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5 Strategies to

Enhance Your
Mobile App
Today’s consumers expect to engage insurers on
their mobile phones, whether it’s to apply for a new
policy, request a quote or file a claim. But insurers
aren’t fully meeting customer expectations.
When the digital experience on an insurance app falls short of what we’ve
come to expect from companies like Amazon, customers become dissatisfied
and frustrated, leading to app abandonment and churn. And while customers
rely on their smartphones more than ever, research shows mobile solutions
are the least used methods for both new policy sales and claims.

The good news for insurers is that this presents an opportunity for growth. In
this eBook, we’ll cover these 5 proven strategies for enhancing your insurance
mobile app in order to drive customer loyalty, protect customer privacy and
increase revenue.

1. Monitor and analyze app performance

2. Simplify the onboarding process
3. Keep policy related features front
and center
4. Deeply understand app engagement
5. Make customer privacy and security
a priority

1 Monitor and analyze

app performance

Customers expect a smooth, seam- Mobile app crash analytics also

less journey while accessing their enables developers to identify
policy information, applying for a and address bugs more efficient-
new policy, getting a quote or filing a ly. Checking on the frequency and
claim. Slow, unresponsive or crash- impact of a bug makes it easier for
prone apps frustrate users, increas- your product team to prioritize fix-
ing the likelihood of uninstalling or es, resolving the most critical and
switching to a competitor. Technical widespread problems before they
issues cause about 11% of all app cause users to abandon ship.
uninstallations, so it’s critical to
identify and correct them as soon as • Network performance insights
possible. Making sure your app performs
consistently under different net-
work conditions is essential for
How to measure maintaining a positive user ex-
perience. By analyzing the impact
app performance varying network conditions have
on your app’s performance, you can
• Crash analytics
reveal, understand and address is-
Crash analytics refers to the pro-
sues before they negatively impact
cess of monitoring and reviewing
the customer journey.
the crashes and errors that users
may encounter while using your
Measuring network performance
app. This data typically includes
data allows developers to identi-
device information, operating
fy bottlenecks, optimize loading
system and app version, making
times, minimize latency and im-
it easier for your product team to
prove error handling, so users can
identify the root cause and take
enjoy smoother interactions as
the necessary actions to improve
they navigate between different
your app’s stability.
screens and features.

By pairing network analytics with will also enable your developers

the deeper behavioral insights to improve stability and enhance
offered by a digital intelligence the overall user experience across
platform, you can identify patterns various devices. The biggest win?
of user behavior related to network Reducing your app’s usage to avoid
conditions. For example, you may draining battery life—so customers
discover that users abandon cer- can access it as often as they want,
tain actions or features when expe- for as long as they want.
riencing high latency. Understand-
ing these patterns can help you One more thing: it really helps to
prioritize the optimizations and pinpoint bottlenecks and resolve
feature enhancements that will issues specific to certain devices.
make the biggest impact on your You can prioritize these optimiza-
customers. tions—and all other development
decisions—based on accurate,
• Device performance monitoring quantifiable data that directs your
One of the best routes to under- attention to the improvements
standing your app’s performance that will have the biggest impact
is to look at how it runs on a va- on your app’s overall compatibility
riety of mobile devices. This will and performance for the largest
show you how effectively your app number of users.
utilizes resources such as the
CPU, memory, battery and other
hardware components. Regularly
reviewing device performance data

2 Simplify the
onboarding process

They say you only get one chance to • Faster familiarity: Equipping cus-
make a first impression, and that tomers to quickly grasp the core
wisdom holds true for your insurance features instills confidence from
app as well. Your customers’ initial day one, so they’re more comfort-
experience will ultimately determine able exploring other areas at their
if they will continue to use your app in own pace.
the future—or abandon it for a better
alternative. The onboarding process: • Clear value proposition: Stream-
lined onboarding demonstrates
• Shapes your customers’ percep- your app’s value by clearly showing
tions users what they can achieve and
• Sets the tone for their overall how it can benefit them without
experience getting lost in unnecessary details.
• Demonstrates that your app will be
easy to use (or a major headache) A well-designed, straightforward on-
boarding process sets the foundation
While it’s tempting to show off every for positive long-term customer rela-
feature and service right away, there’s tionships. You want your customers to
a serious risk of overwhelming your feel excited about your app, not over-
users if onboarding is too complex. whelmed. By keeping it simple, you’ll
Here’s why it makes more sense to foster trust, increase user familiarity
keep things simple: and reduce friction—ultimately lead-
ing to higher renewal rates and loyalty.
• Reduced friction: Excessive steps
and information overload deters
customers from even completing
onboarding in the first place. The
sooner they become familiar with
your app, the sooner they can get
value from it—and hopefully be-
come regular users.

