Dein Gott

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Dein Gott

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Not Rated

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga)
Relationship: Michael Kaiser/Alexis Ness
Characters: Michael Kaiser, Alexis Ness
Additional Tags: god where do i even start, porn with hints of plot lmao, Blood Kink, Self-
Harm, Knifeplay, Minor Injuries, Blood Drinking, Masochism, Sadism,
Power Dynamics, Emotional Manipulation, Abusive Relationships,
Choking, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Unsafe Sex, Spit As Lube, Fighting
for Dominance, Top Alexis Ness, Bottom Michael Kaiser, Rough Sex,
Ness shouldn't be allowed around sharp objects, Isagi gets mentioned but
not in a ship way, Ness is just jealous that Isagi caught Kaiser's eye,
Kaiser is toxic af, but they both are tbh, Ness deserves to be unhinged
sometimes, so this is him 'going at it', Character Study, Orgasm
Delay/Denial, Begging, Degradation, it's all consensual though, slightly
edging into cnc at times so if that's not ur cup of tea maybe avoid this
one, Biting, Marking, Hair-pulling
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Nesskai one - shots
Stats: Published: 2023-05-27 Words: 11,076 Chapters: 2/2
Dein Gott
by Needtogetthisoffmymind


> Kaiser put a finger to Ness' trembling lips, caressing them slowly before softly stroking
over his cheek.

The other leaned into the touch like he was starving which made Kaiser chuckle: "You're
desperate. How pathetic. Getting hard by simply looking at me while I sleep. You're such a
freak." With a click of his tongue, he brought his now blood-stained hand to his own lips,
licking off the fluid while holding eye contact.

"How is it?" Ness burst out, panting.

"Rotten, just like you," Kaiser said. <

OR Ness finally snaps, eager to act on his impulses - and Kaiser can't help but love it.



I've been working on this os for more than 20 h now, I feel like I'm going insane uh, I've
devided to put it into two chapters but I'll post them after each other so it can be read in one
go^^ This is me letting myself be slightly unhinged lmao

The title is one of my fav songs by Blutengel btw, I feel like it fits their dynamic really well.
But they're also incredibly "Serial Killer" by Lana del Rey. This whole fic is basically a (
horny ) exploration of it ( their dynamic, not the song lol ), if u will - I switch povs at times,
but it's like 90% Ness centered. Their twisted relationship has me in a chokehold.
Oh, and this is set kind of during blue lock - ish, but it's at Kaiser's place in munich during
some time off ( idc if it doesn't make any sense pshhh )

Before we go: I'm not romanticising self - harm in any way, shape or form. If you need help,
please reach out.

Also: english is not my first language, so I apologise for any mistakes. weird sentences &
stuff that doesn't make any sense
Chapter 1

Kaiser, Kaiser, Kaiser.

Ness liked Kaiser.

His emperor, his executioner, his worst nightmare.

He liked him so much that sometimes all he wanted to do is to crawl under his skin and eat
him alive from the inside. He wanted to swallow him whole so no one else would ever be
able to look at him, to witness his sheer beauty. He loved him to death. And not even death
would be able to keep him from pursuing his jewel.

Sometimes, Ness felt like a roach next to Kaiser's shining presence. He was just his lap dog
after all, licking at his boots in devotion and bending over backwards for just the slightest
crumbs of affection he might receive if he behaves well.

It was tiring. Oh, so tiring.

But Kaiser was worth it. And oddly enough, Ness liked the pain. He loved it, to be exact. He
loved the biting, the bleeding, the sheer amounts of torture he got put through every single
day. He loved their passionate nights together which usually ended with him crying his eyes
out, begging the other to stay and Kaiser looking at him in sheer disgust before leaving
anyway. Ness knew that he most likely wouldn't ever love him back. But he didn't mind.

Germany's ace rarely ever showed him any mercy. But when he did, he was gentle with it.
Ness lived for the soft moments they shared, the moments in which Kaiser stroked his cheek
in awe instead of wrapping his slender hands around his neck and not stopping until Ness was
barely conscious. Those moments never lasted, of course. And they had completely
disappeared since they had entered Blue Lock.

The day Kaiser's obsession with Isagi Yoichi started was the day that everything went

Had their relationship been a toxic mess before, now it was just...brutal.

Kaiser had always been seeing other people at the sides. The blonde enjoyed getting laid way
too much to refrain from doing so. Ness wasn't enough. He never was and never would be. It
was his fault after all. It was his own fault for having such a weak body that couldn't handle
everything that Kaiser demanded of him - for having such a weak mind that he couldn't help
but get upset at times which lead to the other getting annoyed.

And he despised those facts. Just the thought of someone else touching his precious emperor
filled him with unbelievable rage.
It was a full moon, white light shining through the curtains and illuminating the bedroom just
enough for Ness to make out the rough shapes of his surroundings. Kaiser's bedroom was as
luxurious as one would expect of someone like him, and Ness knew it like the back of his
hand. He knew his way around the whole house to be exact, every single inch was familiar to
him after all the time he had spent here over the years.

A soft breeze swept through the tilted windows, creeping its way into the room, and making
the boy shiver. His heart was pumping in his chest like crazy, his head felt fuzzy, and his
hands kept shaking.

Kaiser was beautiful while sleeping, a real feast for Ness' eyes. There was something
incredibly vulnerable and innocent in the way he was holding onto his pillow, his arms curled
around it like the touch was bringing him comfort.

He was laying on his side, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers, the soft blanket tangled
around his spread legs. Kaiser's mouth was slightly open, the messy hair that had fallen into
his face moved softly as he in - and exhaled, steadily. The moonlight made his skin look even
paler than it already was, making it seem like glass that would break at the slightest touch.

Ness' eyes darted over his sleeping body, treasuring every inch. With a hungry gaze he
followed the motions of Kaiser's rose tattoo. There had never been a day where this silly
piece of ink didn't have him going crazy for his lover. The harsh thorns were complimenting
the other's tone so well - the way they were curling around his arm and shoulder were pure
perfection. The cherry on top had always been the neck area though, it made Ness want to
sink his teeth into the sensitive skin, ripping it open mercilessly while listening to Kaiser's

There was no doubt in his mind that if angels were real, they would look exactly like Michael
fucking Kaiser.

Ness could feel a familiar heat rising between his legs and he winced. Just looking at his
emperor made him weak.

Sometimes he wished Kaiser would never wake up, that he would always be like this -
beautiful, but quiet. Whenever he slept, there was peace. There were times Ness would curl
up next to him, burying his face into the other's bare chest and listening to his heartbeat.

Those were the moments where he got to remind himself that Kaiser had a heart, after all.
The moments in which he felt safe. Not one mean word would be thrown Ness' way, no hand
would pull on his hair until his scalp felt like it would bleed. It was different. A different kind
of love, a more passive, gentle one.

Ness wondered, what would happen if he killed Kaiser right here and now...if this could make
this rare, soft type of love last forever. This had been the thought that had led him into this
room in the first place. It had been eating away at him ever since that night in which Kaiser
wouldn't stop watching Isagi's plays on the big screen and had disrespected Ness over it.

