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Contents MIC 48 SERIES TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER Display Wiring diagrams . Dimensions 1+ Preliminary procedures. M1-Installer phase : configuration mode. 1-4 Flow chart of configuration, +2 Configuration Ul User phase : parameter definition mode IIl- 1. Flow chart of parameter definition, l-2 Parameter definition. IV-- Description of the special functions 1-1 Load break monitoring... IV-2. Selecting the 2 setpoints SP-SP2 1V-3. Manual Control of output power 1V-4 SMART function 1-5 Disabling the power output (OUT) 1V-6 Serial link... 1V-7 Error massages V+ Calibration Page 12 14 16 Display Lower display, which displays the Upper display, which displays the = setpoint = measurement output power ~ parameter values during programming heating element consumption (in amps) abbreviation of the parameter selected during programming, Main output status LED, lit when the output is active REM LED on when the controller is. ‘communicating via the RS485, serial link When the sensor input is ‘connected to a thermocouple or a P10, the LED corresponding to the selected unit of measurement sit Cool output or alarm 1 output status LED, lt when the output is active. Load break alam output andor alarm output 2 status LED, it LED ipidicating the SMART when the output is active. function ‘¢ adaptive tune ‘auto-tune ‘ManuaVautomatic operation ‘The associated LED flashes whon SP2.LED flashes slowly when the controller is in manual mode n Control occurs at eotpoint SP2. 'SP2 LED flashes rapidly when the setpoint value is programmed via the S485 serial link Parameter modification and direct Parameter selection and validation Sreeee bho eetestnt in configuration and parameter definition modes. ‘This koy fs also used to display the output power and the heating ‘element consumption wiring diagrams Relay output Logic output rv ‘250 feAresitive Pomer say -2BOY 2A resishve ©, oles dts - OT ee) | out2 OUT2@ OUTS - gure ura OUT3. dae & 1] [2] [3 eas foes Tee fP_THs HBX CTS? -SP2 TRIP The / RK _ OW CTI SP -$P2_ v4) [12] Cd = + won oupe av Banatie Tose ] [2] Bs [4 si cop enh na a 0 Gl Gl Iiine relay output is used to control an inductive load, itis a c. B P output voltage Advizable fo add an extemal RC circuit to terminals 6-7on | (mA) | GA) | (2) | WO “) the relay folowing the recommendations opposite: <40 | 0047 | 100 | os 260 <150| o1 | 22 | 2 260 NeW amplitude in absolute value = 250 °C. MP3 Main output OUTt This parameter suggosts an automatic cycle time CY 1 cycle for the instrument depending on ‘which output element of the controller you have. rE relay output-CY1 = 158 S5- logic output-Cv1 =46 Note : CY can be modified in parameter definition mode, Action of the main output FEU reverse action (heat) dv direct action (coo!) Funetion of output OUT2 a ot used (no need for alarm n°) t absolute alarm n°t 2 band alarra n° 3 deviation alarm n°t " ‘used as coo! output (in this case, P6 is forced to Ft) Cooling medium Ae air ok oll 20 water Operating mode of alarm n°t Ho high alarm with automatic RESET {Row alarm with automatic RESET Ht. Chigh alarm with manual RESET ©L. Sow alarm with manual RESET =n0. orn. Pro: =nO.ornc. orPi2=1,20r3 WPI0 Pa ° HA Using the 50 mA input (details: sections IV-1 and IV-2 p.42) OFF not used SP2 _: used with an external contact to select a second setpoint SPISP2 1-2 | used with an external current transtormer to monitor the load break (bd function) 1.0. =f the main output (out1) is type NO (standard) 1.C. :if the main output (outt) is type NC. Ratio of the current transformer used. Adjustable from 10 A 10100 A Function of output OUTS a not used (no need for alarm n° 2) or used for the load break monitoring function f P10 = 9.0. or n.C. absolute alarm n° 2 band alarm n° 2 # deviation alarrn n° 2 Note : I you require toad break monitoring AND alarm n° 2, select 1, 2 oF 3. Both these functions wail then be managed by output OUTS with a logic OR. Operating mode of alarm n° 2 and RESET of the load break monitoring function HOR. high atarm with automatic RESET LR low alarm with automatic RESET ft high alarm with manual RESET t.C, low alarm with manual RESET Note : The load break monitoring function always acts as a low alarm (current < Hbd threshold) whatever the operation mode of alarm 2. {P10 =n.0. onc. and P12=0 P'13is only used to select the type of RESET (manual or automatic) of the load break ‘monitoring function Automatic RESET: HA or LA. Manuat RESET HL orl, MP10 =. orn. and P1240 ‘The type of RESET (manual or automatic) of the load break monitoring function is the same «as thal of alarm n°2, Example : alarm n°2 = HA. => automatic RESET of alarm 2 and the load break monitoring function . 