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Dian Wahyu *)
*) Graduate Student, State University of Surabaya

The development industry is increasingly rapidly affect the workforce in many countries.
This can be seen from the unemployment rate of a country. Labor required of developed
countries is a skilled workforce to improve the quality of a product. Technical and Vocational
Education and Training (TVET) has been adopted by some developed countries, including
countries in the ASEAN region. Some countries in the ASEAN region has a different concept in
the implementation of TVET. This is influenced by several factors that exist in the country.
From the above description can be formulated research problem as follows: [1] What is
meant by the concept of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) ?; [2] How
the implementation of the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the
ASEAN region ?; [3] Is the implementation of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) affect the progress and the economy of a nation ?. This study aimed to compare the
concept and implementation of technology and vocational education in the ASEAN region. This
research uses descriptive analysis method.
The results of the analysis and study of literature that has been done can be concluded
that: [1] What is meant by the concept of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
(TVET) ie a collection of ideas or draft TVET TVET system is perfect and meaningful, so ready
to be applied in the field; [2] the implementation of TVET in various countries at the vagueness
of job qualifications framework, mismatches TVET systems and curricula, the distance only
between the world industrial and vocational education; [3] The application of TVET affect a
country's economy due to the faster and effective measures to overcome the constraints on TVET
system the faster increase in the country's economy. Because the population possessed skills to
match those needed in the world of work

Keywords: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), ASEAN, concept and
I. Introduction and vocational education in the ASEAN
1.1 Background
Development of the industrial world 1.2 Formulation of the problem
today is increasing rapidly. Indonesia to face 1. What is meant by the concept of Technical
global competition is increasingly widespread and Vocational Education and Training
in various forms in the form of goods and (TVET)?
services flow of labor and capital flows. 2. How the implementation of the Technical
ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is one and Vocational Education and Training
opportunity for Indonesia to address this Asian (TVET) in the ASEAN region?
economic competition. Through the MEA, 3. Is the implementation of Technical and
there will be the integration of economic Vocational Education and Training
sectors. In Indonesia as the central voting (TVET) affect the progress and the
MEA free trade, the Indonesian government economy of a nation?
needs to prepare, starting from the preparation
of infrastructure to the preparation in creating 1.3 Research purposes
a Human Resources (HR) Indonesian people 1. To discuss more clearly the concept of
who are skilled, and professional mempuni. To Technical and Vocational Education and
create skilled human resources, mempuni and Training (TVET)
professionally, regardless of quality education. 2. To compare the concept and
Many ways in which the government in implementation of Technical and
improving the quality of education one of Vocational Education and Training
them set up technology and vocational (TVET) in the ASEAN region.
education. Besides, the government 3. To discuss the effect of the implementation
cooperates with foreign countries for the of the Technical and Vocational Education
program Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to the progress and
Training (TVET). the economy of a nation.
Technology and vocational education is 1.4 Scope of problem
expected to create a skilled workforce Given the extent of the problems
candidates and understand the needs of the involved in writing this paper, the authors
industrial world. According to Supriya (2002: make a boundary problem, that the discussion
17-18) that the technology and vocational and the preparation can be done in a focused
education aims to produce a productive and achieved in accordance with the expected
human, human labor and not human burden goals. The limit these problems include:
for the family, community, and nation. Realize 1. Definition of technological education
the goal of technological and vocational and vocational or Technical and
education is required willpower to change the Vocational Education and Training
mindset in developing vocational education (TVET) in the ASEAN region.
and training system in order to catch up in 2. The concept and implementation of
preparation of qualified human resources. This technology education and vocational or
is in accordance with RI Government Technical and Vocational Education and
Regulation No. 73 of 1991, article 3, Training (TVET) in the ASEAN region.
paragraph 6 states that "technology and 3. The influence of progress and the
vocational education is an education that country's economy in the ASEAN region
prepares learners to be able to work in a are already implementing TVET.
