It vs. Ict

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 The term technology has presently included advancements in communication and how
information is handled, thus, enabling government organizations, industries, and common
individuals to improve on their decision-making, business processes, and everyday living
 The term ICT was defined in a study conducted by Zuppo (2012) as "related to technologies that
facilitate the transfer of information and various types of electronically mediated
 According o Baumeister and Leary (1995), the “belongingness hypothesis” states that people
have a basic psychological need to feel closely connected to others, and that caring, affectionate
bonds from close relationships are a major part of human behavior.

IT versus ICT

 IT, or information technology, pertains to the industry that involves computers, software,
networking, and other IT infrastructure to help relay or manage information important in
modern-day living as seen primarily in large companies or corporations. Simply put, IT is a subset
of ICT as the technology used in the field of IT aids in the use of ICT (Wang, 2016).

 ICT is often used in a more general sense, and is described as using computers and other digital
technologies to assist individuals or institutions in handling or using information. ICT is
technology that supports activities involving information such as gathering, processing, storing,
and presenting data. Increasingly, these activities also involve collaboration and communication.

Breakdown of ICT
ICT is made up of three words, namely information, communication, and technology.

 Information
- refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study, or research.
 Communication
- is an act of transmitting message.
 Technology
- evolved in ways that improved people’s daily activities.
- technology had made communication much easier and faster through telephones, fax, machines,
mobile devices, and the internet.

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