Constraints To English Language Learning

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Constraints to English Language Learning

There are five main obstacles that can affect the English teaching and learning situation:

1. Limited Access to Technology and Resources:

Limited access to technology and resources can be a significant barrier to English language learning.
This can result in:

a. Lack of exposure and practice opportunities: Students do not have access to various English
learning media such as apps, videos and websites.

b. Limited teaching materials: Teachers do not have access to interesting and innovative teaching
materials to use in the classroom.

What is the solution then?

The government and schools need to provide adequate technology infrastructure. For example,
providing stable internet connections in schools, building computer labs, and providing electronic
devices for students to use.

Then, teachers need to be creative in utilizing the available resources. For example, using cheap and
easily available learning media such as storybooks, posters, and songs.

I consider this a significant factor because limited access to technology and resources can hinder
students' access to quality and diverse learning materials. Without adequate access to technology
and resources, students may not get enough exposure or opportunities to practice English language
skills effectively.

2. Large Class Size and insufficient Teacher Training:

Large class sizes and insufficient teacher training can make teaching and learning English difficult.

This can result in:

a. Difficulty in giving attention to all students. Teachers cannot give individualized feedback to each

b. Ineffective use of learning methods. Teachers cannot use innovative and interactive learning
methods due to limited time and resources.

So what is the solution?

The government and the school needs to reduce the number of students per class. This allows
teachers to give more individualized attention to each student.

Then, the government needs to provide quality teacher training. This training can help teachers
develop their teaching skills and use effective learning methods.

I prioritize this as an important factor because large class sizes and lack of training for teachers can
make it difficult to provide individual attention to each student. In crowded classroom environments
with inexperienced teachers, it may be challenging to align learning with the individual needs of
3. Student Motivation and Anxiety:

Students' motivation and anxiety can affect the English learning process.

This can result in:

Lack of interest in learning. Students are not interested in learning English because they find it
difficult or have no clear goals.

Fear of making mistakes. Students are afraid to speak English for fear of making mistakes and being
laughed at by their peers.


Teachers need to create a fun and conducive learning atmosphere. For example, by using interesting
games and activities in learning.

Teachers need to motivate and encourage students. For example, by giving praise for their efforts
and progress.

I prioritize this because student motivation and anxiety have a direct impact on their ability to learn.
When students are less motivated or feel anxious, they may not be able to absorb information well
or actively participate in the learning process.

4. Standardized Tests and a Focus on Language rather than Communication:

Standardized tests and a focus on language rather than communication can hinder the development
of students' communication skills. This can result in:

Students only focus on memorizing grammar and vocabulary. Students do not learn how to use
English to communicate effectively.

Students feel anxious and stressed when taking exams. This can affect their performance in exams.


Standardized exams need to be changed to focus on communication skills. Exams should test
students' ability to speak, listen, read and write English in a communicative context.

Teachers need to emphasize the importance of communication in English learning. Teachers need to
provide opportunities for students to practice communicating in English in various situations.

While this is also an important factor, I place it below student motivation and anxiety because,
although standardized testing and emphasis on grammar can affect how students learn, these factors
are more closely related to the direct psychological impact on students.

5. Fear of Judgment and Lack of Confidence:

Fear of judgment and lack of confidence can hinder a student's ability to speak English. This can
result in:

a. Students are unwilling to speak English in front of others. Students are afraid of making mistakes
and being laughed at.
b. Students feel embarrassed and insecure about their English skills. This can hinder their progress in
learning English.


Teachers need to create a safe and supportive learning atmosphere. Teachers need to encourage
students to dare to speak English and not be afraid to make mistakes.

Teachers need to give praise and encouragement to students. This can help increase students'
confidence in using English.

Lastly, I chose this as a factor affecting English language learning because fear of judgment and lack
of confidence can inhibit participation and students' ability to communicate effectively in English.
Low self-confidence can be a significant barrier in the learning process.

TABEL 1. Type of Information:

Necessities: Proficiency in writing in English, knowledge of various academic writing styles,

understanding of the writing process (pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing.

Sources of Information obtained through surveys and questionnaires. by collecting feedback from
prospective students through surveys to assess their current skill levels, identified requirements, and
preferences for the writing program.