specific field." Vocational education to teach
skills in live performance. Starting with the 2. Studies Theory
provision of material up to training in the
industry. 2.1 understanding TVET
Technology and vocational education In the literature relating to vocational
has been implemented in various countries education in foreign language (English) often
including the ASEAN region. The term or encountered the term TVET. TVET is an
mention of technology and vocational extension of the Technical and Vocational
education in ASEAN countries was different. Education and Training. The term is composed
Similarly, the concept and implementation of of four (4) core word, namely: (1) Technical;
technology and vocational education in each (2) Vocational; (3) Education, and (4)
country. Therefore, the author will compare Training. When studied in depth there is very
the concept and implementation of technology much meaningful difference between the
Technical Vocational Training and the when we return oriented to the explanation of
Education with. the National Education System No. 20 of 2003
When translated into the Indonesian, Article 15 that the term is only limited
education means education, and training vocational education at secondary level.
means training. Education and training have a Later in the various countries or
common goal of behavioral change towards organizations many variations of the terms are
more as desired. In general, both are related to intended to refer to TVET. TVET is a term
learning and change in a human being, but in used by UNESCO. CTE (Career and
particular have different specific objectives to Technical Education) is a term used in the
be achieved. More education leads to United States. FET (Further Education and
knowledge and the things that are common, Training) is a term used in the UK and South
associated with widespread personal life, and Africa. VTET (Vocational and Technical
less tangible. Training is more directed to Education and Training) is the term used in
behave in particular skills and no right or Southeast Asia. VET (Vocational Education
wrong size, and more tangible. In simple and Training) and VTE (Vocational and
terms means that the training is part of the Technical Education) is a term used in
education that is more specific (micro). Australia.
Then, when translated into the
Indonesian, technical means technical, 2.2 Basic Philosophy TVET
vocational and vocational meaning. Both of
these terms will have obvious limitations
when combined with the word education so
that a technical education and vocational
education. Technical education is defined as
educational programs aimed at preparing
workers or sub-level professional technicians,
who usually level is one level above the
craftsman will however be under the
professional level. Vocational education
means education program that aims to prepare Figure 1 Basic Philosophy TVET
the workforce at the level of craftsman or the Figure 1 is an overview of the three basic
company on a basic level. philosophies that form the conceptual
In the context of the Indonesian nation, framework of TVET. The three basic
based on the Law on National Education philosophies among others: (a) Essentialism;
System No. 20 of 2003 Article 15, vocational (B) Pragmatism; and (c) Pragamatisme
education has terkontekskan as vocational (Reconstruction) / Existentialism. In view
education, while technical eductaion have Esensialime, TVET aim to meet the needs of
terkontekskan with vocational education. the labor market. Its characteristics include:
Vocational education is secondary education (a) the reference curriculum; (B) intrusktur
that prepares students primarily to work in a who have experience in the industry; and (c)
particular field. Vocational education is higher a separate system of academic education
education that prepares students to have a job environment.
with a certain applied skills equivalent to the In view of Pragmatism, TVET has the
maximum degree program. objective to bring together the needs of
Thus, when the term is defined in full individuals, for personal fulfillment, and
TVET into Indonesian will be Education and preparation for life. Its characteristics
Technical and Vocational Training or include: (a) emphasize problem-solving; (B)
abbreviated PPTK. In concept, the term PPTK in higher order thinking; and (c) learning is
an umbrella for all education in Indonesia that constructed from previous knowledge. Then
aims to produce labor. However, in a variety in view of Pragmatism (Reconstruction) /
of Indonesian literature, the use of the term Existentialism, TVET has the aim of
PPTK very rare. In this literature more likely changing the workplace as a more democratic
to use words rather than PPTK Vocational place and as a place for learning and not just
Education. Likewise on the official website the usual practice of the workplace and
UNEVOC, vocational education and eliminate discrimination in recruitment.
