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Ch 8 Differential and Multistage


3.對於雜訊和干擾而言, 差動電路比單端電路所受的

8.1 The MOS Differential Pair
• 差動放大器(D.A.)也稱
差動對Differential Pair
• Q1,Q2匹配(特性參數相
• I為理想電流源, 內阻∞
• 使用主動負載取代被
• Q1,Q2都必須在飽和區
Figure 8.1 The basic MOS differential-pair configuration.
• iD1 + iD2 = I

vG1 = VCM + ( ) ,V
2 CM = (vG1 + vG 2 ) / 2; the common-mode input

vG 2 = VCM − ( ),v = vG1 − vG 2 ; the differential input

2 id
8.1.1 Operation with a Common-Mode Input
Voltage VCM vG = VCM ,VS = VCM - VGS
Q1 and Q2 are matched.
iD1 = iD 2 , iD1 + iD 2 = I
 iD1 = iD 2 = I
2 = 12 kn' WL (VGS - Vt ) 2 (1 +  vDS )
令 = 0,
2 = 12 kn' WL (VGS - Vt ) 2
= 12 kn' WL VOV 2 , VOV = VGS - Vt
VOV = I / (kn' WL ) The DA does

VD1 = VD 2 = VDD - 2I RD
not respond
to (i.e., it
rejects) CM
Figure 8.2 The MOS differential pair with VO = VD 2 − VD1 = 0 V input signals.
a common-mode input voltage VCM. 3
Input common-mode range
重要參數:VCM 的範圍 :
1. 飽和區VGS - Vt  vDS
 VGD  Vt
VCM  VD + Vt
VCM max = VDD - 2I RD + Vt
2. VGS - Vt  VOV VCS
VCM  VS + Vt + VOV
VCM min = -VSS + VCS + Vt + VOV
Exp 8.1:For the MOS differential pair with a common-mode
voltage VCM applied, as shown in Fig. 8.2, let VDD = VSS = 1.5
V, kn’(W/L) = 4 mA/V2, Vt = 0.5 V, I = 0.4 mA, and RD = 2.5
kΩ, and neglect channel-length modulation. Assume that the
current source I required a minimum voltage of 0.4 V to
operate properly.
(a) Find VOV and VGS for each transistor.
I D1 = I D 2 = I

VOV = I /(kn' WL ) = 0.316V,

VGS = VOV +Vt =0.816V

(b) For VCM = 0 V, find VS, ID1, ID2, VD1, VD2, and VO.
(c) Repeat (b) for VCM = +1 V.
VD1 = VD 2 = VDD - 2I RD = 1.5 − 0.2  2.5 = 1 V
VO = VD 2 − VD1 = 0 V

Figure 8.3 Effects of varying VCM on the operation of the differential pair. 6
(d) Repeat (b) for VCM = -0.2 V.
(e) What is the highest permitted value of VCM?
(f) What is the lowest value allowed for VCM?
(e) VCM max
= VDD - 2I RD + Vt
= 1.5 - 0.5 + 0.5 = 1.5 V
(f) VCM min
= -VSS + VCS + Vt + VOV
= -1.5 + 0.4 + 0.5 + 0.316
= - 0.284 V
The input common-mode range :
Figure 8.3 (Continued)
-0.284 V  VCM  +1.5 V
Ex 8.1:For the amplifier in Exp 8.1, find the input
common-mode range for the case in which the two
drain resistance RD are increased by a factor of 2.
(New RD = 5 kΩ)

The input common-mode range :

