.0 qualitative software is used

to analyze the interview data. This study builds a model of the connection between

parents' educational expectations and kids' development at first using information

from NVivo 12.0. The introduction, literature review, research methodology and

materials, findings and discussion, and conclusions are the six sections that make up

this study. According to the study, parents of elementary school students have three

main expectations for their children's education: quality, learning, and life. The

study also found that parents' perceptions of these expectations vary, which affects

how they behave as parents. According to the study, parents of elementary school

students have three main expectations for their children's education: quality

expectations, learning expectations, and life expectations. Parents' perceptions of

these expectations can vary, which can have an impact on how they raise their

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children. When this happens, parents should continue to have high expectations for

their kids. Various perspectives on the subject are expressed in the research

findings, and understanding of parents' educational aspirations and can give

parents' advice on family education on a scientific basis. (Volume 2022 | Article ID


It has been generally stated that parental participation has a positive impact

on children's academic success, and demonstrated in a significant number of

studies. However, there hasn't been much focus on the detrimental effects that high

Children's motivation and performance may be impacted by parental expectations.

This investigational study looks at the parents who have high expectations for their

kids' academic performance and drive. It also aims to investigate the adolescents'

opinions of how expectations from parents affect their drive. To do this, 160 middle

and high school students from To gather information, a survey of high school

students in a public school and seven interviews were conducted. The outcomes

revealed that children's performance at a particular job they were under pressure to

complete did not seem to get appreciably worse, but instead they received exactly

what their parents desired. Additionally, they discovered that parents typically

make them without taking into account their children's hobbies and abilities. Some

Implications emerged from the analysis of the results. Some suggestions are given

for parents and teachers to think about assisting teenagers in their academic

journey. (Redfame Publishing, 2021)

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Parental expectations have long been studied as a factor in increasing

adolescent educational aspirations, often linking these expectations to parental level

of education and involvement in academic endeavours. This study further explores

this relationship in a statewide Midwestern sample of parents and their adolescent

children. Regression analysis and independent samples t‐tests were used to predict

adolescent aspirations and compare groups. Results suggest that adolescent

educational aspirations can to some degree be predicted by parental expectations.

Parents reported high expectations for their children despite low levels of personal

educational attainment. However, these high expectations were buffered by a

reported unfamiliarity with college requirements and an expressed concern about

college affordability and limited awareness of financial aid opportunities.

Limitations and suggestions for future research and intervention are discussed.


The current meta-analysis examined the relationships between parental

educational expectations and children's achievement across time as well as the

variables that mediated those relationships. A random-effects meta-analysis was

conducted on 169 studies that were found through a thorough search of electronic

databases. We discovered weak to moderate bivariate cross-sectional and

longitudinal associations between parental expectation and achievement, which

persisted after statistically controlling for socioeconomic status. Associations varied,

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in part, by children's age, socioeconomic status, ethnicity, the matching of

expectations and achievements, the type of expectations assessed, publication

status, and informant.(Pinquart & Ebeling,2019)

Parental support in academic performance

Wong Siew Yieng, L., Katenga, J. E., & Kijai, J. (2020). The Effect of Parental

Support on Academic Performance Among Students at Asia-Pacific International

University. Abstract Proceedings International Scholars Conference, 7(1), 1432-

1453. The purpose of their study is to determine the influence of parental support

on the academic achievement of college students. The findings of this study are that

even though there is a positive influence on the relationship between students and

their parents and they are supported, this does not sufficiently explain the academic

achievement of students. Based on Narad & Abdullah (n.d) according to them

Parents help young students to reveal their great potential in different ways. Also it

is said that, academic performance is one of the important goals of education

because it has always been influenced by a number of factors including parental


The impact of parental involvement and Support on student academic

achievement has been recognized by teachers, administrators, and policy-makers

who consider parental involvement to be one of the integral parts of new

educational reforms and initiatives. This study synthesized the results of nine meta-

analyses that examined this impact and it identified generalizable findings across

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these studies. The results indicated that the relationship between parental

involvement and academic achievement was positive, regardless of a definition of

parental involvement or measure of achievement. Furthermore, the findings

revealed that this relationship was strongest if parental involvement was defined as

parental expectations for academic achievement of their children. However, the

impact of parental involvement on student academic achievement was weakest if

parental involvement was defined as homework assistance. Finally, the relationship

between parental involvement and academic achievement was found to be

consistent across different grade levels and ethnic groups. However, the strength of

that relationship varied based on the type of assessment used to measure student


Parent involvement in a child's education is consistently found to be

positively associated with a child's academic performance. However, there has been

little investigation of the mechanisms that explain this association. The present

study examines two potential mechanisms of this association: the child's perception

of cognitive competence and the quality of the student-teacher relationship. This

study used a sample of 158 seven-year old participants, their mothers, and their

teachers. Results indicated a statistically significant association between parent

involvement and a child's academic performance, over and above the impact of the

child's intelligence. A multiple mediation model indicated that the child's perception

of cognitive competence fully mediated the relation between parent involvement

and the child's performance on a standardized achievement test. The quality of the

student-teacher relationship fully mediated the relation between parent

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involvement and teacher ratings of the child's classroom academic performance.

Limitations, future research directions, and implications for public policy initiatives

were discussed.

Using a nationally representative, longitudinal sample of 14,041 students (14

at baseline), this study investigated how differences between parents' and

adolescents' educational expectations affected teenagers' accomplishment. We

looked at actual and perceived disparities between adolescents' perceptions of their

parents' educational expectations and their own. Actual discrepancies were those

between parents' and adolescents' actual educational aspirations. When parents

actually had higher expectations than teenagers did, or when teenagers thought

their parents had lower expectations than they did, achievement was higher. In

contrast, whether adolescents thought their parents had higher expectations than

they did or when parents genuinely had lower expectations than adolescents did,

achievement was lower. Discussion is held regarding the implications for identifying

at-risk teenagers and encouraging flexible parent-child educational expectations.

(Wang & Benner, 2014)

Evidence-based predictors of enhanced postschool outcomes for kids with

disabilities include parental expectations (having high aspirations for their children)

and parental involvement (having parents as active and aware partners in transition

planning). However, little is known about how education professionals can

encourage families to have high expectations for their transition-aged children who

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have challenges. Nationwide parent advocates for children with disabilities were

consulted for their suggestions. The seven techniques and 13 actions listed below

give a "to-do" list that special education professionals can employ in collaboration

with families to encourage high expectations for young adults with disabilities to

succeed after high school. (Odel & Aspel, 2016)

A growing percentage of students are having trouble settling into college. The

stress students endure during their college careers may escalate as expectations of

college are not met. 36 college students were therefore evaluated before

matriculation, in their first year, and in their senior year. Comparisons were made

between expectations and actual academic performance, social life, family

engagement, and satisfaction with the chosen college. Except for greater family

participation, students' experiences typically matched their expectations. Stress in

the first and senior years was predicted by expectations of academic demands not

being met. Stress in the first year of vulnerability was predicted by disappointed

expectations for social interactions. (Krieg, 2013)

Setting high standards for every student in the classroom is a difficult task.

Underlying, unconscious assumptions may result in behaviors, choices in pedagogy,

or activities that do not match these lofty expectations, intentions and beliefs. Due to

historical conditioning and public and professional discourses on deficit positioning,

many Indigenous kids do not regard academic success as an integral element of

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their cultural identity. In terms of effort, learning, and achievement, high

expectations are typically regarded as a performance agenda. In this essay, we

propose the idea of high-expectations relationships, according to which perceiving

and implementing high standards through a relational lens gives educators the tools

they need to enable such performance results. We present this relational

perspective, where equitable and fair interactions create a trust-based interpersonal

environment, which supports both student motivation and the strong, critically

reflecting relationships required for high-quality learning. We demonstrate how

high expectations can foster collaborative staff environments, solid teacher-student

relationships, and supportive, trustworthy relationships with parents and

caregivers through the voices of educators. We demonstrate how a focus on high-

expectations relationships sows these beneficial educational characteristics into any

school community and how they promote the performance results of a high-

expectations educational agenda. (Sarra, Spillman, Jackson, Davis & Bray, 2018)

Policymakers should pay attention to parents' expectations for their

children's education and efforts to establish appropriately positive expectations.

