Tips For Success: Math 6 Sem 2

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4 Practice: Solving Inequalities Practice

Math 6 Sem 2 Name:

Tips for Success

Read the assignment carefully and make sure you answer each part of the
question or questions.

Check your work when you're done.

Your Assignment

Mark is in a summer program that has these age requirements:

Students must be more than 13 years old to take part in the program.
Students must be 18 or older to work at the program.

Let x represent Mark's age in years. Answer the questions to find out how old Mark
could be.

1. Mark is old enough to take part in the program. Write an inequality using x that
shows this. (3 points)

x < 13

2. However, Mark is too young to work in the program. Write an inequality using x that
shows this. (3 points)
x > 18

2.1.4 Practice: Solving Inequalities 1/2

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3. Mark is old enough to take part in the program but too young to work at the
program. List all the ages Mark could be. Explain how you found your answer. (4

He would get 14, 15,16 and 17 years

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2.1.4 Practice: Solving Inequalities 2/2

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