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# Institution of Chemical Engineers
Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002


Laboratory of Membrane Technology and Technical Polymer Chemistry, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, UK

oth hydrophilic (C 30F) and hydrophobic (PA 50H and PES 50H) ultraŽ ltration
membranes were fouled with (i) a 3.5 wt% whey protein solution or (ii) ground wood
mill circulation water from an integrated pulp and paper mill. The membranes were
subsequently treated with different cleaning agents (NaOH, HNO3, Ultrasil 11 and Libranone
960). For whey protein fouled membranes, the effectiveness of the cleaning protocol was a
strong function of the sodium hydroxide concentration used. After treatment with Libranone
960, membranes fouled with ground wood mill water displayed a substantial increase in water
permeability. The less hydrophilic the membrane surface, the greater the observed  ux increase
following cleaning. After a short period of cleaning with Libranone 960, the pure water
permeability decreased as the surfactant desorbed from the membrane surface. No such trend
was seen when cleaning with Ultrasil 11. FTIR, SEM and AFM techniques were used to
investigate the nature of the membrane surface before and after fouling and cleaning. These
techniques conŽ rmed the efŽ cacy of the Libranone 960 cleaning protocol.

Keywords: fouling; cleaning; ultraŽltration; lignosulphates.

INTRODUCTION of non-ionic surfactants in the range C9–11E6, and was

chosen because non-ionic cleaning agents have a good
Industrial membrane Ž ltration processes are widely used as record in removing foulants such as fatty acids, sterols
wastewater and circulation water treatment methods. The and lignans which are likely to be present; (ii) Ultrasil 11
effectiveness of membrane Ž ltration depends on the (Henkel Ecolab) and (iii) sodium hydroxide were selected as
membrane type; for example, ultraŽ ltration can be used to examples of formulated and simple alkali cleaning agents.
remove dissolved or suspended macromolecules; nanoŽ ltra- Sodium hydroxide is generally effective at removing whey
tion can be used to remove salts. Under practical operating protein based deposition10. Nitric acid (iv) is also commonly
conditions, any Ž ltration process invariably leads to fouling, used both in industry and the laboratory to remove mineral
and this necessitates frequent cleaning. This results in addi- based deposition1.
tional operating costs due to cleaning chemicals, energy and In addition to the cleaning agent formulation, cleaning
labour, and can also generate large quantities of often highly efŽ ciency depends upon the detergent concentration,
alkaline ef uent1. temperature, cross- ow velocity, and trans-membrane
UltraŽ ltration membranes are used widely in the pulp and pressure11–18.
paper industry for the separation of lignosulphonates from The effect of the adsorption or removal of fouling
salts, and for ef uent treatment2–6. The pulp and paper substances to or from the membrane can be measured in
industry is moving towards partially or totally closed water many ways. The most common parameter measured has been
circuits6. Membrane Ž ltration can help achieve this aim, by permeate  ux. However, the permeate  ux does not uniquely
providing effective water puriŽ cation. Closed water circuits determine the state of a surface, as different deposits result
result in a reduction of water consumed, and chemical and in different membrane permeation characteristics. Several
Ž bre losses are also reduced6. surface characterization methods have recently been
UltraŽ ltration membranes are also widely used in the exploited. Contaminants can be investigated using infrared
processing of whey, for protein recovery and as a partial spectra, provided a virgin membrane is also scanned for
sterilization technique7–9. comparison purposes18–21.
There are a wide range of commercially available Microscopic techniques are mainly used to provide topo-
compounds for membrane cleaning, from acidic to alkaline graphical images of unused surfaces, but can also be used to
solutions with or without enzymes and surfactants. Cleaning provide information on contaminated surfaces22–27.
agents can be formulated according to the fouling The two aims of this study were, Ž rstly, to test the effect
substances present, the process conditions, and the nature of the cleaning agent composition (including non-ionic
of the membrane material. In this study, four cleaning agents surfactants, which do not Ž nd widespread use as membrane
were selected: (i) Libranone 960 (Shell Company) consists cleaners) upon UF membranes fouled with industrially


