Group Evaluation Instructions 2nd Term

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Intercultural communication

Heide Hartmann
Exploring culture with the culturoscope model (40% of overall grade)

Using the tool developed by Michel Sauquet and Martin Vielajus—Culturoscope (see handout on i-campus),
you choose as a group one of the 15 themes.

The questions related to each theme are your guideline to explore and analyse the similarities and
differences between the members of your group. Focus on your different points of view, taking into account
your native cultures and your different personal cultures – both are intertwined. Try to understand why you
have convergences and divergences in your answers to the questions.

Each group needs to write a report of +/- 1600 words (4 pages) summarizing the outcome of your
exploration and submit it on i-campus.

Deadline: 15/02/2024

Please submit within the deadline: - 2pts./24h of delay

Exploring culture with the culturoscope model (40% of overall grade)

Thank you for your participation and see you soon !

Any questions?

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