That was the moment he had realised that his days were limited. The moment Kaiser would
eventually get bored of him was inching closer and closer - and there was nothing Ness
feared more than being replaced. He only lived because Kaiser allowed him to live, his mere
presence was all that Ness needed to survive. Without him, his life would fall apart without a
doubt. It would send him spiralling again, just like he used to do before he and Kaiser met
years and years ago. But this time he wouldn't bounce back. This time he was most certain
that he would end his miserable life before someone else could.

I can't let anyone else have him. He's mine. Only mine.

Suddenly, Ness got aware of what exactly he was doing right now. Standing in his lover's
room like a fucking creep, being rock - hard, and having a kitchen knife in his hands.

God, he almost forgot about the knife.

Where did I get that thing from again? How did I even get in here?

A faint memory crept into his mind, of him opening the door of the apartment with the
secondary key Kaiser had gifted him a while ago, then making his way over to the kitchen
and taking a knife out of the cupboard. Afterwards, he had snuck into the bedroom. His mind
must have blended it out somehow, like it was subconsciously trying to hinder him from
doing anything that he would regret. Fear crawled into his mind.

Did...did I actually intend on killing Kaiser? Like...actually?

Sometimes Ness would just forget things he had done. Mostly small things, like things he had
said during an argument for example. Other times it would be simple instructions Kaiser gave
to him which would result in him being punished for messing up. It was strange.

I feel like I'm losing myself.

Ness swallowed, a quiet sob escaping his throat. He stumbled backwards, lips trembling with
the sudden urge to break down and cry. The sheer embarrassment that overcame him made
his knees give in. Losing any caution for a moment, he accidently let his back fall against the
wall, a squeak escaping his lips as he felt the cold sensation through his shirt. He immediately
bit his tongue in an attempt to conceal the noise, but it was too late.

The bedsheets rustled, a soft groan echoing through the room. Ness was too scared to move
so he just stood there, staring while holding his breath.

Maybe he'll fall asleep again and I can just l -

"Wha -," Kaiser's voice was raspy and deep as he sat up in bed, resting his body weight on his
elbows. Piercing blue eyes were squinting at Ness, blonde locks softly falling around the
shoulders of Germany's ace, making the blue highlights shine in the moonlight. He cocked
his head to the side a bit, hair falling back and exposing his bare neck and the top end of his

Ness immediately felt his cheeks heating up again. His hands still clutching onto the knife, he
couldn't help but keep quiet. He wanted to speak but his throat felt completely closed off,
letting nothing but a pathetic whine escape.
Kaiser's expression immediately changed from confusion to mild annoyance as he came to.

"Ness?" he mumbled, already getting close to a sharp tone, "The fuck are you doing here?"
He raised an eyebrow, obviously demanding an answer. His eyes darted to the knife in Ness'
hand. With a smug smile, he let out a sigh.

"What are you gonna use that for, huh?"

"I - I...," Ness began, but under Kaiser's gaze, he found himself squirming like a pig, ready to
be slaughtered. He looked around in panic, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"You're embarrassing yourself, Alexis. Put that knife back where it belongs and then get out.
I'm not in the mood for your games tonight. Just because I gave you a key doesn't mean you
can go in and out of my home as you please," Kaiser scoffed with a lazy hand motion. He
yawned and ruffled through his hair.

The sudden use of his first name in such a condescending way made Ness almost drop to the
floor. Kaiser's eyes were dead. He was looking at Ness like he was some type of animal. Like
he was nothing more but some stupid toy he had gotten bored of playing with.

The fear in Ness' heart turned into something else as the realisation hit him. The migraine that
had been bothering him all day seemed to reach and all time high as he bit down on his
bottom lip until blood was running down his chin. His blood was pumping through his veins,
the ringing in his ears got louder and louder.

The unbearable rage was back.

He wants to replace me. He wants to -

"Don't....don't leave me," he whimpered, his eyes filling with tears. Before Kaiser could react,
he was holding up his hand and putting the knife right to his left wrist. Ness' body seemed to
move on its own out of pure instinct. The cold metal against his skin made him gasp. A quick
vision crossed his mind, of Kaiser getting up from the bed in a hurry, running over to him and
taking the weapon out of his hand, apologising and -

But Kaiser barely reacted. He just sat there, like a merciless prince on his throne. The
emotional distance between them was terrifying. "Ness," he said slowly, like he was talking
to a stubborn child, "Put it down. We both know you're too much of a coward to actually hurt

The pure boredom in Kaiser's expression made Ness' heart shatter into a million pieces. He
flinched as he slowly started to apply pressure onto his wrist. The blade sank into his soft
skin, just a tiny bit. Red drops started to form at the edges and Ness watched in terror. What
am I even doing?

"Alexis." Kaiser's face was just a blur through the tears and adrenalin that made Ness feel like
he was high on drugs.
"Is it because of the fight we had yesterday?" the blonde asked, sounding mildly interested, "I
thought you agreed to discuss that another day. I for sure won't talk that through with you at 2
am in the morning."

Ness couldn't keep his eyes of the other's neck area, the way the tips of Kaiser's shorter hairs
straddled the pale skin...he wanted to ruin its beauty, to bury the blade of his knife deep inside
the flesh -

"You look like a creep, Ness. Stop it. I'm tired. Get out."

With those words, Kaiser motioned to the door for a last time before lowering himself on the
bed again, obviously in an effort of continuing his sleep.

He's leaving me!

"Don't!" Ness blurted out, his hands going limp which resulted in the knife slipping out of his
hold and landing on the floor with an uncomfortable metal noise, sweet, red droplets
scattering around it. Thankfully, he didn't cut too deep, nothing more than surface level. Still,
he was bleeding. While trying to wipe his tears, he accidently used his left hand, smearing
red all over his face. The sudden taste of metal made him gag.

Images were running through his mind. Images, no memories of Isagi and Kaiser interacting.
The rivalry they shared on field, the way Kaiser would touch Isagi whenever he had the
chance to. Kaiser's fingers stroking the other's cheek while shooting him a cocky smile, his
eyes filled with passion.

Kaiser loved the chase. He always did. And Ness just wasn't worth chasing after. Isagi Yoichi
was. After all, Ness rarely ever resisted the other's advances. Whenever he tried to, thinking
this would bring his lover closer to him, Kaiser would abuse him for it. The fights Ness tried
to put up just didn't come natural and Kaiser saw right through him every single time.

I feel like he genuinely likes to hurt others. As soon as he realises that I enjoy what he's doing
to me too much, he gets turned off. There is something incredibly sinister about the way
Michael Kaiser perceives love.

Isagi Yoichi was a price that Kaiser desperately fought for, that he wanted to claim. Alexis
Ness was barely more than a toy he liked to play with. Whenever Isagi voiced his opinion,
Kaiser would fume over it in excitement but when Ness would try to communicate his needs
he was being "a bother". Ness was tired. Tired of fighting for this twisted relationship.

Just please...make it stop.

"Why...why can't you just love me back, Michael?" he whimpered, trembling. Acting on an
impulse, he lunged himself forward onto the bed, hitting his knee on the frame in return. It
hurt like hell, but it didn't matter.

He's the only one that matters.

