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Nama : Ni Putu Cynthia Ananda Dewi

NIM : Z11.2022.00103

EXERCISES 17, p. 252.

1. Henry said, "There is a phone call for you."

2. "There is a phone call for you," he said.
3. "There is," said Henry, "a phone call for you."
4. "There is a phone call for you. It's your sister," said Henry.
5. "There is a phone call for you," he said. "It's your sister."
6. I asked him, "Where is the phone?"
7. "Where is the phone?" she asked.
8. "Stop the clock!" shouted the referee. "We have an injured player."
9. "Who won the game?" asked the spectator.
10. "I'm going to rest for the next three hours," she said. "I don't want to be disturbed." "That's fine,"
I replied. "You get some rest. I'll make sure no one disturbs you."

EXERCISES 18, p. 252.

When the police officer came over to my car, he said, "Let me see your driver's license, please."
"What's wrong, Officer?" I asked.
"Was I speeding?"
"No, you weren't speeding," he replied.
"You went through a red light at the corner of
Fifth Avenue and Main Street. You almost caused an accident.
“Did I really do that?" I said.
"I didn't see a red light."

EXERCISES 19, p. 253

Mahen asked Ulan about what she was doing last night. Ulan answered that she watched a movie.
Then, Mahen asked her what kind of movie that she had watched. Ulan answered she had watched a
horror movie. Mahen also asked her what the title of the movie that she watched. She told him that
was a secret.

EXERCISES 20, p. 253

1. In a field one summer’s day, a grasshopper was chirping, singing, and hopping about for fun.
An ant passed by carrying an ear of corn back to his nest.

The grasshopper asked the ant to come and chat with him instead of doing all of that work.
The ant answered that he was helping to store up food for the winter and suggest the
grasshopper to do the same. The grasshopper said that they had got plenty of food at the
moment and asked the ant that he didn’t need to worry about that. The ant went on its way
and continued it’s work.

When the winter came, the grasshopper told the ant that he had no food and was dying of
hunger. Then, the ant said that he had plenty of food to last all through the winter from his
hard work in the summer. Finally , the ant shared the food to the grasshopper. Then the
grasshopper knew, it is best to prepared.
2. The Legend of GarudaTemple

Long time ago, there was a big bird fell into a temple in Bali. The temple was just finished
building. Therefore, this temple had not had a name yet.

A priest asked to a man what was that animal. The man said that was a big bird called
Garuda. The priest told the man that this Garuda was from heaven where the Gods live. The
man was shocked and call all the villagers to come and see the bird.

The priest told the villagers that they had to name the temple with the name of that bird.
Finally, that temple is well known as Garuda Temple until this time.

EXERCISE 21, p. 254.

4. Talal wanted to know if I was hungry.
5. Elena said she wanted a sandwich.
6. Bruce informed me that he was going to move to Ohio.
7. Kim asked me if I had enjoyed my trip.
8. Oscar asked me what I was talking about.
9. Maria wanted to know whether I had seen her grammar book.
10. Yuko said that she didn't want to go.
11. Sam wanted to know where Nadia was.
12. David asked me whether I could help him with his report.
13. Mike told me that he might be late.
14. Felix told me that I should work harder. [also possible: to work harder]
15. Rosa said that she had to go downtown.
16. My young daughter often asks me why the sky is blue.
17. My mother wondered why I was tired.
18. Pedro told me that he would come to the meeting.
19. Ms. Adams wanted to know if Ms. Chang would be in class tomorrow.
20. Mr. Clark, an elementary school teacher, explained to his students that the sun rises in the east.
21. The scientist predicted that someday we would be in contact with beings from outer space.
22. Joe said that he thought that he would go to the library to study.
23. I wondered if Omar knew what he was doing.
24. I wondered if what I had heard was true.
25. Olga thinks that sentences with noun clauses are a little complicated.

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