Module 1 - Introduction To Data Communication

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PECEC 3 – Communications 3: Data Communications (Lecture)

Technological University of the Philippines - Manila

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What is Data Communication?

• Data
- First used to mean any “transmissible and storable computer
- Refers to information presented in whatever form is agreed upon by
the parties creating and using the data.
- Data can be in different types:
- Text and Numbers (ASCII, Morse Code, UTF, pdf, doc, txt)
- Audio (mp3, wav, codec, flac)
- Video (mp4, mpeg, mov, wmv, avi)
- Network traffic/Traffic is the flow of data or information being sent
and/or received by the system.
- Network traffic is categorized as:
- Data Traffic
- Video Traffic
- Voice Traffic

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What is Data Communication?

• Communication
- The process of sending and/or receiving information.

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What is Data Communication?

• Data Communication
- The process or study of sending and/or receiving transmissible and
storable computer information.
- The exchange of data between two devices via some form of
transmission medium.
- Data communication system is commonly termed as “network”.

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Five components of data communication

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Elements of a Network
• Sender – source of Sample Network Diagram
• Receiver - destination
• Medium – communication
channel (guided, unguided)
• Message - information
• Protocol – policy/rule

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In this section, we define two widely used terms:

protocols and standards. First, we define protocol,
which is synonymous with rule. Then we discuss
standards, which are agreed-upon rules.

Topics discussed in this section:

Standards Organizations

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Standards Categories

De facto
That have not been approved by an
organized body but have been adopted as a
standards through widespread used.

De jure
Those standards that have been legislated
by an organized body.

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Standards Organizations

ISO- International Standard Organization

CCITT Consultative Committee for International
Telegraphy and Telephony
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union
for Telecommunication Recommendation
ANSI American National Standard Institute
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics
EIA Electronic Industries Association

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International Telecommunication Union

ITU-T International Telecommunication Union-
Telecommunication Standards Sector

ITU-R International Telecommunication Union-

Radio Recommendation Sector

ITU-D International Telecommunication Union-

Telecommunication Development Sector

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International Standards Organization

Established in 1947, the International Standards

Organization (ISO) is a multinational body
dedicated to worldwide agreement on
international standards. An ISO standard that
covers all aspects of network communications is
the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model. It
was first introduced in the late 1970s.

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CCITT ( Consultative Committee for

International Telegraphy and
CCITT ( Consultative Committee for International
Telegraphy and Telephony) Established in early
1970s, as part of an ITU formed by UN as a
committee devoted to the research and
establishment of standards for telecommunications
in general and for phone and data systems in

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American National Standards Institute


A private, nonprofit corporation not affiliated

with the US Federal government. But all ANSI
activities are undertaken with the welfare of the
United State

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Institute of Electrical and Electronics

Engineers ( IEEE )

The largest professional Engineering society in

the world. International in scope, it aims to
advance theory, creativity, and product quality
in the fields of electrical engineering,
electronics and radio as well as in all related
branches of engineering.
802 Project is one of the well known
achievement of the organization.

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Electronic Industries Association (EIA)

Association is a nonprofit organization devoted to

the promotion of electronics manufacturing
concerns. EIA has made significant contributions
by defining physical connection interface and
electronic signaling specifications for data

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internet vs. the Internet

• internet or internetwork is the World Wide Web (www)
interconnection of multiple
• The Internet is the biggest
example of an internetwork
(world wide web).

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The Internet
Physical (left) and Logical (right) Connections of the Internet

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The Internet

Physical topology is the

physical layout of the
components on the network

Logical topology determines

how the hosts access the
medium across the network

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Types of Connection
• Point-to-Point (P2P) Sample Diagram/s
Connection - unicast
• Multipoint:
- Multicast
- Broadcast

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Modes of Transmission

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Modes of Transmission
• Simplex – one-way Sample Diagram/s
transmission in which each
device is either transmit OR
receive ONLY.