"Ness, stop! Don't you dare to get your filthy blood on - ," Kaiser began but his sentence
ended in a muffled sound as Ness got on top of him, making their lips meet in a desperate
kiss. The midfielder leaned his whole body into the motion, pinning Kaiser down onto the
mattress while moving his knee between the other's legs and applying pressure to his crotch.
The blonde immediately arched his back in an involuntary reaction. His tattooed left hand
made its way up Ness' neck, pulling him even closer.

Ness couldn't help but moan into the other's mouth as the other's fingers slowly caressed his
skull just to grab a handful of his magenta hair and mercilessly pull on it. The motion forced
their faces apart, leaving him feeling hungry for more.

"Michael...," he pleaded.

Kaiser's blue eyes were only inches away, burning into his soul. His face was that of an angel,
no doubt. The soft features that had rough edges at the exact right places, framed by golden
and cyan locks. Ness' gaze got captivated by the sight of his oh - so - inviting lips, by the
blood on the corner of his perfect mouth.

My blood.

For some reason the mere thought of his vital fluid on his lover's face turned him on even
more. In an attempt to release that aching feeling, he moved his hips closer, slightly grinding
on Kaiser's lower body. The grip in his hair got stronger, making Ness gasp in pain.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Kaiser's voice was barely more than a snarl. His stone-cold demeanour didn't change even
though his cheeks were flushed red, and his chest was moving with every short, sharp breath
he took.

"Who do you think you are, attacking me like that?" he asked, a slight threat in his's tone.
Ness swallowed; his whole body was tense. The uncomfortable position he was in made him
want to act up. He wanted to get out of Kaiser's grasp, to pin his love's wrists to the bed with
one hand while the other would close around his pale throat. He wanted to fuck him
senselessly until there was no more doubt on who he belonged to.

I won't ever let him leave. I can't let anyone else have him.

"I won't let you leave me," Ness stated, shaking. He tried to lean in for another kiss, but
Kaiser was still holding him back; restricting him from getting what he wanted. Ness whined
in frustration and couldn't help but notice how the other smirked at the sight of him

Kaiser put a finger to Ness' trembling lips, caressing them slowly before softly stroking over
his cheek. The other leaned into the touch like he was starving which made Kaiser chuckle:
"You're desperate. How pathetic. Getting hard by simply looking at me while I sleep. You're
such a freak."
With a click of his tongue, he brought his now blood-stained hand to his own lips, licking off
the fluid while holding eye contact.

"How is it?" Ness burst out, panting.

"Rotten, just like you," Kaiser said.

That was it. That was the probably hottest answer he could have given. It made Ness go
absolutely feral. He pushed himself forward once more and to his surprise, Kaiser let him go.

Their lips collided again as Ness avidly forced his tongue into the other's mouth. Now it was
his turn to grab Kaiser by the hair, leaving him no room to escape Ness' advances. And
Kaiser loved it - evident by his growing erection which Ness felt through the thin fabric of
their clothes.

He let out a low groan as the midfielder went from caressing his lips to kissing his way down
to his collarbone, softly biting into the sensitive skin. In these moments, Ness wanted to eat
Kaiser alive, to taste his sweet flesh while the ace trembled underneath him. Corrupted by his
thoughts he bit down harder, actually drawing blood this time. Kaiser twitched as he felt the
unexpected sting of pain. Ness could feel his muscles flexing as he instinctively tried to free
himself from his grip.

"God damn it, Ness!" he yelped, his voice breaking in pleasure as the other started to move
his tongue around the wound, licking away at the small amount of fluid that came out.

Ness couldn't believe his luck tonight. It was not his first time dominating Kaiser, no. They
tended to switch most of the time, since Kaiser loved taking the lead as much as he liked to
give it to someone else. It was rather rare that he let Ness do all the things he wanted to do
though, more so he enjoyed having him on a metaphorical leash even when the roles were

This time, it was different. This time Ness wouldn't leave him a choice. He was going to
claim him tonight, to swallow him whole.

Kaiser mumbled something incomprehensible, his words getting overshadowed by the lustful
noises leaving his mouth while Ness was kissing and licking his way down his bare chest,
one hand still in his hair, the other one on his hip.

He was going at a slow pace, making sure to leave as many marks behind as possible. Kaiser
was his and his only. Germany's ace was melting under his touch, barely able to stay still as
Ness' tongue kept caressing his sensitive skin and twirling around his nipples while leaving
faint red lines behind.

The midfielder was losing himself in the sensation as well - just listening to Kaiser enjoying
himself made the butterflies in his stomach almost explode. The heat between his legs was
getting almost unbearable, he could feel a bit of precum leaking out. Ness was still wearing
his clothes after all, there was still so much fabric keeping them apart from each other.
He felt a soft, pleading touch at the top of his head and looked up to the beautiful sight of
Kaiser meeting his gaze with those blue, piercing eyes. Seeing just with how much lust they
were filled right now made Ness moan involuntarily, his grip becoming even more stronger
than before.

Kaiser was still keeping it together rather well. Even though his body was betraying and
reacting to Ness' touches, his face had that same smug expression he wore on the daily. If
Ness wouldn't be restricting his movements, this would be the moment where he would tilt
his head and raise an eyebrow at his lover. An expression that said 'this is all you got?

Instead, he spoke. And each and every single word made Ness shiver.

"You want to hurt me so bad, hm? At least do it properly," he said, looking down at the other
under those long eyelashes.

Fuck, those long lashes.

Ness mouth went dry, his head felt like it was spinning.

He's asking me -

His inner struggle had most likely been displayed clearly on his face since Kaiser chuckled in
amusement, moving his tattooed hand to softly stroke Ness' cheek.

"I'm talking about the knife, idiot. I want you to cut me, Alexis," he uttered.

In this moment, Michael Kaiser was the embodiment of the word 'sin'. His merely parted lips,
the few strands of hair falling into his eyes, the blush on his cheeks and the marks on his neck
- Ness felt like a rabid dog that was going feral, pulling at its leash in sheer madness.

"I - ," he began but his words were cut off by Kaiser's thumb caressing the corner of his

"Not finishing what you started, Ness? Sounds just like you, I must admit," the ace teased
with a look of pity on his face. Those words cut into Ness' heart with force.

"D - don't tell me what to do!" he burst out, tugging on Kaiser's hair so violently that his
emperor twitched in pain, a surprised whimper escaping his throat which was music to Ness'
ears. Good. He let go of him in an instant which led to a sharp hiss from Kaiser as he sat up
in his newfound freedom.

Ness got off the bed in an effort to get onto the ground and look for the kitchen knife he had
dropped earlier. His legs were shaking, and his semi - wet underwear was getting more and
more uncomfortable with the second.

"You better take that shit off before I rip it off your body," he heard Kaiser snarl. Ness didn't
want to obey him once more, so he just stepped back to the bed - the knife in his hands, still
slightly stained with his blood.
He turned it in his fingers, fascinated by the way it reflected the moonlight off its blade. His
lips parted, thoughts running through his mind. His instinct was to ask for permission once
more, to beg for Kaiser's love on his knees. But he fought that urge.

Instead, he was eyeing his prey while tilting his head, slowly. Ness lowered himself on the
bed again, scooting over to Kaiser who - for once - didn't say anything. He just held his gaze,
studying every single move. He sat on the bed, his body resting on his hands that were
positioned behind his back.