10 eyes 32018 npresr2ors |=COnF and P14: nererzors PIB Pit Pg Peo COnF ‘so a rE OFF Programming alarm n° 2 The threshold and hystoresis of alarm n* 2 can be adjusted in - contiguration mode (CaF) i you do not wish these parameters o be accessed by the user {higher level ot security) ~ parameter definition modo (GP-t) if you wish to be able to modify these parameters during operation. inf adjustment of alarm 9° 2 in configuration mode BFrt adjustment of alarm n° 2 in parameter definition mode Adjustment of alarm n°2 threshold Value between P3 and P4 = absolute alatm (P12 = 1) PS power ' The P17 threshold value has no influence. wee The power is ALWAYS limited to OLH unt ow the measurement "enters" the proportional “24 band: jar Py START pet Sven et 8 SOFT START function C- SOFT START function wth time mit OLeInF}) ‘with time limit COLZINF}) and measurement > P17 atend of OL and measurement « P17 at end of tO. output outeut Powe Sonar ' ous ow ! ae 8h ' sorrstanr} i sorrstant| Pt ‘eesboid ra PE py tnecsnold He FR py Load break detection threshold (details in soction IV-1-p. 42) Adjustable from 0 to 100 A depending on the current transformer used. End of parameter definition. Return to "Normal display mode”, you wish to return to the start of the parameter definition stage, press CE) Otherwise, the controllers ready to use, 18 IV - Description of special functions 1V-1 - Load break monitoring (Hbd function) ‘This function is selected during configuration with P10 =1n.O. or n.C Assigned to an external current transiorer (terminals 14-16), the controller monitors the Current circulating inthe load (connected to OUT!). When the currentis lower than the "Hbd! {hreshol6, output OUTS changes stale and the OUTS LED flashes, The measurement is only {taken when the power is applied tothe load at each period defined by the cycle ime CY, ‘Operating diagrams depending on the output type (defined P10) P10=n.0, Pio=nc. ‘measurement ‘measurement fot {ovr iy Important : 1) The power output must be activated for 50 ms minimum for the measurement to be taken, 2): Ino load current is detected during a cycle CY1, the current value displayed starts to flash, Load break monitoring operating diagram ours IV-2- Selecting the 2 setpoints SP-SP2 tis possible to select the roquirod setpoint (SP or SP2) remotely, simply by using an external contact connected to terminals 14-16 of the controller. This option is selected during Configuration with P10 = SP2, When the value of SP2 is displayed, tha corresponding LED flashes. 3.2 19 Important : + You cannot use the load break monitoring function and a 2r4 sotpoint SP2 simultancously. ‘The 50 mA input (terminals 14-15) can be connected to an external transformer for load break monitoring, OR to an extemal contact to solect a second setpoint SP2. * Ifyou wish to modify the value of SP2 during operation, there are 2 options Direct access by pressing C¥) ofA) when SP2 is displayed (associated LED flashing). To do this, the controller must nat be locked. access by pressing CE) to scroll through the parameters until SP2 appears on the lower display. Adjustment is made using the (¥) or GA) key f the controller is not locked 1V-3 - Manual control of output power Ge) ~ To access the function for manual control of output power. the controller must be in "Normal display mode” = Then press Ck) for more than one second, ‘Output power OUT! Output power OUT2 (if cooling function used P74) oo = LOUTH = 100% LED flashing : indicating ‘mania funtion 0a :OUT2=100% Modification of output power Note : the power of OUT! is limited to OLH in SOFT START function conditions. = To return to automatic control of output power, press Ck. for more than one second, = tis a smooth transter fro “automatic” to "manual " and vico versa, + When the SMART function is onabled the transfer from “automatic” to “manual "is made during the parameter auto-tune phase, the controllers forced into the adaptive tune phase when it returns to “automatic”. 