3 Keep policy-related
features front and
If your customers don’t know about experience as well as additional
an app feature or service, it might as product offers based on customer
well not exist. One of the best ways to needs and interests.
optimize your insurance app is to en-
sure that it intelligently guides users • In-app messaging: Analytics can
toward the features they’re likely to help you determine the best times
find most valuable, like filing a claim for sending in-app messages and
or getting a quote. push notifications that inform cus-
tomers about available features
Mobile app analytics play an impor- and services.
tant role in helping customers get the
most out of your features and servic- • A/B testing: You should test differ-
es, especially when combined with ent approaches to presenting spe-
more advanced digital intelligence. cific services, like varied messag-
Here are a few examples of how: ing, UI elements or the placement
of content, to see which is most
• Understanding user behavior: effective in driving engagement.
Mobile app analytics tools provide Advanced app analytics go beyond
insights into how customers in- telling you which test variant per-
teract with different services and formed better and helps you under-
features. By understanding these stand why so you can continuously
patterns in user behavior, you can optimize your testing strategy.
identify opportunities for improve-
ment. • Conversion funnel analysis: By
analyzing conversion funnels, you
• Personalization: App analytics can identify potential drop-off
enable you to detect different pref- points between awareness and ser-
erences and patterns of behavior vice utilization and better under-
among different customer seg- stand where users may be facing
ment. This deeper customer knowl- obstacles.
edge is the key to personalizing the

4 Deeply understand
app engagement

Almost 40% of app uninstallations • Feature adoption: Measuring

occur because people are simply not which features are the most used
using it. By measuring and monitor- and which are rarely accessed can
ing your customer journeys, you can help you prioritize improvements
actually understand why your app was and identify potential roadblocks.
abandoned—and make the necessary
corrections to prevent it from happen- • Retention rate: Calculating the
ing again and again. percentage of users who return to
your app after their initial down-
load tells you how strongly they are
Quantitative methods engaging with it and how satisfied
they are with the app overall.
Quantitative methods involve collect-
ing and analyzing engagement data to
• Churn rate: Checking the percent-
determine when, how and why people
age of users who uninstall or stop
interact with your app. Examples of
using your app over a specific peri-
quantitative methods include:
od can help you identify the extent
of engagement issues.
• App usage metrics: Tracking met-
rics such as the number of ses-
sions, time spent per session, and Qualitative methods
the frequency of app use can pro-
vide insight into how actively users Qualitative methods involve collecting
are interacting with your app. and analyzing non-numerical data to
understand user experiences, percep-
• Screens per session: Reviewing tions and motivations. In other words,
how many screens users visit in a they help uncover the “why” behind
single session can show you how the quantitative “what” and “how.”
confident users are in exploring Qualitative sources include:
around your app.

• Voice of the customer (VoC): Digital experience intelligence plat-

Open-ended survey questions and forms bridge the gap between quan-
feedback prompts allow users to titative analytics and qualitative user
express their opinions and provide feedback, so you can gain a deeper
detailed information about their understanding of customer interac-
experiences. tions and engagement. This makes
it easier to drive targeted, impactful
• Reviews and ratings: Customer improvements to the overall user ex-
reviews and star ratings on app perience.
stores can offer insight into user
satisfaction levels.
How to measure
• Usability testing: Observing and
recording users’ interactions with
insurance app
your app can identify usability is- engagement
sues and pain points.
Your mobile analytics reports will help
• Heatmaps and session replays: you understand user engagement
Visualizing and analyzing user so you can increase the number and
interactions can highlight areas of length of interactions with your app
interest or confusion. and create value for your users.

• User interviews and focus groups: Digital customer journey mapping

Conducting an in-depth interview Customer journey maps provide you
or group discussion with your us- with a complete understanding of how
ers can be instrumental in gaining users interact with your app at each
a deeper understanding of their touchpoint throughout their journey.
experiences. Journey mapping tools visualize each

stage of the customer journey and

identify key interactions. By seeing • A/B testing: By integrating A/B
exactly how users behave as they testing with digital customer jour-
navigate your app, you gain a greater ney mapping, you can compare
understanding of which features are how different flows (e.g. checking
used most frequently and where cus- claim status) influence user be-
tomers encounter obstacles. You can havior and engagement at different
then eliminate the pain points to help touchpoints in the journey.
users complete their intended jour-
neys more easily. Conversely, you can • Voice of the customer (VoC): You
also enhance engagement by capital- can integrate user feedback, opin-
izing on touchpoints where users are ions and sentiments with digital
already showing high levels of interest customer journey mapping to
and satisfaction. provide qualitative insights into
their experiences, pain points and
Better insights with digital experi- preferences at different stages of
ence intelligence the customer journey. You can also
While standard mobile analytics tools identify specific areas of improve-
can inform you about how customers ment, address user concerns and
are engaging with your banking app, validate the effectiveness of A/B
they can’t provide the context that test results in terms of user satis-
clearly explains why. Here are just two faction.
examples of how digital experience
intelligence can be combined with Engagement analytics
traditional analytics to create a clear- App engagement analytics help you
er picture of the user experience: understand how users behave while

using your app, how frequently they tomers experience while interacting
use it, and how engaged they are with with your mobile banking app. This
the available features and content. By helps you identify areas that may be
monitoring key metrics, you can make causing difficulty, confusion or an-
data-driven decisions to optimize noyance.
performance, enhance the user experi-
ence and improve engagement. These

• Session duration: The average du-

ration of user sessions.