'What are you waiting for?' his expression said. Ness couldn't help but stare at him. Stare at
the bite wound in the left lower half of his neck and the faint red lines that trailed around it.
Just looking at all the marks he had left on the pale skin made him lick his lips in
anticipation. No doubt those would last for some time. The thought of their teammates
catching a glimpse of his marks of ownership made Ness feel dizzy.

"You look like you want to eat me," Kaiser observed, his voice raw and heavy with lust,
"Why don't you try?"

Ness whimpered, inching closer. He didn't know what he was so scared off. Rejection?

Or maybe, maybe he feared himself. Of what he wanted to do to Kaiser. Of the fact that
Kaiser new exactly what he desired and teased him with it.

Even now, he's still finding ways to torment me.

"Stop looking down on me!" Ness snapped, clutching onto the knife until his knuckles turned
white due to the pressure he was applying. I won't let him treat me like this, I will show him -

"Or what? Tell me, what are you going to do to me, Alexis? I want to hear it."

In this moment, all Ness wanted to do was to finally wipe that amused expression of Kaiser's
stupidly handsome face. With a firm motion he leaned forward and grabbed the blonde by his
chin to pull him into another kiss.

Meanwhile, he pushed Kaiser backwards roughly, guiding him until his bare back hit the bed
frame where it met the wall. The blonde moaned into the kiss, wincing as Ness bit down on
his bottom lip. It was weirdly ironic how Kaiser would go out of his way to call him 'pathetic'
- meanwhile he was the one who was arching his back now, pushing his hips forward like a
needy whore. Ness liked that.

He broke their connection after a few heartbeats, pulling away while letting his left hand
wander to Kaiser's throat. He didn't apply any much pressure yet, he just let it rest there.

At this point, he was sitting on the other's lap, feeling Kaiser's hardening cock on his inner
thigh. He had no intent of touching him there, though - not yet. Ness was going to take his
sweet time tonight. Slowly, he raised the knife that he was still holding in his left hand. It
wasn't the biggest one out of the collection, just about fifteen centimetres. But it was sharp.
Kaiser hissed through his teeth as the cold metal touched him. Ness wasn't hurting him yet.
Instead, he was dragging the blade over the thin skin right under his collar bones without
applying pressure.

He couldn't help but grin in sadism at the way the ace reacted. The sheer amount of power he
held over him right here, right now - it was amazing, a dream come true. Just a tiny pinch and
Kaiser would bleed.

The blonde didn't dare to move an inch, but a slight smile was curling around his lips. Ness
noticed that his head was slightly tilted sideways as if he was trying to disassociate. His
breath was short and sharp. Maybe Michael Kaiser wasn't as fearless as he always liked to
put it.

With a wide grin on his face, Ness used the hand he had at his throat to grab his chin, forcing
the ace to look at him again.

"Don't look away now. I want you to see what I'm gonna do," he whispered.

With these words, Ness started to tighten the grip around his neck. The blonde gasped, his
head getting pressed down against the bedframe with no room to move.

"Ness, wait - ah!"

He couldn't do anything but watch as Ness cut into him. Just a tiny bit into his chest, near his
sternum. Kaiser flinched at the pain, immediately trying to free himself from Ness' grip to no
avail. The midfielder teased him by making the knife travel across his muscles before making
another cut dangerously near to his neck area.

"Fuck!" Kaiser burst out, gasping for air. Tears were forming at the corners of his eyes, his
hands gripping onto the sheets. Ness licked his lips, admiring the sight in front of him. With
hungry eyes he gazed upon the blood that was now traveling down Kaiser's chest. The cuts
weren't dangerously deep, but deep enough to make it bleed.

"'re so beautiful," Ness sighed with a long, relaxing exhale. He was filled with
love to the brim, his heart felt like it was about to burst. All fear was gone. He was content.
Well, not yet. But he knew he would be.

He put the knife down onto the soft surface next to him before taking his now empty hand to
rest it at Kaiser's hip. The ace shivered at the touch, groaning in displeasure as all Ness did
was play with the waistband of his boxers, teasing it down a bit.

He was so desperate to be touched that Ness couldn't help but giggle to himself. Then he
leaned forward, tightening his grip before he lowered his head to lick up the blood that was
slowly dripping down Kaiser's chest. It tasted so fucking good.

The bitter note felt sweet in Ness' mouth as he completely lost himself in the moment. Kaiser
tried to conceal his moans by biting down on his bottom lip. It was obvious he didn't want to
give his 'pathetic lapdog' the satisfaction of knowing how much he enjoyed the scene. Not
Unfortunate for him, the other could easily see through his charade - after all, his body was
twitching and stuttering with every single stroke of Ness' tongue, each suppressed noise
making him tremble even more.

In the end, Kaiser doesn't stand a chance against me. I'm the only one who can make him

Michael Kaiser was defenceless. And he hated how much he enjoyed it. It hadn't been on his
to - do list to get railed tonight but...well, things change. He hadn't expected Ness to take it
this far but he for sure wasn't complaining now. At least his body wasn't. His mind was still
hesitant to fully give in.

The sadist in him didn't want to take it easy on Ness. He wanted to make him squirm, to
make him struggle. It's what he enjoyed most, after all - to torment his little toy, to cut away
at his wings until one day, Alexis Ness would be nothing but a broken shell.

He was annoying. But God, he was a beast in bed. There was something seriously wrong
with him, and Kaiser wasn't entirely sure if he had been the one who fully pushed him over
the edge.

Ness was a jealous bitch, always creeping around. Kaiser liked to pretend he didn't know how
much his ( mostly ) intimate relations were bothering his little stalker. Secretly, he absolutely
enjoyed it though. The sheer emotions on Ness' face alone made it worth it. The poor little
thing was terrible at hiding how deeply he felt, how much things were getting to him.

He's the perfect accessory. Easy to have fun with, but very fucking hard to get rid of. No
matter how much I torture him, he won't leave. I know he won't. He can't.

He loves me.

Right now, Kaiser could physically see how much this love was devouring Ness. The sheer
possessiveness that he conveyed through every single one of his touches made the butterflies
in his stomach rise. It was...thrilling. Not enough to make him worthy of love but at least he
would be a good fuck. He usually was, after all.

Earlier, when he had woken up to the sight of Ness standing next to his bed, knife in hand,
there had been no doubt in Kaiser's mind that this was just another one of his silly little
games. One of those times, where he would threaten his emperor out of impulse before
breaking down in tears and mumbling apologies.

Maybe, this time, Kaiser had been the one who took it too far. Most likely, he was going to
get hurt this time - really bad. For once, Ness' love was a real threat to him, a deadly blade
that was at his neck - ready to make the final cut...literally! And for some reason, that was
really fucking hot to think about.
Just now, Kaiser was overwhelmed with the sheer sensations he was experiencing. His chest
felt like it was in flames. The cuts Ness had made earlier hurt which was just getting fuelled
even more by the other nibbling away at the wounds.

Ness tongue was merciless, caressing his skin at such a slow pace that it was pure torture.
And it felt good. Kaiser found himself at the other's mercy, moaning like an idiot at every
single touch. He wouldn't be able to break free, even if he tried to.