important liquids. These foulants were (i) whey protein Ž xed solids. The total organic carbon (TOC) was analysed
concentrates, and (ii) ground wood mill circulation water with a Shimadzu TOC-5050A analyser, the temperature was
from an integrated pulp and paper mill. The second aim was 680¯ C, and the carrier gas was high purity air with a  ow
to investigate the linkage between  ux recovery measure- rate of 150 ml=minute.
ments and surface characterization techniques in determin-
ing the cleaning performance of UF membranes. Whey protein concentrate powder analysis
The reason for selecting wood pulp liquor and whey
An analysis of the whey protein concentrate powder is
protein concentrate was that they are two of the most shown in Table 2. The powder consisted of 35 wt% protein,
industrially relevant liquids with which to evaluate UF
and b-lactoglobulin was the main component, comprising
membrane performance. Three important membranes
50 wt% of the total.
(regenerated cellulose, polyethersulphoneand aromatic poly-
amide) and a suite of analytical techniques have been used to
link surface characteristics to permeate  ux recovery. UF Membranes and Membrane Analyses
Virgin membranes were characterized using contact angle
and streaming potential measurements. Fouled and cleaned The characteristics of the  at-sheet membranes used in
membranes were examined using Fourier Transform Infra- this study are shown in Table 3. The ultraŽ ltration
red (FTIR) spectroscopy with the Attenuated Total Re ec- membranes selected are made from a range of materials.
tance (ATR) technique, Scanning Electron Microscopy A narrow range of molecular weight cut-offs was selected.
(SEM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The permeate  ux was measured during experiments and
IR-spectra were obtained for both clean, unused membranes,
and membranes which had been subjected to fouling and
MATERIALS AND METHODS cleaning cycles. The surface properties of the virgin
membranes were analysed by measuring the zeta potentials
Water and Whey Protein Concentrate Powder
and contact angles. The membrane surfaces were analysed
with a JEOL JSM T330 SEM, a NanoScope IIIa AFM and a
Water analysis
An analysis of the ground wood mill water is presented in
Table 2. Analysis of whey protein concentrate (WPC) powder.
Table 1, and is the same procedure as presented in Huuhilo
et al.6. The TOC, conductivity, pH, turbidity, absorbance, Component Weight %
total carbon, total solids and Ž xed solids were determined.
The turbidity was measured using a Hach DR=2000 direct Protein 35
Lactose 50
reading spectrophotometer at 450 nm. The lignous material Fat 7
was measured using a Varian Cary 1C UV-visible spectro- Ash 8
photometer. Water was driven off the samples at 100¯ C to Total 100
obtain the total solids, and heated to 550¯ C to obtain the The protein composition was as follows:
b-lactoglobulin 50
Table 1. Analysis of ground wood mill circulation water. a-lactalbumin 15
Bovine serum albumin 5
pH 4.9§ 0.1 Immuno-globulin 8
Conductivity, mS cm¡ 1 1.0§ 0.3 Proteose peptones 22
TOC, mg l¡1 500§ 160 Total 100
Turbidity, FTU 360§ 280
Absorbance, 280 nm 6.0§ 1.0 Whey protein concentrate (WPC) is a spray dried powder. The
Total solids, g l¡1 2.0§ 0.3 WPC used in this study was supplied by Carberry Limited,
Fixed solids, g l¡ 1 0.7§ 0.3 Michelstown, Co. Cork, Eire. The powder contained 35 wt%

Table 3. Characteristics of the membranes tested.

C 30F PES 50H PA 50H

Manufacturer Celgard= Hoechst Celgard= Hoechst Celgard= Hoechst

active=support Regenerated Polyethersulfone=PO Aromatic
cellulose=PET polyamide=PO
Cut-off, kDa 30 50 50
Thickness, mm
backing= 190 § 30= 220 § 30= 220 § 30=
whole membrane 200–280 270–330 250–310
pH resistance, 20¯ C 1–13 1–14 1–12
T, max, ¯ C 70 90 90
Flux, l m2 h¡1, 300–600 250–500 600–2500
Measured at 3 bar, and 20¯ C
Retention, % PVP K30 80–88 75–83 70–85
Chemical resistance Good Good Excellent
PO ˆ PolyoleŽ n; PET ˆ Polyethyleneterefthalate; PVP K30 ˆ Polyvinylpyrrolidone.

