FIDES EarthPressure

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Manual 04/2014

Analysing Earth Pressure

Program for analysing of active and passive earth pressure with an

advanced method due to Culmann and a two-body mechanism
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Copyright © Euringer / FIDES DV-Partner

This manual is protected by copyright laws, all rights are reserved. Nobody is allowed to make illegal cop-
ies, translations nor changes of any part of the manual in any kind without having a written permission of
Fides DV-Partner. Fides also holds the right to revise or change the contents of this manual at any time.
Fides DV-Partner makes the insurance, that this manual is created and edited using the best knowledge
and conscience, but does not take over any guarantee that the manual and program is bug free. Mistakes
or inadequacies will be removed right after coming out. The responsibility of the applications of the users
remains on the side of the user. He is advised to make spot checks in order to make sure the correctness of
his analyzing.
Overview 4
Content of this manual ............................................................................................4
The ability of FIDES-EarthPressure ........................................................................4

Menu items 5
Toolbars........................................................... Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.
File ...........................................................................................................................5
Edit ..........................................................................................................................8
View .........................................................................................................................8
Settings ..................................................................................................................14
Construct ...............................................................................................................15
Stage .....................................................................................................................25
Window ..................................................................................................................29
? .............................................................................................................................30

Earth Pressure Calculation 31

Description of the analysing ..................................................................................31
Active earth pressure ............................................................................................31
Earth pressure at rest ............................................................................................36
Passive earth pressure ..........................................................................................36
Calculation Example: Active Earth Pressure .........................................................40

Output of Results 55
Printing from the Application .................................................................................55
Export to ASCII or RTF-files ..................................................................................55

Literature 56
Literature directory ................................................................................................56

Glossary Fehler! Textmarke nicht definiert.

Index 59

3 Contents
 FIDES-EarthPressure


Content of this manual

This manual is the description of the program FIDES-EarthPressure, an
interactive and object-oriented 32 bit program for analyzing of active and
passive earth pressure for arbitrary wall and layer for Windows
98/ME/NT/2K/ XP.
The complete manual is integrated in the context sensitive online help, you
can execute it at any time with the F1-Key.
For a fast entry into the program please read the following chapter "The
ability of FIDES-EarthPressure" on page 4

The ability of FIDES-EarthPressure

The program FIDES-EarthPressure acquires earth pressure values on
discrete positions along the wall and computes out of the derivation for the
wall height the earth pressure distribution.
The formation of constraint slip lines from slopes, concentrated loads, ver-
tical angular or crestfallen walls, and the correct consideration of planar
and polygonal earth layers and a planar or polygonal waterlinie follows au-
You give the system over a concise fully graphical interactive surface. The
menupoints are built up as far as possible analog other standard-windows
programs, so that the period of vocational adjustment reduces to a mini-
The program has means of an automatic search of the most unfavourable
earth pressure without the need of specification of grid values. It can hold
an arbitrary amount of loads, construction levels, polygonal limited earth
layers, simultaneous open documents, structural components or anchors.
Earth pressure is a new deployed program with a direct into the program
surface integrated calculation kernel. All program parts are completely ob-
jectoriented modelled and implemented.
As a addition to WALLS it can adopt the inputvalues of walls and returns
the computed earth pressure values.

Overview 4
Menu items

FIDES-EarthPressure is capable of 'multi-documents': so you can edit arbi-
trary many documents at the same time. The menu item 'File' contains all
actions, that you can apply on the document.
The standard-extension for FIDES-EarthPressure -documents is *.wke.
Hint: All programs of the FIDES-geotechnique issue have the same file for-
So you can therefore e.g. load a FIDES-EarthPressure -file in the program
WALLS-FEM and the opposite way.
Beside the menu commands well known, from many other windows-
programs like 'open' 'save' etc. here you will find the following menu items:

Import ASCII-file *.wkea

Import of an ASCII-interface file to steer manually all the FIDES ge-
otechnique programs. For a specification of the interface, please contact
your software dealer.

Import WALLS-file
Import of a WALLS- (not FIDES-EarthPressure) input file.
These file has the extension *.wls from the WALLS-Version 2000.000.

Import DXF-file
Import of the geometry of a AutoCAD DXF-file This command is not possi-
ble, until a file is opened.

Export earth-press. active

Export of a ASCII-interface file, in format FIDES-EarthPressure or in format
Walls. (*.drua)

Export earth-press. passive

Export of an ASCII-interface file, in the format FIDES-EarthPressure or in
format Walls. (*.drup)

5 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Export ASCII-file *.wkea

Export of an ASCII-interface file to steer manually all the FIDES geotech-
nique programs. For a specification of the interface, please contact your
software dealer.

Export DXF
Export all geometry data into a DXF-file.

Export RTF-file with frame

Converts the text output in RTF-format with a frame around the text and
starts the editor, given under Settings program (e.g. MS Word). The
look of the frame is editable in the file wabbrtf.cfg (in the program installa-
tions directory).
In order to use the exporting functions, it is necessary to set some paths to
your preferred text editors in the menu Settings->program. For RTF-format
this could be for example Microsoft Word .

Export MS Word Document (ZTVK-Frame)

Converts the text output (together with the pictures of the phases) with a
word-macro in a MS-Word *.doc-file. The macro is saved in the file
_ergfile.doc (lying in the installations directory): there you can work in your
firm specific layout (logo, ...). Project specific settings are made in the File
ergfile.doc (lying in the working directory).

Export Pics as Enhanced Meta Files (EMF)

Export of graphics in this format.

Textoutput update
Here the text outputfile will be updated.

Textoutput make up to date and show

Here it opens the text output file (*.wker) in an editor of your choice
(see "Program..." on page 14). As a postprocessor for the text output we
recommend to use the program FidesPad.exe (will be delivered with FIDES-
EarthPressure ), because the results file shown there is always up-to-date,
and need not to be loaded again after every calculation.
For SOFiSTiK-customers it is possible here to use the editor Teddy.

Send as E-Mail
Starts automatically your e-mail-program (as far as installed) and adds
the current file as an attachment on the e-mail.

Menu items 6
Delete system
Deletes the whole system of the current active file (also for this action the
undo-function is usable: so it is possible for you to regain an once deleted
system at every time, by pressing Ctrl+Z ( ) ).