-0.28 V  VCM  +1.0 V
8.1.2 Operation with a Differential Input Voltage
小訊號時,DA好 (1) vid = vG1 - vG 2 , | vid | 如果夠大,
當vid 為正, iD1 = I , iD 2 = 0,
當vid 為負, iD1 = 0, iD 2 = I .
(2) If vid  0, and VOV = I / (kn' WL )
iD1 = I = 12 kn' WL (vGS 1 - Vt ) 2 式1
iD 2 = 0 = 12 kn' WL (vGS 2 - Vt ) 2 式2
由式2可知, vGS 2 = Vt  vS = - Vt
vGS1 = Vt + 2 I / (kn' WL ) = Vt + 2VOV
vid max = vGS 1 + VS = 2VOV
(3)反之vid  0, vid min = - 2VOV
(4)結論, - 2VOV  vid  2VOV
Figure 8.4 The MOS differential pair with a differential input signal vid applied.
With vid positive: vGS1 > vGS2, iD1 > iD2, and vD1 < vD2; thus vO will be positive.
With vid negative: vGS1 < vGS2, iD1 < iD2, and vD1 > vD2; thus vO will be negative. 9
Ex 8.2 : For the MOS differential pair specified in Exp 8.1 find (a) the value of vid that
causes Q1 to conduct the entire current I, and the corresponding values of vD1 , vD2 and
vO; (b) the value of vid that causes Q2 to conduct the entire current I, and the
corresponding values of vD1 , vD2 and vO; (c) the corresponding range of the differential
output voltage vO (= vD2-vD1).
Ans:VOV = I / (kn L ), ' W

由Exp 8.1可知, VOV = 0.316V,

- 2VOV  vid  2VOV
 - 0.45V  vid  0.45V
(a)當vid = 0.45V
vD1 = VDD - IRD = 0.5V,
vD 2 = VDD = 1.5V
vO =vD 2 - vD1 = + 1 V
(b)當vid = -0.45V
vD1 = VDD = 1.5V, vD 2 = VDD - IRD = 0.5V
vO =vD 2 - vD1 = - 1 V
(c) -1 V  vO  + 1 V 10
8.1.3 Large-Signal Operation
以下為電流轉移曲線iD1 - iD 2 vs. vid的推導
iD1 = k
' W
n L (vGS 1 - Vt ) → iD1 =
2 1
2 k ' W
n L (vGS 1 - Vt )
iD 2 = 12 kn' WL (vGS 2 - Vt ) 2 → iD 2 = 1
2 kn' WL (vGS 2 - Vt )
iD1 - iD 2 = 1
2 k ' W
n L (vGS 1 - vGS 2 ) = 1
2 k ' W
n L vid (1),
iD1 + iD 2 = I , 將(1)式左右平方可得,

Figure 8.5 The MOSFET differential pair for the

purpose of deriving the transfer characteristics,
iD1 and iD2 versus vid = vG1 – vG2.
I- k v  1 ' W 2

I - 2 iD1iD 2 = k 1
' W
n L
i - IiD1 + 
D1  =0
2 n L id

 2 
2 iD1iD 2 = I - 12 kn' WL vid2
I  vid  (vid / 2) 2
iD1 =  kn' WL I   1-
2 iD1 ( I - iD1 ) = I - 12 kn' WL vid2 2  2 I / k ' W
n L

4( IiD1 - iD2 1 ) = ( I - 12 kn' WL vid2 ) 2 iD1取(+)號, iD 2取(-)號, I / kn' WL = VOV

iD1 1 1  vid   1 vid 
= +   1-  
I 2 2  VOV   2 VOV 
iD 2 1 1  vid   1 vid 
= -   1-  
I 2 2  VOV   OV 
2 V
根據以上二式, 可得出Fig. 8.6
Figure 8.6 Normalized plots of the currents in a
MOSFET differential pair. Note that VOV is the overdrive
voltage at which Q1 and Q2 operate when conducting
drain currents equal to I/2, the equilibrium situation. 12
若iD1 = I , 4
4VOV - 4vid2 VOV
+ vid4 = 0
 1 vid 
( 2V )
I I v 2
= ( )( id ) 1-   ,
OV -v 2
id = 0, vid =  2VOV 時, iD1 = I
2 2 VOV  2 VOV 
2 取(+)號, vid = 2VOV 時, iD1 = I , iD 2 = 0
 1 vid 
VOV = vid 1-   , 同理, vid = - 2VOV 時, iD1 = 0, iD 2 = I
 2 VOV 
 1 v  2
I  I   vid   1 vid 
V 2
OV = v 1-
id 2 
iD1,2 =     1-  
 4 VOV  2  2   VOV   2 VOV 
 VOV [我們希望D. A.是線性的]
如果 2