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002

100 VÄISÄNEN et al.

Perkin-Elmer System 2000 FTIR spectrometer with an ATR rinsing water and another for the whey protein=cleaning
accessory. solution. The whey protein solution (or rinsing water)
Simultaneous  ux and streaming potential measurements was pumped through a mass  ow control unit into the
were carried out using a  at-sheet cell with a Ž ltration area membrane cell. Permeate  ux was measured using an
of 0.00216 m2. Ag=AgCl electrodes were placed on both electronic load cell, and subsequently recycled into the
sides of the membrane in order to measure the streaming feed tank. The transmembrane pressure, the permeate
potential through the pores of the membrane. The measure-  ux, the cross- ow velocity and temperature data were
ments were made with 0.001 M KCl solution, the tempera- collected using a computer. A schematic diagram of
ture was 25¯ C and the cross- ow velocity 0.5 m s¡1 in all the fouling=cleaning equipment is shown in Figure 1.
streaming potential measurements26. The zeta potentials for The retentate and permeate were recycled back to the
the membranes were calculated from the measured stream- fouling=cleaning tank.
ing potentials (Helmholtz-Smoluchowski equation28), and (ii) A second set of membranes were fouled at an integrated
the contact angle measurements were carried out using the Finnish pulp and paper mill using the ground wood mill
sessile-drop method. Before streaming potential and contact circulation water6. Each of the three types of membranes
angle measurements were taken, the virgin membranes were tested were treated with ground wood mill circulation
cleaned in an ultrasonic bath for Ž ve minutes. The standard water for as close to ten minutes as possible, using a
deviations in contact angle and streaming potential measure- transmembrane pressure of 1.0 bar. The ground wood
ments were one degree and 0.01 mV respectively. mill water temperature during the fouling procedure
For the SEM an accelerating voltage of 15 kV was varied from 46–78¯ C at the paper mill, and could not
utilized, and the distance between the sample and the be closely controlled in this industrial environment, as
electron beam was 25 mm. The membranes were coated these were the actual process stream temperatures. At
with gold before visualization (the Ž lm thickness was the paper mill, all the membranes were fouled simulta-
approximately 30 nm) as the samples were not conducting. neously. The pH of the circulation water was 5,
The AFM was used in tapping mode in the air, and the drive the conductivity 0.8–1.3 ms cm¡1 and the COD app.
frequency was 297–392 kHz. The sensor type was NCH, 2000 mg l¡1. The turbidity of the water varied between
and the cantilever length was 123 mm. For the FTIR studies, 200–1300 FTU. The absorbance at 280 nm was between
KRS-5 (thallium bromo-iodide) was used as an ATR crystal, 5 and 8.
the angle of incidence was 45¯ and the resolution 2 cm¡ 1.
All the samples were scanned 50 times 19.
Membrane Cleaning Protocol

Cleaning Agents The cleaning procedure started with the pure water  ux
measurement at 1 bar followed by a chemical clean at 0.5
The following cleaning solutions were used (i) 0.1 wt% bar for 30 minutes. This was followed by a subsequent pure
Libranone 960 (Shell Company), (ii) 0.5 wt% Ultrasil 11 water  ux measurement taken at 1 bar. Lowering the
(Henkel Ecolab) and (iii) 0.05 to 1.0 wt% sodium hydroxide transmembrane pressure from 1.0 bar during fouling to 0.5
followed by 0.3 wt% nitric acid (both supplied by Fisher bar during cleaning gives an improved cleaning perfor-
ScientiŽc). mance, as foulants are not forced further into the pores of
Libranone 960 is an alcohol ethoxylate (C9–11E6) non- the membrane12,29. A cross- ow velocity of 2 m s¡ 1 and a
ionic surfactant with a critical micelle concentration (cmc) water temperature of 40¯ C was used in all membrane  ux
of 0.018 wt%. P3 Ultrasil 11 is a caustic based cleaning measurements.
agent containing EDTA and surfactants. The percentage  ux recovery due to cleaning is deŽ ned as
100£ the ratio of the pure water  ux of a membrane
Membrane Fouling Protocol
Membranes were subjected to two different fouling
(i) A 3.5 wt% solution of reconstituted whey protein
concentrate (WPC) was made using reverse osmosis
water and Carbelac 35, a free  owing WPC powder,
supplied by Carberry Milk Products Ltd, (Republic of
Ireland). The procedure started with a pure water  ux
measurement at 1 bar, followed by a fouling with whey
protein solution at 1 bar for 30 minutes. The membrane
was subsequently rinsed for 10 minutes, and a pure
water  ux measurement was taken at 1 bar. A tempera-
ture of 40¯ C and a cross- ow velocity of 2 m s¡ 1 were
maintained for all stages of the process. The whey
protein fouling=cleaning process and simultaneous
 ux measurement experiments were carried out at the
University of Bath, UK, using a  at-sheet cell with a
Ž ltration area of 0.00837 m2. The membrane fouling=
cleaning apparatus consisted of two tanks, one for the Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the fouling=cleaning equipment.