Page setup
please select the DIN-format of the paper in the menu "printer setup…

if you do not select 'Autom. fullscreen when printing' , then the picture
shown on the screen will be printed. In this case it is recommended to set
the DIN-format of the connected printer, because then you will see the pic-
ture on the screen , that will be printed: FIDES-EarthPressure is like Mi-
crosoft Word a WYSIWYMG-program (What You See Is What You Might

Print preview
Here you can show the printable pages, as they will be printed on the

Print setup…
With this menu item the dialog for the printer driver will be opened. If you
want to read more about this you have to look in the help documents of your

With the menu item Print the dialog for printing will be opened.

7 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure


With this function the last actions can be undone.

Actions that are undone before can be redone here.

Undo/Redo switch on/off

Here you can switch on/off the undo/redo functions.

Copy View
Copies the current view into the clipboard.

Copy Ctrl+C
Copies the selected object into the clipboard.

Paste Ctrl+V
Pastes the objects into the file once copied into the clipboard with Ctrl+C.
Example for how to use the menu items Copy (Ctrl+C) & Paste
 Select the menu item Construct Text .
 Click on the position, on which the text should be.
 Give the text, and press OK
 Cancel the input texts with the ESC-Key.
 Mark the text (e.g. with a single click with the left mouse button): the
text colour converts to yellow, this means it is selected)
 Press Ctrl+C and then Ctrl+V (copy can also be called in the pulldown
menu with the right mouse button )
 Move the mouse cursor on the position, on which the copy of the text
should be placed, and press there the left mouse button.
This approach is also available on other objects like loads, construction el-
ements, etc.


Here you can set whether the toolbar, statusbar or constructionbar should
be displayed, or not. A tick mark activates the desired bar in the application.

Menu items 8
 The hard anchored toolbar (right below the menu line) contains buttons
for general windows commands like file open, save, etc.
 In the Statusbar at the lower edge of the application there occur help
for input during a command, and during calculation, a series of hints. So
let the statusbar always be switched on.
 The Constructionbar contains program typical commands like zoom,
measurement, etc.
Tip: The Toolbars can be floating and positioned at any place on your desk-

Coordinate center move

Moves the origin in the view. The given system completely moves also
and therefore it stays unchanged.

Coordinate center define

Sets the origin on another position than (0,0). There you are able to relate
your system on sea level.

Coordinate center shift whole system

Sets the origin on another position than (0,0). So you are able to relate your
system on sea level.

Coordinate center system mirror X

The Whole system will be mirrored, at an axis parallel to the Z-axis. Just
give the distance to the parallel in X.

Zoom/scale Activate
"activate lasso " or in CAD also well known as "Zoom window", zooms
a free selectable window (drag a box with pressed left mouse button).

Zoom/scale Back
"zoom undo" changes back to the previous zoom window.

Zoom/scale Fullscreen F9
... the system will be drawn in the whole view.

Zoom/scale always full screen

... the other zoom functions (e.g. zoom window) will be deactivated, and the
picture will always be drawn in the whole view.

9 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Zoom/scale give scale

The command "give scale" enables free input of scale. The current
scale is preset. The scale in the View can also be changed by other com-
mands (e.g. Zoom)

Zoom/scale load scale

…regards to the length of the load arrows.

Zoom/scale scale -- Ctrl+A

…lessens the scale of about ~10%.

Zoom/scale scale ++ Ctrl+Y

... enlarges the scale of about ~10%.

Grid & Snap Setup

Here you make settings for snap and grid.

Grid & Snap snap on/off

in order to hit objects exactly, either a grid, or the usage of a point
snap is necessary. In using a point snap you are able to pick points, that are

Menu items 10
between the gridlines. The mouse cursor changes to a hand with sprawled
forefinger, if it overruns a point.

Layout Fonts
Tip: If the Firm line in print Font and font size can be set here specifically for all outputs. If you set
output does not fit the win- the tick mark before 'scale', so the font size during zoom command will
dow, please adjust here the be changed accordingly. Otherwise it is an absolute size.
font size.

Layout Layers
The selection 'greyscale' can enhance the output of a monochrome printer.
In selecting "self define" you can define to every soil layer a colour of its
own, just by selecting the layer and then click the point button, that will show
a typical windows dialog for defining colours.

Layout Ruler
The design of the floating ruler at the edge is to be changed or deactivated
here, as well as the size of the cross hair at the mouse cursor.

11 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Layout layer description

The layer description (right hand below in the window) in some cases may
disturb. Here you can switch it off.

Layout Diagram
Here you can define, where and if, and which diagrams of internal forces or
stress resultants of the wall should be drawn. Depending on the program it
contains possibly different diagrams, that are not existent in this application.
then these options are faded away.

Layout DXF… show objects

Here the imported DXF-graphics will be displayed.

Menu items 12
Splashscreen at startup
If this menu item is marked with a tick, FIDES-EarthPressure will start with
a 'splashscreen'.

Stop Inputaction at End

If this menu item has a tick mark, the program closes after the end of a input
(exemplary of a earth layer) this input action (e.g. 'soil layer input'). If you
want to give a next soil layer you have to press on Construct ->Layer again.
If this menu item is not marked with a tick sign, you are in a certain input ac-
tion as long as you press the ESC-Key (e.g. 'Layer input'), or select another
function (e.g. Construct Anchor) .

Show / hide Objects

The fast selection of objects is performed in this program as a rule by a
double-click on the desired object. It may happen, that several objects get to
lie on or overlap each other. In this case you can switch amingly the visibility
and machinability of single object groups. If 'selection only has effect on
picking' is marked, you can see all objects but you can not pick them.

Redraw F12
This command redraws the system. As a rule this is done automatically
by changes.

13 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

System-Explorer F7
Beside picking, the system-explorer allows another possibility to select
objects. The dialog is able to stay always on screen, or may be moved into
the Taskbar.


Here you can give your firm header and all other informations needed in the
head of the results output. The firm line will be saved independent of the in-
putfile and remains also in case of a program update.

In order to use the export-function in the menu File (RTF-Output), please
give here the path to your preferred word processor.
For the RTF-format this could be for example Microsoft Word.

Menu items 14
as postprocessor for the text output we recommend to use the program
FidesPad.exe (will be delivered with FIDES-EarthPressure), because the
displayed file is always up-to-date, and has not to be loaded again each
time after calculation... like in other editors. SOFiSTiK-customers can use
here of course the well known editor Teddy.


