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 Comprehend study guide prior to class attendance

 Understand required learning resources; refer to unit
terminologies for jargons
 Proactively participate in classroom discussions
 Participate in weekly discussion board (Canvas)
 Answer and submit course unit tasks

At the end of this unit, the students are expected to:


1. Discuss the historical development of health education and its implication to

nursing profession.
2. Differentiate the Key responsibility of the Nurse Educator
3. State the difference of Nursing Process and Education Process
4. Identify The role of the nurse educator in staff and Patient Education

1. Participate actively during class discussions
2. Articulate opinions and thoughts clearly using confident and audible speech.
3. Interact with classmates and instructors in a physically respectful manner.


1. Show a commitment to being mentally present during class discussions.

2. Recognize and appreciate the value of each student’s input.
3. Accept comments and reactions of classmates openly.

Bastable Susan, Nurse as Educator 6TH edition, Nurse as Educator: Principles of

Teaching and Learning Practice


The WHO define Health Education as:

"Comprising of consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication
designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge, and developing life skills which are
conducive to individual and community health."

Brief History of Health Education

 History accounts that people of the ancient world were concerned about their health
• In the past the ancient Greek estates observed sports competitions in honor of their gods and
• This requires physical and mental training in order to win
• Believes in Plato envisioned about health

Overview of Health Education in the Philippines

Many existing health beliefs and practices in the Philippines are rooted back in the pre-
colonial period. This includes magico-religious elements, such as beliefs in spirits and sorcery
as causes of illness, as well as empirical aspects such as the use of medicinal plants.
Archaelogical sites in the Philippines have yielded skeletal remains showing intricate
ornamental dental work and the use of trephination (boring a hole into the skull as a magical
healing ritual.
Health remedies or treatment especially in health education in the primitive era in the
Philippines. Albularyo derived from the word herbolario meaning Herbalist. During the Pre-
Hispanic period the function of an albularyo was fulfilled by babaylan. A shamanic spiritual
leader of the community
The traditional approach assumes that illness is caused by a breach of taboos set by
supernatural forces. It is not unusual for an individual to alternate between the forms of
Although medical treatment had improved, health education has reached many
households and services had expanded, pervasive poverty and lack of access to family
planning detracted from the general health of the Philippine people
Philippines entered the 1990s as a modernizing society. The health conditions in the
Philippines would have improved a lot, had all Filipino doctors opted to stay in the country.
leaving only a few doctors attending to the needs of the large population in the country.
This in part explains the high cost of medication in the country, forcing some Filipinos to consult
faith healers, witch doctors or self-declared physicians who charge less. Others treat
themselves with herbal medicine. The health programs in the Philippines are commonly
administered through government hospitals and health centers in local villages
In 1993, the Department of Health launched its Hospitals as Centers for Wellness
program. It assigned each hospital a health education and promotion officer. In 2010, programs
are geared toward managing the major health issues that affect the country. There is a
needto be a continuity of the public health programs and education so that the public are better i
nformed and aware of their health status.
While the public health system was decentralized to local governments, this only led to
inequitable distribution of health services. Poor municipalities could hardly deliver health
services and education as efficiently as urban cities do. It must be noted that the national
government is showing efforts to make efficient health services and health education available
to as many Filipino

Evolution of the Teaching Role of Nurses

Before, the focus of nurses teaching effort is on the care of the sick and promoting the health of
the well public. As the nursing profession continuously evolves the scope of responsibility
expands as well, including:
1. Teaching as function within the scope of nursing practice
2. Educating their colleagues
3. Training the trainer
4. Clinical Instructor

Tracing the History of Health Education in the ancient times, Rubinson and Alles (1984)
concluded that the Health Education profession has been helping people for a very long time

A Health Educator is a “professionally prepared individual who serves in a variety of roles and specifically
trained to use appropriate educational strategies and methods to facilitate the development of policies,
procedures, intervention and system conducive to the health of individual, families, groups and