I  I   vid  I
iD1  +     = + id
2  2   VOV  2
I  I   vid  I
iD 2  -   = - id
2  2   VOV  2
 I   vid   2 2I   vid  vid
id =    =   = gm 2
 2   VOV   VOV  2  13
Figure 8.7 The linear range of operation of the MOS differential pair can be extended by operating the
transistor at a higher value of VOV.
1. 若增加VOV , 則iD1與iD 2 導致Av下降
的線性度會更好 4. 提升I 也可以增加VOV ,
2. VOV = I / (k ' W
n L ), 但Pdiss會增加
可減少 WL 來增加VOV 5. 觀察Fig. 8.7 線性區
3. 但是g m = VOVI 會變小, 藉由增加VOV而擴展 14
Ex 8.3:A MOS differential pair is operated at a bias I of 0.4 mA. If
μnCox = 0.2 mA/V2, find the required values of W/L and resulting gm if
the MOSFETs are operated at VOV = 0.2, 0.3, and 0.4 V. For each value,
give the maximum |vid| for which the term involving vid2 in Eqs. 8.23 and
8.24, namely ((vid/2)/VOV)2, is limited to 0.1.

Ans: I 保持不變,
VOV = I /(kn' WL )  WL = I
kn' VOV
2 and g m = I

vid / 2 2
( ) = 0.1  vid = 2VOV 0.1

8.1.4 Small-Signal Operation:Differential Gain
vG1 = VCM + vid


vG 2 = VCM - vid
2 
 vG1 + vG 2
 = VCM
 2
 vG1 - vG 2 = vid
VCM 為一直流電壓 Figure 8.8 Small-signal analysis of the MOS differential
amplifier: (a) The circuit with a common-mode voltage
applied to set the dc bias voltage at the gates and with vid
一般而言, applied in a complementary (or balanced) manner. (b) The
circuit prepared for small-signal analysis.
vCM min  VCM  vCM max ,
若使用雙電源, VDD = VSS ,
VDD + (-VSS )
VCM = =0
2 16
分析Fig. 8.8(b), 假設輸入為互補,
I D1 = I D 2 = 2I , VOV 1 = VOV 2 = VOV
設vS = 0, (很好的假設, 如此也無須使用旁路電容)

vgs1 = v2id , vgs 2 = - v2id

id = VOV I vid
2 = 2 I D vid
VOV 2 =g vid
m 2

vo1 = - g vid
m 2 RD , vo 2 = g vid
m 2 RD
vo1 / vo 2 g m RD
單端Ad = = V/V
vid 2
vo 2 - vo1
雙端Ad = = g m RD V/V
Figure 8.8 Small-signal analysis of the MOS differential amplifier:
(c) The circuit in (b), with the MOSFETs replacedwith T models. 17
An alternative way

Fig 8.9(b),
id = 2
=g m v2id

vod = 2  id RD =g m RD vid
雙端Ad = = g m RD V/V

Figure 8.9 (a) An alternative view of the small-signal differential

operation of the MOS differential pair: (a) analysis done directly
on the circuit. (b) analysis using equivalent-circuit models. 18
The Differential Half-Circuit and the Effect of
參考Fig. (a), 考慮Q1 , Q2的ro與
Current Source的輸出阻抗RSS
由於s點電位為零, RSS對電路無影響,
將前述電路的RD改為RD / / ro即可
分析Fig. (b)電路,又稱差模半電路
vo1 = - g vid
m 2 ( RD / / ro )
vo 2 = g vid
m 2 ( RD / / ro )
vod = g mvid ( RD / / ro )
Figure (a) MOS differential amplifier with ro and RSS
taken into account. (b) Equivalent circuit for determining
the differential gain. Each of the two halves of the
differential amplifier circuit is a common-source amplifier,
known as its differential “half-circuit.”
Exp 8.2:Give the differential half-circuit of the
differential amplifier shown in Fig. 8.11(a). Assume
that Q1 and Q2 are perfectly matched. Neglecting ro,
determine the differential voltage gain Ad≡vod/vid.

