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Tissue Engineering Applications in Neurology

Article · January 2009

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77755-7_56


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3 authors, including:

Eyleen L Goh
National Neuroscience Institute


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Tissue Engineering
Applications in Neurology 56
E. L. K. Goh, H. Song, G.-Li Ming

Contents biomaterials engineering have resulted in significant

progress in this direction over the past few years.
56.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815 This chapter will discuss the potential and applica-
56.2 Cell-Based Tissue Engineering tions of tissue engineering approaches in regenera-
in CNS Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816 tive neurological medicine.
56.3 Applications of Tissue Engineering in The nervous system comprises of two intercon-
Therapeutic Approaches to Nervous System nected but fundamentally different parts: the central
Injury and Neurodegenerative Diseases . . . 818
nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous
56.3.1 Spinal Cord Injury . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818 system (PNS). The CNS consists of the brain and the
56.3.2 Neurodegenerative Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . 819 spinal cord, whereas the PNS consists of somatic and
56.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821
autonomic nervous systems, which connect periph-
eral organs and tissues to the CNS. Neurons in the
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 822
adult PNS retain some ability to regenerate. Thus,
tissue engineering for neurological applications in
vivo has been dominated by research on develop-
ing polymeric nerve guidance conduits to facilitate
nerve regeneration and prevention of fibrous tissue
56.1 in-growth that impedes the regenerating nerve. In
Introduction contrast, adult CNS neurons are in general refractory
to regeneration upon physical or chemical damage
[5–7]. Several factors contribute to this lack of re-
Tissue engineering has tremendous potential to revo- generative capacity. These include reduced intrinsic
lutionize regenerative medicine. Research activities growth ability in adult neurons [8], physical barriers
related to tissue engineering have expanded from formed by the scar tissue, and the presence of inhibi-
the repair, replacement and regeneration of bone [1], tory molecules that may exhibit further elevated ex-
blood vessels [2, 3] and organs such as the kidneys pression and/or release upon injury [9]. Injuries and
and heart [2–4] to the delicate nervous system. Initial degenerative neurological diseases of the CNS even-
research efforts mainly focused on providing three- tually lead to the loss of neurons and supporting tis-
dimensional (3D) scaffolds to facilitate the growth of sues. While glial cells are continuously generated in
nerve cells in vitro. The ultimate goal is to generate the adult nervous system, neurons in most regions of
desirable cell types and create niches to support the the brain are not. Therefore, cell replacement strat-
growth and regeneration of endogenous cells and/or egies, including the transplantation of stem cells or
transplanted cells by recapitulating an in-vivo-like differentiated neural cells as well as promoting re-
environment. Advances in basic neuroscience and generation of endogenous neurons, have been the
816 E. L. K. Goh, H. Song, G.-Li Ming

active lines of research [10–12]. The development able for cell therapy. One particularly promising area
of a combinatory approach of biodegradable poly- involves the use of stem cells. Different types of
meric channels used for PNS and the incorporation scaffolds that can influence the survival, prolifera-
of growth factors and Schwann cells has provided tion, differentiation, and fate determination of stem
excellent foundations for advances in tissue engi- cells for various applications have been engineered
neering for CNS regeneration [13]. [16–18]. Different types of stem cells, including em-
bryonic stem cells, neural stem cells, hematopoietic
stem cells and mesenchymal stem cells, have all been
considered as transplantable cell sources for cell re-
56.2 placement therapy owing to their capability to dif-
Cell-Based Tissue Engineering ferentiate into different cell types [10, 19–23]. The
in CNS Repair differentiation and regenerative potential of these
stem cells have been extensively reviewed elsewhere
[22, 23] and will not be elaborated upon here. Em-
The main purpose of tissue engineering is to improve bryonic stem cells have been considered to be an
or replace the biological functions of damaged or ideal cell type for regeneration therapy due to their
missing tissues or organs. In order to enhance the pluripotency, i.e., the potential to differentiate into
efficiency of tissue engineering, scaffolds with bio- almost all cell types found in adult tissues [24–30].
compatible and biodegradable materials are normally However, widespread clinical use of embryonic stem
used in combination with biological active molecules, cells requires overcoming various practical hurdles
cells or tissues (Fig. 56.1). and scientific and ethical issues associated with the
Cell-based therapy has been attempted in inju- acquisition of these cells. Therefore, efforts have also
ries of the CNS and in some neurological disorders focused on finding sources of expandable and trans-
that are associated with neuronal cell death [14, 15]. plantable adult stem cells. Recent studies have indeed
Biomedical engineering approaches were initially shown the existence of stem cells in many parts of
applied in vitro, largely to optimize cell culture pro- the body, such as the brain, blood, skin, adipose tis-
cesses in order to obtain the desired cell types suit- sue, bone, testis and amniotic fluid [10]. Other than

