AgricolaExpansion7 8

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Expansion #7 Resource Cards with Solo, Multi, Co-Op and Partnership Play variants Introductions ‘The steady flow of resources during the game is something thar all players can count on even if using the “Through the Seasons” variant. ‘This further focuses the play on afew elements to provide game variation, when to grab the stare player and which cards you have and when to ply them. To expand che variation beyond the cards and 1 mix the game up a bit more than "Through the Seasons” a resource catd deck has been put together to exeate fluctuations in the insertion of goods. Througle playcesting with the resource cards more variability has been added in the resources and due to the tighter eonteols dhe players ean now use most ccccupations in the solo and 2-3 player games. Additionally, playees ean now work together to attempt to beat the game by playing a co cop game. All of this came from the addition ofthese cards. The resource cates cat also he used in the family game toad some mich ‘needed variahilty since the oceupation/ improvement cards are nor used in the game. not affected by the resource cards. Examples + ‘Take 1 Reed, 1 Stone and 1 Food!” (4 player) Explaining the resource eards: (Note: action spaces with a + symbol on them ar actions would include the “Take 1 Vegetable", “Take 1 Sheep and 1 ood” (Spay) among echers) [Add space type isa reference to how many goods are added each round. ‘The 3 would be for the 3 wood space fon the main board. The 1 would be for the 1 reed space. All+ action spaces ‘are not affected by the cards with take 1L grain as an example. Depending on the # of materials on ‘each space determines how many of ‘each item willbe placed at the ‘beginning ofthe round, The negative} replenishments are used inthe solo game only unless the players want an adltional challenge Depending on the numer of players, separate the cards by group number. ‘Depending on the difficulty the players desire the game can be easier or more challenging. ‘This ection indicates how the breeding will take place if this card is turned in the harvest round. Leave the bottom section exposed so all players can view how breeding will be hendled, Das [Saas / Seas? ‘ard acint er the crop 1. Thereave 24 resource cards included, 14 wil be needed for each ge 2. There are 6 areas om the cards that are used for different purposes during the game. Notes he resource card # is ithe left comer ofthe main sexton, a #1, Add Space Type: The 1, 3, 2, and 4 reference the “tec arrow” spaces that note what needs to be replenished at the beginning ofeach round. “The columns are organized in this way because of the frequency usd in the gate ‘To explain iL The "1" column is used wo replenish the “1 Cl’, “l Reed’, “Ping Spor’ 1 Sheep" “1 Stone” and al catler spaces that would norially have 1 item added each round. fi, The 3 column is used to replenish the "3 Wood” mai board space andthe “3 Clay" space inthe 5 player gine, fi, The 2 column is used to replenish the “2 Wood!" space (8 and 4 player), and the "2.Cla fv. Finally the 4 column is used to replenish the “4 Wood” space (5 player) b, 42, plvers: noted below the Add Space Type numbers helps co note which columinsare used depending on the # of players in the game. #3, # on space: This cohum refers to how many are currently on the replenishment space before adding to/taking aay from the material space. Relerro resource card #1 above, if 3 wood ison te 3 wood space, te cad noes that L wood will be replenished in the next round. Likewise, if the space was empty "0" then 3 wood would be place om the space. 4 #4, Replenishment figures This is the area where che # on space and Add Space Type eros. This notes hows much will be added or taken away a the besisuing of dhe next round 85, Group #s: During setup, the cards should be separated by round numbers depending on the number of players. ‘This helps to keep the game balanced and allowed the addition of sil levels and cerap pay pace (4 player 120F 17, INTELLECTUAL. PROPERTIES OF SOLOPLAY (BGG USER ~ GANERULESFORONE) 46, Harvest Round Breeding: Indicates, only dosing the harvest round breeding phase, how many offapring are added, ifany. This further increases the variability, this time inthe breeding mechanics. 3, Game Setup: During sorup the players need to decide how challenging they want the gume to he whether in normal, slo, ‘multiplayer, coop of family format. Once cis it decided do the following a. Refer tothe group # om the cards for the number of players in tae game and separate the cards based on the group numbers 15. 