Are You Watching Book Report

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Are you watching?

by Vincent Ralph

Tieme van der Heijden

Title page-1
Information writer-3
Fiction, yes or no-4
Character description-8
My opinion-8
Information writer
Name: Vincent Ralph
Age: Unknown (I couldn’t find it)
description: Vincent Ralph is a writer who mostly writes thrillers.
He is from London.
His first published book was Are you watching, which he published in 2019.
He made several more books like 14 ways to die, Lock the doors or Secrets never die.
Fiction, yes or no.
It is fiction, this story hasn’t happened in real life. If it was t=there would have been a real magpie
man, a real reality show with kids and a real person trying to catch the killer using that reality
show. Vincent Ralph made the story up, making it fiction.

It is a thriller.
Thrillers are described as having a lot of build-up suspense and more things all leading up to the
This book follows that perfectly.
Most thrillers also have something to do with crimes, which this book also replicates.

Good versus evil
This theme is given to a book if there is a clear fight between good and evil.
In this book it is Jessica as the good and the Magpie Man as the evil.

Death, it explains itself.
Death is the main reason for almost every action taken in the book.
It is the reason for Jessica to do the show. Which caused a snowball effect.
Without death nothing would have happened.

There is quite a bit about friendship in the book.
Trying to overcome struggles.
Helping each other.
For example Emily and Hannah kept thinking with Jessica and supporting her when she was the

Throughout the book a lot of characters change.
Bernie changed.
She was abused by her stepdad, causing her to want to end it.
Jessica Simmons, a girl who’s mum was murdered when she was seven by a killer called ‘The
magpie man’. She wants to find the killer, but he leaves no clues. she gets an idea to go on a life
show to spread awareness and maybe find a witness. She got the job and the show said to her
that she’d get 1 month and if the numbers of her show were high enough she’d get 2 additional
months. There were five other kids, all with different stories who got the same job. What the
studio didn’t tell them is that only one would get the full 3 months. At first her dad was sceptical,
but eventually he gave in. the producers told them Jessica would be filmed 12 hours every
She starts streaming and makes a nice speech on day 1. When she gets to school her 2 best
friends Emily and Hannah are happy for her. They said they’ll watch every moment of the show
after the first day she checks her twitter and sees she got a message from a person called ‘Ross’.
Ross was family of another one of the victims.
they meet up at a coffeeshop where they talk and exchange numbers.
Later the girls are having a slumber party at Jessica’s house. When she checks her phone she sees
it is from an anonymous person who claims to be the killer, telling her he’s outside.
Emily and Jessica go outside while Hannah stays inside, they see no one.
they keep a look out.
A couple nights later someone throws a brick through her window, with a note attached. The
note had the number 14 and a magpie drawn on it. Indicating he wants her to be the 14 th victim.
she looks outside and sees a hooded figure, she goes outside and chases him until the alley
where her mum got killed, she almost went in but got held back by Jamie, a kid that is 1 year
younger then her who saw her go to the alley.
Another couple of night later she hears knocking and screeching at her window. She looks
outside to see the same hooded figure. But she also sees Jamie with a hammer. Jamie hits him
with the hammer and he tries to run but gets capture. They rip off his mask and reveal him to be
Michael. Michael was the producer, he did these things to make the show more interesting.
Another dead end.

A week or 2 later she goes on a school trip. She was allowed to go by the production as long as
she always has her headcam on.
the trip was a trip to a place called ‘Mayfield Lodge’ where they’d stay for a few days.
The first day the camp leader forces them to talk to everyone. The next day they were paired
with another person and go on a spirit walk. Jessica was paired with her old best friend Bernie.
during the spirit walk they talk a bit about each other. Bernie mentions she misses her father,
who got divorced with her mom, and that her stepdad is not nice to her. Jessica showed slight
anger but they just stopped talking.
that evening they went to the prayer room, where people could pray.
everyone was happy, the next day someone threw a party because it was the last day. Everyone
came. There were drinks, normal and with alcohol.
Jessica went away early to look for Bernie because she wanted to apologize, she goes to her
room. And finds Bernie’s lifeless body on her bed, with an empty glass of an alcoholic beverage.
She screamed and one of the people at the camp. Reg, gave her CPR and took her to the hospital.
She gets home and Danny (the other producer) tells her to check the other streams, that’s when
she finds out they all quit because her cause was more important.

When she does her next stream, she has an idea, a make-up tutorial, using the make-up her mum
whore the night she was killed.
she finished it and saw a comment on the screen, ‘wrong perfume’. She knew this had to be him.