vocational education called in one term,
namely Vocational Education, which means 3.Metode Research
the Vocational Education .Apabila deeply 3.1 Types of Research
understood, will be found a real confusion
This research includes the study of research Term technical education and technical
literature to find references relefan theory to training are used interchangeably and are
the case or the problems found. References specifically related to trade-related program,
theory obtained by the research literature technicians, and fields of other disciplines
studies serve as the basic foundation and a such as electrical, machinery, civil, etc.
major tool for research practices middle of Formal education and training is the
the field. education and training provided by public or
private school / training institution. Formal
3.2 Data Collection Methods education and training is usually under the
The type of data used by the author in this Ministry of Education or its equivalent
study are primary data by observation and involve a highly structured program that is
secondary data is data obtained from defined with a good purpose, feedback input
journals, books documentation, and internet. and clear graduation criteria, and
3.3.1 Documentation performance-based examinations and
Documentation is a method for assessment. Education and training Informal
finding documents or data that are education and training received outside of
considered important by article public or private school / training institution.
newspaper / magazines, journals, It is relatively unstructured and usually takes
literature, brochures, books and place in the workplace, in places where rural
documentation via electronic media, and urban communities, through the mass
namely the Internet, in connection media, in the community and as a part of
with the implementation of this study. everyday life as incidental.
3.3.2 Literature b. Education and Vocational Training, both
The study of literature is the means formal and informal
used to collect data or resources The term vocational education
related to the topics raised in a study. (Vocational Education) or vocational
The study of literature can be training (Vocational Training) will be used
obtained from various sources, interchangeably and are specifically related
journals, books documentation, to the study program for non-engineering /
internet and library. non-technical. Education and Vocational
Training includes work in areas such as
agriculture, trade, business, tourism,
3.4 Data Analysis Methods hairdressing, family welfare science, and
The data has been obtained and analyzed by information systems. Education and
descriptive analysis method. Descriptive Vocational Training (VE and VT) are
analysis method is done by describing the divided into three categories. Vocational
facts which are then followed by analysis, education and training is divided into three
not merely outlines, but also provide categories, namely:
sufficient understanding and explanation. a) Education and training (Agricultural
Education and Training).
4. Discussion Education and training includes all
4.1 Draft Implementation of TVET agricultural extension programs and
The concept of the implementation of TVET those that provide training for jobs in
is a collection of ideas or draft TVET TVET forestry, fisheries and horticulture.
system is perfect and meaningful, so ready to b) Education and Training Commercial or
be applied in the field. TVET Implementation
Business (Commercial Education and
of the concept itself is made also see from the
conditions that exist in the field or issues that Training).
arise in the country. This concept should be Education and commercial training
considered carefully so as not to cause new includes courses for work in areas such
problems. Besides this TVET concept needs as wholesale and retail trade companies,
the cooperation of many parties to improve the restaurants, hotels, transportation,
welfare and economy of the country. business companies, law firms,
4.2 Implementation of TVET
information processing operations, social
TVET has some education coverage
includes: services and personal services.
a. Technical education and training, both c) Education and Training Home
formal and informal Economics or Science Household (Home
Economic Education and Training).
Education and Training Home are within a country during a certain
Economics includes programs aimed at period, usually one year. GDP can also
home-based industrial activities, such as be used for studying the economy over
time or to compare several economies at
cooking, sewing, cosmetology, etc.
a time.
3. Education and training Pre-vocational b) Distribution of wealth throughout the
Education and Pre-vocational training
population of the State
provides preparation for vocational
education and training in the future. Its c) The level of domestic and foreign
implementation is part of a good general investment
education at vocational schools or d) Natural resources
immediately postschool, aims to develop e) The country's potential for
basic skills and practical to introduce diversification
students to nature and require additional
f) Labor costs
experience of the working world. It is
usually not intended to prepare people to g) The unemployment rate
work directly, but is intended to facilitate an In the context of the implementation and
interest in vocational education in the acceleration of the economy are economic
national territory and to develop attitudes factors to TVET include:
and basic skills that will enhance the success a) Regional Economy
both in vocational further and finally when The regional economy has
students enter the workplace , implications for the balance of world
4. Diversification SMK (Diversified trade, thus, the need for identification of
Vocational Secondary Education). market opportunities for industry
The vocational diversification has the restructuring. Regional economics is a
sense of removal or diversification of branch of economics in the region
vocational and vocational less promising
pembahasannyamemasukkan element.