1. Refer to the resouree card selection matrix include atthe end of these instructions and randomly draw from each group the # of cards indicated, setting the extra cards aside ©. Once all cards are selected, should be 14, blindly shutile the cards and thon place face up next to the game board with only the top resource card visible 4. Fill the action spaces hased om the “O" line for the game being played using the top resoiiee card. Place the resource carl on the round 1 space and place the 1° action card on top of the card. Nowe ifthe action cad needed to have sheep placed on it also ter tothe card. The game is ready for play 4. During the game: 4. Each new round can is iled referring to the “0” line. All others are filled based on the *# on spac When placing a card for the harvest round let the breeding informacion extend beyond the round eaed when ici pled over the top so tharall players know how this will happen during breeding, ‘Changes to game pay: 1. Major Improvements: ‘8. For SclePhay, randomly draw 4 major improvements with no more than 1 feplace, I cooking hearth, 1 oven and 12 other improvernents being drawn, This means that you may not have a fireplace, ewen, hearth of ony have 12 ‘other improvement in play. This variability will have an affect on the approach the player takes to the game. If an ‘easier game is wanted, then feel free to add more impravements, (Examples: 2 clay fireplace, well, clay oven and joinery ot 5 clay cooking hearth, basketman's workshop, joinery and stone oven would be 2 examples of a draw.) b. Wenly 2 players: randomly drave 6 major improvements, 1 fleplace, I hearth, Loven and 3 other improvements an easy game is wanted, then fel free to ade more improvements ©. No changes for 3 or mote players, place all improvements 2 Occupations: ‘Most occupations are available to the players in a 123 playce games, The few eccupations/improvements that need robe removed or amended ate listed below. 1. EDecks (remove and redraw iFone or mote of these ate dea from any deck) 1. SoloPlay and 23 players: Dancer, Conjurer and Storyteller since they refer wo the “Traveling Players" space 2. SoloPlay: Also, Rateatcher and Gentleman since no other player) ate in the game, a. Amended play forthe following cards in SoloPy 1. Estate Manager: compare to 6 sheep, 5 boar and 4 catele to determine points earned 5, Pastor: only can be used if you have 2 rooms after round 6 fil, Reeve: must have played 5 or more occupations to gee the points Z Decks |. SolaPlay: Mail Coach Driver since no other player() are in che game ii, Deck: 1. SoloPlay and 23 players: Puppeteer, Street Mus “Traveling Players” space. SolaPhay: Als, Stone Buyer, Social Climber, Field Workes, Wood Buyer, Fences, Taster, Reed Buyer and Midwife since no other players) ate in the game ‘a. Amended play tor the following cats in SoloPlay 4. Village Elder: 6 or more improvements needed to collet the points. i. Harvest Helper: The geain will come from the supply forthe 2 food cost i. Rancher: Refer ro the number of rounds played to determine if the player gets wood. Example: After 3 rounds a player would need to have less than 3 ature spaces covered 3. SoloPlay: Minot Improvements: Panner, Lasso and Spinney since another player is referenced 1, Amended play for the following improvement in SoloPlay i. Slaughtwr House: Can he built only for the points. The care provides 90 ‘other benefit sn and Juggler since they refer to the 13.0F 17 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES OF SOLOPLAY (BGG User ~ GAMERULESFORONE) we. K Decks 1. SolePly and 23 players: Ani “Traveling Players” space. Amended play for the following card in Soloplay or 2 players: 4. Storehouse Keeper: Receive the henetit when a thmily member takes eed oF 2. SoloPlay: Also, the Educator and Slaughterman since no other plaer() are in the game. a. Amended play tor the follwing cards in Soloplay i, Hote Steward: Must have ot leat $ rooms to ge the points. i, Wood Distributor: Must be a least $ wood on the space ro dstibure wood, 1 to 3 wood must remain on the wood space afer the use ofthis oxcupation cach round. This caed was just ro0 powerful otherwise wl Trainer, Acrobat and Magician since they refer to the How the resource cands affect the play: 1 ‘More occupations are available for play which makes the game much