Fig. 56.1 Nerve conduits for regeneration of the PNS and CNS
Chapter 56 Tissue Engineering Applications in Neurology 817

these stem cell sources, the induced pluripotent stem greatly facilitate efforts in developing stem cell-
cells (iPSC) derived from reprogramming of somatic based therapy by providing permissive graft environ-
cells has tremendous clinical potential for cell trans- ments [17]. For example, neural stem cells supported
plantations [31]. The potentially unlimited supply by suitably engineered scaffolds were able to interact
of somatic cells and also the potential of autologous with host tissue when implanted into the infarct cavi-
transplantations are the two main advantages among ties of mouse brains from induced hypoxia-ischemia
many. However, issues such low reprogramming ef- [58] and promote functional recovery after traumatic
ficiency and the concern of genetic alterations will spinal cord injury [59].
need to be solved before iPSC can be used for regen- In another aspect of cell-based therapy, the effec-
erative medicine. tive delivery of biological factors is also a main focus.
Studies over the past decade have firmly estab- Many biological factors, including neurotransmitters
lished that new neurons are continuously generated and neurotrophic factors, are known to influence the
in restricted regions of the adult mammalian brain, survival, neurite outgrowth, guidance and cellular
including the subventricular zone of the lateral ven- function of implanted cells or endogenous cells in
tricles and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus [32– the nervous system. During development, axons and
37]. Through a process termed adult neurogenesis, dendrites can be guided to their targets by a wide
new neurons from adult neural stem cells go through array of guidance cues, possibly present in the de-
a sequential process of neuronal development and veloping CNS as concentration gradients [60–62].
eventually become incorporated into the existing Multiple membrane-associated and soluble factors
neuronal circuitry [37] and are believed to contribute work in synergy to guide axons to their precise
to specific brain functions [38]. Other than these two target. This guidance environment that exists dur-
regions, the generation of new neurons in the adult ing development is, however, lost in the adult CNS.
CNS appears to be very limited or non-existing [11, Neurotrophic factors have been applied in animal
39, 40]. On the other hand, a variety of adult neural models of CNS injury or degenerative neurological
stem cells have now been identified and isolated not diseases to promote cell survival, axon regeneration
only from regions with active neurogenesis but also and guidance [63–65]. In addition, micro- and nano-
from other brain regions, including the cortex and patterning have been explored in the bioengineering
spinal cord [41–53]. With the novel tools and strate- of scaffolds for neurite guidance in vitro (Fig. 56.1).
gies developed, we are now able to manipulate adult For example, axons of peripheral neurons could be
neural stem cells from experimental animals and guided by nanopatterns on polymethylmethacrylate
from humans in vitro [10, 37, 50, 54], and to study (PMMA) or protein-micropatterned surfaces in
how these cells develop in vivo in animal transplan- vitro [66]. While some positive effects on neuronal
tation models [55]. While there is a potential of us- survival and neurite outgrowth have been observed
ing adult neurogenesis for regenerative applications, upon delivery of these factors, either via osmotic
how these endogenous progenitor or stem cells could pump or through implantation of silicon reservoirs,
be mobilized or utilized in clinical settings remains there are several caveats. These include potential
to be explored. failure of devices, infections, inflammations and
One major challenge in developing stem cell- poor in-vivo stability of the protein factors. In most
based transplantation therapy relates to the number cases, these factors can only be effectively delivered
and types of transplantable cells that can be realisti- through transplanted cells engineered to release
cally derived from adult stem cells expanded in cul- them in order to circumvent the blood-brain barrier
ture [56, 57]. Tissue availability, suitable (preferably (BBB) [67].
autologous) stem cell types and their expandability The immune response of the host is also a major
in culture are major issues that are currently being issue in implantation/transplantation therapy. Cell or
explored. There are also many obstacles associated protein encapsulation can potentially overcome this
with stem cell transplantation. Immune acceptance problem [68]. The membrane of the capsules provides
of allogenic grafts, effective means of transplanta- a barrier to prevent the immune system from neutral-
tion, and the survival, differentiation and integration izing the proteins or killing the implanted cells. In ad-
of transplanted cells, are all critical issues that need dition, this approach also allows a slow and sustained
to be addressed. Advances in bioengineering could release of molecules from the capsules [69].
818 E. L. K. Goh, H. Song, G.-Li Ming