Although little is known about the underlying mechanisms, prior research suggests

that early saving for a child's postsecondary education might build and sustain high

parental expectations. In this study, child development accounts (CDAs), a policy to

promote early financial investments in education and to alter parents' expectations

for their young children's educational objectives, are examined using data from a

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randomized experiment. In order to determine whether parental account holding

for children's college (a) positively affects parents' expectations for their children's

educational attainment and (b) mediates the effect of the CDA on parents'

educational expectations at an early stage of their child's development, it is

important to consider the key findings from our research. We use information from

The first randomized social experiment to assess all-encompassing and progressive

CDAs was the SEED for Oklahoma Kids (SEED OK) experiment. With marginal

structural models, we do a path analysis and an additional analysis (n = 2160). We

discover that having a college savings account significantly affects parents'

expectations for their children's educational success, and that having an account or

not mediates the impact of CDAs on these expectations. The data point to the

possibility that CDAs encourage early parental financial involvement and high

expectations. Discussions on research and policy ramifications.(Kim, Huang,

Sherraden & Clancy,2017)

It is a frequent misconception that ethnic minority (EM) parents have low

expectations for their kids' education because of their poor social and economic

circumstances. However, some research indicate that EM parents may have high

expectations because they want their kids to advance in society. The expectations of

Pakistani parents toward early childhood education (ECE) were compared to those

of Hong Kong parents in this study, and the influence of acculturation on Pakistani

parents' expectations of ECE was also studied. Participants included 214 Hong Kong

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parents and 73 first-generation Pakistani parents who live in Hong Kong. They

responded to surveys that gauged their expectations about ECE. Parents from

Pakistan also responded to a survey that measured the level of acculturation. The

results of the moderation analysis showed that there were substantial interactions

between child gender and culture in all the parental expectations in various ways

for ECE. Particularly, parents in Pakistan had higher expectations for ECE than

parents in Hong Kong. In addition, parents in Pakistan generally reported having

much higher expectations for boys than for girls, whereas, with a few exceptions,

parents in Hong Kong had significantly higher expectations for girls than for boys.

Additionally, regression analysis revealed that marginalization and integration were

favorably connected to a number of parental expectation variables. These results

shed light on the promotion of gender-equal ECE and offer a groundbreaking insight

of what Pakistani parents in Hong Kong demand from ECE. (Chan & Li, 2020)

The current study used task values and self-perceptions of skill in

mathematics, Finnish, and the arts as indicators to assess the stability and evolution

of students' motivational profiles from Grade 7 (Time 1) to Grade 9 (Time 2). In

addition, while controlling for gender and academic performance, the study looked

at the effects of students' motivational profiles in Grade 7 (N = 231; Grade 9: N =

237) and their parents' educational aspirations in Grade 7 on their short- and long-

term educational objectives in Grade 9. Four motivational profiles were developed

by latent profile analysis and were found to be highly stable from Grades 7 to 9.

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These profiles were (1) low motivation group, (2) high motivation group, (3) math-

motivated group, and (4) practical group. Results indicated that, Compared to a

degree from an academic track (short term) or a university (long term), students in

the high motivation group and the math-motivated group were significantly less

likely to pursue a degree from a vocational school. High educational expectations

among teenagers in Grade 9 were positively influenced by parents' high

expectations for their children's short- and long-term ambitions in Grade 7 as well.

(Lazarides, Viljaranta, Aunola, Pesu & Nurmi, 2016)

Teenagers are surrounded by people who think they have what it takes to go

to college. Few research, however, have looked at how these various kinds of

college-going aspirations relate to students' actual status in postsecondary

education years later. The study utilizes underutilized statistical methods (cross-

classified multilevel modeling) to account for teacher comments on overlapping

groups of pupils (typical of high school research) and depends on data gathered in

the 2002–2006 Educational Longitudinal Study. The findings demonstrated that in

the 10th grade, having high expectations for students, parents, and English and

mathematics teachers independently predicted postsecondary status four years

later. The four sources of expectations collectively predicted more variation in

postsecondary education than did factors like socioeconomic status and academic

standing or student characteristics. This signifies having high hopes are additive and

promotive for students regardless of their risk status. Teacher expectations were

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also found to be protective for low income students. Implications for future

expectancy research and equity-focused interventions are discussed. (Gregory, A.,

Huang, F. 2013)

Although Hispanic youth have high aspirations for their own educational success,

the average level of educational success for Hispanic young people is rather low.

There is little research connecting the educational aspirations of Hispanic

adolescents with adult success. The authors looked at the differences in educational

expectations and later accomplishment in 2 cohorts (N = 1,372 and N = 1,521) of

Hispanic adolescents from 10th to 12th grade using a longitudinal within-group

approach. According to two national polls conducted roughly 12 years apart

(NELS:88 and ELS:02), Hispanic adolescents' expectations of earning a college

degree increased. Most Hispanic young adults did not achieve the level of education

they had hoped for, and this discrepancy widened with time, in line with general U.S.

trends. Achieving expectations was positively correlated with parental education,

and Over time, the importance of family income for meeting expectations increased.

Second-generation adolescents came closer to achieving their expectations than

third- or higher-generation youth of equal status, which is consistent with the

immigrant paradox and the immigrant optimism hypothesis. The patterns of

educational aspirations and achievement varied by cohort; for example, immigrants

from the more recent cohort had a far lower likelihood of meeting their goals than

immigrants from earlier generations. Last but not least, there was a correlation

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between educational expectations and attainment outcomes and family

participation in school (i.e., parents' educational aspirations). This study contributes

to our understanding of the factors that influence Hispanic youth's ability to retain

and meet their educational goals as well as how these factors have evolved over

time. The findings of the study are used to support the educational potential of

Hispanic adolescents and young adults. (Record in the PsychINFO database (c) 2019

APA, all rights reserved)

The socialization of academically relevant child behaviors, beliefs, and talents

has been theorized to be significantly influenced by parents' aspirations for their

children's ultimate educational accomplishment. In addition to social transmission

of educationally important beliefs from parents to children, there may be a

bidirectional relationship between parental expectations and kid features. We test

this theory using twin data from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study-Birth and

Kindergarten cohorts that are both longitudinal and genetically informative.

According to our behavior genetic findings, parental expectations partially reflect

child genetic variance even when the child is just 4 years old. Two categories of kid

characteristics—behavioral tendencies (approaches to learning and problem

behaviors) and achievement (math and reading)—were proposed to be involved in

these child-to-parent effects. We identify within-twin-pair connections between

these child behavior genetic models and parental expectations and character traits.

We discover that initial variation in a child's traits predicts future educational

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expectations above and beyond previous educational expectations using

longitudinal cross-lagged models. These findings are in line with transactional

frameworks where child-to-parent and parent-to-child effects co-occur. (PsycINFO

Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved)

In comparison to students who had stable STEM expectations or who

switched from non-STEM to STEM expectations by the time they reached the

eleventh grade, students whose parents had not attended college were considerably

more likely to have stable non-STEM job expectations. Additionally, compared to

adolescents with college-educated parents, students with noncollege-educated

parents were less likely to obtain STEM support from their parents and participate

in extracurricular activities. However, when looking at the predictors among kids

whose parents did not have college degrees, it was shown that children who

received parental STEM support were more likely to maintain their aspirations for a

STEM future from ninth to eleventh grade (as opposed to transitioning to a non-

STEM job). Additionally, all students were more likely to sustain their expectations

for a successful future regardless of the educational level of their parents. If students

had gotten teacher support for STEM, they could have chosen to pursue a STEM

career through high school rather than a non-STEM one. Additionally, students who

received parental STEM support were more likely to establish STEM job

expectations rather than maintain non-STEM career expectations. These results

demonstrate how parental and educational STEM support may raise STEM career

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expectations, particularly for adolescents whose parents did not complete college.