For the calculation it is necessary to define minimum one soil layer.
The edge for the top soil layer has to be the ground surface.
input of a new soil layer:
On the drawing area click points with the left mouse button, with it the polyg-
onal shaped upper limitation describe the layer. If the layer limitation is
straight, click only one point. The input of points can also occur over the
keyboard: simply press a value on the keyboard during the layer definition,
and then give the desired point coordinates, in the coordinates dialog box.
You stop the input with a click with the right mouse button. The ESC-Key
cancels the input action. If you have mistaken, redo the layer input simply
with Ctrl+Z.

15 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

input the earth layers as polygon

The layer limitation is a regular polygon with arbitrary many points. No back
jump of the layer limitation in x-direction is allowed. But vertical jumps are
allowed yet.
The arbitrary polygonal layer devolution and the automatic intersections de-
termine, that you give the layers downwards. The program points you out, if
you try to give a new layer, that lies completely over lowest.
you can cancel every input with the ESC-Key, same as in the layer input.
In order to edit a point of the polygons afterwards, you can:
- Double click it directly with the left mouse button and then alter in the coor-
dinates dialog the designated coordinates, or
- with a single left mouse click select, and then generate with the right mouse
button the pulldownmenu and select there edit, or

- search in the system-explorer ( or F7-key), and edit there with double-

click or right mouse button, or
- with the menu Construct move point on layer delimiter move interactive
with the mouse: With the left mouse button select (single click), and then
move with pressed left mouse button the point (see also the explanation of
this menu further below).
The menu item "phase new surface" enables a new input of the first limi-
tation with automatic intersection on the polygons, without deleting the lay-
At the end of the layer polygon-input (end = right mouse button) you have to
give the soil coefficients in the 'soil layer parameter'-dialog .

Menu items 16
soil layer parameter dialog

With the switch 'Parametervorschlag' you can use standard layers out of a
layer database (that you can enhance).

soil layer parameter-database

If you give a new name in the layer designation, and then select 'Save' and
press 'take over + OK' , is the new from you defined layer in the Database.
This Database is a single text file named filydb.txt and lies usually in
the system directory. You also can edit the file directly with a normal textedi-
tor. If you copy the filydb.txt in the installations directory of EarthPres-
sure.exe, you will be able to use this: So you can arrange in a simple way a
project-oriented layer sample.

17 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Water Ground water

The input of the ground water level as polygonal shape is analog of a soil
layer. Below this line the R-value is guilty as the bulk density of the earth
If the line should be changed, please simply give a new water line. Single
points can be selected and changed by double-click with the left mouse but-
ton similar like in the soil layers.

Water Pressureline
If a pressure line is given, then this line will be used instead of the ground
water line, in order to use the water pressure. The groundwater line then
decides only over the usage of z resp. R

Water Pressureline of a Layer

Here you can define for every given soil layer one polygonline, that defines
the pressure height on the layer limitation. The input is analog the soil layer:
with the left mouse button klick points, and with the right mouse button end
input action. If you press an arbitrary key on the keyboard instead of the left
mouse button, you can give the coordinates directly in a dialog input.
The calculation of the water pressure in a position (x,z) in layer system
works like described below:
1. If only one groundwaterline is given (menu Construct Water
Groundwater( ), then both for the water pressure and for the deci-
sion which value is to be calculated z or R.
2. If there is given one groundwaterline to the pressureline (menu Con-
struct Water pressureline), it will be used instead of the groundwa-
terline in order to gain the water pressure.
3. If one water pressureline is given for one layer (menu Construct
Water Pressureline of a layer), then this line will be used for all
positions (x,z), that lie inside of this layer, in order to acquire the water
pressure. Also here the groundwater line decides only for the usage of
z resp. R. values. If there is defined a groundwater- and/or a pressure
line over the layer, for that a water pressureline is given, the water
pressure will be interpolated.
TIP: use the menu item Calculation Other Water pressure on inter-
section in order to check, if the program calculates the water pressure along
of an arbitrary intersection.
The 3 possibilities are demonstated in the following pictures:

Menu items 18
If only groundwaterline is given: water pressure and  / R will be determined from
that line.

Pressure line and ground water line is given: Water pressure will be defined from the
pressure line.  / R will be defined from the ground water line.

19 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

pressureline for 'layer 2' is given: i.e. inside of layer 2 this pressure horizont,
outside the Groundwater- / resp. pressure line is valid (incl. interpolation to
normal waterpressure)  / R will be determined from the groundwater line.

Wall New wall

Here you can define a wall. Attend, that the wall also can run polygonal, but
it has to be given downwards (horizontal jumps are possible). Close the in-
put with the right mouse button. Then please give the wall parameters in the
following dialog:

Wall dialog

If the wall should be changed, please simple make a new input, or select
and change points. Only one wall can be defined. You get the above dialog
through a double-click on a wall section.

Menu items 20
Important Hint:
The object wall in FIDES-EarthPressure: In this program version a wall
concerning its shearing behaviour has no effect in the earth pressure
calculation . If you want to consider the shearing capacity and/or the
weight you have to give the wall as 'construction element' or as
'pile/Dowel' (see further below).
The object wall at earth pressure calculation : Here the system line
serves the wall as polygon, on that the earth pressure will be calculated
(see description of the calculation method). The distances between the
generated calculation points along the wall you can steer in the dialog Cal-
culation  Earth pressure  Settings

Wall Delete interpolated points

Deletes unnecessary (possibly automatic) inserted points.

Wall turn… around footpoint / around head

Here you can rotate the wall, either around the below end (footpoint) or
around the upper end (headpoint). The following dialog appears, in that you
give an angle ° in degrees.

Load lineload
Here you can define a lineload effective vertical to the image area


To give a loadcase means only an identifier of the loads.

beware: In FIDES-EarthPressure always all loads are affective.

21 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

load areaload
Here you can define an areaload (kN/m²)
The height of the load arrows you can give in the menu
viewZoom/scale loadscale

Area load dialog

The definition of a life load resp. permanent load is done analog of a line

Measure line horizontal

input of a horizontal measure line. approach:

1. With left mouse button place at position of the line
2. pick all measuring points with left mouse button.
3. close the input with right mouse button.
You can pick the measure line on every measure point or on the line.

Measure line vertical

Vertical measure line: input like horizontal measure line.

Measure line auto measure line

Creates automatically measure lines from the system.

Measure line delete auto measure lines

Deletes the automatically created measure lines from the system.

