LESSON PLAN IN English 7 Subject-Verb Agreement (3

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Subject-Verb agreement (Grade 7)

I. Objectives:

CONTENT STANDARD The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine

literature during the Period of Apprenticeship as a means
of examining conflicts; various purposeful listening and
viewing strategies; difference between literal and figurative
language; ways to extract and condense information based
on library sources; verbal and non-verbal cues in oral
communication; and types of phrases, clauses, and

PERFORMANCE STANDARD The learner transfers learning by: resolving conflicts

presented in literary selections; using tools and
mechanisms in locating library resources; extracting
information and noting details from texts to write a précis,
summary, or paraphrase; distinguishing between and
using literal and figurative language and verbal and non-
verbal cues; use phrases, clauses, and sentences
meaningfully and appropriately
LEARNING COMPETENCY EN7G-IV-e-5: Use verbs when giving information and
making explanations.
 Identify the rules of subject-verb agreement,
 Write sentences/paragraphs which conforms to the
basic rules on subject-verb agreement, and;
 Recognize the importance of using correct subject-
verb agreement.

II. Subject Matter:

Subject-Verb Agreement K-12 Curriculum Guide

Grammar and Composition Handbook (Middle

School p. 215-225
Instructional Materials: Handout, Chalk, Writing Board
Skills: Grammar awareness, sentence construction
Methodology: Inductive
III. Procedure
Learning Activities


Good morning everyone, before we begin Good morning, Ma’am.

with our lesson, please arrange your (Students stand up and aligned their seats
chair and go back to your proper seat. properly.)

So now please stand up for the opening (The class president will stand up and lead the
prayer to be led by our class president. prayer)
“In the name of the father, the son and of the
Holy Spirit ……………
……….. Amen”
Ok class, you may now take your seat.
Before we start with our topic, who
would like to share what we have
discussed in the last meeting? Anyone? (Student raised his hand and began reciting.) The
Yes, Mister _______. previous lesson is about the proper use of Modal
And what is all about Modal Verbs?
Yes Miss ______?
(Student will stand up)
Modal Verbs are auxiliary or helping verbs which
modify or change the meaning of the main verbs.
We use modal verbs in giving advice or
suggestions, making request or giving predictions
Yes, that’s right! I am glad that you still and prohibitions.
remember our past discussion.

A. Motivation


Before I’m going to distribute your Yes, ma’am.

handout, let us do some exercise. I am
going to read few sentences and I want
you to identify if the sentence is correct
or incorrect. If the sentence has no error,
I want the class to stay silent and if you
think that the sentence is wrong, make a
noise. Any noise but please do not shout.
Are you ready?

First sentence: Several finds the movie


Is the sentence correct or wrong? Ma’am wrong (in chorus).

Yes, the sentence is wrong but why are

some students not responding? Class, I Several find the movie boring. The verb should be
want you all to participate. Okay who find and not finds, ma’am.
will give the correct sentence? Yes, the
girl in the back?

That’s right. Very Good. Ma’am the sentence is correct.

Next sentence: Everybody dreams to
travel around the world.

Yes, the sentence is correct. Dreams, is

the verb and is properly used.

Another, Physics is a very interesting Correct ma’am.


This is also a correct sentence. Would Even though the noun ends with s but it is a
anyone want to explain why? special noun and the verb takes a singular form.

Yes, that’s right! Special nouns are those

nouns with an s as an ending and they
always take a singular form of the verb.
Okay, that is all for the drill and let us
explore more about subject and verb.

B. Lesson Proper


I will give you a hand out that contains our (The students will receive one copy each)
topic for today. It will also be your study
notes for this lesson so please take good care
of them.
(Distributes the handout)
Please get one and pass.

So, our topic for today is Subject-Verb

Agreement. Everybody look at your handout The subject needs to agree with its verb in
and let us define what is subject-verb terms of quantity or number.
agreement. Class, please read.

(Re-read the definition)

When we say, singular, it simply means
single so it is only one right?
On the other hand, plural means 2 or more.
So, according to the definition, the subject
and verb must agree with each other. If the
subject is singular, then its verb should also
be in singular form. And if the subject is
plural, the verb must also be in plural form.