How Information will be gathered, this requires a Needs Analysis Survey. By creating a survey that
contains specific questions aimed at obtaining data regarding requirements (such as existing skill
levels), deficiencies (such as specific writing barriers), and preferences (such as preferred learning

For Lacks, there were several challenges faced during the writing process including issues such as
grammatical errors, lack of organization, and difficulties with referencing. Learners often struggle
with skills such as critical thinking and integrating sources effectively into their writing. Additionally,
each person may have a preferred learning style, such as visual, auditory, or kinesthetic, which can
affect their learning experience and overall success in academic tasks.

Sources The information is derived from a review of academic literature by examining current
research, educational materials, and scholarly sources related to English language teaching, writing
instruction, and academic literacy development, to determine common barriers and successful
approaches in equipping students to write at the college level.

How the information will be collected:

By analyzing writing samples from learners. This will help to observe students' writing skills directly
and pinpoint specific areas that require improvement.
Wants- Different areas of concentration for college-level writing, such as scientific writing or business
writing, are in high demand. Preferred learning methods may include collaborative work, peer
review, and self-reflection. In addition, students may want additional resources or assistance, such as
online writing aids or grammar guides.

Sources of Information gained from interviews. Conducting interviews is an important way to gain
insight into the writing skills required for academic achievement, involving prospective students,
English instructors, and university professors both individually and in groups. This approach allows
for a comprehensive understanding of their unique perspectives on the subject matter.

How information will be collected:

By needs assessment interviews. This can be done by conducting organized interviews with individual
students or small groups to dig deeper into their writing goals, challenges, and preferred learning


Persyaratan: Kemahiran menulis dalam bahasa Inggris, pengetahuan tentang berbagai gaya penulisan
akademis, pemahaman tentang proses penulisan (pra-penulisan, pembuatan draf, revisi,

Sumber Informasi diperoleh melalui survei dan kuesioner. dengan mengumpulkan umpan balik dari
calon mahasiswa melalui survei untuk menilai tingkat keterampilan mereka saat ini, mengidentifikasi
persyaratan, dan preferensi untuk program penulisan.

Bagaimana Informasi akan dikumpulkan, hal ini membutuhkan Survei Analisis Kebutuhan. Dengan
membuat survei yang berisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan spesifik yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan data
mengenai persyaratan (seperti tingkat keterampilan yang ada), kekurangan (seperti hambatan
menulis yang spesifik), dan preferensi (seperti metode pembelajaran yang disukai).

Untuk Lacks, ada beberapa tantangan yang dihadapi selama proses penulisan termasuk masalah
seperti kesalahan tata bahasa, kurangnya pengorganisasian, dan kesulitan dengan referensi. Peserta
didik sering kali kesulitan dengan keterampilan seperti berpikir kritis dan mengintegrasikan sumber-
sumber secara efektif ke dalam tulisan mereka. Selain itu, setiap orang mungkin memiliki gaya belajar
yang lebih disukai, seperti visual, auditori, atau kinestetik, yang dapat memengaruhi pengalaman
belajar dan keberhasilan mereka secara keseluruhan dalam tugas-tugas akademik.

Sumber Informasi Informasi diperoleh dari tinjauan literatur akademis dengan memeriksa penelitian
terkini, materi pendidikan, dan sumber-sumber ilmiah yang terkait dengan pengajaran bahasa
Inggris, instruksi menulis, dan pengembangan literasi akademis, untuk menentukan hambatan umum
dan pendekatan yang berhasil dalam membekali siswa untuk menulis di tingkat perguruan tinggi.

Bagaimana informasi akan dikumpulkan:

Dengan menganalisis sampel tulisan dari siswa. Hal ini akan membantu untuk mengamati
kemampuan menulis siswa secara langsung dan menunjukkan area spesifik yang membutuhkan
Keinginan- Berbagai bidang konsentrasi untuk penulisan tingkat perguruan tinggi, seperti penulisan
ilmiah atau penulisan bisnis, sangat diminati. Metode pembelajaran yang disukai dapat mencakup
kerja kolaboratif, tinjauan sejawat, dan refleksi diri. Selain itu, siswa mungkin menginginkan sumber
daya atau bantuan tambahan, seperti alat bantu menulis online atau panduan tata bahasa.