Figure 8.11 (a) Differential amplifier for Example 8.2.

Figure 8.11 (b) Differential half-circuit.

−vod RL RL
RD // RD //
2 =− v
2 , A  od = 2
Sol: d
vid 1 +R vid 1 +R
2 gm s gm s

Ex 8.4:A MOS differential pair is operated at a total
bias current of 0.8 mA, using transistors with a W/L
ratio of 100, μnCox = 0.2 mA/V2, VA = 20 V, and RD =
5 kΩ. Find VOV, gm, ro, and Ad.
VOV = I /( kn' WL )
= 0.8/(0.2  100) = 0.2 V
gm = VOV
= 0.8
0.2 = 4 mA/V
ro = = = 50 k
VA 20
ID 0.4

vo 2 - vo1
雙端Ad = = gm (RD //ro )
= 4  (50//5) = 18.2 V/V 22
8.1.5 The Differential Amplifier with Current-Source

Figure 8.12 (a) Differential amplifier with current-

source loads formed by Q3 and Q4. (b)
Differential half-circuit of the amplifier in (a).

Ad  = g m1 (ro1 // ro3 )
Ex 8.5:The differential amplifier of Fig. 8.12(a) is fabricated in a 0.18-
μm CMOS technology for which μnCox = 4μpCox = 400 μA/V2, |Vt| = 0.5
V, and |VA’| = 10 V/μm. If the bias current I = 200 μA and all transistors
have a channel length twice the minimum and are operating at |VOV| = 0.2
V, find W/L for each of Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4, and determine the differential
voltage gain Ad.

W 
  =12.5,
L 1、2
W 
  =50,
L 3、4
Ad = 18 V/V
8.1.6 Cascode Differential Amplifier

Ron = ( g m 3 ro 3 )ro1
Rop = ( g m 5 ro 5 )ro 7
Ad 
= g m1 ( Ron / / Rop )

Figure 8.13 (a) Cascode differential amplifier; and

(b) its differential half circuit. 25
Ex 8.6:The MOS cascode differential amplifier of Fig. 8.13(a) is
fabricated in a 0.18-μm CMOS technology for which μnCox = 4μpCox =
400 μA/V2, |Vt| = 0.5 V, and |VA’| = 10 V/μm. If the bias current I = 200
μA and all transistors have a channel length twice the minimum and are
operating at |VOV| = 0.2 V, find W/L for each of Q1, to Q8, and determine
the differential voltage gain Ad.

W 
  =12.5,
L 1、2、3、4
W 
  =50,
L 5、6、7、8
Ad = 648 V/V
8.2 The BJT Differential Pair

• Q1,Q2匹配(特性參數相
• I為理想電流源, 內阻∞
• 使用主動負載取代被
• Q1,Q2都必須在主動區
• iC = IS ev /V

• iE = iC/α
Figure 8.14 The basic BJT differential-pair configuration.
• iE1 + iE2 = I

8.2.1 Basic Operaion

Figure 8.15 Different modes of operation of the BJT differential pair: (a) The differential pair with a
common-mode input signal vCM. (b) The differential pair with a “large” differential input signal. (c) The
differential pair with a large differential input signal of polarity opposite to that in (b). Note that we have
assumed the bias current source I to be ideal (i.e., it has an infinite output resistance) and thus I remains
constant with the change in vCM. 28
Differential Pair with a Small Differential Input
Signal (a few mV)
1. .Q1 Q2均為on(在Active Region內工作)
2. iE1 = + I , iE 2 = − I (注意 I  vi )
2 2
3. iC1 =  iE1 =  ( + I )
iC 2 =  iE 2 =  ( − I )
4.vC1 = VCC − iC1 RC = VCC −  ( + I ) RC
vC 2 = VCC − iC 2 RC = VCC −  ( − I ) RC
5.輸出電壓vod = vC 2 - vC1 = 2IRC
6.vod  I  vi
Figure 8.15 (d) The differential pair with a
small differential input signal vi.
Ex 8.7:Find vE, vC1, and vC2 in the circuit of Fig.
E8.7. Assume that |vBE| of a conducting transistor is
approximately 0.7 V and α≈1.
Let Q1 on, vE =0.5+0.7=1.2 V,
thersfore, Q2 on, vE becomes 0.7 V,
then Q1 off.
iE = (5-0.7)/1 = 4.3 mA
  1, iC = iE = 4.3 mA
vC1 = -5 V
Figure E8.7
vC 2 = -5+1 4.3 = -0.7 V
8.2.2 Input Common-Mode Range
vCM max = VCC - 2 IRC + 0.4V
vCM min = -VEE + VCS + VBE