Menu items 22
Measure Angle

1. click center point

2. click point on first leg
3. click point on second leg
For editing: double-click on the center point. An empty text window opens,
where you additionally can attach text text or delete the angle measure. In
having problems to open the object "angle measure" please take the com-
mand 'view - show / hide objects ' or the System-Explorer ( or F7-key).


Creates a level with a description. Simply click a point where you need a
level. e.g.


text field dialog

Tip: Description of the drawing: With left mouse button place to a position and
for moving texts simply then enter text in the box. You can define arbitrary many texts. Selecting
select the text with the left is done by a double-click into the text field.
mouse button by clicking in
you can move the defined text simply by selecting it with a single left
the text field, and move it
mouse click, and then move it with pressed left button to the desired
with pressed button to the
desired position.
the pulldownmenu is also active at selected text (right mouse button)
analog like other objects.

New Point in... Layer Delimiter

Here you can insert a new point in a layer polygon on an arbitrary position x,
in order to modify it accordingly.

23 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

New Point in... Groundwater

Like 'new Point in layer delimiter' but yet at the water line.

New Point in... Pressure

Like 'new Point in layer delimiter' but yet at the pressure line.

New Point in... Layer as inters. with line

A new point will be won from the intersection with a help line.

Move Point of Layer Delimiter

After activating this menu item you can move layer delimiter points interac-
tively with the mouse:
- Select a point with the left mouse button (single click), and
- then move the point with pressed left mouse button.
- After releasing the left mouse button the point will be set.

Interactive moving of a layer delimiter

Cleanup soil delimiters

Deletes unnecessary (possibly automatic) inserted points of layer delimiter

Move whole set of soil layers

Moves the whole layer system of about dx resp. dy -values

Menu items 24
The program allows the calculation of arbitrary many phases inside of a sin-
gle file. The phases can differ arbitrarily and can be considered in FIDES-
EarthPressure also as separate 'verification pages'. At the generation of
new phases, you can copy data from another phase.

Shows the name of the current phase. In the list box 'What supports are ac-
tive' you can select the anchors from the anchor list of the system (all an-
chors, once having defined in all phases), that should be effective in the cur-
rent phase. Select resp. deselect the anchor with the left mouse button and
not pressed resp. pressed Ctrl-key.

New surface
Definition of a new ground surface for the current phase. The input is like a
normal layer input with the left mouse button. Close with a right mouse click.
After that you can decide in a dialog box, whether the new ground surface is
the minimum of the given and the previous, or it will be used like a complete
new ground surface.

New excavation Base

Important: in FIDES- If a wall exists, you can give a new excavation base on the left hand side
EarthPressure excava- of the wall (same as the input of a soil layer). It will be intersected auto-
tions are always on the left matically with the wall and the ground surface behind the wall.
hand side of the Wall!
Annotation: The distinction, that the excavation has to be on the left hand
side of the wall is because of the fact, that in FIDES-EarthPressure it is
possible to have vertical jumps in the layers and horizontal jumps in the
wall. Therefore it is possible to have a explicit correlation and automatic cut
formation not only per assortment in x-direction.

Copy Data from 1st to all Others

Copies the data from the first phase in all following.

25 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

See above, but no layers

... just like said.

Copy Data from… to

Copies selected data from one phase to another or several other phases.
Select resp. Deselect of select the phases with the left mouse button and
not pressed resp. pressed Ctrl-key.
If you want to copy single objects, it is suggested to select the object, and
copy it with Ctrl+C (Edit Copy) , and then paste it with Ctrl+V ( Edit 
Paste) .

New behind / before

Inserts a new excavation behind resp. before the current phase. you can
define arbitrary many excavation phases. In the following dialog you can de-
fine, if data of an existing phase should be overtaken, and which anchors
should be effective.

dialog new phase

Menu items 26
previous / next

The view changes to the next resp. previous phase. Simply use your Up-
Down keys on your keyboard.

Delete (Ctrl+D)
Deleting the displayed excavation phase. You can return a phase once de-
leted accidentally with Ctrl+Z ( ).


active On wall, Theta straight crack

The amount of intermediate Here will be the break line through all layers as a straight line. The earth
points along the wall, on pressure will be calculated on the (polygonal defined) wall.
which the earth pressure
will be determined, you can
set in the dialog phase

active On wall, Theta poly crack

annotation: the Calculation Here it will be emanented from a polygonal break line over the layers.
"earth pressure Thetaline The optimisation takes more time because of the been added degree of
gerade" is i.d.R. sufficient freedom (every layer now has another Theta angle ) as by "active On
um Ae layerung korrekt to wall straight crack". The earth pressure will be calculated on the (polygo-
erfassen. Comparing calcu- nal defined) system line of the wall.
lations zeigen, that the
Differencee to the Calcula-
tion with geknickter Theta-
Line gering sind.

active At Point, Theta straight crack

Here you can determine the earth pressure wedge on an arbitrary point (not
only at the wall) with a straight slip line.

active At Point, Theta poly crack

Here you can calculate the earth pressure wedge on an arbitrary point (not
only on the wall).

passive 2-Body-Mechanism …create

These menu item is for creating a 2-body-mechanism for the determination
of the resulting earth pressure force.

27 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Standard mechanism for the calculation of the earth resistance analog Gudehus.

For that you have to define a wall. With the +/- - keys you can watch the
displacements, of the both kinematic elements, moving. The geometry will
be optimised directly during generation.

passive 2-Body-Mechanism calculate F10

This calculates the displayed mechanism.

passive 2-Body-Mechanism optimize

…geometry optimisation by means of mathematic optimisation (gradient
method with consideration of non linear side conditions). The result is the
resulting earth resistance:

Attention: The Optimisation may converge in certain proportions only slowly

or even not. This is especially the case, if the objective function will be
strong discrete through high surcharges or high loads inside the layers. In
such cases please vary point 3 with the mouse.

Menu items 28
passive 2-Body-Mechanism delete
... deletes the displayed mechanism in the current stage.

passive 2-Body-Mechanism move Elementp. man-

For manually moving a point of a mechanism (e.g. Point 3): So you can
search the Optimum yourself, during moving the point with dem mouse cur-
sor. If you press the Ctrl-key during moving, the program calculates 'online'
and you see the current earth pressure (=residual force of the right edge) by
every mouse move.

passiv 2-Body-Mech. 2 Body Mech. along wall

( ) This automatically creates mechanisms along the Wall, optimizes

them, and calculates the earth resistance values Eph and the earth re-
sistance distribution ephod from the abbreviation of a quadratic interpolation.
This happens similarly to the determination of eah from Eah

Results of the calculation of the earth resistance from the menu: "Calcula-
tion/passive/2-Body-mechanisn…/2-Body-mechanism along wall…"

FIDES-EarthPressure facilitates more view windows for a single document.
Arbitrary many windows of a file can be opened. In every window internal
own view settings are possible.