Sumber Informasi yang diperoleh dari wawancara. Melakukan wawancara adalah cara penting untuk
mendapatkan wawasan tentang keterampilan menulis yang diperlukan untuk pencapaian akademis,
yang melibatkan calon siswa, instruktur bahasa Inggris, dan profesor universitas baik secara individu
maupun kelompok. Pendekatan ini memungkinkan pemahaman yang komprehensif tentang
perspektif unik mereka tentang materi pelajaran.

Bagaimana informasi akan dikumpulkan:

Melalui wawancara penilaian kebutuhan. Hal ini dapat dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara
terorganisir dengan siswa secara individu atau kelompok kecil untuk menggali lebih dalam tentang
tujuan menulis, tantangan, dan metode pembelajaran yang mereka sukai.

Tentu, berikut adalah alasan saya memilih setiap poin sebagai faktor yang memengaruhi
pembelajaran bahasa Inggris:

1. *Limited access to technology and resources*: Saya menganggap ini sebagai faktor yang signifikan
karena teknologi dan sumber daya yang terbatas dapat menghambat akses siswa terhadap materi
pembelajaran yang berkualitas dan beragam. Tanpa akses yang memadai terhadap teknologi dan
sumber daya, siswa mungkin tidak mendapatkan eksposur yang cukup atau kesempatan untuk
berlatih keterampilan bahasa Inggris secara efektif.

2. *Large class sizes and insufficient teacher training*: Saya menempatkan ini sebagai faktor yang
penting karena kelas yang besar dan kurangnya pelatihan bagi guru dapat membuat sulit untuk
memberikan perhatian individual kepada setiap siswa. Dalam lingkungan kelas yang padat dan
dengan guru yang kurang berpengalaman, mungkin sulit untuk menyelaraskan pembelajaran dengan
kebutuhan individual siswa.

3. *Student motivation and anxiety*: Saya mendahulukan ini karena motivasi dan kecemasan siswa
memiliki dampak langsung pada kemampuan mereka untuk belajar. Ketika siswa kurang termotivasi
atau merasa cemas, mereka mungkin tidak dapat menyerap informasi dengan baik atau
berpartisipasi aktif dalam proses pembelajaran.

4. *Standardized testing and a concentration on language over communication*: Meskipun ini juga
merupakan faktor yang penting, saya menempatkannya di bawah motivasi dan kecemasan siswa
karena, meskipun tes standar dan penekanan pada tata bahasa dapat memengaruhi cara siswa
belajar, faktor-faktor tersebut lebih terkait dengan dampak psikologis langsung pada siswa.

5. *Fear of judgment and lack of confidence*: Terakhir, saya memilih ini sebagai faktor yang
memengaruhi pembelajaran bahasa Inggris karena rasa takut akan penilaian dan kurangnya
kepercayaan diri dapat menghambat partisipasi dan kemampuan siswa untuk berkomunikasi dengan
baik dalam bahasa Inggris. Kepercayaan diri yang rendah dapat menjadi hambatan besar dalam
proses pembelajaran.

Of course, here are the reasons why I chose each point as a factor affecting English language

1. *Limited access to technology and resources*: I consider this a significant factor because limited
access to technology and resources can hinder students' access to quality and diverse learning
materials. Without adequate access to technology and resources, students may not get enough
exposure or opportunities to practice English language skills effectively.

2. *Large class sizes and insufficient teacher training*: I prioritize this as an important factor because
large class sizes and lack of training for teachers can make it difficult to provide individual attention
to each student. In crowded classroom environments with inexperienced teachers, it may be
challenging to align learning with the individual needs of students.

3. *Student motivation and anxiety*: I prioritize this because student motivation and anxiety have a
direct impact on their ability to learn. When students are less motivated or feel anxious, they may
not be able to absorb information well or actively participate in the learning process.

4. *Standardized testing and a concentration on language over communication*: While this is also an
important factor, I place it below student motivation and anxiety because, although standardized
testing and emphasis on grammar can affect how students learn, these factors are more closely
related to the direct psychological impact on students.

5. *Fear of judgment and lack of confidence*: Lastly, I chose this as a factor affecting English
language learning because fear of judgment and lack of confidence can inhibit participation and
students' ability to communicate effectively in English. Low self-confidence can be a significant
barrier in the learning process.

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