A few weeks later and another body is found, the body of Lorna Banks, with the number 14
carved in. he had killed again, and 2 months of his normal schedule.
people started to throw the blame at Jessica, seeing as her stream got his attention.
A day or so later she goes outside in the evening, goes to the alley.
She didn’t agree with the death of Lorna. She thought if he’d harm anyone he should harm her.
She goes in, and asks for him to kill her. Nothing happens. When she leaves she was greeted by
some kids. They started singing and taunting her. Until they saw a shadow in the alley and
booked it. It turned out to be Jamie who came to save her again.

The next day at school she was approached by the same girls, who had a newspaper article with
written on it, ‘one for sorrow’, which was the song they were taunting her with.
Jessica realized that had to be the killer.

Later, when she is at home someone knocks. They open the door and the mother of the 14 th
victim started screaming at her, after she calmed down they let her in and apologized for her loss
and exchanging numbers.

Later she got a call from ross saying everything is ready.

They decide on a date for their plan. When the day comes they meet up at her house, along with
around 50 other left-behind.
They just talk about each other and at the end they all put on a shirt saying ‘alive’.

She gets a message from a person called Clara, who says she knows who they are.
but when the call Clara is too scared to say it and hangs up.
They do some investigating and find out she lives in harmony. She asks Jamie to come with her to
look for her, they find her and follow her to her house, but when they talk to her she doesn’t say

Later she opened a box that her dad said not to open, she found a camera which wasn’t charged.
She uploaded the images on her computer and looked through them, it was her mom’s camera,
but at the last photos you couldn’t see anything, just a smudge of colours.

When she goes to school she has English she sees her English teacher has newspaper cutouts of
the people who were killed, which Jessica had continued to find in her backpack for weeks.
she blamed him and got him arrested.

While her English teacher awaited his trials another body was found in Sheffield. With the
number 15 and the word ‘death’ carved in. referring to the picture they took with the alive

Jamie and Jessica go to Clara’s house, because they think she might be a witness and get her
English teacher locked up.

when they get there they see no one is home, but as Jessica looks through the door she sees
something. They find a crowbar and break in. they look around and Jessica looks at a picture, on
the picture is Bernie, standing with her mom, Clara and her stepdad. They go upstairs and find a
receipt of a store in Sheffield. They get to the conclusion that Jessica’s English teacher was
innocent, and that Bernie’s stepdad was the murderer. But before they could leave they hear the
front door open. Then they hear someone coming up the stairs. It’s Bernie’s dad. Jamie sprints
into Bernie’s room and Bernie’s dad walks after him. As Jessica is leaving a hand comes before
her mouth, it was Bernie’s dad, he shows her the cameras. she gets thrown into Bernie’s room.
He grabs Jamie, and ties his hands together, then doing the same to Jessica.
He takes them outside and forces them inside the boot of his car. He drives them to the grave of
Jessica’s mum. He grabs a knife and tells them he’s not going to kill them but force them to kill
each other.
When Jessica asks him why he killed her mother, he answers: ‘I killed her because I had too, she
saw too much.’ She saw him burn his clothes that were full of blood, he has killed before, but it
was forced suicide. His clothes got so dirty he had to burn them, Jessica’s mum saw it and took
pictures, those pictures killed her.
Jessica finds an opening and runs away. She hides in a bush and calls 999 with the phone that the
killer didn’t take. But realizing that if she talked she would be found, she hangs up. She calls her
dad with the emergency code the had. 3 rings, 2 rings, 3 rings. Her dad picks up. She says: ‘Mums
grave.’ She heard the bushes and knew she was found. She started running but it was no use. He
brings her back to Jamie. Gives her the knife and guides her arm into his arm, but all of a sudden
her dad appears and starts beating up the killer. The police then come and arrest the killer, Jamie
is taken to the hospital.

Jamie heals nicely and Jessica hears that the killer was sentenced for 16 murders and would
spend the rest of his life in jail. Everyone was happy.
Character description
Name: Jessica Simmons.
Age: 16-17
description: The main character of the book.
A girl who lost her mum, desperate to catch the killer.
Brave, but not very careful and panics quickly.

Name: Jamie. Last name unknown.

Age: 15-16
description. The sidekick. Always there to help or pull
Jessica out of a sticky situation. Almost didn’t make it
to the end of the book.
He's very brave and smart. And he wants to help wherever he goes.

Name: Danny. Last name unknown.

Age: unknown
description: The producer and cameraman of Jessica.
He likes his job but takes it very seriously.
He is very supportive and good at listening to others.

My opinion
I think that this book is great, it really takes you in as you experience what they are experiencing.

It’s written well and the characters are great.

It also never blatantly shows who was the killer until the very end.
I would recommend this book if you are into mysterious books that really engage you in the

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