After all, Ness was a strong guy. When compared, his smaller statue was much more
muscular than the ace's. Right now, those strong arms were holding him down, leaving him
barely any room to move.

The way Ness was gripping onto his hip was painful in its own - at this point there was no
denying that it would leave a mark. The other hand tightening around his throat, making his
field of view get blurry due to the lack of oxygen. Kaiser's hands were useless, just grabbing
onto the sheets in a desperate attempt of support.

And that Bastard didn't even touch my dick yet -

God, it hurt. Everything hurt.

"Ness...I'm getting dizzy for fucks sake," he uttered, gasping for air.

Fuck, I feel like I'm gonna pass out -

"Oh, is that so?" Ness teased. Kaiser couldn't do anything but watch through tears as the
midfielder took another mouthful of red but without swallowing this time. Instead, he pressed
his lips onto Kaiser's, forcing him to taste his own blood. Filthy.

The ace tensed up at first, but feeling the grip on his neck loosen, he relaxed. The metal taste
felt strange, unfamiliar. Ness kept toying with him, his tongue caressing the inside of his
mouth in a surprisingly dominant manner. He was claiming him, eating away at him with
each and every one of his kisses.

"Michael, Michael, Michael..."

Ness kept repeating his first name in between, his soft whines and sighs sending chills down
Kaiser's spine. Suddenly he felt the blade again, making another cut. This time Ness had
positioned it barely underneath his suprasternal notch, slowly dragging it downwards.

The pain was terribly sweet, a sudden stinging sensation that kept increasing with each
stuttering breath Kaiser took. His low cries of pain and pleasure got muffled by Ness forcing
his tongue even deeper into his mouth. The fact that only one wrong move was enough to
seriously injure him filled Kaiser with undeniable arousal. He felt hot and heavy, his heart
beating fast in his chest, making the adrenalin pump through his veins at high speed. Ness
was still dragging the blade across his chest, the warm sensation of blood dripping out made
Kaiser gasp.

Is he not going to stop? God, that bitch is really pushing it.

"Ness," he breathed in between kisses, raising his hands just enough so he could press against
the other's shoulder to make some space, "You're gonna leave scars you god damn idiot - "

He winced as Ness stopped moving, just holding the blade in place, slightly digging deeper
into his skin. Magenta eyes snapped up at Kaiser, darkened with lust.

He couldn't help but notice just how beautiful Ness was. It's not like this was his first time
noticing that, of course not. Every time he laid eyes on his lover, he got struck pretty
he was.

Alexis Ness was a stunning guy, there was no doubt in that. His appearance and mannerisms
had such an innocence to them that it was alluring. But once you took a close look, the facade
was breaking away, revealing just how sick and twisted he really was.

It was tiny things that proved the way Ness carried himself lies - for example, the way his
wide smile would rarely ever reach his eyes if you dared to pay enough attention to that.
Kaiser never failed to notice the tiny half - moon shaped wounds on the inside of his palms
which he frequently had from digging his nails into his hands until they almost bled. Or the
way he would conceal his anger by moving around in discomfort, the way the outer corners
of his mouth would twitch whenever he was upset.

It was like he was made to be teased. There was rarely something that Kaiser enjoyed as
much as pushing Ness' limits. Making the midfielder act out in frustration was a truly
amazing sight. Kaiser would give him crumbs of affection whenever he felt like it, just to
withdraw them again moments later. He knew exactly how Ness reacted to different
treatments, how well he would beg on his knees. Kaiser loved to see him beg for his touch.

It's a guilty pleasure, I must admit.

Right now, Ness looked like a creature from hell. His pupils were wide, his gaze hungry and
focused on Kaiser's kiss - swollen lips. Sweat shimmered on his skin, the dark locks of his
hair curling around his flushed face.

The soft outline of his nose threw a shadow in an aesthetic manner, the moonlight
highlighting the left side of his head, gently. There was blood smeared across his face,
especially around his mouth area, his teeth shining pink as he smiled. Kaiser noticed the
freckles spread across his cheeks, the long eye lashes that tended to touch his skin softly
whenever he lowered his gaze.

Ness was still wearing his clothes, his plain shirt - long stained and wet. Kaiser's gaze
travelled downwards, stopping at the big bulge in the midfielder's pants. The fabric wasn't
concealing anything at this point, and Kaiser could feel himself inhaling sharply as his own
cock twitched, accompanied by a shiver running down his spine. He wanted to be touched so
desperately, he felt like he was losing his mind.

Ness noticed him staring but he didn't say anything. Instead, he just looked at him an
anticipation as if he was waiting for something. For a few moments, there was silence
between them, only broken by their each individual heavy breathing.
"Are you done yet?" Kaiser finally spoke, trying his best to maintain a steady voice.

Ness tilted his head: "With what?" The corners of his mouth tilted upwards, and Germany's
ace felt himself getting impatient.

"Don't ask stupid questions, you freak" he snarled just to hiss through his teeth as he felt the
stinging pain increasing before it eased. Ness had lowered the knife, making Kaiser sigh in

The other carefully licked over the flat side of the blade one last time, groaning softly. He
closed his eyes, like he was really taking in the moment. Then he tossed the object to the side
- making it meet the floor with an unpleasant noise - before bringing his attention back to
Kaiser again.

The ace felt his throat go dry as he felt Ness' hands on his thighs. In this moment he was most
certain that he wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow.

And he was aching for it.

He wanted Ness' massive cock to absolutely wreck his insides.

"Remember. You asked for it," Ness purred before he let himself go.

The metaphorical leash, that Kaiser had put on him, snapped.

Chapter 2
Chapter Notes
See the end of the chapter for notes

Things went fast. Within heartbeats, Ness took off his shirt and threw it behind his back,
making it land god - knows - where. His skin felt as if it was burning. He was yearning for a
sweet release. And Kaiser would give it to him - whether he wanted to, or not. Tonight, Ness
wouldn't be the one to give. Tonight, he was going to take what he needed - he was sick of
waiting, sick of being pushed around.

He rid himself off his pants and underwear, moaning as his hands slightly stroked over his
erection in the motion. Kaiser's eyes followed every single one of his movements with
anticipation. His face was stained with messy blood smears, his chest still wounded and
sensitive. Ness could see how much he was yearning for his touch and content filled his

Without waiting any longer, he threw himself at his lover. Their lips met in a passionate kiss
as Ness grabbed Kaiser by his hair once more, pulling him off the wall. His back hit the bed
again as Ness got on top of him, pushing him down onto the mattress.

Kaiser's hands were in his hair and on the back of his neck, holding onto him, pulling him
closer. The midfielder violently tugged on the waistband of Kaiser's boxers, pulling them
down with one hand while the other was slowly wandering from the ace's head down to his
throat once more.

The blonde whined as Ness starting to apply pressure with his thumb, pushing down slightly
above his jugular notch. He kept kissing away at him, his right hand sliding across Kaiser's
hips and closing around the length of his cock. Kaiser let out a loud moan at the touch,
instinctively trying to lift his hips up for more friction. That singular sound alone was music
to Ness' ears. He mercilessly bit down on Kaiser's lip while his dominant hand kept

"I won't allow you to even think his name," the midfielder hissed, trembling. Just the thought
that Isagi might be on Kaiser's mind right now made him feel blinded by rage.