In summary, cell-based engineering approaches 56.3.1

serve to provide physical support, suitable microen- Spinal Cord Injury
vironment for survival, proliferation and appropriate
differentiation as well as efficient cell and growth
factor delivery in vivo. At the same time, these Despite the tremendous development and suc-
approaches also work on minimizing problems as- cess of NGC in promoting the regeneration of the
sociated with the invasiveness of transplantation, in- PNS, functional regeneration of the CNS remains
cluding the host immune response. very limited due to its physically and molecularly
unfavorable environment [5–7]. The application of
blockers of growth-inhibitor signaling, antibodies to
inhibitory molecules, digestive enzymes of the glial
56.3 scar or anti-inflammatory agents that prevent the
Applications of Tissue Engineering formation of glial scar have shown some promises
in Therapeutic Approaches in improving the regeneration of CNS neurons [9,
74]. Tissue engineering using a variety of polymers
to Nervous System Injury
has been evaluated for their biocompatibility as
and Neurodegenerative Diseases potential implants and cell carriers for the repair
of spinal cord injury (SCI). These include natural
The development of suitable biomaterials is expected polymers (such as alginate hydrogel and collagen),
to play an important role in the feasibility of thera- synthetic biodegradable materials [such as matrigel,
peutic success, and is therefore a main engineering fibronectin, fibrin glue, polyethylene glycol and poly
activity that would aid regenerative medicine. Some (α-hydroxy acids)], synthetic non-biodegradable
of these biomaterials developed for various appli- polymers [such as NeuroGel and poly 2-hydroxyethyl
cations in the nervous system are briefly discussed methacrylate (PHEMA) and poly 2-hydroxyethyl
below. methacrylate-co-methyl methacrylate (PHEMM)]
Nerve guidance channels (NGCs) have been [75, 76]. Encouraging results have been observed
shown to facilitate axonal regeneration after transec- from procedures implanting composite biosynthetic
tion injury to the peripheral nerve [13]. The guidance conduits combining the more rigid scaffolds with
channels, as the name implies, serve as a physical hydrogel or extracellular matrix molecules [77]. The
guide for nerve growth and also confine the migra- rigid scaffolds mainly serve as a physical support,
tion of cells within the channels. NGCs with growth while the hydrogel can be impregnated with growth
factors incorporated onto the walls or within the ma- and guidance factors and also serve as extracellular
trix of their inner lumen were engineered to enhance matrix for implanted cells. For example, PHEMA
regeneration [70, 71]. Neurotrophic factors (such as soaked with brain-derived neurotrophic factor
nerve growth factor) that promote neuronal survival (BDNF) [78] or N-(2-hydroxypropyl) methacryl-
and axonal outgrowth have been shown to improve amide (HPMA) incorporated with the cell-adhesive
regeneration in the PNS when used in combination region of fibronectin Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) tripep-
with the channels [72]. Although NGCs have been tide sequence [77, 78] and implanted into lesion
shown to be able to repair short gaps, axonal regen- optic tract or cerebral cortex [78] of the adult rats
eration over longer distances remains incomplete [4, promoted angiogenesis and axonal penetration into
73]. One of the few reports showing significant re- the gel and within the microstructure of the tissue
generation over the distance of 30 mm in the PNS network. Similar observations were made with poly-
was published in 2000 [73]. In that study, 80-mm [N-(2-hydroxypropyl)-methacrylamide] (PHPMA)-
conduits consisting of a polyglycolic acid (PGA) col- RGD [79] implanted into injured spinal cord [79]. In
lagen tube filled with laminin coated collagen fibers addition, the hydrogel reduced nerve tissue necrosis
were implanted in the peroneal nerve in canine sub- and cavitation in the adjacent white and gray matter
jects. Numerous myelinated nerves were observed [79]. RGD coupled to HPMA hydrogels also encour-
across the long gap and significantly enhanced func- aged growth of glial tissue when implanted into rat
tional recovery was recorded over controls. brains [80].
Chapter 56 Tissue Engineering Applications in Neurology 819

Fig. 56.2a–c The various systems for the regeneration of the avoid an immune response in vivo. c The combination of the
CNS. a Growth factors or proteins of interest incorporated in biomaterial scaffold and cell encapsulation approach allows
biomaterials made up the scaffold that support growth and more sophisticated manipulation of microenvironment that in-
survival of the cells. b Encapsulation of cells genetically engi- creases the efficiency of implantation
neered to release growth factors or proteins of interest can also