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002


subjected to fouling and cleaning protocols, divided by pure obtained after fouling with WPC solution were 10%, 19%
water  ux of the unfouled (pristine) membrane. and 16% for the C 30F, PA 50H and PES 50H membranes
respectively. These Ž gures are the average of all fouling
%Jr ˆ 100 £ Jfc =Ju …1† experiments under taken. The  ux recoveries reported for
Where %Jr is the percentage  ux recovery, Jfc is the pure water cleaning are for single experiments.
 ux of a membrane subjected to fouling and cleaning proto- The effect of different cleaning agents upon the PA 50H
cols, and Ju is the pure water  ux of a pristine membrane. membrane fouled with 3.5 wt% whey protein solution at
Whey protein fouled membranes were cleaned initially 1 bar for 30 minutes is shown in Figure 2 (the results from
with sodium hydroxide at a range of concentrations between the experiments with C 30F and PES 50 H membranes are
0.05 and 1.0 wt%. The results were subsequently compared not shown). Figure 2 shows that sodium hydroxide concen-
to those obtained when using Ultrasil 11 and Libranone 960 tration had a major effect upon the cleaning efŽ ciency. There
as cleaning agents. An alkaline=acidic sequence cleaning of is not sufŽ cient data to claim that an optimum concentration
0.075 wt% sodium hydroxide followed by 0.3 wt% nitric of sodium hydroxide existed that maximized cleaning
acid was applied to test the effect of nitric acid in removing performance. However, for all the membranes cleaned with
calcium phosphate mineral deposition from the membrane. NaOH, a concentration of 0.075 wt% had the best cleaning
Following effective cleaning membranes were subsequently efŽ ciency. A second experiment using 0.075 wt% NaOH is
refouled for further experimentation. reported on right hand side of Figure 2. This was carried out
Membranes fouled industrially with the ground wood mill as a cross check for the Ž rst experiment. The similar  ux
circulation water were cleaned with both Ultrasil 11 and recovery values conŽ rm the validity of the Ž rst result.
Libranone 960. For the C 30F, PA 50H and PES 50H membranes the  ux
recoveries after cleaning with 0.075 wt% NaOH were 53%,
88% and 40% respectively. At sodium hydroxide concentra-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tions above and below 0.075 wt%, cleaning was less efŽ -
Measured Characteristics of Clean Membranes cient. Cleaning the PA 50H membrane with 0.75 wt%
sodium hydroxide resulted in a  ux recovery of only 53%,
The charge and the hydrophobicity of the virgin compared to a  ux recovery of 88% when 0.075 wt% was
membranes were analysed before experimentation, in order used. The existence of concentration optima in the cleaning
to examine the relationship between hydrophobicity and of whey protein fouled microŽ ltration membranes is well
charge to fouling propensity and cleaning characteristics. documented3,4,24. Although the data is limited, these results
The zeta potentials of the three clean membranes differed imply that a similar pattern occurs for UF membranes.
considerably (see Table 4). The PES 50H and C 30F Compared to the performance of sodium hydroxide, the
membranes had a weak negative charge (ranging from cleaning efŽ ciency of 0.5 wt% Ultrasil 11 solution was poor
0.73–1.55 mV) over the pH range used in the measurements. under the conditions tested. Fouled PES 50H membranes
The PA 50H membrane was a little more negatively charged cleaned with 0.5 wt% Ultrasil 11 and 0.075 wt% sodium
than the PES 50H and the C 30F membranes, with zeta hydroxide showed  ux recoveries of 32 and 40% respec-
potentials in the range 1.09–3.55 mV. A median value of tively. The equivalent Ž gures for the C 30 membrane were
zeta potential for the PES 50H membrane was 2.69 mV. 24 and 53%.
Of the three membranes used in this study, the C 30F Libranone 960 was the most effective cleaning agent
membrane had the most hydrophilic surface, with a contact tested in this study. PA 50H and PES 50H membranes
angle of 44¯ . The PES 50H and PA 50H membranes were less showed  ux recoveries of 110 and 55% respectively when
hydrophilic, with contact angles of 54¯ and 58¯ respectively. cleaned with Libranone 960. No data was collected for the
effect of cleaning the C 30F membrane with Libranone 960.
The dairy industry standard for nitric acid concentration
Cleaning of Membranes
in CIP is 1.0 wt%. It was felt that 1.0 wt% would be too high
Membranes fouled with whey protein deposits
The pure water  uxes before fouling for pristine C 30F,
PA 50H and PES 50H membranes were 162, 69 and
114 l m¡2 hr¡1 respectively. The pure water  ux values