"I - I have no idea who you're talking about," Kaiser proclaimed, his words ending another
cry of pleasure as Ness worked his thumb over his tip at a steady pace. His cock was already
leaking onto Ness' hand. Blood was getting everywhere at this point; the sheets were long
stained and each of Ness' touches left red marks behind.

That's hot.

"Stop lying to me!"

Ness felt the familiar sting in his heart, but this time he wasn't going to get upset about it. He
would channel it into something else.
Before the other could react, Ness sat up and pulled Kaiser with him. He wasn't gentle with it
but according to the ace's auditory reaction he seemed to love it anyway. After getting rid of
Kaiser's boxers altogether, he pulled the trembling mess of a soccer champion onto his lap,
letting his ass rest on his muscular thighs.

The blonde's back was turned to him as Ness placed a couple of hot, wet kisses onto the
corner of his neck. His left hand was still choking him, holding Kaiser in a firm grip, and
pulling him backwards against Ness' chest. The ace was struggling visibly, trying to adjust to
the new position. The midfielder didn't leave him any time for that. Instead, he put a hand to
his own mouth, spitting into it a few times, spreading his saliva across his fingers.

He obviously didn't bring any lube and he was not going to go look for it now. Plus, the mere
thought of making Kaiser scream in pain as he was penetrating him made Ness feel like he
was about to bust.

Why am I so keen on hurting him? I wish I knew.

Still, he was not going to let those thought linger today. He bit down on the tattooed side of
Kaiser's neck while shoving a finger inside of him.

"Oh my god -," Kaiser echoed, a long deep groan coming out of his throat. His hands were
clawing at Ness' left arm, gripping onto it with so much force his knuckles were shining

Ness would have loved to see his face. He wanted to watch the different emotions crash down
on the ace, wanted to see his eyes roll back and his mouth open ever so slightly. He added a
second finger, spreading them apart slowly before picking up the pace.

Meanwhile, he put his mouth to other use by gently caressing the blonde's ear with his
tongue, sucking away at the edges, teasing him even more. Kaiser just couldn't keep still, his
body twitching all over the place as he gasped at every single of Ness' movements.

The midfielder added a third finger, feeling Kaiser clenching around him as he did so. The
blonde winced in pain, a cry of hot pleasure leaving his lips. Ness reacted by moving his left
hand up to his mouth, muffling his screams while he kept working him open without any
mercy. For good measure, he curled all three fingers slowly, making Kaiser jolt in his grip.

I'm the only one he needs. The only one.

Ness could hear Kaiser whimper as he retreated his fingers. It was a pleasant sound that made
his heart skip a beat. He could the tell the other was already dangerously close.

The midfielder chuckled.

"So obedient for me, Michael," he whispered, his lips close to the other's ear, his breath
gently stroking his cheek, "What did I do to deserve this tonight?"

As an answer, Kaiser bit down on his hand, resulting in Ness hissing in pain and removing it
from his mouth. Once again, he got put in his place, whether he liked it or not.
"Don't push it, Alexis. I'm..." the ace stuttered in between heavy breaths, his voice low and
raspy. Ness didn't fail to notice the tiny bit of doubts in his words, though. Michael Kaiser
was unsure. And Ness liked that.

"It’s okay. You can let your guard down with me. I promise, I won’t tell" he replied with
warm smile, taking a second to caress the other's longer hair that fell onto his back, playing
softly with the blue tips of the longer ends.

He had always adored Kaiser's slightly longer strands of hair. It was like it was made to be
pulled on. The tender, loving touch only lasted a few heartbeats, before he pushed Kaiser
forward onto the bed again. Once more, Ness spit in his hand. This time he made sure to rub
it onto his own cock, inhaling sharply as he felt himself harden. The heat was unbearable, his
lower body felt sore.

"I'll show you how much I love you, Michael," he breathed - before bending Kaiser over,
lifting his hips upwards and slamming his whole length inside of him without warning. The
blonde cried out in pain, his hands clutching onto the sheets in a desperate motion.

"Fuck, Alexis!" he trembled, a sob escaping his throat before he could stop it. Ness could feel
him tightening around his dick as their hips collided, a quick, deliciously sharp pain jolting
through his veins. For a moment, he just held him there: his bare chest pressing down on
Kaiser's back, one hand on his hip, the other having a painfully firm grip on his hair.

"You're a fucking animal, Ness – " Kaiser burst out as Ness moved inside of him, tearing him
up from the inside.

"You're mine," was all Ness whispered, his face pressed against Kaiser's warm, wet skin, "I
won't let anymore else have you. I'm sick of it." He could feel himself tear up again, thousand
emotions were flooding his mind, tugging on his sore heart.

The ace was squirming underneath him; he was trying to shoot back another harsh comment
but his attempt at a sentence got turned into an inaudible string of moans and cries as Ness
pulled out just enough to thrust into him again, over, and over.

He let himself go wild, leaving all fears and worries behind. Isagi's face kept flashing before
his eyes and he squeezed them shut, swallowing at the lump in his throat. There was no way
that this cunt was even managing to somehow ruin this heavenly moment for him. It was not
any day, Kaiser was arching his back, begging for his dick.

Maybe Kaiser's right. I'm just a pathetic little servant after all. A stupid, useless overthinker.

Ness fought back tears, whimpering at the sheer pleasure he felt. He decided once more that
this night was his time to shine. He was not going to spend it by feeling inferior. Never again.
Instead, he channelled all of those upsetting emotions he had felt during the past weeks into
each and every thrust, making Kaiser scream his name over and over again.

"Mine, mine, mine," Ness kept on rambling while strengthening the grip on Kaiser's hip,
pulling him in with even more force.
He felt so damn good around him. It was like he was made to be fucked, like his sheer
beauty's mere purpose was to be absolutely destroyed.

We're made for each other. There is no other way to put it. We need each other. He just
doesn't know it yet.

Ness was losing himself. Stars were flickering in his field of view. He could feel himself
already getting close, his stomach tightening in anticipation. That had always been one of the
things he had been insecure about - how quickly he tended to reach his climax. Often enough,
Kaiser had poked fun of him for that.

'So pathetic, Alexis. Just one look from me and you're done’.

In reality, Ness was one to quickly recover afterwards though, ready to go again. It was a
blessing as much as it was a curse. He found himself rarely satisfied, always chasing the next

The number of times he had pleasured himself to the faint memory of Kaiser's hand on the
back of his neck during practice - it was embarrassing to say the least. There was no other for
him, after all. Michael Kaiser was the only one who could make him fold, the only sight he
wanted to imagine whenever he stroked himself.

Kaiser was a selfish lover, usually prioritising his own pleasure out of habit - or sheer cruelty.
Ness wasn't like him. Not at all.

Now, as he kept ramming into Kaiser, he made sure to draw all the pretty noises from the
other's mouth. The blonde had lost his balance long ago, barely supporting himself on his
shaking arms while Ness kept hitting his sweet spot at a brutal pace. Kaiser sounded like a
wounded animal when getting fucked, his head getting pressed onto the sheets and his ass in
the air, arching back against his lover to meet his thrusts even harder.