It is now widely accepted that a combinatory ap- factor (CNTF) producing fibroblasts [82]. As men-
proach is necessary to facilitate functional recovery tioned earlier, encapsulation has been suggested to
from SCI. This means a combination of scaffold ar- alleviate the host immune response. Indeed, a study
chitecture, transplanted cells and locally delivered using alginate encapsulated BDNF-producing fibro-
molecular agents (Fig. 56.2). Different cell types blast grafts showed it to permit recovery of function
have been used as cell replacements, to release without immune suppression [83, 84].
growth-promoting factor and to facilitate myelina-
tion. A multi-channel, biodegradable scaffold [poly-
lactic-co-glycolic acid (PLGA) with copolymers]
containing Schwann cells implanted after SCI was 56.3.2
shown to contain regenerating axons 1 month post- Neurodegenerative Diseases
operation [59]. In a sophisticated study, neural stem
cells were seeded into a multicomponent polymer
scaffold modeled after the intact spinal cord. Implan-
tation of this scaffold-neural stem cells unit into an Parkinson’s Disease (PD)
adult rat hemisection model of SCI promoted long-
term functional improvement (persistent for 1 year
in some animals) [81]. The regrowth of axons within PD is generally characterized by the loss of dop-
injured CNS is also promoted by implanted hydrogel aminergic neurons at the substantia nigra pars com-
matrices containing BDNF and ciliary neurotrophic pacta (SN), ultimately resulting in non-motor and
820 E. L. K. Goh, H. Song, G.-Li Ming

motor-related symptoms such as tremor, rigidity and creased volume of the cell bodies. All these studies
bradykinesia [85]. The current treatments for PD involve the transplantation of cells (mostly fetal SN
include conventional drug replacement therapy, sur- cells) into the stratium where dopamine is released
gical treatment, and cell transplantation [85]. The use and not into the SN where dopaminergic neurons
of cell transplantation in patients with PD has proven normally reside. Therefore, the next desirable ad-
to be the most successful treatment cases of all neu- vance will be to reconstruct a functional dopaminer-
rodegenerative diseases to date. The loss of dop- gic nigrostriatal pathway using a PD animal model,
aminergic neurons in PD patients can be overcome and in the future, in human patients with PD.
by cell replacement therapy using cells engineered to
release dopamine. The major drawbacks associated
with this treatment are poor survival of these trans-
planted cells and the lack of effective control in the
amount of dopamine released by these cells [85]. Alzheimer’s Disease (AD)
Tissue engineering approaches have been used
to improve the means of drug and cell delivery to
the CNS. Cultured astrocytes grown on polyethylene AD is characterized by dementia with progressive
terephthalate (PET) matrices have been evaluated as cognitive deterioration mainly due to neuronal loss
a therapeutic treatment for PD because PET supports or atrophy, principally involving cells in the hip-
high-density growth of astrocytes with stable glial cell pocampus and temporoparietal cortex, as well as
line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) production the frontal cortex in advance stages. This atrophy is
over a period of 18 days in vitro [86]. GDNF has been often accompanied by inflammatory response with
shown to promote survival and fiber outgrowth of the the deposition of amyloid plaques and neurofibril-
degenerating dopaminergic neurons [87]. Intrastriatal lary tangles [94]. Earlier strategies for treatment of
injections of GDNF in the striatum of PD-rats after AD include delivery of drugs, neuroprotective and
transplantation of fetal dopaminergic cells results in anti-amyloidogenic agents [94]. Many of the existing
significant behavioral improvement [88–90]. In fact, FDA-approved drugs for the treatment of AD have a
GDNF infused unilaterally into the putamen for 6–12 short half-life and adverse side effects at higher doses
months has also been shown to significantly improve [95–100]. In order to prolong the half-life and also
motor function and quality of life measures in pa- to enable sustained release of drugs, encapsulation
tients with PD in a phase-I trial [91]. GDNF-loaded of drugs by biodegradable polymers was desirable.
PLGA microspheres, when implanted in the brains The pharmacokinetics of several commonly used
of PD rats, were well tolerated and induced sprout- drugs encapsulated in microparticles had been evalu-
ing of the preserved dopaminergic fibers with synap- ated both in vitro and in vivo. For example, Tacrine
togenesis, accompanied by functional improvement encapsulated by poly-(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide)
[92]. GNDF-loaded pharmacologically active micro- (PLG), huperzine A by PLG or PLGA and denepezil
carriers (PAM) carrying fetal ventral mesencephalic by PLGA were tested in animal models of AD and
cells also improve the survival of grafted cells and showed sustained release over a few weeks [95–100].
fiber outgrowth [93]. Another study demonstrated The tissue engineering pioneered by developments in
that intraventricular chronic infusion of low-dose PD treatment discussed above may help to develop
GDNF from encapsulated genetically engineered therapies for other neurodegenerative diseases,
mouse myoblast cells (C2C12) demonstrated effica- including AD. While preliminary and animal-based
cious benefits on the “Parkinsonian” baboons [93]. results are encouraging, the ultimate goal for the
These baboons showed transient recovery of motor treatment of AD is the replacement of lost neurons
deficits (hypokinesia), significant protection of in- and the restoration of cognitive function. Cell therapy
trinsic striatal dopaminergic function in the immedi- involving the use of neural stem cells can potentially
ate vicinity of the site of implantation of the capsule replace these lost cells in regions of the brain [12,
in the caudate nucleus, and significant long-lasting 40]. One can also attempt to modulate neurogenesis
neurotrophic properties at the nigral level with an in- in AD patients to replace the lost neurons. Modulat-
Chapter 56 Tissue Engineering Applications in Neurology 821

