GI A1PLUS CLIL U1 2 Teacher's Notes

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1–2 CLIL teacher’s notes

Geography 1 S
 tudents quickly read the text. Ask students
to look at the photos and discuss their
answers to the questions.
Suggested answers
area [n]: a part of a city, town, country, etc.
The photos show a crowded city with a lot
current [adj]: happening now of houses, and a remote rural location.
Elicit answers from around the class. The
discourage [v]: to try to prevent something first photograph is Japan and the second
from happening is Australia. Explain that people live in both
places, but that there are a lot of people
divide [v]: a mathematical operation; shown
living in a small area in the first photograph
by the symbol ÷
and a few people living in a large area in
extreme [adj]: (weather) very hot, cold, wet the second photograph.
or dry Before reading the text again, write the
fertile [adj]: producing good crops or plants words in the Vocabulary focus box on
the board and ask students to find them
forest [n]: a large area covered by trees in the text. Pre-teach some of the more
complex words if necessary.
high [adj]: large in amount
2 S
 tudents read the text again in detail and
low [adj]: small in amount decide if the sentences are true or false.
natural resource [n]: valuable substances When students have finished, elicit the
such as wood and oil that exist in a place answers as a class.
temperate [adj]: never very hot or very cold
1 T 2 F (There are more people in Japan.)
3 F (It’s got a low population density.)
4T 5T
3 F ocus the students’ attention on the
Play the game snowman with the word numbers and ask them to scan the text to
‘population’. Write ten spaces on the find the correct answers. They then write
board, draw a picture of a snowman and what each number refers to.
elicit the letters until students guess Answers
the word. Every time the students guess
an incorrect letter, rub out a part of a 1 the size of Australia (km2)
snowman on the board. Ask students if 2 the population of Australia
they know what the word ‘population’ 3 the population density of Greenland
means. Explain that it is the number of 4 the population of the world
people who live in a particular area, for 5 the population density of Macau
example, the world, a country or a city. 4 In pairs, students discuss the questions. With
a less confident class, you could brainstorm
ideas together first and write them on the
board. Elicit answers from the class.
Extra activity
Ask students to look at the list of factors
that attract and factors that discourage
population. Ask them to think of
examples for each one.

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