vocational promises to be referring to the
potential of the area owned. Regional economic science discusses the
5. TVET coordinated between the differences between the economic
Department of Education and Employment potential of the region with other regions
(School-DU / DI). and analyze the possibility of a policy to
regulate and economic growth in these
TVET in its development was motivated regions. Discussion area and space
by several factors, namely the economic, becomes an important element in the
social, and political factors. TVET is also in economy for all human economic
development is influenced by developments in activity is always associated with the
technology, availability of resources, and earth's surface space.
government policy.
By gaining a clear picture of the
1. Context Economic (economic sector,
economic development policy studies, and economic potential of each region of the
studies of labor empowerment (man- relevant parties whose role is to promote
power) .Evolusi and TVET development in the economy to sort out the right strategy
both developed or developing countries for equity and accelerate economic
largely depends on the economic context of growth. The purpose of the regional
the country. The two countries have never economy is to choose which should have
been in a state of are identical or similar.
an economic activity and why the region
Some things need to be evaluated in nature
to see, the success or appropriateness of of choice. Here the role of regional
TVET system in the country to assess the economics for the effective planning and
specificity of the economic situation of the appropriate in determining the measures
country. These include: taken.
a) Gross National Product b) Increased productivity, management
Gross National Product or Gross development and performance
Domestic Product (GDP) according to
McEachern (2000: 146) means to
measure the market value of final goods The shift of the productivity of the
and services produced by resources that secondary or manufacturing industry
(product) of the tertiary industry-oriented b) Relevance productive competence
service. (industry needs) and implementation of
c) Increased specificity competencies that the budget for education and training
support productivity (multiskills). Social factors associated with the
Increasing awareness that higher development of TVET, namely:
productivity can be achieved where the a.The cultural diversity of a country
workers carry out a wide range of skills b.The level of unemployment, especially
in teamwork. It is claimed, and youth unemployment.
supported by some evidence, that the c.Standard communication and transport
level of employee satisfaction and d.Social status of citizens educated or
commitment to the work when the trained.
worker is able to practice a variety of e.Population balance between the young
tasks in the composition of the team. and the elderly in the population.
This leads to output high-quality work f. The values of ethical standards of society
and a general increase in productivity g.Stabilitas family relationships
levels. In addition to the ability of each h.Luasnya law and order
worker multiskilled allow the completion
of an integrated series of related tasks 2. Political context
that previously might have been done Political context behind TVET due to
several factors including:
sequentially by a number of different
a) Agenda Politics always involves
specialized staff. Restructuring work to
tension between the objectives of the
achieve new working arrangements is
various policies. One example of such
having a major impact on how schools,
political tension:
institutions and other organizations such
1) good economic management
as TVET.
requires strict control of
government spending
In the development of TVET are required
to: 2) Education is the means to develop
a) Provides course organized in a modular skills and form attitudes necessary
format, the development of skills that for a productive and competitive
match the needs. industry.
b) Module expressed in terms of 3) The debate on whether TVET should
knowledge, attitudes and skills with be directed at a specific special
clear standards. skills when needed.
c) Allow students to access training in b) The political system influence
specific areas where a need for skills government policy objectives relating
to TVET, aims to
d) Achievement of competence within the
1) social reform
stipulated time,
2) Industrial restructuring and
e) Modules are based on the knowledge
and skills provided are gradually able
3) Pengurangi youth unemployment
to assess, recognize and give credit for
4) Improving the export capacity
the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that
5) Ensuring adequate technical
reached from sources other than the
support for the military
TVET system
6) Rising levels of adult literacy
1. Social context
7) The achievement of environmental
The social context behind TVET due to
several factors including:
a) The gap between TVET output with 8) Achievement of effective
industry requirements that impact technology transfer.