• Screens per session: The number

of screens users typically visit dur-
ing each session.

• User activity by time: The time

when users are most active within
the app.

• Frequency of app usage: How of-

ten users access the app. Struggle scores are calculated based
on user interactions and behavioral
• In-app actions: Monitoring spe- data. There are different ways you can
cific in-app actions, like form sub- do this. At Glassbox, our proprietary
missions, taps or scrolls. struggle score incorporates more than
30 types of indicative behaviors and
• Screen heatmaps: Visualizing technical events referenced against
areas where users engage the most trillions of user sessions. A high strug-
(and least). gle score indicates that users encoun-
tered more difficulty during a particu-
• Feature usage: Which features are lar action. Reviewing and lowering
used most or least frequently. This these scores isn’t just an impactful
can be segmented by user type to method of increasing user engage-
identify which features are popular ment, it’s also a great way to create a
among different audiences. more positive user experience overall.

Struggle scores
A struggle score measures the level of
difficulty, frustration or friction cus-

5 Make data privacy

and security a priority

Keeping customer data private and unauthorized access to sensitive in-

secure is of the utmost importance for formation.
your insurance business. Policyhold-
ers trust you to handle their sensitive Glassbox allows you to easily config-
information with care, and any breach ure what customer data is visible to
could irreparably damage their con- your employees based on pre-set rules
fidence in you and lead to penalties or business needs, ensuring the priva-
for failure to comply with legal and cy of information is always retained.
regulatory requirements. Here’s how
to ensure you are protecting customer
data while analyzing and optimizing
Data minimization
your insurance mobile app.
Another way to maintain privacy while
enabling analytics is to only collect,
Mask and omit data process and retain the minimum data
necessary for a specific purpose.
Data omission involves excluding
sensitive or personally identifiable in-
formation (PII) from datasets to limit
Data encryption
exposure and reduce the risk of data
Encryption is fundamental for safe-
breaches. By omitting specific data
guarding the data submitted by your
from your insurance app’s analytics,
customers. Because encrypted data
you can obtain valuable insights with-
remains protected even in the event
out compromising data privacy.
of unauthorized access, it’s an impor-
tant level of protection that reduces
Data masking works differently
the risk of data breaches, identity
by replacing or disguising PII with
theft and other cyber threats. Encryp-
scrambled or encrypted values. This
tion is also required to comply with
approach is useful when you need
data protection regulations.
to keep the structure or format of a
dataset intact while still preventing

Do’s and Don’ts for

Insurance Mobile Apps

Decide which elements are most important for meeting your
customers’ needs and keep them front and center

Create a clutter-free, smooth and easy-to-use interface

Stay on top of your app’s technical performance via analytics

Monitor the impact of technical issues to prioritize


Overwhelm users by adding too many features to your
mobile app

Skimp on user testing

Sacrifice technical performance

Prioritize downloads over user experience


Final thoughts
We hope you are feeling inspired to Insights unlock better
dig into the world of mobile app ana-
lytics and see exactly how to change app engagement
your insurance app for the better.
Whether it’s identifying the root cause Glassbox goes beyond traditional
of technical issues and poor app analytics tools to provide a complete
performance, finding the onboarding digital experience intelligence plat-
process that works best for your us- form. With a deeper understanding of
ers, or gaining a clear view of how to how your customers behave and why,
prioritize feature development, mobile you’ll cultivate long-lasting, positive
app analytics will give your app the customer relationships and optimize
edge it needs to delight and retain your mobile app to deliver on your
policyholders business’ strategic priorities.

Ready to optimize your

If you want a clearer picture of how users engage with
your app, where they struggle and why they leave,
Glassbox offers unmatched mobile app analytics
capabilities to many of the worlds largest insurers.
We’d love to help you too!

Get a demo

About Glassbox
Glassbox empowers digital product teams to predictably
delight their customers with high-value features and
frictionless in-app experiences. Our digital experience
intelligence platform leverages AI-driven visualization and
analytics tools to form a 360-degree view of the customer’s
entire digital experience. Consolidating product analytics,
web analytics, technical performance and VoC data in real-
time, Glassbox brings better data, deeper insights and vastly
improved visibility to product management.

Learn more at I I I
© Glassbox 2023. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks
and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.

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