(Starr, Carranza & Simpkins, 2022)

Parental involvement is critical for primary school academic performance,

and it needs parents to be aware of the influence of their actions on their children's

progress and to participate in homework and school events. To track growth,

effective parenting practices, communication, and monitoring of at-home learning

are required. Parental participation, on the other hand, tends to drop throughout

the transition to junior and senior high, and socioeconomic position might influence

engagement levels. Overbearing parents can make their children anxious, yet

investing quality time and offering praise can lead to improved cognitive and social

development. To encourage parental engagement, school counselors and

educational therapists should use a variety of strategies. Even after controlling for

intellect, a research found that parental participation had a substantial connection

with a child's academic achievement. Potential mediators of this correlation were

found as the child's impression of cognitive capacity and the quality of the student-

teacher interaction, emphasizing the necessity of parental participation in

improving educational results. Additional ways to promote parental participation

can be investigated in future studies.

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Methodology of the Study

Methods and Techniques Used

The purpose of this research is to analyze the influence of parents' standards

on the academic performance of Grade 12 STEM students at Jesus Is Lord Colleges


Through a qualitative study, the research aims to understand the

expectations and standards that parents have for their children's academic

performance and how these standards affect students' motivation, study habits, and

overall academic achievement in STEM subjects. One of the most prevalent

qualitative research methodologies is conducting in-depth interviews. It is a one-on-

one interview with only one respondent at a time. This is primarily a conversational

strategy that allows for in-depth information from the respondent.

One of the advantages of this method provides a great opportunity to gather

precise data about what people believe and what their motivations are. If the

researcher is well experienced asking the right questions can help him/her collect

meaningful data. If they should need more information the researchers should ask

such follow up questions that will help them collect more information. Bhat, A.

(2018, March 27)

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These interviews can be performed face-to-face or on phone and usually can last

between half an hour to two hours or even more. When the in-depth interview is

conducted face to face it gives a better opportunity to read the body language of the

respondents and match the responses.

Respondents of the Study

The research study was conducted at the Jesus is Lord Colleges Foundation,

Inc. The researcher selected 5 respondents who are Grade 12 senior high school

STEM students with a criteria of having honors and with high honors and who

expressed their willingness to share their experiences. The researcher discovered

that a considerable number of participants could potentially affect the study's

results, leading to confusion. This is because a smaller group enables the researcher

to establish closer relationships with participants, leading to more natural


If the number of primary data sources accessible to contribute to the study is

restricted, achievement sampling may be the only viable option. One of the most

important is their willingness to share their experiences. One of the sampling

approaches available is achievement sampling (Cooper et al., 2021). To fully

comprehend and describe a certain willingness and experience of the achievers.

Adaptive to performed. It’s a sort of achievement sampling that’s beneficial when a

researcher wishes to investigate a natural conversation of the achievers or

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investigate their "perspective" or "experiences" of the affected achievers and The

researcher noticed that a number of participants might have an impact on the

achievers in Grade 12 senior high school STEM students from Jesus is Lord Colleges

Foundation, Inc.

Instruments of the Study

The researchers used a questionnaire that is based on the topic of parental

high expectations. The said questionnaire will consist of 10 questions meant to be

answered by respondents. The questions are divided into three parts: struggles,

implication, and effects on their academic performance. These three variables need

to be acknowledged and answered to fulfill the objectives of this study.

Popping (2015) states that someone is sincerely interested in studying the

responses to open-ended survey questions. Several options for thematic text

analysis are discussed in this text. It outlines options for developing a code system

and begins with requirements that need to be asked of the open-ended questions

themselves. Qualitative studies utilizing open-ended questions enable researchers

to take a comprehensive and in-depth look at the topics being studied because

respondents can provide more options and opinions than would be possible with a

closed-question or forced-choice survey measure. This article briefly discusses the

various benefits of open-ended survey questions before examining how to develop

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well-constructed open-ended survey questions. Both of them are utilized in this

instance as instructed by this study.

However, every question presented is guaranteed to be pertinent to the

primary goal of this study, which is to understand the challenges and impacts on

parents' high expectations of high school students of Jesus Is Lord Colleges

Foundation Inc., The data collected from the respondents would be handled with the

utmost respect by the researchers.

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Data Gathering Procedure

This section outlines the additional order which the researchers will gather data.

The following are the steps to take:

1. To serve as the study's instrument, the researcher developed an open-ended

questionnaire to assess the impact of parents' standard influences on students'

academic performance. Due to the questions' complete measurement of what is

meant to elicit participants' varied and in-depth thoughts, it is possible to have a

more exact understanding of the complicated ways that parental expectations and

support affect students' accomplishment.

2. The researcher will draft a letter that will be sent to the school's principal to

obtain full approval for the study and prevent any complications during the

research process.

3. After receiving the school principal's letter of consent, the researchers will ask the

practical research teacher's approval for the questionnaire that they made. This

stage is essential for making sure the questionnaire is legitimate, dependable, and

appropriate for the research project. This will improve the success of the study as a

whole and make sure that the questionnaire gathers the information it requires. The

researcher can be confident that the questionnaire will produce relevant

information about the study's issue once the practical research advisor has given

her or his authorization.

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4. The questionnaire will be distributed to 5 senior high school students in grade 12

stem. We ensure that each question are clearly understood and truthfully


5. The researcher will retain the respondents' information regarding the question

that they answered once they have provided sufficient information, with the use of

an audio-recorded interview.

6. The researcher will retain the respondents' information regarding the question

that they answered once they have provided sufficient information.

7. The gathered information will be analyze by the use of coding , the researcher

will categorize and arrange the collected data to make it easier to assess, condense,

and analyze the responses.

8. All of the information collected have been coded and are prepared to be used in

this study.

Data Processing and Data Generation

The data collected from the research study will be processed through several

stages to ensure accuracy and reliability. Firstly, all recorded data will be

transcribed into a digital format and then reviewed to eliminate any errors or

inconsistencies. Next, the data will be organized and categorized according to the

research questions and themes. Key themes and patterns will then be identified, and

data will be coded accordingly. The research team will also conduct peer reviews of

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the coding process to ensure consistency and reliability. Finally, the data will be

synthesized into a comprehensive report that summarizes the findings of the

research study.

To generate the data for the research study, a qualitative research design will

be employed. This approach will involve the use of focus groups and in-depth

interviews with parents and grade 12 STEM students at Jesus Is Lord Colleges

Foundation. The participants will be selected through a purposive sampling

technique based on their academic performance in the STEM program. The data

collection process will involve the use of open-ended questions that are designed to

elicit information about parents' standards and their influence on academic

performance. The interviews and focus groups will be audio-recorded, and detailed

field notes will be taken to ensure that all relevant information is captured. The

data will be analyzed using thematic analysis, which will involve identifying and

coding patterns and themes related to the research questions. The findings will be

presented in a comprehensive report that summarizes the research results.

The research study will employ a qualitative research design to generate data

through focus groups and in-depth interviews with parents and grade 12 STEM

students at Jesus Is Lord Colleges Foundation. The data collected will be processed

through several stages to ensure accuracy and reliability. Thematic analysis will be

used to identify and code patterns and themes related to the research questions, and

the findings will be presented in a comprehensive report.

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Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter covers the data analysis, interpretation, and discussion of the

results acquired through the administration of interviews with ten questions taken

from a total of five respondents who are all Senior high school students from Jesus Is

Lord Colleges Foundation Inc.

The collected data will be divided into 4 sections, with each section

consisting of one to three tables encompassing the question, the collected response,

and the interpretation of the respondent's answer.

The first part, 1:1–1:3, of the table discusses parental pressure and its effect.

This includes the respondent's response to parental experiences involving parental

pressure related to academic performance, their parents' expectations for their

Grade 12 STEM academic performance, and their perceptions of their parents'

capacity to provide support for their learning at home.

