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PT Triatra Sinergia Pratama (hereinafer referred to as TRIATRA), the manufacturer of Man Hauler (“Product”), hereinafter warrant to whom
have/has purchased the Product directly/indirectly from TRIATRA (“Purchaser”) under the following provisions:

1. Warranty Coverage
TRIATRA will provide a warranty to the Purchaser upon the Product with the following scopes:
A. The Product that has been sold to the Purchaser shall be free from any defect in material or workmanship under normal usage or
operation as guided by TRIATRA (the “Warranty”); therefore any faulty of the Product caused by normal usage or operation is
occurred within the warranty period (as stipulated below), shall be repaired and/or replaced by TRIATRA and/or any third party as
appointed by TRIATRA.
B. The repair and/or replace as set out in point (a) above are free of charge and will be performed in normal working hours at the
location as appointed by TRIATRA. For clarity purpose, the Warranty shall not include the transportation cost of the Product to the
location where the repair and/or replace of the parts of the Product as stipulated in this point shall be performed.
C. The Warranty under this Certificate is solely for the repair and/or replace of the parts of Product. Any direct and/or indirect loss
(including but not limited to labor, downtime losses, extra expenditures, reputation losses) suffered by the Purchaser are not included in
the Warranty as stipulated in this Certificate.
D. This warranty excludes any modification undergo at the Product’s commisioning process under Purchaser request which are beyond
instruction in the service manual and the contract.
2. Warranty Period
The Warranty provided by TRIATRA to Purchaser under this Certificate shall be valid within following periods:
A. 6 months for the part or system of Product (whichever event is occurred first) since the sign end of the Minutes of Acceptance and
Delivery of the Product or commissioning date (whichever as agreed by Purchaser and TRIATRA) for :
• The pneumatic system of product which consisting of solenoid valve, regulator, tubbing, pneumatic cylinder, valve.
• The electrical system of product which consisting of fan AC, blower AC, emergency valve, monitor, emergency exit w/fan, camera
xdrive, strobe lamp.
• The mechanical system of product which engsel, propeller shaft, adapter, pulley, compressor, condenser.
• The accesories of product which consisting of speaker, radio, amply toa, power audio.
B. 12 months for the structure body & frame of Product (whichever event is occurred first) since the sign date of the Minutes of Aceptance
and Delivery of the Product or commissioning date (whichever as agreed by Purchaser and TRIATRA) for the structure body of Product
which consisting of: body, mounting, frame seat.
3. Prerequisite
Any claim of Warranty, the Purchaser is obligated to notify TRIATRA immediately in writing. In such notification the Purchaser shall provide
complete description of the faulty of the Product (including but not limited to the cause of faulty, actual condition over the Product, and/or
the usage of Product) and any supporting evidence of the faulty (it can be photo and/or other evidence as may be provided by the
Purchaser). If required by TRIATRA, any faulty part of the Product claimed by Purchaser for Warranty, shall be returned to TRIATRA for
further examination. The return cost of part as aforementioned shall be borne by the Purchaser. TRIATRA holds ultimate rights to determine
whether any faulty of the Product can be repaired and/or replaced under Warranty provisions as stipulated in this Certificate by an
investigation performed by TRIATRA and/or any third party appointed by TRIATRA.



4. The Exemption of Warranty

The Warranty of the Product under this Certificate shall not be valid if the following event is occurred:
A. Any faulty of the Product caused by any misuse, and/or inadequate maintenance or repair of the Product as guided by TRIATRA;
B. Any faulty of the Product which caused by any event beyond control of TRIATRA and the Purchaser which commonly known as force
majeure (including but not limited to natural disaster, accident, and any other similar event);
C. Any modification and/or alteration over the Product are executed without approval from TRIATRA;
D. Any usage of part to the Product which not recommended, provided, and/or approved by TRIATRA;
E. Any normal wear and tear to the Product;
F. Maintenance costs aroused by normal deterioration or mechanical wear (consumable parts); and
G. Any faulty of the Product as the result of crash and/or corrosion caused by normal material contact with the weather or any contact
with other chemicals can not be claimed by Purchaser under this Warranty.
H. Damage caused by prohibited operating conditions, as well as subsequently modified axles and suspensions are exclude from the
I. Damages caused by nongenuine spare parts

The Warranty of the Product under this Certificate shall also not applicable for any consumable part of the Product, namely:
1. Consumable parts of the electrical system which consisting of cable, socket, switch, bulb, limit switch, fuse, working lamp, battery.
2. Other system which consisting of fastener (nut, bolt), wear parts (e.g : belt), bearing, coupling.

The Purchaser shall acknowledge no oral statements purporting to be warranties, representations, or guarantees of the Product of TRIATRA
has been made to the Purchaser by TRIATRA which in any way expands, alters or modifies the terms of the Warranty set out herein. Any
such statements do not constitute warranties, shall not be relied on by the Purchaser, and are not part of the terms of Warranty under this
Certificate. This Certificate constitutes a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of Warranty, express or implied, of TRIATRA.
The liability of TRIATRA under this Warranty is expressly limited to the provisions as specified above and in no event shall TRIATRA incur
any liability (including liability for general, special, incidental or consequential damages, or economic or moral loss arising out of any
failure of Product) which is not expressly stated by TRIATRA under this Certificate.
The Purchaser shall indemnify TRIATRA against all claims made against TRIATRA by any third party in respect of any such losses, damages,
death or injury as set in the preceding paragraph.


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