Figure 8.15 Different modes of

operation of the BJT differential
pair: (a) The differential pair
with a common-mode input
signal vCM.

Ex 8.8:Determine the input common-mode range for a bipolar differential amplifier

operating from ±2.5 V power supplies and biased with a simple current source that
delivers a constant current of 0.4 mA and required a minimum of 0.3 V for its proper
operation. The collector resistances RC = 5 kΩ. -1.5V~+1.9V
8.2.3 Large-Signal Operation
忽略Early Effect,
iE1 = IS
 e ( vB 1 -vE )/VT
, iE 2 = IS
 e( vB 2 -vE )/VT ,
= e( vB1 -vB 2 )/VT ,
iE 2
vB1 - vB 2 = vid , iE1 + iE 2 = I
兩邊同時加1, 然後取倒數
iE1 iE1 + iE 2
1+ = = 1 + e( vid /VT )
iE 2 iE 2
iE 2 1 I
= ,iE 2 =
I 1+ e vid /VT
1 + evid /VT
類似步驟可得,iE1 =
1 + e-vid /VT
Transfer Characteristics of the BJT D.A.
I I
iC1 = , iC 2 =
1+ e - vid /VT
1 + evid /VT
當vid  0, iC1增加, iC 2減少;
當vid  0, iC1減少, iC 2增加
若vid = 0, iC1 = iC 2 = 2I (假設  1)
觀察Fig. 8.16,
Figure 8.16 Transfer characteristics of the BJT | vid | 4VT時, ( 2VOV at MOS),
differential pair of Fig. 8.14 assuming  ≈1.

Extend the Linear Range of Operation


Figure 8.17 The transfer characteristics of the BJT differential pair (a) can be linearized (b)
(i.e., the linear range of operation can be extended) by including resistances in the emitters.

Ex 8.9:For the BJT differential pair of Fig.8.14, find
the value of input differential signal which is sufficient
to cause iE1 = 0.99I.
iE1 = 0.99 I and
iE1 = (Eq 8.48)
1+ e - vid /VT

e - vid /VT
= 0.99
vid = -VT ln( 0.99
-1) = 115 mV

8.2.4 Small-Signal Operation(輸入信號的DC成分未顯示)
I I
iC1 = , iC 2 = [分子、分母同乘evid /2VT ]
1 + e-vid /VT 1 + evid /VT
 Ievid /2VT
iC1 = vid /(2VT ) - vid /(2VT ) [if vid <<2VT , e  vid /2VT  1  2vVidT ]
e +e
 I [1 + vid / (2VT )]  I  I vid
 = + = I C + ic
1 +  vid / (2VT )  + 1 + -vid / (2VT )  2 2VT 2
 I  I vid
同理, iC 2  -
2 2VT 2
= I C - ic
 I vid vid
ic = = gm ,
2VT 2 2
IC  I
gm = =
Figure 8.18 The currents and
voltages in the differential amplifier
when a small differential input
signal vid is applied. 36
An Alternative Viewpoint of : Input Differential Resistance
and Differential Voltage Gain