more iteresting and challenging to play. While you can sbuftle all dhe types of occupations roger, yout may fn eae thi wll make the gare a more fastating anda lightly mow random way to play with ineteased chances of fonetional overly in the cards. T wat one who used to put all of the Gecks together to wake play more interesting. With dhese variants I leve the Zin dhe E deck but otherwise the 1 and K decks have been separated into thei own. The K deck is definitely harder to deal with even with the fll complement of cccupations, I vould suggest sepurating the deck ad not deating during the snip. The resource cards, once put into practice, make the resource spaces fluctuate instead of steadily akling 1,2 ete each round ‘When the ea space has Io even 2on tie usually passed over bur what abou when the “add 3” resotrces card spayed to the recenaly emptied space. The opposite fs ako ty; the reso wate or even be reduced. This ceearee a ‘constant flow of challenging decisions. ‘The breeding cyle can be interrupted or accelerated as well. Now just getting 2 may nat be enough to ocomne a succesful breeder. Depending on how the resoure cand fall, you may need to change your thought process and take that 1 sheep. Combining the resource card wit the ville expansions creates a cullenging open environment fr thse who enjoy sich, an experience. [noticed the it makes the 4 and 5 player games more varied especially when the payers inteas dei fay Productive cures with the new actions andl expanded resources keep the game mowing with wld choices dhe el help eo improve the players postion. Oren the game can tur inthe last 35 rounds due tt well ined action, ce spots could SoloPlay comments (for this SoloPlay variant the resource cards are required) You have 3 challenge levels explore. There sre about 150 posible occupations sn play which ts considerably more than she official vaiant. The 3+ and 4# cxcupations will be needed due to the way the resources fluctuate and to give the player the opportunity to develop new techniques tha could hep in multiplayer ply ‘Ihe game ts nor layed like the “oil” solo vasa but wl el ml more bke a gaie played by 45 competitive players when playing the higher levels a. The play wall more closely replicate muliplyer play ik Starc with 2 food. Ji During each harvest ach family mewbereeguies 2food unlesaete by card ii Only 4 major improvements are in py. This eould mean that a fireplace, oven or some other “normal” option isnot in play. The player world e wise to review the possibilities prior to beginning play since a food engine is very crucial to develop. is. Additional scoring possibilities Gf card drafting s not used 1. Playing wo occupations grant the phyer 5 addtional pains 2. Playing no minor imprewements ants 2 points 3, Playing no major improvements grants 3 points 4. Soberact 2 points, if your desite to lay out all of dhe resource cas or replay the sae setup including the round exes a Not: dese ave been added to help reduce the luck of the daw elements and 0 sve the player ational options to explore. These scoring aditions are also applied (0 the family sola grme: 7 points automatically boone there are no occupations and sninot improvements, Ibis unlikely cc the player can gc ehrough a game without a naj ituprovemen bu the possibility is ders bh. Determining game results [4549 — Gane Vierory li, 5054 = Major Game Victory iii 55+» Master Gate Vietory 140r 17 Inuit ACTUAL PROPERTIES OF SOLOPLAY (EGG USER — GAMCRULEGFORONE) 4. SoloPlay Strategies: a. Card play is crucial: You will likely play 12 more occupations and { more minor improvement than you normally clo im multiplayer play, This és due ro the fuctuating eesources which makes oocupations muich more attractive in supplying the needed resources or points to get to the higher level victories, However, f you feel ehae your card draw is poor you may want w try playing without the occupations ete ane use the additional scoring to drive for b. Resourees: The resources will not build up lke they do in the official solo game, With this the player needs to pay constant atention ro the resources to maximize the game supply. As you play mote you will see how this ean be done, © Keepran open minds Often I have found that the best choice is something that is not very obvious at frst. Many thes T need to use some of those "forbidden" carde/action spaces to make ends mect. Being flexible is key ng victory ‘Multiplayer play: 1. The player have 5 levels of play