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R e s t o r a t i v e

The Continued Evolution of Class II

Matrix Armamentarium
Leendert (Len) Boksman, DDS, BSc, FADI, FICD; Brad Carson, BSc, DDS; Gildo Coelho Santos Jr., DDS, MSc, PhD

n his Meta-analysis of the clini- has been mostly attributed to sec- place­
ment in small 2 mm in-
cal effectiveness of direct Class ondary caries due to the inher- crements 9 include horizontal
II restorations, Heintze states ent characteristic of composite layering,10 angled placement or
that, “more than five hundred resin polymerization shrinkage.4 oblique layering,11-13 the directed
million direct dental restorations This failure occurs especially in gingival shrinkage technique,
are placed each year worldwide” high C-factor restorations where also called the three-site tech-
and “in about 55 percent of the
cases, resin composites or com-
pomers are used.” When evalu-
ating the clinical trials in the Oblique layering in increments showed higher
literature, he found that “resto-
rations with hybrid and micro- stress concentration than a horizontal
filled composites that were placed gingivo-occlusal incremental filling technique
with enamel etching techniques
and rubber dam showed the best
overall performance, with resin
restorations having no etching either gap formation is induced nique,14 or individual cusp build-
or self-etching adhesives demon- due to the failure of the adhesive up.15 However, the use of these
strating significant shortcomings bond,5,6 or due to micro-crack incremental insertion techniques
and shorter longevity.”1 The den- development just outside of the to reduce polymerization shrink-
tal research for the mean annual cavo-surface margins.7,8 age has been challenged, and in
failure rate for Class I and Class a study by Versluis et al. he has
II composite restorations ranges To help mitigate the effects of shown that no reduction in stress
from 1-3 percent,2,3 while other composite shrinkage, many in- or improved marginal integrity is
reviews place the median fail- sertion techniques for Class I evident between small increments
ure rate after 10 years at about and Class II composite resin res- and bulk filling techniques.16 Of
eight percent when compomers torations have been suggested. particular note in this study was
are excluded.1 This failure rate Variations utilizing composite the fact that oblique layering in  October 2013 oralhealth 67

R e s t o r a t i v e

Figure 1—Composi-Tight 3D Clear Figure 2—Composi-Tight 3D XDR. Figure 3—Composi-Tight Slick Bands.

Figure 4—Triodent V3 Ring two sizes. Figure 5—Super Curve Coated Figure 6a—V4 Premolar Ring.

Figure 6b—V4 Molar Ring. Figure 7—ClearMetal Matrix. Figure 8—V4 Plastic Segmental Wedge.

increments showed higher stress resultant decrease in cuspal de- are not covered by a hydrophobic
concentration than a horizontal flection.20 When evaluating lin- resin layer.22 It may be that the
gingivo-occlusal incremental fill- ing with a flowable composite addition of a flowable low viscos-
ing technique. on the internal adaptation of the ity hydrophobic resin over the
composite restorations using all- dentin adhesive used, can play
The reduction of stress with in-one adhesives, Yahag found a role in reducing this “water
the use of a flowable low-vis- void formation at the composite- tree” effect. In a clinical in-vivo
cosity composite resin has been adhesive-dentin interface in ev- setting, when using multiple step
documented and attributed to ery all-in-one adhesive system.21 adhesives, even this lining tech-
its low elastic modulus.17-19 The Percolation or water movement nique can demonstrate inconsis-
flowable composite, when used from the dentin through the ad- tent results.23
as a liner, is thought to have an hesive layer causing adhesive
ability to deform, thereby reduc- degradation, has been shown by The disparity between the clin-
ing the polymerization stress a Tay when simplified adhesives ical in-vitro results of many of

68 oralhealth October 2013

R e s t o r a t i v e

Case Presentation

Figure 9—Pre-operative photograph of Figure 10—Precise rubber dam Figure 11—Preparation of the DO with
tooth #45 with a defective DO amal- isolation. all caries removed.
gam restoration.

Figure 12—Lateral view of the new Figure 13—The matrix band is ide- Figure 14—The transparent V4 Wedge
non-stick ClearMetal Matrix System ally curved bucco-lingually and is placed interproximally from the wid-
with its micro-windows. occluso-gingivally. est embrasure.