Figure 8.19 A simple technique for determining vid v v

ie = ,ic =  id = g m id
the signal currents in a differential amplifier 2re 2re 2
excited by a differential voltage signal vid; dc
vid vid
quantities are not shown. Rid = = (1 +  ) = 2(1 +  )re = 2r
ib ie
vod = vo 2 - vo1 = 2ic Rc = g m Rc vid
Ad = g m Rc V/V
An Alternative Viewpoint of : Input
Differential Resistance and Differential
Voltage Gain (with Re) vid
ie =
2(re + Re )
 vid
ic =
(re + Re ) 2
vid vid
Rid = = (1 +  )
ib ie
= 2(1 +  )(re + Re )
 Rc
vod = vo 2 - vo1 = 2ic Rc = vid
(re + Re )
 Rc Rc
Ad =  V/V
Figure 8.20 A differential amplifier with emitter
(re + Re ) (re + Re )
resistances. Only signal quantities are shown (in color). 38
Equivalence of the D.A. to a CE Amp.
vid is applied in a complementary manner

Figure 8.21 Equivalence of the BJT differential amplifier in (a) to the two common-emitter
amplifiers in (b). This equivalence applies only for differential input signals. Either of the
two common-emitter amplifiers in (b) can be used to find the differential gain, differential
input resistance, frequency response, and so on, of the differential amplifier.
The Differential Half-Circuit
v =
vc1 = - g m ( RC //ro )v = - g m ( RC //ro )
vc 2 = g m ( RC //ro )
vod = vc 2 - vc1 = g m ( RC //ro )vid
Ad = g m ( RC //ro ) V/V

Figure 8.22 Equivalent-circuit model of the differential half-

circuit formed by Q1 in Fig. 9.21(b). 40
Exp 8.3:The differential amplifier in Fig. 8.23 uses
transistors with β = 100. Evaluate the following :
(a) The input differential resistance Rid.
re1 = re 2 =re
VT 25
re = = = 50
I E 0.5
= 2(1 +  )(re + RE )
= 2  101  200
= 40.2 k  40 k

Figure 8.23 Circuit for Example 8.3. 41

(b) The overall differential voltage gain vo/vsig (neglect
the effect of ro).
vod 2 RC vod 2  1  10
Ad = =   = 50 V
vid 2( RE + re ) vid 2(0.15 + 0.05) V
vid Rid 40
= = = 0.8 V
vsig Rid + Rsig 40 + 10 V
The overall differential voltage gain
vod vid vod
=  = 50  0.8 = 40 V
vsig vsig vid V

Ex 8.10: For the circuit in Fig 8.18 let I = 1mA, VCC = 15V, RC = 10kΩ,
with α= 1, and let the input voltages be: vB1 = 5 + 0.005 sin 2π× 1000t,
volts, and vB2 = 5 - 0.005sin 2π× 1000t, volts, (a) If the BJTs are
specified to have vBE of 0.7V at a collector current of 1mA, find the
voltage at the emitter. (b) Find gm for each of the two transistors. (c)
Find iC for each of the two transistors. (d) For vC for each of the two
transistors. (e) Find the voltage between the two collectors. (f) Find the
gain experienced by the 1000-Hz signal.

Sol: (a) The dc current in

each transistor is 0.8mA.
VBE = 0.7 + 0.025 n( )
= 0.683 V
vE = 5 − 0.683 = 4.317 V
(b)g m = = 0.5 = 20 mA
VT 0.005 V
(c)iC1 = 0.5 + g m vBE1 (vd  2VT )
= 0.5 + 20  0.005sin 2  1000t
= 0.5 + 0.1sin 2  1000t mA
iC 2 = 0.5 − 0.1sin 2  1000t mA
(d)vC1 = (VCC − I C RC ) − 0.1RC sin 2  1000t
= (15 − 0.5  10) − 0.1  10sin 2  1000t
= 10 − 1sin 2  1000t V
vC 2 = 10 + 1sin 2  1000t V
(e)vC 2 − vC1 = 2sin 2  1000t V
vC 2 − vC1 2Vpeak
(f)Voltage Gain  = = 200 V
vB1 − vB 2 0.01Vpeak V

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