to choose from. ‘The 1" 3 are for competitive play with the lat 2 mcant for coop play. The om being that since the players are working together accesses will be easier to achieve so a tighter resoutce system fs needed 10 provide the challenge 2. Most occupations will he available for L3 players which wil bring more variety to the card play and more might be played, of ‘none a all to se the additional scoring, 3. Resourees spaces can go from lee fo must have in 1 ound oF remain empry Yor round). Knossing the time to grab the good isa crucial as ever. 4. Using the additional end gate scoring noted in SolePlay is optional but suggested. By using the scoring, the Iuek of the ‘draw can be reduced, Ifcard drafting is used, do not inchide the additional eard scoring 5. Play diierences None, except the use of the resource cat, expansions and with the major improvements in a2 player game. Cop plays (only with resource cards) 1. The more restricted resource levels are sive for CoOp play where the players are free to converse to best maximize the ‘resources and actions. Leave all of your blocking and posturing tacties at home and bring your team game. 2. Tels the goal of the players to work together to beat che game. This is not as easy as it sounde especially atthe top challenge evel. 3, Determining vietory: (total all of the player's sores) a. Game viewry: 12 players = 6067 total points li 3 players - 9097 li 4 playere= 120127 i. 5 players ~ 150159 1b. Major Game victors: i. 2 players = 6875 total points li, 3 players = 98-105 ilk, 4 players = 128135 iy. 5 players ~ 160169 © Master Game victory: 1. 2 players = 26+ tora points ii, 3 players ~ 106+ iit 4 players = 136+ iv. 5 players = 170+ 4. Strategy sesion a. Work together Partnership play: ‘Using Expansion #3, 4 players could split into 2 reams siting across from each over and through the expansion be able to direc interact with the partner to achieve a wietony with one alteration. The “haeter space provides 2 additional goods to only ome of the players in the wade if parmers are trading. The normal rules apply to inreeream trading. The team scotes should be compiled and compared to determine a victory. Expinslon #4 also offers some minor way to create a pormerhin play game. Feel tree 10 ‘experiment with the design for added enjoyment, 1S0F 17, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES OF SOLOPLAY (BGG LISER ~ GaMERULESFORONE) Expansion #8 - Rocky Ground Introduction: In order to add variety to the planing and development of your farm chis small expansion has been put together. There are 3 levels of play that can be employed. 2, 6sided, dice will be needed to place the rocky grotin tiles on the playerts) board). Expansion description: ‘This expansion contains 10 “rocky ground” tiles which act ae unusable farmyard spaco(s) unless and until che les) are plowed over. ‘The tiles eannot be included in a pasture and will count against che player as an unused fuemyaed space at gite's end. An additional scoring opportunity is offered inthis expansion, Setup: Depending on the # of players and level of play, retrieve the needed rocky ground tls. 1. Determining the # of tiles: a Normal (E ot L i. 15 players 2 ies b. Advanced: (K) 4.13 players 3 tiles fi, 45 players 2 tes © Variables Lor K i. 13 players: 13 tiles 45 players: 12 tes 2, “Labeling” the player's board This assuunes the “normal” orientation of the player's board, see diagram. The space above the players starter home cannot he used for this placement. 5. 2dice wil be rolled and used to determine the rocky ground placement, (2 tle) a For E, each player chooses whether to cake both of the single pasion placements, berween 1 and 6 o¢ t0 take a single die and the combination roll, Example: A2 and 6 are rolled. The player lias 3 choices eke spaces 2 and 6, spaces 6 and 8 or spaces 2 and 8. Place the rocky ground tiles on the appropriate spaces. L_ The players ean choose to make all boards the same or ta each have a unique setup. Teis up to the players co decide his. 1608 17 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES OF SOLOPLAY (BGG LISER ~ GAMERULESFOROME? 1b, For "I", the player to the left ofthe rolling player will decide which space will be used. i. The players can choose to make all boards the same of to cach have a unique serup. Tels up t0 the players to decide this & Por “K’, che rolling player decides the placement of all ofthe tiles forall playess. Same setup is required forall players when playing "K” 4. Fora 3eile game, a single roll is made and all players wil place « rocky ground tile on that space before a player makes the "2 tile” roll forall players. 