Figure 15—The clear ends of the V4 Figure 16—The gingival margin is com- Figure 17—Ultra-Etch is placed on the
separation ring fits easily over the pletely closed and the V4 ring does enamel first and then into the cavity
gingival wedge. not affect the contour of the matrix preparation for a total of 15 seconds.
band even in the wide lingual area.

these studies (when looking at type and reactivity of photo initia- When looking at retrospective
the effects of polymerization con- tor present in the composite, the studies, it is important to remem-
traction, insertion technique and size of the cavity preparation in ber that materials and techniques
flowable lining), can be attributed width, depth and volume, the type have evolved since the restora-
to and explained by: the tooth of adhesive used, in-vivo versus tions in these studies were placed.
type that is restored (premolar, in-vitro dentin characteristics, To address the ever-present clini-
molar, bovine, human), the posi- type and density of the light en- cal challenge of polymerization
tion in the dental arch, the type ergy used, and by the realization contraction, new composite resin
(particle size and resin structure) that there is no standard testing systems have been recently de-
and colour of composite used, the methodology. veloped. A new low shrinkage

70 oralhealth October 2013

R e s t o r a t i v e

Figure 18—The cavity preparation is Figure 19—G5 desensitizer is applied Figure 20—Application of the MPa
washed thoroughly and then lightly over the dentin. bonding agent.

Figure 21—The MPa is fully polymer- Figure 22—DeMark radiopaque liner Figure 23—Renamel Nano composite
ized with the Valo broad spectrum LED is thinly teased over the dentin and is placed incrementally.
curing light. gingival floor.

composite with a silorane resin a reduced shrinkage stress on compared to other composite resin
matrix containing oxirane and polymerization, lower shrinkage systems,29,30 with these systems
siloxane has recently been intro- values than silorane composites, being more prone to wear. As well,
duced to the marketplace which a reduction in cuspal deflection, Miller has raised concerns that
has a polymerization contraction and satisfactory bond strengths Surefil SDR might not be wear-
of less than one percent (Filtek regardless of the filling technique resistant enough for contacts.31
Silorane Low Shrink Posterior and cavity depth. These bulk fill
Restorative, 3M/Espe St. Paul composites have a good depth of Fortunately for clinicians, the
MN).24 There are many current cure because of more potent ini- one area where there is no cur-
studies evaluating the newly in-
troduced flowable bulk fill resin-
based composites such as Venus
Bulk Fill (Heraeus Kulzer Gmbh,
Hanau, Germany) and Surefil Miller has raised concerns that Surefil SDR might
SDR (Dentsply/Caulk, York, PA)
which are recommended for bulk
not be wear-resistant enough for contacts
fill to expedite the restorative
process and also to be used as
liners in Class I and Class II res-
torations.25-27 When evaluating tiators and a higher translucency, rent controversy, is the fact that
Surefil SDR, a dentin replacement which means that clinically, a the negative periodontal results
product that contains a resin that composite overlay is required for of inflammation,32 bone loss33
has been modified by the addition good esthetic results.28 As well and caries,34 created because of
of a polymerization modulator Ilie and De Biasi have raised con- open contacts34 when Class II
which reduces the polymerization cerns about the physical proper- composite resins are placed, has
contraction, these studies show: ties such as micro-hardness when been solved. The challenge and

72 oralhealth October 2013

R e s t o r a t i v e

Figure 24—Upon removal of the V4 Figure 25—The lateral view upon re- Figure 26—The D-Fine Double
and ClearMetal Matrix the embra- moval of the matrix shows minimal Diamond primary polisher is initially
sures are fully formed. flash. used for pre-polishing the restoration.