many who are unable to work and in
the end the government's burden 2. Concept Implementation of TVET in
Each ASEAN countries have differences in perform the update skills to be adapted to
the implementation of the concept of TVET. the technological advances developed in
This is due to several factors, one of which the that time. Implementation of TVET in
number of residents and human resources. Singapore better than in Indonesia
2.1 TVET in Indonesia because of the direct secondary
Implementation of TVET in Indonesia education are grouped based skills to
applied at a level above high school owned. So that prospective workers
(SMP). At the level of Vocational High obviously choose based capabilities.
School students are divided according to
keahlihannya respective fields. 2.3 TVET in Brunnei Darussalam
Graduates of secondary vocational Brunei has the TVET system under the
schools (SMK) can continue their supervision of Brunei Technical Education
education in polytechnics or vocational Institutions (IBTE) is divided into two levels
training. Constraints TVET in Indonesia, of the program. The first program is the
namely: lack of competence of teachers, National Technical Education Certificate
at least more jobs, and difficult to (Ntec) for 1-2 years. The second program is
operate the technology. Of the existing the National Technical Certificate of Higher
problems with the government pursuing Education (HNtec) for 2 years. This level
a policy of printing competent teachers has the skills to more than Ntec. Brunei
in a short time to send the teacher made changes to the TVET system to
training in the industry. Besides improve the relevance of the curriculum,
imposing Teaching Factory system in responding to job qualifications framework
vocational schools (SMK). The reforms, as well as the skills to calculate
government hopes that the future learned throughout life. In Brunei job
cooperation between vocational schools qualifications frameworks, level 2 for the
and World Industries. program ISQ equivalent to Junior High
2.2 TVET in Singapore Schools. Level 3 graduates Ntec program. At
Implementation of TVET in Singapore level 4 for graduates HNtec and also
under the minister of education was Diploma of Health Sciences are continuing
developed as an educational institution their education at the Polytechnic Brunei.
technique (ITE) and 5 special polytechnic Level 5 for General Diploma of Polytechnic
supply needed skills to enter the industry in Brunei. It is almost the same as the
Singapore. At the junior high school implementation of TVET in Singapore
education, students are classified based which divide into specialized institutions of
capabilities. The division levels as follows: engineering education and polytechnics.
a. Accelerated high school (4 years). What distinguishes the implementation of
b. Normal academic secondary school (4-5 TVET in Indonesia, namely the percentage
years). of technical education in Brunei more than
c. Normal technical secondary school (4 general education.
d. Vocational school (2-4 years). Graduates
can be directly employed in the
institutions or the world of work. It is 2.4 TVET in Cambodia
different from other levels should Country Cambodia has 55 TVET
continue to ITE or polytechnic first. institutions include 38 institutions and
By grouping based skills to enter the training venues, 24 training institutions basic
labor candidate can focus on the skills to to difficult level under the supervision of the
enter the field only. So the work is more Minister of Employment and Vocational
efficient and also reduce the occurrence Training (MLVT). Problems faced by
of failed products. On the rising levels of Cambodia namely the distance skills to enter
skills to prospective workers must the world of work. Prospective workers find
it difficult to find a job where professional  Certificate 3: 12 months for the skills to
employees should be good in analyzing and work.
making decisions. In addition the distance b. Vocational education diploma for 3
between TVET system with job years.
qualifications framework. Therefore, the c. Technical and Vocational Education.
Cambodian government imposed a Diploma for engineering education: 2-3
decentralized management system, improve years. High diploma engineering: 2-3
the analytical skills to the population, and years.
create a flexible TVET systems. Other Laos National Qualifications Framework has
policies that support the growth of the eight levels.
industry with the necessary skills to enter  TVET: Levels 1 through 5: 1-3
and leave school at a young age. Chronology Certificate, Diploma, Higher Diploma.
of technical and vocational education in  HE: Level 5-8: Bachelor's, Master's,
contrast to Indonesia and Singapore. doctorate.