The second part of Tables 2:1-2:3 discusses balancing academic life. We

explored the significance of academic performance to the respondents, including

their belief in the comprehensive growth facilitated by academic accomplishments

as well as how their academic workload limits their ability to enjoy their hobbies.

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The third part of Table 3:1–3:3 discusses the high standard and coping

strategies. impact parental academic standards on the respondents' academic

performance and general learning approach. How they managed the standard

established by their parents.

The fourth part of Table discusses the positive and negative impact of

parental standards on their academic performance.

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Table 1.1

Parental Pressure and Academic Performance

This table focuses on the individual's perception of when they experienced an

excessive amount of pressure from their parents regarding academic performance.

Question Text Code Theory

1. When did you Respondent 1: According to
feel that your “Sakin iba yung the respondent,
Lack of Personal
parents put too pag didisiplina ng they conveyed a
Time Managemen
much pressure magulang ko sakin sense of being
on your may oras lang pressured as a
academic silang naka a lot result of their
performance? para sa cellphone parents'
ko and oras na regulation of
naka a lot habang screen usage.
gising ako kase pag They
pinatigil nila emphasized the
cellphone ko pressure
mayroong time na associated with
syempre may hinde being a high
ako ganun kabilis achiever,
gumawa hinde ako influenced by
ganong ka their parents'
opatience sa mga past academic
movements ko kaya success. Despite
may times na kung not facing direct
kailan ako yung pressure but
mumentum ng pag social
gawa is nandun na comparison.
tyaka nila ako
pahihintuin which
will put academic
pressure on a way
na need ko ito
tapusin kailangan
ko gumising ng
maaga parang
naiinvalidate ko na
yung pagtulog ko
ng maaga for

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health benefits.”

Respondent 2:
“Yung ano
nararamdaman ko
yung pressure sa Expectations of
parents ko kapag Academic
diba ano ka Excellence
academic achiever
ka but at the same
time habang nasa
taas ka nag e
expect ka Lalo sayo
na for example
mataas Yung
grades mo so
dapat even na ma
maintain mo Yung
grades mo or dapat
mas tumaas pa
yung grades mo sa
current grades mo
dun ko
yung pressure sa
magulang ko.”

Respondent 3:
“Okay so when
actually yung
parents ko never
Influences on
silang nagingstrict
sakin academic
performance ko
never sila uy Isa
kaylangan mataas
grades mo never
sila nagkickout sa
buong buhay ko
pero there are
instances talaga
napepressure ako
especially nung

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nalaman ko yung
nanay ko pumasa
nang upcat without
studying it is was
when napressure
ako dyan sobra oo
sa mga kwento nila
sasabihin nila Isa
you don’t have to
worry about that
ako nga e di
nakapag review
pumasa pa ako ng
Upcat mommy mas
yon so yun yung
time na
naramdaman ko.”

Respondent 4:
“Kasi para sakin
yung parents ko Lack of Perceived
kasi hindi naman Pressure
sya yung sobrang
strict na ano na
need nya na mag
put ng standards sa
ano sa kunwari sa
performance ko
mga ganon. Hindi
nakakaramdam ng

Respondent 5:
“Hindi naman sa
pinepressure nila Social Comparison
ako kase ako yung
nagpepressure sa
sarili ko pero base

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on may father’s
kapag parang
nakikita niya na
mababa ang
grades ko is parang
niya sa grade ng
iba na nakikita
niya like parang ay
hindi dapat ano si
ganito mataas
yung grade tapos
ikaw ganyan lang.”

This table explores the respondent's academic experience, discusses the

information obtained from the interviewees reveals the complex dynamics of

parental impact on academic achievement, revealing pressure from parents' screen

usage, high achievement expectations, and parental strictness. It highlights the

complexity of academic pressure, including time management, expectations,

external pressures, perceived parental strictness, and internalized norms. The study

highlights the need for a balanced approach to academic success.

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Table 1.2

Parental Academic Expectations

This table explores the specific academic expectations that the individual's parents

have for their performance in Grade 12 STEM

Question Text Code Thoery

2. What are your Respondent 1: Based on the
parents' academic “Sakin thankful ako respondent's
expectations for kase ayun wala perspective,
Expectations for
your Grade 12 silang ineexpect parental
STEM academic sakin basta ang expectations have
performance? gusto sumunod ako an impact on
sa kanila every academic
time na performance, and
pinapatulog nila these expectations
ako and every time differ depending
na pinapatigil na on factors such as
yung cellphone ko compliance,
for discipline pursuit of
purposes and yung scholarships, and
nakukuha ko na the aspiration for
information sa pag high
aaral is hinde ko accomplishment. It
lang sya is essential to
matutunan ngayun maintain a high
tapos level of academic
makakalimutan ko achievement when
bukas which pursuing a
parang university
disadvantage sa scholarship.
mga pangarap ko
sa buhay ayun
alalahanin ko lang
yun kahit hindi
ganun kataas basta
masaya at healthy
ako after a year.”

Respondent 2:
“Expectation lang

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naman sakin
ngayon ano, siguro
High Academic
ang ano lang
Expectations for
parang ang
Expectation lang
nila sakin ngayon is
maka kuha talaga
ako ng grades na
papasok kasi diba
mag i start na Yung
mag hahanap kasi
kami ng
scholarship Para sa
college ang gusto
lang ni mama sakin
is tumaas Yung
grades ko like lahat
talaga 90+ Para
lang Maka kuha
ako ng

Respondent 3:
“Ang funny wala
silang expectation
sakin parang kung
makikita nila yung Consistent
card ko consistent Maintenance of
siya so there Grades
expecting the same
so and if bumaba
man ako ahh
anyare ok lang yan
ok lang yan so is
just gusto lang nila
imaintain lang
siguro yun lang
yung maintainance
ng grade ko.”

Respondent 4:
“Siguro ayon lang,
yung diba last year

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with honors din

kasi ako last year
Desire for
parang ano sa
Academic Awards
word parang
kapag nag bibiro
sya yung word na
ginagamit nya na
parang sana ano
sana this school
year din
magkaroon ako ng
academic award.”

Respondent 5:
“Wala naman
basta ang gusto
lang nila is wala No Failures,
akong bagsak na General
grades.” Expectation

The expectations that parents have for their students in grade 12 STEM are

outlined in this table. There is a wide range of expectations that parents have on

what their STEM student should be able to do academically by the time they reach

the 12th grade. These expectations range from simply achieving the minimum

requirements to trying to win scholarships and other academic awards. This variant

brings to light the numerous motives and expectations that parents have for their

children's academic achievement, which in turn influences the degree to which

students believe they have achieved success and accomplishments.

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Table 1.3

Parental Support and Involvement in Learning

This table addresses the perceived capability of the individual's parents to provide

support for their learning at home, indicating the level of support and involvement

in the academic aspect of the individual's life.

Question Text Code Thoery

3. How capable do Respondent 1: According to the
you think your “Sakin sa bahay, respondent,
parents are to Oo may mga times facilitating cell
Support and
support your na yun inaadjust phone and
learning at home? nila yung oras ng schedule
cellphone ko at adjustments,
tyaka pagtulog ko managing
in a way na academic
talagang pag pressure, and
alam nilang showing a strong
desidido akong commitment to
tapusin nakikita achievement.
naman nila sa Parents encourage
mukha at and na consistently.
ginagawa ko yun Homeschooling
kung gaano ko promotes tenacity
kadesididong and resilience,
tapusin since pag with parents
nag file up yung providing moral
mga words as a and financial
student alam support. Regular
naten na academic visits,
na hinde lang comprehensive
academics inquiry, and
pressure ang assistance
maproproduce demonstrate
which pati yung parental attention,
academic stress minimizing
kaya academic
sinusuportahan disturbance.
nila ako na pag
alam nila na

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talagang hirap na
hirap ako either
tutulungan nila
ako tatanungin
nila kung need ko
ng materials for
essential doon sa
need kong tapusin
na activity para
hinde ako ganun
mahirapan tyaka
Hinde din ako ma
occupied sa dami
ng iniisip.”

