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Social Sector
Illegally Parked Some residents have Residents violating the To spread awareness to To intensify the
Vehicles limited knowledge traffic law. residents regarding the information, education
rules and laws. approved local and campaigns in the
national law. barangay on the
approved local and
national laws.
Insufficient The barangay has Additional expenses of To ensure healthy lives To purchase sufficient
number of insufficient funds to the family and promote the well- number of medicines
medicines. purchase medicines to be being of the residents.
readily available at the
Presence of Teenage girls having -Pregnant girls will not To ensure the well-being To conduct preventive
teenage pregnancy. wanted and unwanted be able to finish school of this the teenage girls. approach activities on
pregnancy -Early pregnancy may teenage pregnancy.
put the mother’s life at
-Tainted reputation of
young mothers
Presence of Lack of nutritious food. Children are sickly and To ensure that every To intensify the
underweight may have poor home provides a healthy implementation of
children performance at school. and nutritious food in HAPAG sa barangay
their table. program.
Damage CCTV CCTV were damaged due Inefficient delivery of To be able to secure the To deliver efficient
cameras to weather conditions. peace and order and safety of the residents. peace and order and
public safety services to public safety services to
the barangay. the barangay.
Slow to No Water The main water pipe line is -Lack of Sleep To ensure that every To allocate funds
Supply to the too small and needs -A health risks to all household receives needed for the
water consumers replacement. residents. enough water supply. improvement of the
water services and
request additional
funding from the
national government.
Economic Sector
Low income of Most of the residents are Lower income and Promote inclusive and To enhance the capacity
some households. unemployed due to less job insufficient food for the sustainable economic of the residents through
vacancies. family. growth, employment and skills training and
decent work for all. provide sustainable
livelihood programs.
High Cost of Increase in the price of Inability to provide the Promote inclusive and To enhance the capacity
living. daily needs. needs of the whole sustainable economic of the residents through
family. growth, employment and skills training and
decent work for all. provide sustainable
livelihood programs.
Stores encroaching Most store owners do not Endangers the lives of To spread awareness to To intensify the
the sidewalks follow the rules. pedestrians residents regarding the information, education
approved local and campaigns in the
national laws. barangay on the
approved local and
national laws.
High cost of Most drivers do not follow Lessens the budget for To spread awareness to To intensify the
transportation. the fare matrix provided by household commodities. commuters of their rights information, education
the government. and the approved fare campaigns in the
matrix. barangay on the
approved local and
national laws.
Infrastructure Sector
Improvement of Due to lack of funding Slow and inefficient To build a more resilient To allocate funds for
Barangay Hall more improvement of the delivery of services in building fully equipped the completion of the
barangay hall is needed. the barangay. with facilities. multi-purpose building
and for the purchase of
its equipment's and
Lack of Drainage The lack of Drainage Clogged Canals. To build a more efficient To allocate funds and
Canals Canals is due to and resilient drainage request additional
Rehabilitation of insufficient Budget . canal for the whole funding's from the
Drainage Canals Some of the Drainage barangay. national government to
canals needs to be fully complete and
rehabilitated or improved implement this project.
due to damages made by
natural disasters.

Lack of Street May affect the safety of the Dark Streets. To ensure the safety our To allocate funds for
Lights residents of the barangay. constituents. the
of additional street
Lack of Lack of budget allocation Loss of life in an event To build a resilient To allocate fund and
Evacuation Center for building an evacuation of a natural disaster. infrastructure that can request additional
center. withsatnd any disaster. funding from the
national government for
the construction of
evacuation center.
Improvement of The health center needs Slow and inefficient Built resilient Renovate and Improve
Health Center improvement and delivery of service to the infrastructure, promote the Health Center and
Lack of Facilities complete health facilities residents. inclusive and sustainable procure its needed
in the Health and equipments. industrialization and equipment and
foster innovation. facilities.
Institutional Sector
Low functionality Officials does not have Lack of knowledge and Promote peaceful and To provide capacity
of some officials. enough knowledge of their skills on good inclusive society for development trainings
roles and duties in the governance. sustainable development, and seminars for all
barangay due to lack of provide access to justice barangay officials and
trainings. for all and build effective, barangay functionaries.
acccountable and
inclusive institutions at
all levels.
Low functionality Lack of trainings and Lack of knowledge and Promote peaceful and To provide capacity
of BBI’s. seminar. skills on good inclusive society for development trainings
governance. sustainable development, and seminars for all
provide access to justice barangay officials and
for all and build effective, barangay functionaries.
acccountable and
inclusive institutions at
all levels.
Slow processing of Scheduled follow ups and Delay of processing lot To fully comply all To provide land titles
Lot Ownership. audience at the Provincial ownership. documents needed for the for lot owners of the
Governors Office. lot ownership of barangay barangay.
Environmental Sector
Insufficient waste Some of the residents are Waste and garbage are Ttake urgent action to To provide additional
segregation facility not practicing waste scattered to some parts combat climate change material recovery
segregation. of the barangay and its impact. facility in the barangay

Adverse effect of Typhoons are stronger than Damage to properties Take urgent action to To intensify the
climate change that of the previous years. and lower income. combat climate change information, education
and its impact campaigns in the
barangay on adverse
effects of climate
Clogged Canals No proper waste disposal Flooding of some areas
of some residents. of the barangay due to
clogged canals.

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