New Window
Opens a new window with the current active file.

Cascades the different windows overlappingly.

Tile horizontally
Tiles all windows horizontally, in a manner that none will be overlapped.

Tile vertically
Tiles all windows vertically, in a manner that none will be overlapped.

29 Menu items
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Tips and Tricks

Shows the tips and tricks.

Help themes
Shows the online-help (also possible with F1). the help contains a thematic
disposition, an index and a full text search.

Live update check verify

Here you can perform an internet update procedure over an internet con-
nection dirctly from the Fides-server. First you have to verify, that there is a
update version at all.

Live update update now

After checking the availability, you can perform a program update, if one is

Contains the version number of the program and our contact adress for cer-
tain questions.

Opens the dialog of our software protection system. Full particulars about
that you will find in the manual for installation.

Menu items 30
Earth Pressure Calculation

Description of the analysing

General remarks to determination of earth pres-

For the calculation of earth pressure the coefficients Ka and Kp are availa-
ble in the DIN 4085, derived from the earth pressure theory by Coulomb.
The applicability of these formulas is limited to constant slope inclination 
on a constant inclination  of the wall edge and in existence of a slope on
homogeneous soil. On layered soil the formulas are applicable, if the soil
values of the considered layer is deployed and the effect of the layers above
will be applied as constant load. However, this approach only is correct as
long as  = 0 and  = 0 together with the values Ka and Kp derived from the
earth pressure theory of Coulomb. For analysing the earth pressures for
any slope geometry and load distribution the graphic Culmann-method is
available that regards compulsion slip lines. On the passive earth pressure
side the calculation with straight slip surfaces results get too favorable for a
friction angle >=30°. According to the suggestion of DIN 4085, you can as-
sume the distribution of the slip line in this case as a logarithmic helix.
Content of this chapters is a general formulation of the method due to Cul-
mann for the active earth pressure, and a general formulation of the sug-
gestion of Gudehus (See Grundbautaschenbuch, essay "earth pressure de-
termination") that can be applied for layered soil as well as for polygonal
geometry of the ground surface and beyond a supporting wall. Additional
the consideration of none restricted load distribution it taken into effect.
With the help of a multi-parametric optimization algorithm the unfavorable
slip line distributions and the total earth pressure for different soil depths will
be determined.

Active earth pressure

Earth pressure by straight slip lines

The accretion given in the DIN 4085 for active earth pressure is based on
the essays about the earth pressure theory of Coulomb.
Starting with the following approaches:

31 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

The failure figure will be described with a slipping off wedge; i.e. the wall will
be assumed as rigid and the slip gap as flat.
In the slip gap the failure condition of Mohr-Coulomb acts:

The main earth pressure force results from the optimized failure shape con-
cerning the maximum earth pressure force E. The optimization variable is
the slip angle , the parameters of the function are
,  ,c.

An enhanced numerical model for earth pressure

by layered soil
Since you basically cannot calculate any earth pressure distribution with the
method described above (as it's generally impossible with failure methods)
you are bound to extrapolate the total earth pressure Ezi for each discrete
position zi. So you can interpret the increment of the whole earth pressures
E/z as a fictive earth pressure distribution that shadows the actual distri-
bution not quite correctly, but its integration always returns the total earth
pressure up to the depth z.
Since the actual earth pressure distribution depends strongly on the dis-
placement behavior of the retaining wall (here it is considered as rigid), the
EAB arranges approximation forms that the calculated complete earth pres-
sure can be distributed. For the special case  and horizontal ground sur-
face, the calculation, as described above, returns the earth pressure distri-
bution identical with Kah- and Kph- coefficients for horizontal layered soil.
The Kh – equations of the DIN 4085 are not applicable for the cases  or
 and simultaneously different volume weights for the layers gi (see
Hösch Spundwandhandbuch picture 4.8 'Erddruck aus Böschungen über
dem Grundwasserspiegel'), or at loads that cause in the formation of com-
pulsion slip surfaces.
The Culmann-method produced for the numeric evaluation accepts polygo-
nal shaped ground surfaces and inclined soil layers for the supporting body.
Furthermore, it considers finite loads. But it remains at the condition of flat
slip surfaces with a constant angle of the inner friction along the slip sur-
face. This allows the consideration of different -values, but not the layer
depending soil coefficients for an inclined wall.

Numerical determination of the earth pressure

In discrete depths zk you get the size Ek = E(zk) of the total earth pressure
below a horizontal wall displacement with the above mentioned methods.
The change of the total earth pressure E/z is a measurement for a fictive
earth pressure acting on the wall.

Earth Pressure Calculation 32

Calculation of the earth pressure distribution e per differentiation of the quadratic in-
terpolised earth pressure values E towards z

From three surrounding supporting positions zk-1, zk, zk+1, (10 ) you get
from the quadratic Interpolation:


But the so gained earth pressure distributions e yet show jumps at discrete
positions, like e.g. in the influence range of a single load, that should not
occur at mechanic right consideration. A changing friction angle f affects
for example in a break in the distribution of the earth pressure resulting
force E, and thus a jump in the derived earth pressure distribution e. A sin-
gle load or a steep slope results in a jump of the earth pressure resulting
In the derived fictive earth pressure distribution e this jump means a single
pressure force DE, resp. an earth pressure hillock distributed of the distance
zk+1 - zk (see above picture). The named dissimilarity constitute in the used
model. They also take no abolishment through an enhanced interpolation.
For systems, that lie in the admissible application range of the K-formulars
of the DIN 4085, the method described here deliveres exakt the same re-
sults like the DIN 4085.
The following picture containes an exemplary situation, that paraphrases
the application range of the numeric model described in the following:
 Polygonally shaped ground surface, also with steep and vertical
slopes or berms (back jumps are not allowed),
 Block shaped loads,
 Changing inclination of the back plane and
 Several, polygonally limited soil layers