Respondent 2:
Learning with
naman nila ako
pero kasi dahil
nga siguro only
child ako parang
hindi ako masyado
nag papatulong sa
kanila Kaya
independent ako,
pero most of the
time lang yon na
ako lang talaga
yung tumutulong
sa sarili ko pero
nanghihingi parin
naman ako ng
tulong sa kanila at
lagi naman silang
supportive sakin.”

Respondent 3:
“How capable I Transition from
think coulder very Home Schooling
capable kase kung to External
naalala mo kevin Support
diba nung grade 7

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magkaklase tayo
uhm yung so
elementary grades
4 to 6 home school
ako so ano ibig
sabihin non
capable parents
ko nanay ko
palang nagtuturo
saklin nung grade
4 to 6 and then
lumipat ako JIL
kayang kaya
naman nila yon
kase hindi na sila
kaylangan or
hindi na sila
present kase
financial at moral
support ibibigay
nila which is okay
natayo goods
natayo dyan.”

Respondent 4: Regular and

“Siguro yung the Thoughtful
way na kahit Parental
magkalayo kami, Involvement
hindi kami
madalas mag kita
e. lagi nya akong
pinupuntahan pa
rin sa bahay na
ano tinatanong
nya palagi kung
ano yung mga
kailangan ko,
ganon tapos
naman nya.”

Respondent 5:
“Hindi nila ako
aabalahin kapag

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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alam nilang may Non-Intrusive

ginagawa ako Support
tapos ipapasa
nalang nila sa iba
yung gawain para
lang hindi nila ako
In this table, we will explore the experiences that the respondents have had

with parental assistance for at-home learning. These experiences provide a full

picture of parental participation in this area. The anecdotes illustrate the different

strategies that parents employ in order to support their children's academic

endeavors. These strategies range from offering comprehensive aid and

comprehension to supporting self-directed study with occasional coaching. The

transition from homeschooling to seeking aid from outside sources highlights the

adaptability of parental involvement in a variety of educational settings. In light of

these findings, the complex relationship that exists between parental influence,

academic expectations, and support mechanisms is brought into sharper focus.

When it comes to cultivating an atmosphere in which children may flourish

academically while also keeping a healthy balance in their lives, it is essential to

acknowledge the distinct dynamics that each family brings to the table in terms of

their approach to education.

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Table 2.1

Time Management and Balance

This table addresses the balance between academic work and other enjoyable

activities and explores whether academic commitments dominate an individual's


Question Text Code Thoery

4. Do you think Respondent 1: The respondents
academic work “Sakin Absolutely shared a common
takes most of your yes 100% kase Comprehensive sentiment that
time and hence may time na Support and academic
restricts them talagang gustong Understanding demands mean
from enjoying gusto kong they don't have
other activities maglaro ng enough time to do
that they enjoy? basketball which the things they
enjoy because of
is my hobby and
all their
un spend time
schoolwork. As a
with my parents
result of the heavy
pero may time academic load, it
talagang hindi mo is clear that
maiiwan yung pag finding time for
aaral since lalo hobbies, music,
nang ako hindi and other fun
naman sa pag activities is
aano I'm one of difficult.
the academic
awardies ngayung
grade 12 STEM
kaya Yung strick
na yun hindi
naman sa
mapatuloy sa with
high or ng with
highest bagkus
mamaintain ko
lang yung honor
na yun na

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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sakin ng discount
which will help my
family financially
pag nasa collage
department and
pag nasa collage
na ako.”

Respondent 2:
“Yes, nakaka ubos
sya ng time Yung
mga academic Time Consumed
works nakaka by Academic
ubos talaga sya Responsibilities
Para sa ibang
bagay, kasi ano
sya kapag madami
ka kasing
academic works
na kailangan
talagang tapusin
hindi kasi
pwedeng basta-
basta lang yung
gawa don Kaya
talagang ibuhos
Yung creativity mo
don, nakakaubos
talaga siya ng
time kasi nga
hindi mo na
magagawa Yung
iba pang mga
bagay outside
school at tyaka
medyo mahirap
din mag balance
ng oras kasi nga

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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sobrang dami
specially ngayon
na graduating na.”

Respondent 3:
“Sobra sobra well
nakikita niyo Overwhelming
naman apaka hell Impact on
month, hell month Enjoyable
na talaga ngayon Activities
tapos uy next week
sobrang bagsak na
o dawalang
defense pa so ano
ba yung bagay na
mahilig ako mga
things na naeenjoy
with doing as ano
music talaga
instruments and
singing hindi ko
na nagagawa yun
kaylan ba yung
lastime na
hinawakan ko
yung gitara ko
matagal na mga 1
month nako hindi
naggigitara yun
nga e so wala
wala talaga
pagbabasa rin ng
libro hindi konarin
nagagawa wala.”

Respondent 4:

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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“Oo sobra Lalo na

ngayon sobrang
hirap Lalo na Difficulty in
kapag may mga Managing Time
bagay ako na need for Enjoyable
gawin tapos Yung Activities
merong isang
subject na
kailangan ko pag
tuunan ng pansin
sobrang hirap.”

Sacrifice for
Respondent 5: Academic
“Sometimes kase Priorities
ano parang imbis
na magpakasaya
ka sa ibang
gawain mas
uunahin mo yung
academic task mo
kase mas
kailangan yun.”

The table contains a discussion of the experiences that were shared by the

respondents. This table contains a discussion of the impact that their academic

responsibilities have had on their lives from a personal perspective. As a result of

the demanding nature of their classes and the assignments they were required to

complete, the participants' responses suggested that they regularly battled to find

time for their own interests and hobbies. This was something that we were able to

notice here. The timetable and the amount of work they have to accomplish at

school make it difficult for them to find time to enjoy the activities that they do.

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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Table 2.2

Parental Involvement and Communication

This table focuses on the level of communication and engagement between parents

and the individual regarding both emotional and academic needs.

Question Text Code Thoery

5. Do your parents Respondent The respondents
discuss your 1:”Oo, minsan ako approach
emotional and na din nagsasabi Open discussing their
academic needs kasi hindi naman Communication intellectual and
with them sila magagalit with Conditions emotional
regularly? sakin na kung may demands
ipapabili ako differently. Some
basta lang may openly
communicate with
condition na kung
rules and
may ipapabili ka
conditions. Some
huwag na huwag
are introverted
kang mag sasabi and disclose little,
ng gabi tapos while others talk
Bukas mo throughout card
kailangan kung distribution. The
baha kung may other response
kailangan ka communicates
sabihin mo na occasionally,
agad and yung sa while the final
emotional naman handles emotions
lagi naman nila alone.
kinakamusta may
mga times lang
talaga na ako
Yung nagiinsince
ng salita kase nga
number one rule
ni tatay sakin and
naging number

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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one rule ko sa
sarili ko na pag
stress ako marami
akong iniisip
huwag daw ako
magsasalita since
hindi ko alam
yung lalabas sa
bibig ko kase nga
yun stress ako at
maraming iniisip
at baka kung ano

Respondent 2:
“Hindi ko
masyadong na di
discuss sa kanila
kasi medyo
introverted ako at
tyaka hindi rin
talaga ako Yung
tipong anak na
hindi talaga nag
sasabi ng feelings
sa kanila although
kailangan talaga
yon pero hindi ko
talaga sakanila
masyado na d
discuss yon.”

Respondent 3:
“Uhmm regularly
siguro kapag
sinasabi nating
regularly Periodic
everytime may Discussion
kuhanan ng card During Card
so quarterly nila Reviews
ako tinatanong

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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how are you

ganon ganon
ganon so emotion
and academic
needs yung sa
emotion naman
nagoopen up
naman ako
nagdidinner time
kami and then
nirerecon nalang
siya sa academics
ko pero strictly
academic kunawri
tatanungin nila
about sa grades ko
quarterly na yon
sa card.”

Respondent 4:
“Dahil sa sinabi ko
rin kanina hindi Occasional
sya regular Communication
kumbaga kapag
nag kikita lang
kami pero lahat
ng kailangan ko
naman na p
provide nya.”

