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t. Tex t.

Descriptive text
social function:
1. Social function of descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place
or thing in detail.
Language Feature of Descriptive:
1. Specific participant
2. The use of the adjective (an adjective)
3. The use of simple present tense
4. Action verb
1. Identification
2. Description

Recount text
Social function of Personal Recount Tex
The social function or the purpose of recount text is to entertain the reader about
experience, story, action or activity which happen in the past
Language Featur:
Using simple past tens
Using action verb
express time and plac
Using conjunction
esee: e:.t
l esee: e:.tconjunction

procedur text
Social fuction:
-To make recepice
Generic Structure of Procedure Text:
2. Material or Ingredient
3. Step

Language Feature:
– Use adverbial of sequence / Using temporal conjunction
– Use command / imperative sentence
– Using adverbials (Adverbs) to express detail the time, place, manner accurately,
–Using action verbs,
– Using Simple Present Tense

Narative text
The Social Function:
The social function of narrative is to amuse, entertain and to deal with an actual or
vicarious experience in different ways
The Generic Structures
Language Features
1,Using Past Tense
2,Using action verbs
3,Using temporal conjunction

Report taxt
social function:
to describe the way things are,with reference to arrange on natural,man-made,and social

generic structure:
2, description

language feature:
1,present tense
2,general noun
3,technical terms
4,relating verbs

Infografik Biologi Fotosintesis Natural Organik Hijau Halaman 1 dari 2

Infografik Biologi Fotosintesis Natural Organik Hijau Halaman 2 dari 2

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