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Assalamualaikum Wr.

Hello, My name is Syarifah as Patient and Selvi Audia Riva’i as Nurse. We will practice
conversation about pain assessment.

Nurse Selvi: “Hello, I’m Selvi one of the on duty today. Can you tell me why came to the
emergency department?”
Patient Syarifah: “I had an accident at home, now I have got terrible back pain”

Nurse Selvi: “I see, can you tell me what happened?”

Patient Syarifah: “I slipped and my back hit the floor”

Nurse Selvi: “Where does it hurt the most?”

Patient Syarifah: “It’s most painful in my lower back”
Nurse Selvi: “What’s the pain like?”

Patient Syarifah: “What do you mean?”

Nurse Selvi: “Oke, is it a sharp pain or a dull ache?”

Patient Syarifah: “It’s a sharp pain, it’s move painful when I move around”
Nurse Selvi: “How would you rate your pain on a scale between zero and ten? 0 is no pain at
all, 10 is unbearable pain”

Patient Syarifah: “I’m not sure, it’s very painful”

Nurse Selvi: “1 to 3 is mild pain, 4 to 6 is moderate pain, the pain makes it difficult for you to
Patient Syarifah: “It’s worse than that”

Nurse Selvi: “7 to 9 is very severe pain and 10 is unbearable pain, you have ever had?”

Patient Syarifah: “I understand now, the pain is an 8”

Nurse Selvi: “So, you have a sharp pain in your low back after an injury at home, you rate the
pain as an 8? That’s corret?”

Patient Syarifah: “Yes that’s right”

Nurse Selvi: “Okey, wait a moment, the doctor will visit you”

Patient Syarifah: “Okey, thanks”

Nurse Selvi: “you’re welcome”

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