"Fuck, Ness, I'm gonna - "

Kaiser's slurred words brought Ness back to reality, pulling him out of his daze. He slowed
down a bit, letting his left hand wander downwards until he could close it around the other's
leaking cock.

"No, you won't. Unless you beg for it," he hummed, a slight smile curling around the corner
of his lips.

Mine. And I'll do whatever I want with him.



Ness chose to ignore the threat in Kaiser's voice. Instead, he tightened his grip, making the
other jolt in pain. The only thing that would make this moment even better would be him
being able to look into his eyes.
"I'll fucking kill you if you don't stop messing around, I'll...," Kaiser rambled, his words
barely audible. As a reaction to such an unpleasant answer, Ness yanked on his hair with a
harsh motion. Kaiser whimpered, his body shivering uncontrollably. He was being pushed to
his limits - and the midfielder was only getting started.

"What was that?" he asked again, teasing. Kaiser didn't answer. After all, he was still holding
onto his pride.

And he dares to call me pathetic.

"We'll then," Ness said, "If that's how you want it..." He knew he was being cruel, but he
couldn't help it. Slowly, he started to move again, a feeling of extasy overcoming him at each
of Kaiser's desperate whines and cries.

Ness let go of his hair to get a better hold onto his waist before starting to thrust again,
harder with each second. His left hand was still wrapped around the other's pulsating
erection, denying him the sweet release. It was difficult to gain enough momentum since one
of his arms was occupied but Ness pushed through it.

He knew Kaiser was going to crack, eventually. And god - he did.


It was just a tiny, weak whisper but it was enough to make Ness' stomach tighten in
anticipation. "Use your words, Michael," he demanded, a spark igniting in his chest as he
heard Kaiser's voice break.

"I'm sorry, I - it hurts, ah...let me cum, Alexis. Please," he sobbed, burying his face into the
sheets in embarrassment. It was obvious that he felt absolutely humiliated, and Ness couldn't
believe his ears.

Michael Kaiser was begging. Begging for him to let him finish.

Content with his pleas, the midfielder placed a loving kiss onto the other's trembling back.
"Sure, love," he muttered while finally retrieving his left hand, freeing Kaiser from his grip.
Warmth filled his heart as he threw his head back and continued to slam into the ace, pulling
him in by the hips for even more friction.

Kaiser screamed, his body twisting and shaking as he finally came. The motion sent a
tingling sensation through Ness` limbs. This is what heaven feels like.

His mind went completely blank as his own orgasm rushed through him shortly after, making
him cry out in sheer pleasure. He came inside of Kaiser, clutching onto the other's body while
hot tears rolled down his cheeks.

In this significant moment, they were at peace with each other. No fighting, no screaming, no
bleeding. Just two people, holding onto each other for support as they reached their climax
close after one another.
Two lovers, their bodies intertwined with each other under the soft moonlight. If one dared to
say, it could have been described as quite the romantic sight. But it wasn't. They would never
be such thing. No matter how hard they tried to pretend, in the end their individual toxicity
would make them collide again, again and again...

Ness closed his eyes, allowing himself a few slow and steady breaths while he softened
inside of Kaiser. He retreated after a few heartbeats, a pure feeling of content rushing through
him. His heart felt warm and heavy, it also hurt a bit - just the right amount. The metal taste
was still strong in his mouth, making him feel dizzy.

While he was coming back to his senses, Kaiser had collapsed onto the bed, still shaking.
Ness allowed himself a moment to admire his emperor once more. He, who was barely more
than a shell of the cold prince he had been merely an hour ago - Michael Kaiser had been
pulled off his throne which had always kept him just out of his lover's reach.

Now, there was an unfamiliar feeling of closeness hovering between them, an emotional
intimacy that was so fragile it would break at any simple tug. Ness was indulging in it,
feeding off the warm feeling in his chest.

This. This sheer moment was more than he could have ever hoped for. Love overcame him,
making his lips tilt in a soft smile as he tended to Kaiser. With a gentle touch, he rolled him
onto his back, the blonde just weakly groaning at the motion.

Kaiser looked absolutely wrecked. His chest bruised and bloody, his neck and thighs
scattered with love bites and marks. The ace's whole body was glistening with sweat, making
his messy hair cling onto it. Ness eyes darted over his flushed face, recognising the dried
tears and blood smears on his cheeks and lips.

Kaiser's mouth was hanging open slightly as he breathed in exhaustion. The midfielder found
himself captured within the look of those blue, blue eyes again - but this time there wasn't
any sharpness to them. Instead, there was something else lingering within, something that
made Ness' heart fill with hope.

Without saying another word, he leaned in for a kiss. To his surprise, Kaiser didn't deny him
the gentle touch, instead he just cupped his cheek with his tattooed hand, pulling him in.

"You okay?" Ness muttered as soon as he caught his breath, his fingers tenderly playing with
a few locks of Kaiser's hair.

"I'm good," the blonde breathed, for once his words didn't have any sharpness to them. He
sighed, hiding his face in his hands in weak frustration. Ness immediately felt a sting in his

"What is it?" he asked.

That's it. I've overstayed me welcome. I've pushed him too far, I'll -

"We made such a mess. Those sheets are beyond saving, guess I'll just throw them away,"
Kaiser groaned, letting his arms fall limb to his sides. A slight smile tingled around the side
of his lips and Ness relaxed. Oh. He's joking.

"I'm sorry," he began, biting his bottom lip before continuing, "I got carried away."

Another pause.

"You know that I would never do anything that you don't want, right?" His voice broke at the
last words, a chill running down his spine. The adrenaline was leaving his body and he
couldn't keep his mind from wandering, getting closer and closer to that dark, familiar place -

"Don't kid yourself, Alexis. You totally would," Kaiser uttered, lowly.

Ness' heart dropped. "I - "

"That's why I'm keeping you, after all. It wouldn't be any fun if my most loyal servant didn't
also happen to be my biggest threat," the ace proclaimed. He was slowly starting to sound
more like himself again. His words felt like sweet honey, forcing their way down Ness'
throat, striking him right in his insides.

His ears were ringing in disbelief, his chest tightening. Additionally, the heat was creeping
back into his lower half as he could feel himself getting hard again. Ah.

With big eyes, he caught Kaiser's gaze. His emperor was looking up at him, the signature
smug expression back on his face, even though his body was still trembling in exhaustion.
The midfielder couldn't help himself, he wanted more, wanted -

Slender fingers caressed Ness' cheek while he leaned into the touch. He moved closer, his
erection ghosting against the other's thigh in the process. Kaiser chuckled as he felt it, his
gentle touch turning into a familiar pain as he grabbed Ness by the hair. The midfielder
winced, a surprised 'ah!' escaping his lips at the uncomfortable sensation.

"Just as I thought. Already good for round two, hm?" Kaiser teased, obviously amused by
Ness' reaction, "You're so easy to read, Alexis."

"No, I' m - "

"Shut up. That’s enough for tonight. Understand?" His grip tightened, making Ness squeak in
pain once more.

"Y - yes, Kaiser," he stuttered, his head still spinning from what the ace said earlier, the
butterflies going crazy inside his chest.