Respondent 5: Internalized
“Hinde, sariling Coping
breakdown lang Mechanism

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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In this table we will discuss, A recurrent topic that emerged is how difficult it

is to balance academic responsibilities with personal well-being, even when parents

manage to help their children because of individual errors in communication skills

about emotional and academic requirements.

Table 2.3

Value of Academic Achievement

This table delves into the personal significance an individual places on academic

performance, indicating how important academic success is to them.

Question Text Code Thoery

6. How significant Respondent 1: According to the
is academic “Sakin pag aaral ko responses, the
performance to may mga Holistic significance of
you? competition din Development academic
akong nasalihang through performance is to
talagang it will Academic promote
bring the Achievements comprehensive
foundation na growth and core
skills. connects
kailangan mo hindi
academic effort to
lang as a student
and as a Christian
perceives current
also na studying in significance but
JILCF na even yung anticipates
mga bible sharing, estrangement.
testimony and pati acknowledges
yung science, effort without
mathematics na demanding
talagang issential perfection.
for job occupation focuses on
na maiincounter ko academic

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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sa future kaya ayun performance for

habang maaga pa personal and
ipakita ko na yung family satisfaction
best ko para yung and university
nga malaman ko admissions. These
yung limitations responses
tapos maiprove ko demonstrate how
yung mga kahinaan academic
ko and Yung
affects identity,
strengths ko mas
integrity, and
lalo ko pang
palakasin.” possibilities.

Respondent 2:
“Mahalaga sya
sakin kasi Kung Moral and
gaano kasi ako nag Personal
e effort sa mga Integrity Linked
academic works ko to Academic
lalabas yun sa Effort
grades ko which is
may kasabihan nga
na verse "don't lie"
so mahalaga sya

Respondent 3:
“Dahil napaka
halaga ng tanong
nayan sayo sige
papahalagahin ko Current
rin yung sagot ko Significance with
how significant Future
actually ano e right Uncertainty
now i find so so
significant kase
feeling ko at this
moment its defining
me kase ngayon
estudyante ako
aano ba ginagawa

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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ng extudyante
nagaaral so yung
identity exactly
yung identity ko
nayon nakatie
nayon sa grades ko
kung totoong
nagaaral ako o
hindi pero siguro sa
future lumipat ako
o nako siguro wala
na akong pake kase
grades do not define
me at that point
pero right now
super lalo na
ngayon kase ano
collegg entrance
exam and task
syempre tinitignan
nila yung grades mo
as some sort
reference and basis
sa performance mo
so i feel like medyo
like nayayanig na
buhay ko dahil sa
grades ko yun its
very significant at
this moment at sa
future hindi ko na

Respondent 4:
“Para sakin the
significant is
academic for me is
Yung the way na Appreciation of
naappreciate ko Personal Effort
Yung effort ko Kung without
ano lang Yung Kaya Stringent
kong ibigay sa sarili Standards
ko hindi ako se set
ng standard Para sa
sarili ko kase ang

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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hirap naman na
mag expect.”

Respondent 5:
”Parang ano eto
yung nagbibigay
ano saken na para
mapasaya ko
parents ko also kase
kailangan mataas Academic
yung grade mo para Performance for
pag pumasok ka sa Personal and
university or Family
collages madali ka Satisfaction
makakapasok kase
grade yung
kailangan nila
makita na mataas.”

The responses in this table underline the significance of achieving success in

one's academic endeavors. Academic accomplishments, not just as students but also

as Christians attending JILCF, serve as a basis for some individuals, influencing both

their intellectual and spiritual development by providing a foundation. However,

there are many who believe that academic success is the product of human effort

that is led by the idea of honesty. When asked about the present value of academic

accomplishment in creating their identity as a student, one of the respondents

stated a dynamic stance, highlighting the importance of academic achievement. That

being said, they did acknowledge the possibility that their significance might shift in

the future, particularly in the event that they move on to a different career or school.

In the opinion of another respondent, the value of academics is inextricably

connected to self-appreciation, which highlights the significance of establishing

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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realistic expectations rather than enforcing harsh standards. Meanwhile, another

participant emphasized the significant impact that academic performance has in

providing happiness to their parents and in making it easier for them to enroll in

higher education institutions such as universities or colleges. As a conclusion, these

many points of view, when taken together, provide light on the multifaceted

consequences that academic activities have on the lives of the respondents. These

effects include the formation of identities, the development of personal qualities,

and the management of societal and familial expectations.

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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Table 3.1

Parental Expectations and Standards

This table explores whether the individual perceives their parents to have high

academic expectations and asks for an example to illustrate the nature of those


Question Text Code Theory

7. Do you feel Respondent 1: According to
that your “Sakin ayun nga the
Absence of Strict
parents hold tulad ng sabi ko respondents,
you to a high kanina hindi sila their parents
academic nageexpect sakin normally do not
standard? If so, ang gusto lang nila have a high
please provide talaga maging standard for
an example. healthy ako at the academic
same time yung performance,
tuition na while another
ginagastos nila is respondent
hindi ganun mentioned that
masayang to point they
na hindi ako unintentionally
pumapasok basta compare her to
matuto lang ako ng others.
matuto mag aral
lang ng mag aral
kung yung nga Sabi
nya din sakin na
dinideny ko palagi
pag hindi ko kaya
gawin yung isang
gawain huwag ko
nang gawin pero
yun hindi sila nang
anyone academic
strandars na

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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Respondent 2:
“Hindi sa case Nila
mama tyaka ni
papa hindi, hindi Emphasis on
sila ganon Kung Personal Capacity
ano lang daw Yung
Kaya ko Yun lang
wag daw pilitin.”

Respondent 3:
“Uhmm i think they
do without even
realizing it so Unintended
kunwari sa aming Comparison with
magpipinsan ako Relatives
talaga yung medyo
inclide sa grades so
ang naririnig ko sa
mga usap usapan
sa family reunion is
cinocomfair nila
yung performance
ko sa performance
ng mga anak nila
hindi naman
parents ko pero
nagsheshare sila ng
ay si Isa eto
ginagawa nyan ay
si Isa ganon ganon
ganon so pero
naririnig kona sa
mga tita tito ko na
what hindi mo
kaya gawin yung
ginagawa ni ate Isa
mo so i
knowing talaga oo
parang ano pure
intention na
pagsheshare lang
ng tips pero dinila

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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or dinamin
namamalayan na
iba na yung

Respondent 4:
“Para sakin kagaya
lang din ng sinabi
ko kanina hindi
naman nag se set
ng high standard Avoidance of
Yung parents ko Comparisons
Lalo na si papa na
nakakasama ko
hindi man madalas
pero nag kikita
parin hindi siya
nag Co compare sa
iba na kapag
nakita nya na Mas
mataas sakin Yung
pinsan ko hindi nya
ako kino compare,
Kung ano lang
Yung Kaya kong
nagawa ko.”

Respondent 5:
“Hinde naman kase
gusto lang nila na
ano wala akong
bagsak ganun”
Desire for No

In this table, it shows if the respondent feels that their parents hold them to a

high academic standard. It is emphasized that there are no severe academic criteria,

with the emphasis being placed more on health and learning. The majority of the

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respondents said that their parents do not have a high academic standard. The fact

that their parents only want them to perform what they are capable of. An

individual who participated in the survey mentioned an unintended comparison

with relatives, which suggests that parents may compare their child's performance

with that of other children without their knowledge. This idea is that parents should

avoid establishing high criteria and comparisons for their children.


Coping with Academic Standards

This table focuses on the strategies and methods the individual employs to manage

and deal with the academic expectations set by their parents.