Figure 27—The final polish is attained Figure 28—An occlusal view of the
with the use of the D-Fine Double final restoration.
Diamond final high shine polisher.

difficulty of creating tight inter- the contact occlusally, which re- Plus Sectional Matrix System.
proximal contacts35 and proper sults in a weakened marginal
anatomic profile, has been elimi- ridge.38 It has been shown that The Composi-Tight Matrix
nated by advancements in matrix a separating ring has a larger System (Garrison/Clinical Re­
and separating ring systems. It is influence on the tightness of the search Dental) has evolved from
now possible to create tighter con- new interproximal contact, than the original Composi-Tight Silver
tacts intra-orally than those that the physical consistency or flow of Plus G-Rings which are made
existed prior to the restoration.36 the material.36 from circular stainless steel en-
cased in plastic,39 and now fea-
It has always been obvious that,
when tightening a Tofflemire
retainer with a circumferential
metal matrix band, even when The ring penetrates the interproximal areas well to
the band is anatomically con-
toured, the band tends to flatten adapt the matrix band, minimizing proximal flash
out interproximally due to ten- while giving good separation
sioning, and an open contact is
almost always the only possible
outcome.37 Therefore, when pos-
sible, a sectional matrix which The three matrix systems that ture a more anatomic soft silicone
facilitates contact creation should have emerged as the market lead- face. The ring penetrates the in-
be used. As well, when properly ers for restoring class II restora- terproximal areas well to adapt
contoured occluso-gingivally, a tions are the Garrison Composi- the matrix band, minimizing
sectional matrix will place the Tight 3D Sectional Matrix proximal flash while giving good
contact in its normal anatomic System, the Triodent Sectional separation. The gingival contour
position rather than migrating Matrix System, and the Palodent is U-shaped to fit effortlessly over

74 oralhealth October 2013

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a gingival wedge. Recent improve- wedge and hence the name of with PTFE. The plastic wedge
ments in the ring system include the product line, while the inter- has been updated, with the V4
a better over-mould covering of proximal shape of the tines does wedge having a segmented de-
the stainless steel, the introduc- not readily fall into wide embra- sign adapting the matrix well,
tion of the 3D Clear soft face sure preparations due to their and it better resists “backing
ring (Fig. 1) which can be used rounded design. Since the tines out” as some plastic wedges have
with clear celluloid matrix bands do not go as deep interproximally, a tendency to do (Fig. 8).
(Composi-Tight 3D Clear Matrix there may be more flash at the
bands) for lateral and improved proximal margins when a “pack- The advantages of the V4 sys-
interproximal light penetration, able” type composite is placed. tem include:
and the recent introduction of the The matrix bands have an ana-
Composi-Tight 3DXR ring, which tomic occlusal embrasure design, •T
 wo ring sizes to give consistent
is designed to grab the infra- which fits into the occlusal tab’s separation force for premolars
bulge better, thereby resisting perforations well as the small and molars;
slip off, especially in short teeth perforations placed laterally on
(Fig. 2). A recent addition to the the matrix wings. The matrix •N
 ickel titanium metal which re-
matrix choice is the addition of bands have good occluso-gingival sists metal fatigue better than
slick bands, which are coated to contour, and are easily placed stainless steel;
facilitate removal due to the fact and removed with the accom-
that they do not stick to the bond- panying pin-tweezer which fits •A
 ring tip design that does not
ing agent (Fig. 3). The Composi- into the occlusal tab which has a readily “fall into” the prepara-
Tight system works well when the small perforation and the small tion when the proximal box is
proximal box extent is minimal, perforations placed laterally on extended more than ideal;
but when the preparation is wide, the matrix wings. The matrix
this system tends to collapse the system was recently expanded •A
 new plastic clear ring tip de-
sign to facilitate interproximal

The matrix bands have an anatomic occlusal •A

 new ClearMetal matrix with
micro-windows allowing light
embrasure design, which minimizes finishing time penetration;
if the band is placed in the proper position •M
 atrix designs which give bet-
ter anatomic form occluso-gin-
givally and bucco-lingually;
matrix band, indenting it to cre- with the new Super Curve coated
ate poor anatomic form. Repeated matrix with a deeper gingival •M
 atrix designs which facilitate
heat cycles when autoclaving design which accommodates deep deep proximal boxes.
stainless steel can create metal class II restorations, has a bet-
fatigue and brittleness. ter curvature, and has a non Matrices that are easier to place
stick surface (Fig. 5). The new and remove due to the holes al-
The Triodent V3 Ring Matrix V4 ClearMetal Matrix System lowing the pin tweezers to handle
System (Triodent/Clinical Re­ (Clinical Research Dental) in- and grab the matrix
search Dental) and the Palodent corporates three major changes.
Plus Sectional Matrix System The rings have new transparent Clinical Case Presentation:
(Dentsply/Caulk, Milford DE) are tips, allowing a cure-through op- A female patient presented to
similar in that they have a ring tion (Fig. 6). A new ClearMetal the dental clinic with a defective
that is fabricated from high elas- Matrix has been introduced with DO amalgam restoration (Fig. 9).
tic memory nickel titanium. It “micro-windows” to allow light After colour selection, anaesthe-
was introduced in two sizes; one to pass through. This design sia and precise rubber dam ap-
for premolar applications and the retains the rigidity of a metal plication to minimize moisture
other for molars (Fig. 4). The matrix, but adds transparency contamination (Fig. 10), the amal-
V-shaped notch in the plastic (Fig. 7). The ClearMetal matrix gam and all caries were removed
tines allows placement over the is also non-stick as it is coated resulting in a wider than ideal