He's keeping me! He's not leaving! Even if he can’t love me yet, he’s not pushing me away. If
that’s all I can get for now, that’s okay. I can make it work.

We can make it work.

This straw of hope was all he wanted, all he needed right now. It was good enough to keep
him sane.
Kaiser hummed. He was more than pleased to get such an enthusiastic answer.

"Good boy. Now help me clean myself up, will you?"

Kaiser let out a pleased hum as he turned off the hot water and stepped out of the shower.
Absently messaging the aching muscles in his shoulders, he dried himself with a towel before
draping it loosely around his waist.

Ness was still asleep in the bedroom, probably drooling all over the place like the big baby he
was. Kaiser hadn't kicked him out last night, instead he had decided to let him stay. After all,
he had proved himself to be of interest to him once more.

Still, Ness was unbelievably clingy while sleeping - Kaiser had woken up to the sight of the
midfielder draped over his chest, legs intertwined with his own.


Kaiser couldn't help but chuckle to himself as he gazed upon his own reflection in the mirror.
It had been a hot while since he had gotten his brains fucked out. To be honest, he couldn't
quite remember any significant moment from any of the hook ups he had had within the last
weeks that came remotely close to what Ness did to him last night.

It had been strange, humiliating even.

And it was amazing.

Kaiser tilted his head to the side, eyeing the bite marks Ness had left on him. Teeth marks
were shimmering on his pale skin, their reddish tone standing in sharp contrast to his
porcelain complexion. The blonde's gaze trailed upon the bruises on his body, each and every
single one symbolising one of Ness' possessive touches, his desperate kisses and bites. They
were spreading across Kaiser's entire neck area, trailing down his chest, some dangerously
close to his hipline.

And the cuts. How could he forget about the cuts, each of them stinging painfully as the ace's
hand brushed against them.

Like the good little servant he was, Ness had made sure to take care of them last night,
cleaning the wounds with a gentle touch while kissing the irritated skin around it, his lips
ghosting over the area. Now, they were still bruising, but they hopefully wouldn't take that
much time to fully heal.

Most likely, they would leave scars behind. Kaiser knew he should he upset about that, but he
wasn't. For some reason, he enjoyed the thought of someone's ownership being presented to
the public so clearly.
Him owning Ness of course - not the other way around. Still, Ness leaving marks on him
made the butterflies in his stomach rise and he cursed himself for it.

Lost in his thoughts, Kaiser started to slightly peel at the wounds, quickly removing his
fingers as he drew blood.

Tsk. Such a bother.

After stopping the bleeding with the help of a small towel, he ruffled through his hair and left
the room - hissing at the pain he felt in his lower half while doing so. He still felt sore, every
step was agony.

Thank God we won't have to get on field any time soon. I wouldn't be able to perform at all in
this condition.

As he entered the bedroom, he found Ness already sitting on the mattress. His eyes lit up at
Kaiser's sight and his lips parted in excitement, a wide smile spreading across his cheeks. If
he was a puppy, his tail would be wagging right now.

Aw. Adorable.

He was wearing one of Kaiser's shirts and boxers, both of which the ace had given to him last
night after their shower. The bed sheets had also been changed; thank God they had thought
of doing that before falling asleep.

"I didn't know you were already awake. Did you sleep well?" Ness babbled in excitement, his
hands fidgeting with the fabric of his shirt, "I - "


His words reached Kaiser's ears as an annoying, penetrant ringing. He could barely keep
himself for wrinkling his nose in disgust, a long exhale leaving his mouth in displeasure.
Still, he decided against a scolding - he wasn't in the mood for a confrontation right now. In
his weakened state, Ness' crying and pleading would probably make his ears bleed instead of
granting him a feeling of triumph.

Instead, he chose another approach.

Kaiser stepped to the edge of the bed, calling the other towards him with a firm hand gesture.
"Come here," he said, purposefully putting a hint of warmth in his tone.

Ness stopped rambling, immediately.

Again. I just must dangle a tiny hint of affecting in front of him and he's at my feet. It's so
easy, Alexis. At least try and make it difficult for me.

With an enthusiastic nod Ness crawled forward until he was sitting right in front of Kaiser,
his head resting against the other's chest. Big, magenta eyes looked up the ace, cheeks
reddening within seconds as the blonde slowly traced his thumb across the skin.
"Michael..." Ness sighed, his eyes so unbelievably filled with love that all Kaiser wanted was
to take a pair of scissors and ram it into his sockets. He smiled.

"You can stay here for a while. I allow it," he muttered, enjoying how the other's pupils
dilated at the words.

"Thank you, Kaiser. I promise I'll be good for you, I'll - "

Back to normal. How boring.

"Shut up. I know."

He could see Ness flinch at the harsh words. His clam hands went from shaking at his sides
to wandering up Kaiser's body, softly tugging at the towel he was wearing.

"I'm sorry, can I..."he began, this terribly pleading look all over his face. Kaiser snickered to

Would you look at that. He just woke up and is already begging to suck my dick. Delightful.

"We can do more than that. Whatever you want. We still have a week left until we have to be
back in Japan. We have lots of time to kill..." Kaiser spoke, gently, his hand ruffling through
Ness' hair who closed his eyes at the touch. He was leaning into it in sheer content, groaning
softly while Kaiser kept massaging his scalp.

"What...whatever I want...?" he murmured.

"Whatever you want. Let your fantasies run wild, Alexis. Use me as you please," Kaiser
reassured, his words sweet like honey, dripping from his mouth.

Magenta eyes snapped up at the ace, pure bliss glistening inside them.

"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you," he stuttered, his sentence ending in a pathetic
whine. Kaiser could see tears shimmering as the midfielder blinked. One of them got caught
onto his long eye lashes, making the ace move one of his fingers to flick it away.

"I want it to hurt," Kaiser reassured, persistently, "Go ahead, Alexis. Just make sure I don't
have any long-lasting injuries, of course. That would be a hindrance to my career. And you
don't want that, do you?"

Ness shook his head, slightly.

"O - of course, I don't," he trembled, "Thank you, Kaiser. I'll take good care of you, I

Kaiser tilted his head, smiling.

It was perfect. Ness being so obedient to him, yet an absolute menace when let lose, pushed
all the buttons on his register.
He's made for me. My perfect little toy, always so eager to please me. And at the same time -
such a greedy little bastard.

"Come on, Alexis. Show me how much you love me."

Chapter End Notes

Okay, just a quick explanation on smth: There is a reason on why I tended to switch
between first and last names during speech in this os. Ness likes to use Kaiser's first
name when they're in private - It's a desperate attempt to create ( emotional ) intimacy
with the other. Meanwhile, Kaiser usually refrains from calling him "Alexis" to prevent
such feelings. The only exception being whenever he's being manipulative or
condescending - or if he can't help himself and lets it slip on accident.
I'm aware that this most likely wouldn't happen this way ( since especially in Germany
it's common to call ppl you know by their first name at all times ), but I just thought it
would be a nice detail. :3

Also, Ness' mind is a total mess, constantly switching between conflicting emotions. In
general, their dynamic is hard to write - but it's pretty fun ngl

Anywayyyyy, thank you so much for reading, any comments or kudos are very much
appreciated mwah <3
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