Lucrul Individual Engleza

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1. Write the vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in these words.

 Coat
 Wallet
 Suitcase
 Camera
 Umbrella
 Bike
 Shoes
 ID card
 Laptop
 Dress
 Watch
 Mobile

2. Write the plurals.

 a bag
 a watch
 a man
 a dress
 a person
 a diary
 a hotel
 a woman
 an email address
email addresses
 a child
3. Fill in the gaps with this, that, these or those.

What are those buildings over there? - That’s a school and that’s a bank.
Excuse me. Is this number 52? - No, it isn’t. That’s number 52 over there.

Excuse me. What are these in English? – These are keys and thas’s a ruler.

4. Read this information. Tick the true sentences. Correct the false sentences.
 Nina is from Germany. – False
Nina is from Russia.
 Marcelo is from Brazil. – True
 Dagmara’s home number is 020 8533 4689. – True
 Nina’s postcode is NW1 4TJ. – True
 Evrim is from Russia. – False
Evrim is from Turkey.
 Marcelo’s address is 56, New Rd, SW4 6HK. – False
Marcelo’s address is 22, High St, NW12 3WS.
 Evrim’s home number is 07974 344598. – False
Evrim’s mobile number is 07974 344598.
 The teacher’s surname is Simmons. – True
 The class is in room 21. – False
The class is in room 12.

9. pag.17 Work in pairs. Look at the table and guess which things Alan and Mary have got.
Put a tick (✓) or a cross (✗) in the guess columns.
Listen to Alan and Mary answer questions for a survey. Complete the answer columns. Are
your guesses correct?
Alan Mary
product guess answer guess answer
Laptop ✗ ✗  
Camera ✗ ✗  
MP3 player   ✗ ✗
Radio ✗ ✗  
DVD player    

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