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Field Study 1

Learning Episode 6: Classroom Management and Classroom Routines

Activity 6.1 Observing Classroom Management and Routines

Resource Teacher: Teacher Janette Tud-Fausto Teacher’s Signature: School: NCS II

Grade Level: Grade 4 Subject Area: PE Date: October 3, 2022

Checklist on Classroom Routines

Classroom Routines Observed (/) Not Observed (X)

1. Movement into the classroom /

2. Transition in classroom activities /

3. Movement out of the classroom X

4. Use of lavatories/ comfort room / washrooms X

5. Passing of papers X

6. Passing of books /

7. Working with pairs/groups X

8. Tardy students /

9. Absent students /

10. submission / collection of materials X

11. Submission of projects X

12. Asking questions during lessons /

13. Asking for assistance /

14. Joining classroom activities /

15. Lining up /

16. Walking in line /

17. Fire drill/ emergencies X

18. Movement between activities /

19. Use of classroom supplies /

20. Checking of assignments X


1. Were the routines effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class? Why? Why not?

Yes, the routines were effective in ensuring discipline and order in the class because the teacher
was firm and consistent with her implementation of rules, as observed. Also, because there is a good
relationship and trust among the teacher and learners, students are able to follow the routine

2. Which of the routines were systematic and consistently implemented? Explain your answer.

The students were systematic with their morning routine because before they enter the classroom,
they have to change into their classroom slippers. After that, they proceed with their prayer, singing and
reciting what's needed. It was consistently implemented given that this is the school’s routine before
starting the classes. So, even when the teacher is not yet around, the students in this class joined the flas
ceremony of the other batch which can be heard from their building.


Which of the routines will you most likely apply in your class? Why? Why not?

Most likely, I will apply the routine where my students will change to their classroom slippers because
I think that this gives comfort to the students while having their classes. Also, it can help in maintaining the
cleanliness of the classroom or their learning environment. To add, I will also apply the usual morning
routine - prayers, singing of national anthem, reciting of panunumpa, and a simple dance exercise that could
energize the students.
Activity 6.2 Listing Down Classroom Rules


Classroom Rules Importance

1. Work hard. Encourage the students to work hard on the

classroom activities to be done.

2. Use manners. Ensures respect shown in the classroom.

3. Bring what you need with you. Reminds the students of the necessary things they
need in order to be able to participate and learn.

4. Follow playground rules. Ensures the safety of the students even inside the

5. Be kind to others. Keeps good relationships among the learners.

6. Listen to your teacher. Ensures that learners are expected to listen and show
respect to the teacher.

7. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. Resects the private space of every learner and avoids
any distraction.

8. Come to school on time. Ensures no tardy students which can also distract the
ongoing class.

9. Follow directions. Ensures less errors in doing activities and helps

ensure safety.

10. Do your best. Encourages the students to do their best in big or

small tasks in the classroom.


1. Analyze each given rule. What circumstances led to the formulation of the rule?

The rules such as to work hard, to bring what you need with you, to listen to your teacher, to
come to school on time, and to do your best may be formulated to encourage the students as they go
to school and learn. These are some rules that are formulated since these are what’s expected from
the students. Using manners, keeping your hands to yourself, and being kind to others are formulated
since with children, there may be misbehaviors that could happen in the classroom and this should be
avoided. Also, to avoid distractions from the class all these should be implemented. The rules
following playground rules and following directions are formulated maybe due to keeping the
learners’ safety and as well as for them avoiding errors.

2. Are classroom rules really important?

Classroom rules play a very crucial role inside the class. Having good and well-formulated
classroom rules can benefit the teaching-learning process as well as the classroom
organization/management. In addition, it can take part in developing numerous skills of the learners
inside the classroom. It serves as a strategy in enforcing positive discipline given that being
disciplined is what they need to be inside the classroom where they encounter different kinds of
children. Moreover, classroom rules are important because it helps the teacher to maintain a peaceful
and well-behaved class. These rules can help the teacher in managing the students’ behavior even
when she/he is not around. And lastly, students are made aware of these classroom rules that once
they misbehave or disobey, consequences from their actions can happen.


Reflect on the various classroom rules set by the resource teacher. Will you have the same rules? If not, what
rules are you going to employ? Explain your answer.

Yes, but not exactly how these rules are formulated because I think that some should be formulated in
a more encouraging way. For example, “work hard” can be said this way, “Work hard, it’ll pay off.” This way,
the students know what can happen when do/follow the rules. “Use manners” can be said this way, “Good
manners bring good behavior.” “Follow directions” to “Follow directions clearly.” Lastly, “do your best” to
“You can always do better/ there’s always room for improvement.”
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A Worth Emulating Classroom Routine

In this snapshot, the students are

changing from their school shoes to their
classroom slippers. This classroom routine
is worth emulating because it provides
numerous advantages which are the
● Promotes independence and
● Maintains an orderly way of
entering the classroom.
● Maintains a well-organized and
clean classroom beneficial for the
learning environment.
● Brings comfort to students inside
the classroom given that wearing
school shoes for a long period of
time can hurt their feet.
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