Question Text Code Thoery

8. How do you Respondent 1: According to the
manage the “Sakin kinukuha respondent, they
academic ko sya hindi as have different
of Expectations
expectations set parang sumasakal ways to handle
with Stress
by your parents? sakin bagkus academic
parang expectations from
encouragement ko their parents,
na Yun nga pag including
sinasabi nilang internalizing and
healthy i need to managing stress,
finish my work on using expectations
time i need to as a source of
every movements i motivation,
will make na seeking
talagang reassurance and
kailangan may employing coping
essence bawat mechanisms,
galaw since hindi responding with
ako allowed na it's diligence to high
crustial na standards, and
nagkamali ako persisting in their
then uulitin ko efforts despite

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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then patutulugin occasional

ako then iisipin ko overthinking.
bago matulog
then iisipin ko ule
pag kagising ko
which will cause
nga stress then
sleep distervals
parang ganun.”

Respondent 2:
“Ginagawa ko Utilization of
syang motivation Expectations as
kasi Yung mga Motivation
sinasabi naman
Nila sakin hindi
naman yon
sinasabi lang Nila
Para I down ako
Kundi Para ma
encourage ako to
do better. So Yung
mga expectation
Nila sakin
ginagamit ko yon
as a motivation,
Para Mas Lalo
kong pag igihan
ng mabuti Yung
pag aaral ko.”

Respondent 3:
“Honestly dahil
yung academic Reassurance and
expiration nila is Coping with
stay the same Academic
parang ganon din Pressure
ako sige i was stay
the same im doing

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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my best naman
nirereasure ko
yung sarili ko na
im doing my best
im doing my best
and if bumaba
man grades ko
wala akong pake
ako na wala
akong pake pero
deep inside siguro
umiiyak ako it just
ano it just helps
lang din talaga na
my parents our
not so hindi sila
gaano so ayun
nalang tumatakbo
sa isip ko na kahit
anong mangyari
mahal na mahal
parin nila ako
tatanggapin nila
ako bilang anak
nila kahit hindi
ako pumasok sa
Up diliman
tatanggapin nila
ako ganon talaga
its a parents love.”

Respondent 4:
“Siguro Kung
Yung parents ko
nag e expect ng
high standard,
Response to High
siguro ibibigay ko
nalang din yung
best ko kahit

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nalang siguro
Kung ano yung
Kaya ko.”

Respondent 5:
“Mas Increased Effort
pinagbubutihan with Occasional
ko nalang yung Overthinking
pag aaral ko pero
minsan nag
ooverthink like
bakit ganun bat
may expectation
na nagaganap
pero kahit ganun
ginagalingan pa

This table demonstrates how students respond to the academic demands

placed on them by their parents. Students have a variety of strategies for dealing

with these expectations, such as using them as a source of motivation to complete

their schoolwork before the deadline, and these expectations motivate students to

perform well in school. Seeking reassurance and applying coping techniques,

reacting with diligence to high standards, and sticking to their efforts despite

occasional overthinking are all things that students will continue to do in school.

Their academic expectations will remain the same, and they will continue to do their

best in school.

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Table 3.3

Influence of Parental Standards on Academic Performance

This table investigates the perceived impact of parental academic standards on the

individual's actual academic performance, exploring whether there is a correlation

between the expectations and the individual's success in school.

Question Text Code Thoery

9. Do you believe Respondent 1: According to the
that the academic “Oo, since hindi respondents, it is
Positive Impact
standards set by sya nagbibigay ng believed that
of Balanced
your parents have pressure kung academic
an impact on how baga parang standards have a
well you do in ineexplore ko significant
school? nalang yung sarili influence on self-
ko na yun sabi nga discovery and
nila basta huwag discipline. affect
lang umabot sa 74 the reaction and
mga ganun yung outcomes.
grade ko kung Discrepancies
baga parang may between external
nadidiscover expectations.
akong bagong Generating an
talents may emotional
nadidiscover dynamic and
akong capabilities utilizing it as a
and worthing na source of
noon hindi ko motivation.
talaga ginagawa
nung mga
elementary pa ako
since pabaya ako
mag aral nun then
yun nadidiscipline
din ako ng mga
strandard nila
which is yung nga

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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pag tulog ng
maaga and yung
limitations sa
cellphone para
mas ma priorities
ko yung health
rather than
education pero
hindi to the point
na health lang ng
health tapos hindi
na mag aaral pero
yun parang put
health first but put
education sa
second lang
huwag mo syang
ihuhuli ganun.”

Respondent 2:
“Yes may impact
sya kasi Kung
maganda Yung Direct Influence
response ni mama of Parental
sa way Kung Response
paano ako nag
aaral, magiging
maganda din Yung
consequences non
sa pag aaral ko.”

Respondent 3:
“Oo because they
just want me to
the they just want Mismatch of
me to stay Parental and
imaintain kolang External
grades ko but so Standards
ako naman sige
gawin kolang
yung ginagawa ko
at the same yung

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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ginawa ko noon
gagawin ko siya
ngayon im gonna
still do that thing
wala akong
babaguhin and
yun lang the thing
is yung efforts ko
at sa efforts ng
magulang ko
equal yan same
naka same or
wave length kami
e pero pagdating
sa school iba na
like yung
expectation na ng
expectation ng
mga classmates ko
hindi na siya
nagtutugma hindi
na siya
nagtutugma sa
standards ko so
siguro yung
maintained grades
ko its itheir not
enough or to much
sa ibang tao so
yun lang naman
na its makes me
confious on what
to do or not what
to do siguro thats
how impacts to

Respondent 4:
“Oo naman siguro,

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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hindi naman nag e Emotional

expect yung tatay Impact of
ko pero Kung Parental
nandon ako sa Expectations
posisyon na yon,
masasaktan din
ako pero at the
same time masaya
ako kasi ayun din
yung ni lo look
forward ng tatay
ko sakin, parang
malaki yung
tiwala nya na
binigay sakin.”

Respondent 5:
“Medyo kase it's
motivate me na
mag aral ng

The respondent answers about believe that the academic standards set by

their parents have an impact on how well they do in school. Despite the fact that

every individual has different academic standards from their parents, academic

standards are believed to have a significant impact on both self-discovery and

discipline. This table shows the responses of the respondents.

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Table 4

Positive and Negative Impacts

Question Text Code Theory

1. Do you think Respondent 1:
that your “Sakin siguro
parents' positive impact na
with Freedom of
expectations talagang may
have a positive freedom ako to
or negative express everything
impact on your na pag
academic nahihirapan ako
success in stem? alam mo yun yung
Why? academic
standards nila
Hindi yun ganun
kataas Hindi sila
nagseset para
sakin kung baga
pag sinasabi kong
nahihirapan ako
ano lang sila
sasabihin nila na
kaya mo yan
subukan mo and
then pag sinubukan
ko pag nagawa ko
tagumpay, kung
hindi naman
magpaturo ako i
enchance ko then
yun nga grow it it
mas naeencourage
akong mag aral no
pressure talagang
perform your best
and yun nga tulad

101, Bunlo, Bocuae, Bulacan
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ng sinabi nila hindi

ganun kadali
makahanap ng
trabaho hindi
ganun kadali
maging magulang
yun yung palagi
kong iniisip na
kahit hindi nila
ipaalala sakin
nakikita ko yung
sacrifices nila na
para ibuhos yung
full potential ko sa
pag aaral yun nga
na lagi kong
inaalala yun lang

Respondent 2: Stress Reduction

“Sakin may through Realistic
positive impact Expectations
siya, kasi
expectations Nila
papa tyaka mama
sakin hindi naman
ganon ka taas like
Sabi nga Nila sakin
Kung ano lang daw
Yung Kaya ko Yun
lang daw Yung
gawin ko Para
hindi ako
masyadong ma
stress, hindi ako
magkaron ng
anxiety kasi
mahirap yon Lalo
na't sa panahon
ngayon sobra hirap
kasi nga pag
graduating kana
sobrang kailangan

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madaming gawin
requirements at
the same time
sasabay pa Yung
anxiety mo, stress
parang hindi
makakatulong yon
para you do better
sa pag aaral.”