33 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

The comtemplation constricts on flat, i.e. vertical to the image plane con-
stant rates. The determination of the earth pressure forces E(z) bases on
the optimisation of a partly straight limited failure shape for all discrete posi-
tions z. The weight of the slip circle is made up of the area portions and
specific weights of the single layers. With this method you can create the
results, given in the Hösch-Spundwandhandbuch (table 4.3), also for arbi-
trary many layers or arbitrary stepped slopes.

force shape and failure body at the position z

For the showed situation it is to announce, that no kinematic compliant fail-

ure shape could be drawn, at which the failure body collapses as a whole,
without occuring gaps at the slip areas. But in the intersection points of the

Earth Pressure Calculation 34

failure polygons with the layer limitations will be inaugurated fictive failure
gaps parallel to the wall until the ground surface, that guarantee the kine-
matic consistency at straight wall. Implicitely hereby it is a matter already of
a many failure body method. At the replacement walls approximately the
layer specific angle  will be applied as friction angle. It has to be an-
nounced, that this approach is only an approximation particular at layered
soil. Correctly the directions of the forces at the partition wall have to be
disposed as a variable into the calculation. But comparing calculations with
the Kinematic-Element-Analysis [EURI], (see "Literature directory" on page
56) where the geometry can be variied without every constraint, evidenced
that the difference is of inferior meaning.
For the formation of the single portions E1,E2, ... the earth pressure on re-
placement walls will be calculated separatly for every layer I , whereby the
weight Gi adds up always from the area portions per layer between the re-
placement walls.

For excavation pits
- without slopes, with constant, infinite long area load and with horizontal
running layer limitations or
- with constant plain rising or descending slope (-) or
- without area load and only one layer (constant specific soil weight ),
also in the validity area of the Ka- and Kp-formulas due to DIN 4085, deliv-
eres the described method the same results like a calculation with the ac-
cording values Ka and Kp due to DIN 4085.

Earth pressure from line load due to DIN 4085 and due to Culmann

Area loads, that lead to the formation of constraint lines, can not be super-
posed with a given slip lines progression from the earth pressure calculation
without load (see following picture), because there is a non linear correlation
between the calculated earth pressure line. With other words: the geometry
and the loading must underlie in a calculation as a whole, because only
earth pressure distributions can be superposed, that show the same corre-
sponding -progression. An infinte long slope course with >  is not per-
missible in the Culmann-method, because the corresponding slip wedge
does not close. The border case  =  describes the failure shape in the fol-
lowing picture: the abandon wedge with adverse  approaches to a paral-
lelogram. The grinding intersection of the  and -line will thereby be ideal-
ised, that the slope line (numeric) far from the wall leads always down-
wards. Therefor steep and vertical ascending slopes in the border are calcu-
lated in a sensible exactness.

35 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Limit of application  = 

steep or vertical slopelines with  ”disgust” the forming failure lines, be-
cause a  -Line can only cut slope lines with  . The abandon wedge
(see following picture) effects as a single force, that it indicates as a local
raise of the earth pressure line in the range between zk, zk+1.

Slopes with > 

Earth pressure at rest

The formulae for the earth pressure at rest refers to a suggestion by Sie-
deck as stated in [WEISS2], which introduces a fictive earth pressure fric-
tion angle 0 to the calculation method. It is gained as a result of the equali-
K0 = 1-sin()=tan^2(45°-0/2) = (1-sin(0)) / (1+sin(0))
Resulting in:
sin(0) = sin() / (2-sin())

Thus follows:
0= asin( sin() / (2-sin()) )

Passive earth pressure

Basically at dedicated soil - and wall conditions at passive earth pressure
you can also emanate from straight slip lines. For a general consideration

Earth Pressure Calculation 36

however you have to inspect in every case also a curved (e.g. helix shaped)
slip line, that it can affect in less resistance values.

In the essay "earth pressure determination" (Grundbautaschenbuch,
[GUDE] (see "Literature directory" on page 56)) Prof. Gudehus eludicates
the procedure at which the failure shape will be approached through 2 bod-
ies. In FIDES-EarthPressure accordingly 2 'kinematic elements' will be
composed, that are linked together with the kinematic compatibility condi-
- Pregiven virtual displacement at the earth resistances edge,
- No gaps between elements and
- no gap at the 'rigid edge'
Out of it with consideration of Mohr-Coulomb the failure condition

t = (s-u) tan  + c
follows a equilibrium condition, that deliveres as result forces at the element
2-body mechanism according to Gudehus [GUDE] (see "Literature direc-
tory" on page 56)

This proceeding deliveres exactly the same results for the cases described
in [GUDE] (see "Literature directory" on page 56) . More over it is possible
to include in the calculation correctly, arbitrary many soil layers, slope char-
acteristics, ground water level, loadcases, etc.
The geometry of the mechanism has to be optimised, in order to the lowest
possible earth resistance force. Therefore the points P1 (in x- and z-
direction), and P2 (along the ground surface) concerning the minimisation of
the earth resistance will be positioned optimally. This will be made with the
help of a mathematic 'relegation method'
In the text output you will find a complete combination of effective loads on
the mechanism.
The geometry can also be optimized manually with the menu item "calcula-
tion passiv 2-body mechanism move Element point manually" (in the
toolbar ): during movement of P1 press the 'Ctrl'-key, then the calculation
runs just-in-time, and you will see the current Residual force at the
displacement edge (=earth resistance).

37 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Comparing calculations indicate that the simplifications to idealise the

mechanism with 2 bodies, is sufficent even at hard bended failure line, to
determine the earth resistance practically accurate. To this purpose in the
following it is shown that by means of a simple comparing calculation of the
passive earth pressure a good Accordance between the results from the
calculation analogous Gudehus and the analytic calculations with straight
resp. bended slip line. The result from bended slip line was received from a
optimisation of a logarithmic helix.