Diploma, bachelor, and master in Cambodia
only be gone for two years. For the doctoral 2.6 TVET in Malaysia
program applied for 3 years. When viewed Since it was first launched in 2012, the
from the job qualifications framework education minister of Malaysia has 71
Cambodian many similarities with secondary vocational schools level with the
Indonesia. junior high schools (SMP) but specifically
vocational. So Malaysia has the skills to
2.5 TVET in Laos prepare the population from an early age.
Formal Education System in the State of Constraints implementation of TVET in
Laos is much faster one year at the Malaysia together with other countries that
elementary school level. However, more lack skills to teachers have at least
than 1 year at junior high and senior level vocational and vocational education and
undergraduate. As for vocational and industrial relations. This is addressed by
vocational education is divided into three Malaysia to build Malaysia Technology
levels namely basic level, intermediate level Agency (MBOT), strengthen the curriculum,
and high level. Problems in the improving industrial relations and individual
implementation of TVET in Laos include: personal world. And introducing a flow of
a. The weak relationship between TVET skills to the public schools. So that on public
policy and developing industrial policy. education also understand the classification
b. Weak regulations on the development of of skills to be easy will proceed according to
skills to job seekers. the required areas of the world of work. It
c. At least training providers makes a little different with the
d. The low qualification and vocational implementation of TVET in another country.
education teachers' salaries. Malaysia tend to emphasize the skills to
If in view of the existing problems are not enter the classification have on every level.
much different from the problems faced by So that the population of Malaysia which did
some other Negar. But the country of Laos not come from vocational education is
tend to obscurity difference TVET program already thinking about a suitable work area
at each level. This is done revamping by the for the future. Malaysia's National
Laotian government to be more specific in Qualifications Framework is similar to
the target skills to each level. For vocational Indonesia. Only distinguishing from level 1-
technical education training levels as 3 for a certificate of technical and
follows: vocational. Level 4 to level 5 for the
a. Training skills to worker diploma and higher diploma.
 Certificate 1: 6 months
 Certificate 2: 6 months for the semi skills 2.7 TVET in Myanmar
to work.
Plans and management of technical and school is only taken 2 years. National
vocational education in Myanmar under the Certificate I and II are given to students of
auspices of three different agencies that technical and vocational education.
technology and science minister, minister of
labor, industrial entrepreneurs Myanmar. 2.9 TVET in Thailand
TVET in general in Myanmar more TVET system in Thailand is under the
emphasis on technical and vocational supervision of the Ministry of Education are
education department. Actually the concept grouped into three levels: lower secondary
of TVET with other countries. If the other school, medium, and high. In the review of
countries put more emphasis on training and the age ladder, TVET system in Thailand the
cooperation of industry and vocational same as in Indonesia. What distinguishes the
education. Myanmar is more inclined to the concept of TVET in Thailand is more
department of vocational education. In emphasis on the factory within schools and
addition, if compared with Indonesia, schools in the factory. Usually we know the
Malaysia Myanmar almost equal to that term teaching factory and Teaching Industry.
shorten the time of education. Problems in Overall problems encountered with
the implementation of TVET is also the countries in the ASEAN region. The Thai
same with other countries. So the step taken government build vocational qualifications
by the Myanmar government does not vary or competence standards. Besides
much. Myanmar government introduced a developing a competency-based curriculum.