Respondent 3: Positive Impact

“Siguro more on
the positive siya
kase in the end of
the day san ako
uuwi sa bahay lang
naman diba hindi
naman ako
natutulog araw-
araw sa school so
kahit bumagsak
ako sa quiz uuwi
rin ako sa bahay
and you know yung
kahit sabihin ko
mama i failed yung
pagtingin nila
sakin hindi yan
baba kase alam
nila na yung
kakayahan ko or
capabilitity ko
kumbaga na
maintain ko siya
but there will
always be days na
im not the best the
performance ko is
not the best so its
bin positive naman
on my end kase
ako kumbaga and i
think sa stem

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apaka daming
failures talaga
daming trials na
you need to learn
how to get back on
your fate so ayon
yon talaga.”

Positive Impact
Respondent 4:
“Oo meron positive
impact, kasi ano
minsan yung mga
bata tulad ko rin
na minsan
tinatamad ako mag
aral parang ayun
din yung pag nag
sasabi sila na
galingan mo this
SEM, parang ayun
din yung nag se set
sa sarili ko na
kailangan ko rin
pag butihan dahil
Para rin sakin yon
dahil para rin sa
kapakanan ko.”

Respondent 5:
“It's have positive Positive Impact
impact kase kung
Hinde dahil sa
ginagawa nilang
ano hinde ko mas
like kung hinde nila
ako pinagpupursigi
na ganito ganyan
hinde na ako mag
aano sa pag aaral
like okay lang kung
80 to 85 grade lang
yung grade ko pero

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dahil sa
pagpupursigi nila
saken mas
ginagalingan ko pa
para mas maging
mataas grade ko.”

This table discusses the majority of respondents perceive their parents'

expectations as having a predominantly positive impact on their academic success

in STEM. The supportive and realistic standards set by their parents create an

environment of encouragement rather than undue pressure. The freedom to express

challenges and receive constructive feedback allows for personal growth, while the

understanding that success is measured by one's best efforts, rather than

unattainable benchmarks, contributes to a healthier academic mindset. Moreover,

the recognition of the sacrifices made by their parents serves as a constant reminder

to channel their full potential into their studies. Overall, the positive influence of

parental expectations is evident in the respondents' motivation to excel and

overcome challenges in their STEM education.

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Summary of the Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter delves into the discussion of findings and their interpretation, as

well as an examination of the Statement of the Problem. It also includes the study's

findings and a set of suggestions.

Summary of Findings

Upon thorough analysis, the findings are summarized into the following:

1. Parental Pressure on Academic Performance and Parental Academic


Based on our respondents, they have different types of pressure, such

as lack of time management, expectations of academic excellence,

external influences on academic pressure, and a lack of perceived

pressure from their parents. As for academic expectations, their

parents don't expect much from them with high grades.

2. Parental Support for At-Home Learning

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From everything that our respondents say, their parents give them a lot of

time for their studies, and their parents also help them with their studies,

they say that their parents do not pressure them when it comes to their

studies. It is said that their parents allow them to do whatever they like after

their studies.

3. Parental Discussion on Emotional and Academic Needs

According to our respondents, others are too shy to tell their parents because

they think their parents have high expectations of them. It is more important

to their parents that they develop their satisfaction and not immerse

themselves in studies, but they need to study hard so that they can enter the

university they desire. Their parents do not demand that they be perfect, but

just be hardworking and study hard.

4. Parental Academic Standards

It reveals that the respondent believes their parents keep them to a high

academic standard. According to the interviewees, their parents do not hold

them to high academic expectations; their parents merely want them to be

capable in their academics and healthy. And they have ways for dealing with

their parents' academic expectations in order to inspire them in their


5. Impact of Parental Academic Standards

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What our respondents said is that the standards of their parents are more

helpful to them because they are under more pressure to finish their projects

and be able to review well in the exams. The expectation of their parents

makes it positive that they will have more freedom to study freely because

the expectation of their parents is not to be perfect, but they must give their

best so that they can reach their dreams. of their parents is not to be perfect,

but they must give their best so that they can reach their dreams.


1. The impact of parental expectations varies among respondents. While

some feel positive motivation and support, others experience a more indirect

influence, such as social comparison and external pressures.

2. Parental expectations play a crucial role in shaping academic goals and

achievements. From minimal expectations to aspirations for scholarships and

awards, the respondents' academic performance is intricately linked to the

standards set by their parents.

3. The support provided by parents in the learning environment is

multifaceted. From comprehensive support and understanding to non-

intrusive assistance, the respondents experience various forms of

encouragement and involvement.

4. The heavy academic workload restricts the respondents from enjoying

other activities. The struggle to find time for hobbies and personal interests

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is a common theme, showcasing the challenges of balancing academic

responsibilities with a fulfilling personal life.

5. The respondents differ in their communication styles with their parents

regarding emotional and academic needs. Some openly discuss, while others

handle it independently, reflecting the diverse ways in which individuals

navigate their relationships with their parents.

6. Academic performance holds different significance for each respondent.

For some, it defines their current identity as a student, while others

emphasize self-appreciation and personal development over rigid standards.

7. Parental standards, whether high or moderate, impact the respondents'

academic success. The impact is largely positive, fostering motivation,

encouragement, and a sense of responsibility. The understanding and

realistic expectations set by parents contribute to a healthier academic


I In conclusion, the intricate interplay between parental expectations,

academic performance, and personal well-being is evident in the diverse

experiences shared by Grade 12 STEM students. While parental influence is a

powerful motivational force for many, the variations in communication styles,

perceived impact, and the significance of academic achievement highlight the

nuanced nature of parent-child relationships in the academic journey. Recognizing

and respecting the individuality of each student's experience is crucial in fostering a

supportive and conducive learning environment.

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Upon consideration of the conclusions from this study, here are the following


For Parents

1. Parents should strive to set realistic and achievable academic expectations for

their children. Unrealistic standards may lead to unnecessary stress and hinder

overall well-being. Emphasize the importance of personal growth and effort rather

than just grades.

2. Emphasize the importance of a balanced lifestyle that includes personal interests,

hobbies, and relaxation. Parents should recognize that a well-rounded individual

excels not only academically but also in personal development, social skills, and

emotional well-being.

3. Parents should continue providing comprehensive support tailored to the needs

of their children. This includes assistance with time management, creating a

conducive study environment, and offering emotional support when needed.

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4. Acknowledge the impact of external influences, such as social comparisons, on

academic pressure. Parents can guide their children in developing resilience and a

positive self-image, helping them navigate societal expectations.

5. Parents should remain actively involved in their child's academic journey,

balancing support without becoming overly intrusive. Regular check-ins and

discussions about both academic and emotional needs can strengthen the parent-

child relationship.

6. Help students develop effective time management skills. This includes setting

realistic study schedules, prioritizing tasks, and ensuring that there is time for both

academic and non-academic activities.

7. Provide resources and information to parents about the potential impacts of

academic stress on their children. Awareness can lead to more informed and

supportive parenting practices.

For Students:

1. Students encourage to engage in self-reflection, recognizing their strengths and

areas for improvement. This can foster a sense of responsibility and self-motivation

in achieving academic goals.

2. Foster open communication with parents about academic and emotional needs.

Students should regularly share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs to

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maintain a healthy dialogue. This proactive approach can help in aligning

expectations and finding supportive solutions.

3. Students should develop a sense of self-motivation, using their parents'

expectations as a source of encouragement rather than pressure. Embracing

challenges as opportunities for growth and viewing academic setbacks as learning

experiences can contribute to a positive mindset.

4. Advise students to learn effective time management skills to balance academic

tasks and personal activities. They should prioritize responsibilities, set realistic

deadlines, and create a study routine that allows for breaks and relaxation.

5. Advise students to cultivate resilience in the face of challenges. Academic

journeys may have ups and downs, but staying resilient and persevering through

difficulties will contribute to long-term success.

Future researches:

1. While this study focused on the perspectives of students, future research could

benefit from including the perspectives of parents. Understanding parental

motivations, beliefs, and experiences in setting academic expectations would

provide a more holistic view of the parent-child dynamic.

2. Investigate the specific ways in which parental involvement, beyond setting

expectations, influences academic success. This could include studying the

effectiveness of various parental support mechanisms and their impact on a

student's overall educational experience.

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