Table 4. Calculated zeta potentials for the clean membranes used in the

zeta potential, mV

pH PES 50H PA 50H C 30F

7 ¡ 0.98 ¡ 3.55 ¡ 1.02

6.3 ¡ 0.77 ¡ 3.38 ¡ 1.00
5.6 ¡ 0.83 ¡ 2.95 ¡ 0.96
5 ¡ 0.76 ¡ 2.69 ¡ 0.91
4.4 ¡ 0.73 ¡ 2.18 ¡ 0.84
3.5 ¡ 0.93 ¡ 1.33 ¡ 0.86
2.8 – ¡ 1.09 ¡ 1.55 Figure 2. Flux recoveries for a PA 50H-membrane cleaned with sodium
hydroxide, Libranone 960 and Ultrasil 11 at 0.5 bar.

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102 VÄISÄNEN et al.

a concentration for use in cleaning such thin Ž lms, particu- acidic cleaning was therefore carried out at concentrations
larly as effective cleaning was found at such low NaOH of 0.075 wt% sodium hydroxide and 0.3 wt% nitric acid.
concentrations. A lower, but still relevant concentration of Following the acidic clean, the pure water  ux recovery
0.3 wt% nitric acid was therefore selected. Sequential alkali= decreased in all cases. The PA 50H membrane showed a  ux

Figure 3. (a) The cleaning of C 30F, PA 50H and PES 50H membranes with Libranone 960 and Ultrasil 11; (b) Pure water  ux recovery after cleaning with
Ultrasil 11 and Libranone 960.

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002


recovery of 85% after the Ž rst stage cleaning with sodium for as close to ten minutes as possible. Cleaning cycles lasted
hydroxide, and a  ux recovery of only 72% following the between 20 and 40 minutes, using either Libranone or
second stage clean with nitric acid. The PES 50H membrane Ultrasil as cleaning agents. Pure water  ux was then
showed  ux recoveries of 32 and 28% following alkali and measured again during the subsequent pure water rinsing
acid cleaning respectively. The equivalent recovery Ž gures cycle. The differences in starting points in the  uxes for
for the C 30F membrane were 53 and 32%. C30F and PA 50H membranes occur due to differences in
This decline in  ux following the acid step is unexpected. process conditions in the factory, and the inherent variability
The acid step should remove any calcium phosphate deposits in this system. The trends in the  ux recovery curves
from the membrane surface and weaken the deposit struc- following cleaning are the most important consideration.
ture11. However, any partially hydrolysed proteinaceous Following treatment with Libranone 960, all membranes
deposits remaining on the surface following alkaline cleaning that had been used in the pulp factory displayed a substantial
step may adopt a more shrunken morphology with a smaller increase in pure water  ux, when rinsing started (see
voidage on contact with nitric acid, as the deposit is likely Figure 3(a)). However, after a short period of time the
to gel at very low pH values. This hydrogel could resist pure water permeability decreased. The less hydrophilic
removal, and thereby reduce the subsequent pure water  ux the membrane surface, the greater the increase in  ux
reading. following treatment with Libranone 960.
For the C 30F membrane (the most hydrophilic of the
Membranes fouled with ground wood mill circulation membranes tested) the pure water permeability before
water cleaning was 150 l m¡2 hr¡1. After cleaning with Libranone
Figures 3(a) and (b) show  ux data obtained from the pulp the permeability had increased to 199 l m¡ 2 hr¡1. However,
and paper factory. Each of the three types of membranes after 7 minutes of rinsing this Ž gure had decreased to
tested were treated with ground wood mill circulation water 170 l m¡2 hr¡1. For the PES 50H (least hydrophilic

Figure 4. FTIR=ATR spectra of the virgin, fouled and cleaned C 30F membranes and possible functional groups present.