competency-based curriculum and new Under the supervision of the Prime Minister,
training. As well as increasing opportunities founded the Institute of Professional
for the unemployed. Qualifications Thailand (TPQI) which has a
mission to develop competency standards,
2.8 TVET in the Philippines monitor employee assessment,
The education system in the Philippines has mengkolaborasi between vocational and
managed by three government agencies: higher education in the development of
a. Department of Education (DepEd) curriculum standards under the Ministry of
b. The development department of Labor kompetensi.di are skills to
engineering education and skills to Development Department (DSD) , DSD
c. Commission on Higher Education tasked to develop skills to new graduates in
(CHED) the world of work, creating opportunities for
Students in high school can choose 3 the unemployed, and the development of
spealisasi skills to: academic; technical- skills to enter the promotion.
vocational; sports and the arts. Constraint
concept in the Philippines TVET and skills 2.10 TVET in East Timor
to enter the job mismatch. Many countries in The concept of TVET in East Timor
the ASEAN region that has not fit between undergone many developments. At least
the skills to enter and work in the absence of training and employment opportunities for
management focused on the field at every young people as well as new developments in
level. TVET systems in the Philippines tend the process of making the Timorese
to be on the provision of high thinking government take intervention measures.
keahliah Anat analysis, technology-based Development of skills to perform these steps,
skills to enter, as well as the skills to enter the development of educational institutions
environmentally friendly. Judging from the and training capacity, facilities.
national qualifications framework in the Developments that were once centralized in
Philippines together with other ASEAN five regions, now it is evenly distributed in
countries. The difference in the level of each area. Improve career opportunities and
education at the secondary level. Time to job opportunities for young people.
take similar education Junior High School Development measures undertaken in East
that is 4 years older. As for the level of high Timor emphasizes equity training facilities in
the regions. Because there are still many relatively low compared to the Philippines.
areas in East Timor who still have not found Welfare economy can also be seen on more
a training institute. Besides competence of and more in the wake of technological
vocational teachers needs to be improved. If development agencies in Malaysia.
viewed from the level of education the same
age with the Indonesian state and the State 5. Conclusion
Thailand. Based on the literature described above, it can
be concluded that:
2.11 TVET in Vietnam 1. The concept of the implementation of the
TVET administrative functions from central collection of ideas TVET TVET TVET
to local made more complicated system is not system or design a perfect and meaningful,
effective. In addition obscurity make the so ready to be applied in the field.
difficult job of job qualifications. This 2. Implementation of TVET in ASEAN has
problem is experienced in the implementation the same problem that mismatch
of the TVET IN Vietnam. This makes the curriculum, lack of teacher competence
Vietnamese government re-structure change and qualifications, the distance between
TVET systems ranging from administration the industrial world and the world of
to implementation. Another policy that is to vocational education. Besides national
build a national qualification framework, the qualification framework unspecific based
development of curricula and textbooks, as skills to enter and work that is needed in
well as change the thinking people in the the industry. Overall the pace of
development of TVET. Besides developing development is done in each ASEAN
cooperation between vocational schools and country. Starting from the development of
TVET, universities and industry. TVET in facilities, reconstruction of TVET systems
Vietnam in the supervision of the Ministry of and curricula to emphasize teaching
Education and Training. factory system and the teaching industry.
Every country has an effective manner
4.3 Influence the implementation of TVET to respectively in addressing the
progress and economy of a nation implementation of TVET in the country.
From concept to implementation of TVET in 3. Implementation of TVET to the economy
each country would ake effect on the country's of a country is very influential. The more
economic progress. For example, the rapid and effective measures undertaken
Singapore state which has a small area he was development of a country, the more
able to build a more advanced economy. This quickly also increase the country's
can be seen from the salary per capita economy. The unemployment rate can also
population of Singapore said two levels above be reduced because of skills to which
the salary resident of Indonesia, East Timor every person meets the requirements of
and Cambodia. The Singapore government is industry in the country.
able to overcome the problem of
implementation of TVET in the State. So that BIBLIOGRAPHY
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early recognition of vocational education in Development Journal. 38-51
public education. So early the Malaysian ASEAN TVET.
population can be grouped by skills to which
are owned respectively. With so after
graduation they know what job that matches
their skills to enter. This can be seen from the
number of unemployed in Malaysia are

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