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英语口语 8000 句 part 14

Are there any golf courses around here?场地

How much is it per person?
How much is it per day?
Are there any extra charges?
Is there any extra charge?
Can I rent the equipment?
Please make a reservation for golf. 预约 *请别人预约时
Would you make a reservation for golf?
I'd like to make golf reservations. 我想预约高尔夫球。*由自己提出请求时
When would you like to play?要什么时间的?
When do you want to play?
This Friday, if possible.
There are four of us.
What time are we starting?
How about a drink? 去喝一杯怎么样?
That's a great idea.
I need a drink.
Would you like to have a drink after work?
I'm afraid I'm busy tonight.
Do you have any beer?
Sure. What kind do you want?
Two bottles of beer, please.
Two beers, please.
One whiskey with water, please.
What kind of snacks should we have?小吃
I'll leave it up to you. 你看着办吧。
Let's forget about work and have some fun.
Let's get our minds off of work and have a good time.
Let's take our minds off of work.
What are you drinking?
I like to go barhopping. *hop 一蹦一蹦地
The first sip is the best! 啜饮
The first gulp is the best! 吞饮
The first taste is the greatest!
Nothing beats this! 这个最好。”
Would you like a refill?

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