7 areas of Responsibility
1. Assessing the individual and family community needs for education
a. Provides the foundation of program planning
b. Determine what health problems might exist in nay age groups
c. Includes determination of community resources available to address the problem
2. Plan Health Education Strategies Interventions and Programs based on need assessment
a. Development of goals and objective which are specific and measurable
b. Interventions are developed to meet the goals
c. According to rule of sufficiency, strategies are implemented which are sufficiently robust,
effective enough and have reasonable chance of meeting the stated objectives
3. Plan Health Education Strategies Interventions and Programs based on priority population
a. Implementation is based on a thorough understanding of the priority populations
b. Utilize a wide range of educational methods and strategies
4. Conduct Evaluation and Research r/t Health Education
a. Health Educators utilizes research to improve the practice
b. Depending on the setting, utilizes test, surveys, observations, tracking of epidemiological
data and other methods of data collection
5. Administer Health Education Strategies, Interventions and Programs
a. Administration is generally a function done by experience practitioner
b. Involves facilitating cooperation among personnel both within and between programs
6. Serves as Health Education Resource Person
a. Involves skills to access needed resources and establish effective consultative relationships
7. Advocate for health and Health Education
 Advocate the profession of Health Education
 Translate scientific knowledge in under stable information
 Address audience diverse in diverse setting

Education Process
• It is a systematic, sequential, planned course of action consisting of two major
interdependent operations, teaching and learning.
• This process forms a continuous cycle that also involves two interdependent
players, the teacher and the learner, jointly perform teaching and learning
activities, the outcome of which leads to mutually desired behavior changes.

Teaching/ Instruction
• Teaching is a deliberate intervention that involves the planning and
implementation of instructional activities and experiences to meet intended
learner outcomes according to a teaching plan.
• Instruction is a component of teaching that involves the communicating of
information about a specific skill in the cognitive, psychomotor, or affective

Learning is defined as a change in behavior to includes skills, knowledge and behavior

• It is can be observed and measured at any time or in any place as a result of
exposure to environmental stimuli
Patient Education
• According to Freidman et al (2011). It is a set of planned educational activities
using a combination of method (teaching, counseling to improve behavior
modification) to improve patients knowledge and health behaviors

Difference of Nursing Process and Education Process

Nursing Process Education Process

Assessment Appraise physical and psychosocial Ascertain learning needs, readiness to learn
needs and learning styles

Develop care plan based on mutual Develop teaching plan based on mutually
Planning goal setting to meet individual needs predetermined behavioral outcomes to meet
individual needs

Implementation Carry out nursing care interventions Perform the act of teaching using specific
using standard procedures teaching methods and instructional materials

Evaluation Determine the physical and Determine behavioral changes (outcomes) in

psychosocial outcomes knowledge, attitudes, and skills

The role of the nurse educator in staff and Patient Education

 Provide clinically competent and coordinated care to the public

 Involve patients and their families in the decision-making regarding health
 Provide clients with education and counseling on ethical issues
 Expand public access to effective care
 Ensure cost effective and appropriate care for the consumer
 Provide for prevention of illness and promotion of healthy lifestyles

The Benefits of Effective Patient Education

 Promote adherence to healthcare treatment plans
 Increase consumer satisfaction
 Improve quality of life
 Ensure continuity of care
 Decrease patient anxiety
 Effectively reduce complication
 Maximize independence in ADL
 Empower consumer to actively involve in planning for their care
Social & Cultural Factors Related to Health Part A: Recognizing the Impact by Christie Kiefer.

Health –state of complete physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or infirmity (WHO)

Education – acquisition of the art of utilization of knowledge

Health Education – a science and a profession of teaching health concepts to promote, maintain
and enhance health, prevent illness and disability

Please refer to CU Task 1

Bastable Susan, Nurse as Educator 5TH Edition, Nurse as Educator: Principles of

Teaching and Learning Practice

Revised: January 2024

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