So a sensible solution is reflected in the idealisation of the failure mecha-

nism body with 2 bodies,

Earth Pressure Calculation 38

- that the results are adequate exact enough,
- the optimisation task is as a rule automatically solved, and
- it is a result from the optimisation, if the slip line is refracted or straight.
During the calculation of the resistance menu calculation passiv 2-body
–mechanisms along wall ... will be in sections dz (see dialog phase calcu-
lations parameter) of mechanisms generated and optimised automatically.
As result you get for example the following picture:

In the textresult the theta-values are given (analog [GUDE] (see "Literature
directory" on page 56)):
P a s s i v e E a r t h - p r e s s u r e per m wall:
Wallcoo. Thickness Sliplines Earthpress.
x z d theta10 theta20 theta12 Eph eph
[m] [m] [cm] [°] [°] [°] [kN] [kN/m]
0.00 0.00 25.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 35.00
0.00 -1.00 25.0 8.33 42.00 27.00 42.4 49.73
0.00 -2.00 25.0 11.00 40.55 29.18 99.5 63.62

Numerical Optimization
The calculating effort of the described calculation models exists in main is-
sue of the maximizing resp. minimizing of a force about the variation of the
geometry parameters of the failure bodies. In the case of a piecewise
straight failure mechanism at the determination of the active earth pressures
are the angles of the failure line the variable the optimising task. In the
passive earth pressure the angles 10,12 and 20 resp. The coordinates of
the points P1 (in x- and z-direction) and P2 (along the ground surface) var-
iies (see above picture).
The mathematic optimisation happens on the basics of a multi dimensional
optimisation method due to Powell described in [NUMREC] (see "Literature
directory" on page 56) together with a raster optimisation, about preventing
the 'stucking ' at locally optimums. Although the optimisation as a rule func-
tions also at complicate system geometries, in particular you always have to
control ocularly the result of the passive earth pressure determination. For
this purpose the failure shape calculated by the program will be drafted at
the automatic earth resistances calculation on every position z, where a
force Ep was determined.

39 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Calculation Example: Active Earth Pressure

The following example shows the difference of the earth pressure results
due to EAU / EAB / DIN 4085 and the method of Culmann, if slopes influ-
ence the failure plane angles.

earth pressure determination due to Culmann

The distribution from 2.0m to 9.0m below the head of the Wall shows that
the 30 kN/m² load is big enough, for producing restraint failure lines that can
not be considered correctly with the calculation method due to
At this point it must be indicated again that this program determines the dis-
tribution of earth pressures onto the wall, resulting from loads and slopes,
automatically, and in the sense of the earth pressure theory by Coulomb
correctly. For the classical approach (DIN4085/EAB/EAU) you have to give
the kind of distribution previously (e.g. trapezoidal or rectangular), and the
extension of the distribution from break angles  will be determined, where
neither loads nor broken ground surfaces are considered.

Earth Pressure Calculation 40

Comparison of calculation methods for active earth

Coulomb-method with per layer coefficients k agh


Exampe a: Single layer, δ=0°

Single layer, ΔH = 10 m, γ = 20 kN/m³, φ=30°, δa = 0°, characteristic calcu-

kagh = 0.333
ea= 10*20*0.333=66.7 kN/m²
Ea = 66.7*10/2=333.3 kN/m

The results from the manual calculation using k agh coefficients, Culmann
and the KEA match as expected.
The most unfavourable crack angle ϑ for all methods is 60°.

41 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Example b: Influence of wall friction angle (one

layer, δ=2/3 φ)
Same as example a, except wall friction is set to δa = 2/3 φ

kagh = 0.279
ea = 10*20*0.279=55.8 kN/m²
Ea = 55.8*10/2=279.0 kN/m

The results from the manual calculation using k agh coefficients, Culmann
and the KEA match as expected.
The most unfavourable crack angle ϑ for all methods is 56°.

Earth Pressure Calculation 42

Example c: Influence of layered soil, wall friction
angle δ = 0

Layer 1: ΔH = 5 m, γ = 20 kN/m³, φ=30°, δa = 0°, kagh = 0,490

Layer 2: ΔH = 5 m, γ = 20 kN/m³, φ=40°, δa = 0°, kagh = 0,217

1.) Culmann-Method

Culmann-method using straight crack lines:

43 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Culmann-method using discrete crack lines:

2.) Using manual kagh-coefficients:

z= 0.00 m: eah = 0.0 kN/m²

z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.490 = 49.0 kN/m²
z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.217 = 21.7 kN/m²
z=-10.00 m: eah = 20*10*0.217 = 43.4 kN/m²
Eah = Σ (eah) = 49.0*5/2 + (21.7+43.4)*5/2 = 285.3 kN/m



The difference in the Culmann methods using straight or discrete
crack lines is of no significant importance. The accuracy of
straight crack lines suffices civil engineering purposes.
The calculation of earth pressure using k agh coefficients presents a
skip at the level of -5.00 m. This skip is mechanically incorrect.
The Culmann method correctly presents a continuous transition
from layer 1 to layer 2.
The manual calculation and the Culmann method match nicely.

Earth Pressure Calculation 44

3.) KEA

Verifying the earth pressure with a three node kinematic element (Ea =
318.4 kN/m) offers not the same result as the Culmann calculation with
ONE straight crack line (Ea = 281.0 kN/m).
The reason for this is the different approach to the friction calculation. KEA
uses an average force with the given forces:

The edge 1-2 uses the average friction angle φ=30°.

In order to compare the Culmann method with KEA, a vertical slice has to
be generated for all intersections of the failure plane with any soil layer. The
given example will thus end in a system like:

45 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Now the Culmann method and the KEA method match perfectly, because
the mechanical system of the implemented Culmann method corresponds
to the system generated with the two KE bodies.

Earth Pressure Calculation 46

Example d: Influence of soil layers, wall friction is
not null
The above example is altered to have a wall friction angle of δ=2/3 φ

The calculation using Coulomb’s k agh coefficients provide the same results.

z= 0.00 m: eah = 0.0 kN/m²

z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.426 = 42.6 kN/m²
z=-5.00 m: eah = 20*5*0.179 = 17.9 kN/m²
z=-10.00 m: eah = 20*10*0.179 = 35.8 kN/m²
Eah = Σ (eah) = 42.6*5/2 + (17.9+35.8)*5/2 = 240.8 kN/m

Verifying these with KEA, one must take note, that for edge 1-3 δ of layer 1
applies (=13.33°), where δ of edge 5-6 is applied from layer 2 (26.67°).

47 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Result: KEA: Eah = 253.20*cos(26.67°) = 226.3 (≅ Result from Culmann

method =234.4).
The slight difference results from the fact, that the Culmann method uses a
wall line that is offset a few mm to the right of the centre of the wall, which
provides a variation in the weights.
The KEA forces result in:

Earth Pressure Calculation 48

If edge 4-5 and 5-6 are formed as a single edge, the results of the KEA cal-
culation change, because the wall friction angle will be averaged along the
edge then. (δ would be (13.33+2.67)/2 = 20°).

