Clara 4.1.4 Practice - Statistical Questions and Data Distributions (Practice)

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4 Practice: Statistical Questions and Data Practice

Math 6 Sem 2

Tips for Success

Read the assignment carefully and make sure you answer each part of the
question or questions.

Check your work when you're done.

Your Assignment

Avery guessed that the typical number of sit-ups her classmates could do was 30 in 1
minute. Avery tested this idea by recording how many sit-ups each classmate could
do in 1 minute. She made a line plot of the data.

1. What is the most common number of sit-ups completed in 1 minute? Explain how
you used the line plot to identify this number. (3 points)

It is 38 because it has more situps per minute.

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2. What is the spread of this data set? (3 points)
It is 5 .

3. According to this data set, is Avery's guess of 30 sit-ups per minute too low, too
high, or about right? Explain. (4 points)

Avery guess too low.

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