1V-4 - SMART function This auto tune and adaptive tune function is used 1o obtain the best PID controt automatically ‘To access the SMART function, press CF) unti the lower display shows Snet. Use CB) or © to change irom Sn (enabled) t0 GFF (disabled) and vice versa. The corresponding SNAT LED is lt (steady or flashing) when the SMART function is ‘onabied. Thus, its possible to display but not to modify the PID control parameters (PD, 1). Note: = During discrete control (Pb=0), he SMART function is disabled. * A.securty code (P18) can be Used to lock the SMART function as enabled or disabled. 20 \V-5 - Disabling the power output (0UT1) ‘Te daabo the ouput power (aurng aduerments the machine or exam) proceed as iolows ~'Set the controler o “Normal eispay mode” = Press (A) and (E> simuttanecusty fora minimum of 5 seconds ~ OFF then appears on the lower deploy: te Insttumant operates as an indicator, with al the outputs deabled (OUTS, 2 and 3) anc the elarms inhibited. ~ To etum to normal operation (power output enabled), ress CZ) and CF) simultaneously foraminimum of seconds Note : programmed, the alarm inhibition function is enabled, as on power-up. IV-6 - Serial link {the controller is fited with an RS485 link, it can be serially connected to a master system, When the controller is connected, configuration and parameter definition are executed ‘remotely via the Serial link : the controler is in REMOTE mode. However, the master system can authorize configuration and parameter definition via tho: keyboard : the controller is then in LOCAL mode. When the controler is in REMOTE mode, the REM LED is lit, and the configuration is loaded via the serial link ‘The following conditions are essential for correct communication ~ The configuration parameters SErt to SEr4 must be configured correctly when ontered via the keyboard + The controfor must bein parameter defintion made (switch V101 closed) When parameters are being foaded, the controller does not perform any control and all the outputs are forced to 0. ‘At the end of the configuration procedure, the controller automatically returns to contro! with the new parameters. For any further information, please consult Crouzet. 1V-7 - Error messages 1) Indications of scale underrange and overrange. ‘A- Theso errors are indicated on the upper display as follows -Scalooverrango = SOG @ -Scaleunderrange gang @ When the process is above the upper limit of the measurement scale defined in P1, the display shows @), When the process is below the lower limit of the measuromont scale defined in P1, the display shows @) 21 Code of the error detected 18 Benaviour of outputs = During heating OF cooling control example {: OUT! =OFF — inheating action OUTI=ON in cooling action example 2: QUT1=ON__ inheating action OUT = OFF in cooling action ~ During heating AND cooling control ‘example |: OUTt our: OFF” example 2: OUTIL ON our FE 2) Indications of a break in the measurement element Fora thermocouple, a therm-resistance and a linear input in mV shown as a scale overrange: ~ Fora linear input in mA and V shown as a scale underrange. Note 1 : with a linear input in mA and V, the measurement element break check can only be: ‘executed for the following scales : 4-20 mA ;1-5V; 2-10V Note 2 : with a thermoresistance input, the scale overrange is shown as soon as the input resistance is < 1502 3) Errors The controller has a sett diagnostics algorithm, When the controlier detects an error, the display shows the following : stor codes | Deseriation Agion | L_| aa | | 400 The configuration sno onger —} Inialize by pressing Cand CAD compatibie with the original simultaneously untl this message He Ere parameter cefinton ieappears. @mme | b — = — = 201 Bex Configuration error, the 2 digits | Eg=2 1S Er« indicates that “Gre ‘onthe right give ihe number of | parameter P15 has been wrongly the wrongly-conligured parameter | configured. Return to “Con” mode to modify the parameter ‘As concoms the folowing errors, consult Crouzet oF retuin the Instrument to your supplier. 400.” Memory write error 150 CPU error 200. fAtompt to access a protected memory zone 301 RTD input calibration error 305 TCand mV input calioation error 307 leference junction caliralion error 310 Current transformer caltration error 311 20™mA input calbration error 312 BVinput eabbration ertor 313 10V'inputcalixation error 500 Auto zero error 502 Geld junction callration errr, V - Calibration Consut Crouzet 22

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