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Computers and control systems engineering department

Faculty of engineering
Mansoura University

Opera ng Systems Project 2023/2024

Interac ve Calculator
Supervisors :
Dr: Asmaa Hamdy
Eng: Noha Elmenbawy
 Islam mohamed nagi

 Ahmed yasser Ahmed Elmalkh

 Ahmed yasser kamel Sheta

 Eldesoky Reda Abd Elrehem

 Osama Mohamed Hasan

Introduc on :
Our project is an Interac ve Calculator its idea is that the user
enter two numbers and the user will enter any operator.

Code :

Descrip on :
Line 2 : We made a variable that name is (num1) and print a
Meassage (enter the first number )and ask the user to put a
number by command read with flag (p).

Line 3 : We made a variable that name is (num2) and print a

Meassage (enter the opera on )and ask the user to put a
opera on by command read with flag (p).

Line 4 : We made a variable that name is (opera on) and

print a Meassage (enter the first number )and ask the user to
put a number by command read with flag (p)

Line 5 : it is (case) to compute the opera on which user

If (+) ; we will get the sum of two numbers.
If(-) ; we will get the sub of two numbers.
If (*) ; we will get the mul of two numbers.
If (%) ; we will get the sum of two numbers.

<< End >>

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