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Figure 5. FTIR=ATR spectra of the virgin, fouled and cleaned PA 50H membranes and possible functional groups present.

membrane surface) the pure water permeability before Consequently, it is recommended that the rinsing step be
cleaning was 26 l m¡2 hr¡1 and after cleaning this Ž gure omitted in this system.
had increased to 81 l m¡2 hr¡1. After Ž ve minutes of Under the conditions tested, Libranone 960 was found to
rinsing, the permeability had decreased to 41 l m¡2 hr¡1. be superior to Ultrasil 11 (see Figure 3(b)). For the PES 50H
All the measurements were taken at 1 bar pressure. When membrane the difference in the efŽ ciency of the two cleaning
using Ultrasil 11 cleaning agent, this pattern of substantial agents was small; the pure water  ux after cleaning increased
 ux increase followed by a gradual decrease was not seen. to 58% when using Libranone 960, and 42% when using
There can be no doubt that Libranone 960 is an effective Ultrasil 11. The pure water  ux decreased after cleaning the
cleaning agent for ground wood mill circulation water PA 50H and C 30F membranes with Ultrasil 11.
fouled membranes. The initial substantial increase and
subsequent fall in the  ux following cleaning can be Membrane Analysis
explained by the adsorption and subsequent desorption of
the non-ionic surfactants comprising Libranone 960. This FTIR measurement
hypothesis is supported by the observation that the  ux FTIR=ATR measurements were made on (i) virgin
recovery rises most rapidly and falls most quickly for the membranes; (ii) membranes fouled with ground wood mill
PES 50H membrane, which is the least hydrophilic of the circulation water; and (iii) membranes following cleaning.
three examined. The fact that the terminal  ux decline value
on all Libranone cleaned membranes is still substantially C 30F membranes
higher than the value prior to cleaning gives good conŽ - The spectra of the virgin and fouled C 30F membranes
dence of the effectiveness of this cleaning procedure. (see Figure 4) are quite similar; the main difference is an
It is clear from these results that when Libranone 960 is extra peak in the spectrum of the virgin membrane around
used, the subsequent rinsing step results in a lower  ux. wavenumber 1743 cm¡1 (CˆO). The intensity of the

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002


Figure 6. FTIR=ATR spectra of the virgin, fouled and cleaned PES 50H membranes and possible functional groups present.

responses at 1236 cm¡1 (C¡O) and 1315 cm¡1 (C¡H) are Peaks in the virgin membrane are masked by the wood mill
also greater in the spectrum of the virgin membrane, when foulants (the response at wavenumber 1167 cm¡1 (C¡O,
compared to a fouled membrane. C¡H) is a particular example). At wavenumber 1017 cm¡1
In the spectrum of the cleaned C 30F membranes (treated (C¡H) a singlet is seen in the spectrum of the virgin
with Ultrasil or Libranone) there is a greater response at membrane, whereas in the spectrum of the fouled membrane
wavenumber 1542 cm¡1 (C¡N) than seen in either fouled it is a doublet. In addition, one peak has changed its position
or virgin membranes. For the membrane cleaned with and widened from 1117 cm¡1 (C¡H) in the virgin membrane,
Ultrasil 11 there are also greater responses at wave numbers to 1126 cm¡1 in the spectrum of the fouled membrane.
556 cm¡1, 874 cm¡ 1 and 925 cm¡1 (CˆC, C¡H). The intensity of some peaks also differs between the virgin
The spectrum of the membrane treated with Libranone is and fouled membranes. Peaks at 3313 cm¡ 1 (OH, NH) and
close to the virgin membrane spectrum. This cannot be said 668 cm¡1 are smaller in the spectrum of the virgin membrane,
of the spectrum for the equivalent membrane cleaned with and the peaks at 720 cm¡1 (C¡H) and 1288 cm¡ 1 (C¡O) are
Ultrasil 11. It can, therefore, be concluded that the spectra larger in the spectrum of the virgin membrane.
support the  ux recovery data in indicating that membranes In the spectrum of the Ultrasil 11 cleaned PA 50H
treated with Libranone 960 are cleaner than those treated membrane, there are additional peaks at wavenumbers
with Ultrasil 11. 582 cm¡1 and 557 cm¡ 1 (OˆC¡N) not seen for the virgin
membrane, indicating that the membrane has not been fully
PA 50H membranes cleaned. The small peak at wavenumber 1407 cm¡1 (C¡H)
The spectra of the virgin, fouled and cleaned PA 50H is similar to that of a virgin membrane.
membranes show similar trends to those discussed for the The spectrum for the Libranone 960 cleaned membrane is
C 30F membranes (see Figure 5). closer to that of the virgin membrane than the spectrum

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106 VÄISÄNEN et al.