ing neurogenesis, in combination with strategies hopefully be able to refine and bring current research
targeting the underlying causes of AD, including the and treatment for ALS to the next level.
formation and accumulation of amyloid plaques, may
be most effective in the treatment of AD.
Huntington’s Disease (HD)
Amytrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
HD is an autosomal dominant inherited neurological
disorder [110]. The genetic mutation affects neurons
ALS results from a gradual loss of motor neurons in the basal ganglia and results in devastating clinical
throughout the brain and spinal cord, resulting in mus- effects on cognitive, psychological, and motor func-
cle weakness, atrophy and eventual death. Currently, tions. These clinical symptoms primarily relate to the
there are limited choices for treating ALS patients. progressive loss of medium-spiny GABAergic neu-
While studies have suggested that CNTF and GDNF rons of the striatum. There is currently no treatment
can promote motor neuron survival [101–103], the available, but likely therapeutic candidates include
short half-life and lack of effective ways for their de- the use of several neurotrophic factors that are able
livery into the CNS, had limited the clinical use of to prolong the survival of striatal neurons. The use
these factors. The Aebischer laboratory has reported of CNTF as gene therapy for HD has been examined
the use of polymer-encapsulated cells engineered to in different animal models, such as monkeys [111,
produce CNTF or GDNF constitutively [104]. The 112] and mice [64]. The encouraging results in ani-
authors demonstrated that GDNF significantly re- mal models have led to a phase-I clinical study. Baby
duced the loss of facial motoneurons [105]. In addi- hamster kidney cells (BHK) cells engineered to syn-
tion, using models of progressive motoneuronopathy thesize human CNTF were encapsulated by a semi-
(pmn) mice displaying motoneuron degeneration, it permeable membrane and implanted into the lateral
was shown that CNTF but not GDNF increases the ventricle. Improvements in electrophysiological re-
life span of these animals [106]. sults were observed in subjects with higher amounts
Treatment with neurotrophic factors, while able to of CNTF detected, and with no obvious toxicity over
delay the progression of the disease, is not useful for a period of 2 years, indicating the safety and feasibil-
late-stage ALS. Recently, motor neurons were suc- ity of the approach. However, the heterogeneity in
cessfully derived from embryonic stem cells [107], terms of cell survival and levels of CNTF secreted
and paralyzed adult rats transplanted with these stem remains to be refined.
cell-derived motor neurons showed partial recovery
from paralysis [108]. This restoration of function
was greatly enhanced in the presence of various fac-
tors, such as phosphodiesterase type 4 inhibitor and 56.4
dibutyryl cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), Conclusion
which could overcome myelin-mediated repulsion.
In addition, GDNF has been shown to attract trans-
planted embryonic stem cell-derived axons toward The human nervous system is exceedingly complex,
skeletal muscle targets [109]. and is therefore perhaps the most difficult to repair
The main challenges in stem cell-based treatment after injury and degeneration. Damage to the nervous
of ALS patients are the availability of the cells, the system by injury or diseases is highly resistant to
ability to maintain cell survival and recognizing the treatments and there is a lack of effective therapies.
appropriate factors that encourage nerve growth Advances in tissue engineering and basic neurosci-
and guidance at the strategic location of transplant. ence have brought new hopes and strategies for repair
Improvement of tissue engineering approaches will and regeneration. The field of CNS regeneration has
822 E. L. K. Goh, H. Song, G.-Li Ming

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