In your handout, there are rules to follow in

subject-verb agreement and examples are
provided in each rule. There were many rules
but for today, we will only discuss the first 5.
We will discuss the others these coming
days. I have here a draw lot and the five
rules are written in each of the paper here. I (The students will count off from 1 to 5 until
will divide the class into five groups. Count 1 all are done.
to 5 starting from right to left.

All students with the same number please

gather together and form your seat into
circle. Assign one representative per group to
draw here in front to know which rule would (The students with the same number will
be assigned to you. gather together and assign 1 representative
to draw.)
Okay class, listen. In each rule you are
assigned, I want you to provide 15 sentences
related to that rule. Write them on a whole
sheet of pad paper including your names.
Then choose 5 sentences from what you
constructed and write them on the board.
Each group will present in class what rule
you are assigned and what is all about that (The students will work as a group)
particular rule. You need to do your best in
presenting so that your classmates will also
understand the rule you worked on. 20-30
minutes would be enough for you to create
sentences from the rule and I will call your
attention after.

Okay class I hope you are done. Let us start

the presentation with the group who draw
the Rule #1. Please write your sentences on
the board. The group who holds the Rule #2
write your sentences on the other side of the (The class starts with the presentation)
board. The other groups please prepare.

(After 20-30 minutes)

Very good class, I hope all of you participated
in the group activity. Before we proceed with
another activity, let us have a quick recap.

A singular subject takes a singular verb.

A plural subject takes a plural verb.

Rule #1: The pronoun “you” always takes a

plural verb.

Rule #2: If a sentence begins with ‘here’ or

‘there’, the verb agrees with the subjewhich
follows it.

Rule #3: If two subjects, one plural and one

singular are connected by ‘either/or’ or
‘neither/nor’ the verb agrees with the nearer

Rule #4: A singular subject followed by

intervening words or phrases such as ‘with’,
‘as well as’, ‘in addition to’, ‘accompanied by’,
together with’, and ‘no less than’, takes a
singular verb.

Rule #5: Expressions of time, money, weight,

and distance are singular even if the form is

Okay, are there any questions? If none, let

us have an individual activity. I will
distribute these worksheets and I want you
to read the sentences carefully. If the
sentence is correct write C before the
number and if it is wrong, write I then write (The students receive the papers and begin
the corrected sentence on the line below the answering)
number. (The teacher distributes the

_1.Rita and Jenny likes to chat during class.
_2. Our neighbor and friends come to our (The students will answer in 20 minutes)
house for a BBQ once a month.
_3. Each of the student in the class have a
copy of this worksheet.
_4. The teacher hopes that everyone knows
what’s for homework when they leave the
_5. Money are a topic that causes many
discussions and even arguments.
_6. Four hours is a long time for a test.
_7. Some people likes to check their phone
every 30 seconds.
_8. Both boys plays basketball.
_9. Neither the students nor the teachers
likes the new schedule.
_10. Either he or I picks up the milk at the
store every week.

(After 20 minutes)
Okay class pass your papers.
With our topic today, what do you think is (The students will answer.)
the importance of using correct subject- verb
agreement? Is it really important when it
comes to writing? What is your opinion?
(calls someone randomly)

It is important to ensure that subjects and

verbs always agree with each other. The
relationship between subjects and verbs lies
at the heart of grammatically correct English
writing. Subject-verb agreement unifies a
sentence and makes it easier to understand.
Now, before I finally end our discussion, I
hope that everybody understood the first 5
different rules in subject-verb agreement and
apply them when writing. At the back page of
your handout, I want you to answer the last
exercise there.

In each rule of subject-verb agreement, create 3 sentences each. You will be creating a total of
15 sentences all in all. Please refrain from repeating the sentences that we had earlier. Do this
in a whole sheet of pad paper.
On a whole sheet of pad paper create a 2-stanza paragraph about your goals in life. Create
your own title. Underline the subject once and the verb twice.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Pre-service Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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