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Modes of Transmission
• Half Duplex – two-way Sample Diagram/s
transmission in which each
device can either transmit
OR receive information BUT

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Modes of Transmission
• Full Duplex – two-way Sample Diagram/s
transmission in which each
device can transmit AND
receive information AT THE

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Modes of Transmission
• Full-Full Duplex – two-way Sample Diagram/s
transmission in which ALL
connected devices are
transmitting AND receiving

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Different Types of Network Topology

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Different Types of Network Topology

• Star topology - end devices
are connected centrally on a
• It is also called as “hub-and-
spoke” topology.

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Sample Diagram/s

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Different Types of Network Topology

• Mesh topology - each nodes Sample Diagram/s
or devices are
interconnected with each

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Different Types of Network Topology

• Bus topology - one long Sample Diagram/s
cable acts as a backbone to
link all the devices in a

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Different Types of Network Topology

• Ring topology - each device
has a dedicated point-to-
point connection with only
the two devices on either
side of it.

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Sample Diagram/s

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A hybrid topology: a star backbone with three bus networks

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Different Types of Network

• Local Area Network (LAN) – Sample Diagram/s
it is usually privately owned
network infrastructure which
covers and connects
different devices in a single
office, building or campus.
• Implementation of the
network is done by in-house
• LAN includes switches and
end devices such as
PC/laptop, servers, printers,
scanners, fax machines and
VOIP phones.

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Different Types of Network

• Wide Area Network (WAN) – Sample Diagram/s
a type of network which has
a wider geographical span,
spanning a town, a state, a
country, or even the world.
• Implementation of the
network is done by an
Internet Service Provider
• WAN includes routers and
WAN connections such as
leased line, frame-relay,
metro ethernet, MPLS or

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Different Types of Network

LAN-WAN Connection

• WLAN – group of wireless

devices that connect to
access points within a
specified area.
• Access points are typically
connected to the network
using copper cabling

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Different Types of Network

LAN-WAN Connection

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An isolated LAN connecting 12 computers to a hub in a closet

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A heterogeneous network made of four WANs and two LANs

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Cisco Hierarchical Model

• A network topology Sample Diagram/s
recommended by Cisco
Networks Company.
• A topology which includes
three (3) main layers of
traffic flow: Core Layer,
Distribution Layer, and
Access Layer.

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Elements of a Good Network Design

• Cost
- Refers to the funding/budget
allocation of a certain
company or organization for
the implementation of their

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Elements of a Good Network Design

• Speed
- It defines how fast or slow the flow of traffic within, from and to the
network is.
- Ethernet (10Mbps)
- Fast Ethernet (100Mbps)
- Gigabit Ethernet (1Gbps or 1000Mbps)
- Speed Terminologies:
- Bandwidth
- Throughput
- Transit Time
- Response Time
- Latency

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Elements of a Good Network Design

• Availability
- Refers to the duration of
accessibility of information
whenever a user or an
organization needs it.
- How long can it be
accessed? When where and
how it can be accessed?

𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 − 𝑜𝑓𝑓𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑒

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Elements of a Good Network Design

• Reliability
- Measured by the frequency
of failure or the time it takes
a link to recover from an
- It is the network’s robustness
in the midst of catastrophe or

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Elements of a Good Network Design

• Scalability
- Defines the capability of the
network to adapt to change
and flexibility to have
expansion in the long run.

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Elements of a Good Network Design

• Security
- It is the capability of a
network to protect data and
privacy from unauthorized
- Implementation of policies
and procedures for recovery
from data breach and
information loss.

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Course References
• Forouzan, Behrouz (2007) Data Communications and Networking
(4th ed.) McGraw-Hill Education
• Tomasi, W. (2004) Electronic Communication Systems (5th ed.)
• Sapak, M. (2017) Digital Communications (1st ed.)
• Ciora, J (2008) CCNA Exam Prep (2nd ed.) Pearson Education Inc.
• Odom, W. (2019) CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide Library vol. 1
& 2 (1st ed.) Cisco Press

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