Figure 8. SEM-pictures of the virgin and fouled C 30F-membranes.

SEM pictures
Figure 7 shows the PA 50H membrane in virgin, fouled
and cleaned states. The membrane consists of an active and
a support layer (In Figure 7 this is best seen in the
micrograph of the fouled membrane). Deposition is seen
in the form of nodules and aggregates less than 1 mm across.
In the cleaned membrane (see Figure 7(c)), the majority of
the larger aggregates have been removed from the
membrane surface, but a number of smaller deposits still
remain within the structure.
Figure 8 shows a cross section of the C 30F membrane in
both virgin and fouled states. The complex morphology of
the membrane is seen, with an active layer (on the right of
Figure 8(a) and 8(b)) and two distinctly different structures
Figure 7. SEM-pictures showing the support layer of the virgin, fouled and in the support layers. Fouling is seen inside the support layer
cleaned PA 50H-membranes. of the C 30F membrane. It is clear that in addition to fouling
of the active layer, fouling also occurs on the support layers
shown by the Ultrasil 11 cleaned membrane. This is seen of the membranes investigated.
particularly at wavenumbers 2400 and 1350. Ultrasil 11 SEM pictures of the cross-section of the PES 50H
seems to give a better Ž t to the virgin membrane spectrum at membranes show that it consist of three layers. Fouling
582 (OˆC¡N). was found in the support and porous middle layers (pictures
not shown).
Figure 6 shows the spectra of the virgin, fouled and AFM-images
cleaned PES 50H membranes. From the closeness of the Examination of the AFM-image shows the difference in
spectra, it is not possible to make deŽ nitive statements on the surface topography of the different membrane materials
the effectiveness of the cleaning regimes. and the depressions in the top layer of the C 30F membrane.

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002


Figure 9. Tapping mode AFM-pictures of the virgin and fouled PA 50H-membranes.

AFM pictures indicate that the C 30F membrane has the displayed spectra that were close to those of virgin
roughest surface (caused by the depressions in the membranes. This supports the  ux recovery data, which
membrane) and the PA 50H has the smoothest surface. indicated that membranes fouled in this way had been cleaned
The effect of fouling on the top of the PA 50H is shown more effectively with Libranone than with Ultrasil 11.
in Figure 9. The AFM pictures show that the effect of SEM pictures conŽ rmed that the location of the fouled
fouling is to increase the surface roughness of the deposits were primarily inside the membrane structure rather
membrane. than on top of the surface, explaining why attempts to
AFM pictures of the surfaces of the C 30F and the PES 50H visualize the foulants using AFM pictures showed only
membranes were captured, but are not reproduced here as the limited success.
effect of cleaning is seen less clearly on these AFM images. FTIR spectra indicated the foulant groups present, and
SEM and AFM pictures showed the location and extent of
the deposition. Flux recovery data alone is insufŽ cient in
CONCLUSIONS indicating the cleanliness of a membrane. A combination of
complementary surface characterization methods can give
In this study three different UF membranes were fouled important additional information on the effectiveness of a
with whey protein concentrate and ground wood mill membrane cleaning protocol.
circulation water, and cleaned using two commercial surfac-
tant formulations, sodium hydroxide and nitric acid.
Results are presented which show for both classes of REFERENCES
deposition that the most effective cleaning agent was Libra-
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20. Oldani, M. and Schock, G., 1989, Characterization of ultraŽ ltration
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ments, J Mem Sci, 43: 243–258. Bird, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, Claverton
21. Pihlajamäki, A., Väisänen, P. and Nyström, M., 1998, Characterization Down, Bath, BA2 7AY, UK. E-mail:
of clean and fouled polymeric ultraŽ ltration membranes by Fourier
transform IR spectroscopy-attenuated total re ection, Colloid Surfaces, The manusript was received 27 June 2001 and accepted for publication
138(2–3): 323–333. after revision 13 February 2002.

Trans IChemE, Vol 80, Part C, June 2002

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