5. Variable setups: This sup is unique a. The I* player is chosen by any means and eh player determine by gall where the 1 rocky ground tile will he placed using the normal 3 options. b. The 2" player ean determine if a 2* tile wll be placed and rolls as necessary. Asa honus the 2 player receives 1 fod from the supply. If the player, decides against it then only 1 ile wil be in use during the game. The 3 player will have the same option as dhe 2™ except that the 3" player would receive 2 food “Plowing” rocky ground: L. At any time a play may choose to plow over a rocky tle and remove the tile from the board. Do not place afield. Ifthe player is able to plow more than once die to card, the rocky tile can be removed and a field placed in its space forthe "2" plow action in the same turn. Fields must remain oethogenally connected to each other. 2. Collecting stone - when a player plows under the racky ground the player collects 1 stone for each stone action space that has been turned in the main round cards in stages 2 and 4. This means that the player ean collect Lor 2 stone when performing the action bb. All rocky ground tiles thar have boon plowed under provide the player with points), cetain the tiles uacil gime’s end i. Welle = L point fi. 2M ile = 3 points 3" le - 6 poins ©The uncovered pasture space wll stil count against the payee unles ts plowed into afield Rocky Ground Strategy Session: 1. There is no specific strategy that the player will need to “overcome” the obstacles that these tiles provide, Left alone they are merely unused pasture spaces, subtract 1 point for each, If the player ig able to gain the use of a plow improvement then these tiles cua be point earners. 2. IF playing with the “I” improvements the players are able to impact anorher player's stating setup by creating an ‘unusual arrangement of the tiles especially if placing 3 tiles. While there can be a factor of lick involved in this the players can decide that all boards will be sevup the same. Notee itis suggested thar in the off chance that all 3 spaces next to a player's houte are covered with rocks that the player whose hoard ir is can remove 1 of these rocky tiles at no penalty bur without using it for scoring at game's end, 17.0F 17 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES OF SOLOPLAY (BGG USER ~ GAMERULESFORONE) Resource Card Selection Matrix Instructions: Sopra othe resource cards by aoup forthe umber of layers playing, Select accorng to tie matic he ruber ‘of each grou hat you wil nes o pay. The numbers therows Inaeate how many of each up you wil need Bonus Coins, Chicken Coops, Rocky Ground and Misc Markers for the Agricola Village Expansions a ee ee eee pe @@ @@@@®@ Hale S3e00 ‘Add space type s1p/0tor2 13 fonspace All All 0 0.3 ‘ad sap/otoras [3 onspace all O 028 ‘Ad “1p/0tor 439 fon space Al o 30 ‘Add space type sip/ofor2s 432 a Wonspace All All 0 oer don aed 2 2-3 AK 1 deer 23 7 . 0 45-1 1 67 -2* 0 8 20 4-5 6-7 Be 45-1" 67-2" al 4 3 23 3 3 2 Be 21 2 A 23, -1* 0 45 -1* 0 6-7-2" 0 Be 2" 1-1 2 For the # of tems on the space add the |} ‘number noted for the # to add type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 1 2 Harvest Round Breeding 2a4d [34241 / 54242 ‘pote’ 1302 4 For the # of tems onthe space add the ‘number notedfor the #o add type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 1 Harvest Round Breeding 2240 / 30241 / 5+ ‘Add space type *1p/0for2 13 2 Forthe # of ems on the pace add the Tuiber noted forthe #to add type Wplayers 1.2 3-4 5 Group# 1 1 4 Harvest Round Breeding Deed [34241 / 54242 Card active forthe same round replenished ‘Add space type “1p/0for 132 forthe of tems on the space add the number noted forthe to add type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 1 1 4 ‘Add space type sip/ofor2# 1324 fonspace All All 34 5 Fe: fonspace AU AN 34 Honspoce All All 34 Oe 053-2 Soe So ease Oe: 22 To zi eee, TO ceed 22,1" Dae Saat Pees 1 45 45 45 -* 1 a5 -1* 0 0 0 67 67 1° 0 67-1" 0 0 8+ 2 4 5 5 4 23 4 4 3 2 8+ ge -1* 0 BAe 1-1 2 For the # of tems on the space add the |] ‘number noted for the #to add type Bplayers 1-2 3-4 5 Group#_ 2 2 1 Harvest Round Breeding 2a4l [34241 / 5e=42 as i en nnd i Ei Congr 2000 = SalaRay Gaver For the of tems on the space add the number nated for the # to add type #players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 3 4 Harvest Round Breeding =40 / 34241 / 5+=42 Card active forthe same round replenished “Copy 2005 Slay Gamer For the #ofttems on the space add the number notedfor the to add type players 1.2 3.4 5 ais. Harvest Round Breeding 2241 /3-4241 / Se 242 Card active forthe same round replenished For the # of tems on the space add the ‘number noted for the # to add type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group#_ 2 2 1 Harvest Round Breeding HY 2=40/34201/S5+=42 ff f} card active forthe same round replenished [i ——eeprrign aig say Gomes | i i ' i F| L ‘Add space type “1p/Ofor2* 43°24 Honspace All oO 1 Ua cag ans apace erp “tp/Ofor2* 132d Honspace Al Od ‘Add space type ap/oforae Pg gg Honspace All all CaeEREN ‘Add space tye *ip/oforas 3 2 Wonspace Al Al 34 Os Rees 1 1 23 0 45 0 67 -1* ae 1 o 23 45 6-7 B+ 0° 1 o o a7 0 A*41 22 0 3 230 2 a5 -1* 1 67-1" 0 ge -1* 0 2 3 For the tof tems on the space addthe ‘number noted fr the i to add type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 4 4 2 Harvest Round Breeding 2a41 / 3-41 / 54242 Card actve forthe same round replenished, sparse ne eet Tee o < For the fof tems on the space add the ‘number noted for the #to add type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 4 3 4 ‘Add space type SinVoeas apne ae fonspace Ali Al forthe # of ems on the space add the ‘tmber nated forthe ood type Hplayers 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 2 1 4 ‘Card active forthe same round replenished. Harvest Round Breeding 2=4d / 34241 / 54242 ‘Add space type *apfoferas Tg 2g onspace all 23, Forthe #of tems onthe space ad the umber noted forthe # toad type #players 1-2 3-4 5 Group#_3 25 }] Harvest Round Breeding 2240 /3-4240/5eee1 | Card atv for the same round replenished “ayigh 2008 Solaray Games “1p /0for2s Won space oO i 23 4 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 For the #offems on the space add the umber noted for the # to add type wplayets 1-2 3-4 5 Group#_4 4 3 Harvest Round Breeding 2a4l / 34241 / 54242 Card active forthe same round replenished [capa 009 oor Smer 4 5 4 3 2 1 o 0 forthe # of ems onthe space addthe ‘umber noted forthe #to add type players 12 3-4 5 Group#_ 5 5 4 | Harvest Round Breeding | 2240 / 34241 / 5+=42 | ard acuve forthe same round replenished og 3009 SP Sane 45 0 67 0-4 ge -t-2 a 2 For the # of tems on the space add the | ‘number noted forthe fo ad type players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 2 3 2 Harvest Round Breeding pei / 34er / 54242 ‘card active for the same round repienizhed | Card active forthe same round replenished | 45 67 8-1 For the of tems om the space adé the ‘number noted forthe Fto add type Hplayers 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 3 3 Harvest Round Breeding 2240 / 34241 / Se42 [aaa 2005 = Sooo Come “1p /0for2+ fi *tp/0for2+ on space Hon space o o 1 23 4-5 6-7 ge -1* 0 For the #ofitems on the space add the ‘number noted for the to add type #players 1-2 3-4 5 Group# 4 3 3 1 23 23 45 I 45. 67 67 | a AT 2 H 8+ & Forthe #ofitems onthe space addthe |] || forthe #ofitems on the space add the Forthe Wot hems onthe space adathe ‘number noted forthe #toaddtype |] | umber noted forthe #to add type ‘himber noted forthe #to add type players 1-2 3-4 5 #players 1-2 3-4 5 fy Hplayets 1-2 3-4 5 55 E 34 H Group# 4 3 Harvest Round Breeding }] Harvest Round Breeding 2=41 [$424 / 54242 2240 / 34240 / 5¢=41 Bl 2-40 / 3-440 / se=a2 Card wv fortes rundreperished ff Cardston forthe sare Feud reprised acd active for the same round epenshed| 1H Tepagn oo Sao Gane Ei cops 2009 sneha canes Harvest Round Breeding 1 Hon space all 0 3 3 4 1 z 4 1 2 k aaed Cee Deen 45 Ho 45 1 3 45 1 2 I 1 a di lojo}n|y}w2 6-7 6-71 67 a H 8+ 0 [| Forthe # of tems on the space add the For the Wof tems on the space add the For the # of tems on the space add the Forthe #of tems on the space add the number notedforthe #toadd type [| | number notedforthe #toadd type | [4 number noted for the # to add type H] umber noted for the # to add type Hplayers 1-2 3-4 5 players 1-2 3-4 5 jj #playets 1-2 3-4 5 players 1-2 3-4 5 Group#_ 5 4 3 H__Group# 3 4 3 [ 4 i 55 Rs Harvest Round Breeding i 241 [34241 / 5t=42 i 340 / 34241 / 5+=42 Card active for the same round replenished [| cord active forthe same roundrepenshed ||] cardacive forthe same round replenished Topyagne 0g Saino Comes epg 2009 Soi Games [Cope 3008 Seoray Gamer i

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