49 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

Comparison of Culmann KEA with provided

ground water
Demonstration of a situation where the failure plane is
(partially) underneath the ground water level

No ground water
In this case the calculations of k agh method, Culmann method and KEA pro-
vide the same results (δa = +2/3 φ) (see following image):

With ground water

In case of an vertical skip of the ground water directly at the wall’s centre
line, the Culmann earth pressure is decreasing, because the soil’s vertical
weight under buoyancy is reduces (internally γ’ = γ R-10 is applied).

The sum of horizontal action onto the wall using k agh coefficients yields in:
Sum Eh=10*10*0.279*10/2 +500= 639.5

Earth Pressure Calculation 50

The Culmann method offers the same result:
Sum Eh = 139.7 + 500 = 639.7.

KEA, however, results in:

Sum Eh = 615.33*cos(20) = 578.2.
This difference origins in the fact, that the KEA method uses a wall friction
angle of δ=20° for the total force Fr,d. The kagh or Culmann method on the
other hand only uses this angle for the soil’s dead weight. Also note that the
most unfavourable crack angles of KEA differ from the Culmann method.
In case δa = 0°, the difference is not given and all three methods match:

Take notice:
The failure planes of the Culmann method by default only consider the ver-
tical load removal from pore water pressure. The horizontal water pressure
on the wall is only applied, if there is a difference in the water levels on the
left and right side of the wall (as in the above image).
If, however, the water level is polygonal with some offset to the wall as in
the image below:

, the Culmann method by default does not provide the same results as the
KEA method.

51 Earth Pressure Calculation

 FIDES-EarthPressure

The horizontal water pressure is not applied to the failure plane and the
ground water polygon is specified in a way so no horizontal water pressure
on the wall is generated. (The water pressure is calculated by the intersec-
tion of the wall’s centre line and the ground water polygon – a small, numer-
ical discrepancy is tolerated).
Only if the option “Directly consider the horizontal water pressure in the
Culmann calculation” in the dialog “Settings / Calculation parameters for
earth pressure” is selected, the calculation of the water pressure internally is
disabled and the vertical as well as the horizontal action of the pore water
pressure on the failure plane is directly applied to the Culmann earth pres-
sure. This way you get the same results (Eh and most unfavourable crack
angle) that you get with the KEA method:

Please remember, that the additional program module FIDES-Flow offers a

FE supported ground water flow calculation: Using these results the final
ground water level can be estimated and pore water pressures and changes
of the soil weight are directly considered in the KEA and Culmann methods.
In the above shown example, the results gained from FIDES-Flow are:

Earth Pressure Calculation 52

The printout shows the pore water forces and seepage forces:

As a comparison, here are the results using only static water pressure:

The soil dead weight increases in the flow direction when seepage is con-
sidered, the pore water pressure, mostly noticeable at the foot of the wall,

53 Earth Pressure Calculation

Output of Results

Printing from the Application

In the menu item "File/page view" a preview of the text will be displayed.
Graphic and text is mixed in the standard print output: The first pages cor-
respond essentially to the phases on the screen. You can staff the text al-
so with graphics and suchlike. On the pages behind the results the text
output appears.
The header lines with firm header and project information are to be config-
ured in the menu "Settings/Projektinfos ". All changes of the screen display
as e.g. visibility of the rulers or layer description table also change settings
for printing. If you uncheck the "Fullscreen" button, you get a WYSIWYG
preview in your current view.

Export to ASCII or RTF-files

Please give the path to your preferred word processor in "Settings  pro-
The command "File / results textoutput" and "File / Export" automatically
starts the program given here. Please also read the chapter "File".
For the Textoutput we recommend to use the editor FidesPad, that will be
installed with the program automatically. In FidesPad you only have to se-
lect 'update the document' once a time "file  result textoutput", and let
the editor window stay on the screen. Always if you perform a new calcula-
tion, the document will be updated in FidesPad the displayed results file
(see there the menu "Edit  automatisch aktualisieren").
As a postprocessor for the RTF-output you need a program capable of
graphics, like e.g. Microsoft Word. The frame in the RTF-file you are able
to change in the file wabbrtf.cfg (in the installations directory of FIDES-
EarthPressure) according to configure the RTF-file printer to your wishes.

55 Output of Results
 FIDES-EarthPressure


Literature directory

Euringer T.:
Objektorientierte Formulierung und Programmierung numerischer Starr-
körperverfahren in der Geotechnik.
Dissertation Juli 1997, Lehrstuhl für Bauinformatik, Technische Universität

Gudehus, G.:
Erddruckermittlung, Grundbau-Taschenbuch, Teil 1, 4. Aufl.,
Ernst&Sohn, Berlin, 1990

Gussmann P.:
Die Methode der Kinematischen Elemente und adaptive Optimierung,
Bauingenieur 67, 1992, S. 409-417

Numerical Recipes in C
Press, W.H. Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T., Flannery, B.P. ,
2 Edition, Cambridge University Press, Victoria, 1992

Statik im Erdbau,
Henner, Türke,

Literature 56
Baugruben II. Berechnungsgrundlagen
Ernst W. + Sohn Verlag; Auflage: Berichtigter Nachdruck d. 1. A. (1985)
ISBN-10: 3433007047
ISBN-13: 978-3433007044

57 Literature
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Literature 58
layer description 13
layout diagram 13
legend 13
Line load 22

Index M
Measure line 23
Menu items 5
method earth pressure 33
move origin 10

New window 30
angle measurement 24
arrange icons 30 Output 43
ASCII-format 43 Overlapping/Cascade 30

Construct 16 pressure line 19
copy data from 1st to all other 26 Print 8
copy view 9 Printing 43
Project infos 15
delete system 7
Redo 8, 9
E redraw whole system 14
results 43
Edit 8 RTF-format 43
excavation phase 26 ruler settings 12

file 6 scale 10
Fullscreen 10 Send as email 7
set origin 10
G settings 26
Settings 15
grid 11 shift whole system 10
Ground surface 17 show dxf imported objects 13
ground surface new 26 show objects 14
Ground water distribution 19 snap 11
snap & grid 11
H soil layer 16
soil layers 12
Help 31 splashscreen 13
Help themes 31 statusbar 9
hide objects 14 system-Explorer 14

Info 31 text 24
tile 30
Toolbar 5

59 Index
 FIDES-EarthPressure

Undo 8, 9

view 9

Wall 21
Wall delete points 22
Water 19
window 30

Zoom 5, 10
Zoom back 10

Index 60

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