76 oralhealth October 2013

R e s t o r a t i v e

lingual box extension (Fig. 11). Adhesive (Clinician’s Choice) was With the newly developed sepa-
The non-stick ClearMetal Matrix liberally applied, and the solvent rating and matrix armamentar-
with micro-windows was inserted evaporated with a dry air syringe ium that is available, it is now
using the pin-tweezers (Fig. 12) for 10 seconds (Fig. 20). The MPa possible for the clinician to pre-
with the curvature bucco-lin- was fully polymerized with a Valo dictably create tight and anatomic
gually and occluso-gingivally ob- broad spectrum LED curing light Class II restorations.OH
vious in Figure 13. The transpar- (Ultradent) placed at 90 degrees
ent V4 wedge was placed with to the surface for 10 seconds (Fig. Disclosures
pin tweezers from the widest 21). DeMark radiopaque flowable Dr. Leendert (Len) Boksman is
embrasure to adapt the matrix liner (Cosmedent) is teased into a a paid part time consultant to
to the gingival margin (Fig. 14), fine layer over the dentin and over Clinical Research Dental.
with the V4 ring applied over the the gingival floor of the prepara-
gingival wedge adapting the ma- tion (Fig. 22). This created a sec- Dr. Brad Carson has no
trix and creating separation. The ondary hydrophobic layer, while disclosures.
angulation of the V4 ring allows closely adapting the composite to
for stacking when restoring MOD the gingival margin and, as well, Dr. Gildo Coelho Santos Jr. has
restorations and for better place- introducing a “stress absorbing received materials support from
ment of the curing light close to layer.” The DeMark was cured Clinical Research Dental.
the occlusal surface of the tooth for 10 seconds with the Valo.
structure (Fig. 15). Note that the Renamel Nano A2 (Cosmedent) Dr. Leendert (Len) Boksman
gingival margin is completely was incrementally placed into the is a former tenured Associate
Professor of Restorative Dentistry
at the Schulich School of Medicine
The angulation of the V4 ring allows for stacking and Dentistry in London, Ontario.
He has recently retired from pri-
when restoring MOD restorations and for better vate practice, and writes exten-
sively and teaches nationally and
placement of the curing light close to the occlusal internationally on topics related
surface of the tooth structure to Restorative. He currently con-
sults part-time for several dental
manufacturers including Clinical
closed and even in a preparation cavity preparation with the gin- Research Dental and Clinician’s
with a wide lingual embrasure, gival layer cured for 20 seconds Choice. He is an Adjunct Clinical
the V4 does not distort the contour and the successive layers for 10 Professor at the University of
of the matrix band (Fig. 16). The seconds each (Fig. 23). Upon re- Technology, School of Oral
enamel margins were etched first moval of the V4 and ClearMetal Health Sciences Dental Faculty
by placing Ultra-Etch (Ultradent) Matrix the occlusal and inter- in Jamaica where he donates his
phosphoric acid for five seconds proximal embrasures were fully time.
and then the cavity preparation formed with minimal occlusal
was etched for another ten sec- finishing required (Fig. 24). The Oral Health welcomes this orig-
onds (Fig. 17). The cavity prepa- lateral photograph Figure 25 inal article.
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Introducing NEW Seal-Tight® Spectrum Colors!
R e s t or a t i v e

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selection and insertion technique. OH March 2008:10-16.

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